
354 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-05-04 20:59:38 +08:00
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef RD_WG_SIZE_0_0
#elif defined(RD_WG_SIZE_0)
#elif defined(RD_WG_SIZE)
#define BLOCK_SIZE 16
#define STR_SIZE 256
/* maximum power density possible (say 300W for a 10mm x 10mm chip) */
#define MAX_PD (3.0e6)
/* required precision in degrees */
#define PRECISION 0.001
#define SPEC_HEAT_SI 1.75e6
#define K_SI 100
/* capacitance fitting factor */
#define FACTOR_CHIP 0.5
/* chip parameters */
float t_chip = 0.0005;
float chip_height = 0.016;
float chip_width = 0.016;
/* ambient temperature, assuming no package at all */
float amb_temp = 80.0;
void run(int argc, char **argv);
/* define timer macros */
#define pin_stats_reset() startCycle()
#define pin_stats_pause(cycles) stopCycle(cycles)
#define pin_stats_dump(cycles) printf("timer: %Lu\n", cycles)
void fatal(char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", s); }
void writeoutput(float *vect, int grid_rows, int grid_cols, char *file) {
int i, j, index = 0;
FILE *fp;
char str[STR_SIZE];
if ((fp = fopen(file, "w")) == 0)
printf("The file was not opened\n");
for (i = 0; i < grid_rows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < grid_cols; j++) {
sprintf(str, "%d\t%g\n", index, vect[i * grid_cols + j]);
fputs(str, fp);
void readinput(float *vect, int grid_rows, int grid_cols, char *file) {
int i, j;
FILE *fp;
char str[STR_SIZE];
float val;
if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == 0)
printf("The file was not opened\n");
for (i = 0; i <= grid_rows - 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= grid_cols - 1; j++) {
fgets(str, STR_SIZE, fp);
if (feof(fp))
fatal("not enough lines in file");
// if ((sscanf(str, "%d%f", &index, &val) != 2) || (index !=
// ((i-1)*(grid_cols-2)+j-1)))
if ((sscanf(str, "%f", &val) != 1))
fatal("invalid file format");
vect[i * grid_cols + j] = val;
#define IN_RANGE(x, min, max) ((x) >= (min) && (x) <= (max))
#define CLAMP_RANGE(x, min, max) x = (x < (min)) ? min : ((x > (max)) ? max : x)
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b))
__global__ void calculate_temp(int iteration, // number of iteration
float *power, // power input
float *temp_src, // temperature input/output
float *temp_dst, // temperature input/output
int grid_cols, // Col of grid
int grid_rows, // Row of grid
int border_cols, // border offset
int border_rows, // border offset
float Cap, // Capacitance
float Rx, float Ry, float Rz, float step,
float time_elapsed) {
__shared__ float temp_on_cuda[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
__shared__ float power_on_cuda[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
__shared__ float temp_t[BLOCK_SIZE]
[BLOCK_SIZE]; // saving temparary temperature result
float amb_temp = 80.0;
float step_div_Cap;
float Rx_1, Ry_1, Rz_1;
int bx = blockIdx.x;
int by = blockIdx.y;
int tx = threadIdx.x;
int ty = threadIdx.y;
step_div_Cap = step / Cap;
Rx_1 = 1 / Rx;
Ry_1 = 1 / Ry;
Rz_1 = 1 / Rz;
// each block finally computes result for a small block
// after N iterations.
// it is the non-overlapping small blocks that cover
// all the input data
// calculate the small block size
int small_block_rows = BLOCK_SIZE - iteration * 2; // EXPAND_RATE
int small_block_cols = BLOCK_SIZE - iteration * 2; // EXPAND_RATE
// calculate the boundary for the block according to
// the boundary of its small block
int blkY = small_block_rows * by - border_rows;
int blkX = small_block_cols * bx - border_cols;
int blkYmax = blkY + BLOCK_SIZE - 1;
int blkXmax = blkX + BLOCK_SIZE - 1;
// calculate the global thread coordination
int yidx = blkY + ty;
int xidx = blkX + tx;
// load data if it is within the valid input range
int loadYidx = yidx, loadXidx = xidx;
int index = grid_cols * loadYidx + loadXidx;
if (IN_RANGE(loadYidx, 0, grid_rows - 1) &&
IN_RANGE(loadXidx, 0, grid_cols - 1)) {
temp_on_cuda[ty][tx] = temp_src[index]; // Load the temperature data from
// global memory to shared memory
power_on_cuda[ty][tx] =
power[index]; // Load the power data from global memory to shared memory
// effective range within this block that falls within
// the valid range of the input data
// used to rule out computation outside the boundary.
int validYmin = (blkY < 0) ? -blkY : 0;
int validYmax = (blkYmax > grid_rows - 1)
? BLOCK_SIZE - 1 - (blkYmax - grid_rows + 1)
int validXmin = (blkX < 0) ? -blkX : 0;
int validXmax = (blkXmax > grid_cols - 1)
? BLOCK_SIZE - 1 - (blkXmax - grid_cols + 1)
int N = ty - 1;
int S = ty + 1;
int W = tx - 1;
int E = tx + 1;
N = (N < validYmin) ? validYmin : N;
S = (S > validYmax) ? validYmax : S;
W = (W < validXmin) ? validXmin : W;
E = (E > validXmax) ? validXmax : E;
bool computed;
for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) {
computed = false;
if (IN_RANGE(tx, i + 1, BLOCK_SIZE - i - 2) &&
IN_RANGE(ty, i + 1, BLOCK_SIZE - i - 2) &&
IN_RANGE(tx, validXmin, validXmax) &&
IN_RANGE(ty, validYmin, validYmax)) {
computed = true;
temp_t[ty][tx] =
temp_on_cuda[ty][tx] +
step_div_Cap * (power_on_cuda[ty][tx] +
(temp_on_cuda[S][tx] + temp_on_cuda[N][tx] -
2.0 * temp_on_cuda[ty][tx]) *
Ry_1 +
(temp_on_cuda[ty][E] + temp_on_cuda[ty][W] -
2.0 * temp_on_cuda[ty][tx]) *
Rx_1 +
(amb_temp - temp_on_cuda[ty][tx]) * Rz_1);
if (i == iteration - 1)
if (computed) // Assign the computation range
temp_on_cuda[ty][tx] = temp_t[ty][tx];
// update the global memory
// after the last iteration, only threads coordinated within the
// small block perform the calculation and switch on ``computed''
if (computed) {
temp_dst[index] = temp_t[ty][tx];
compute N time steps
int compute_tran_temp(float *MatrixPower, float *MatrixTemp[2], int col,
int row, int total_iterations, int num_iterations,
int blockCols, int blockRows, int borderCols,
int borderRows) {
dim3 dimBlock(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
dim3 dimGrid(blockCols, blockRows);
float grid_height = chip_height / row;
float grid_width = chip_width / col;
float Cap = FACTOR_CHIP * SPEC_HEAT_SI * t_chip * grid_width * grid_height;
float Rx = grid_width / (2.0 * K_SI * t_chip * grid_height);
float Ry = grid_height / (2.0 * K_SI * t_chip * grid_width);
float Rz = t_chip / (K_SI * grid_height * grid_width);
float max_slope = MAX_PD / (FACTOR_CHIP * t_chip * SPEC_HEAT_SI);
float step = PRECISION / max_slope;
float t;
float time_elapsed;
time_elapsed = 0.001;
int src = 1, dst = 0;
for (t = 0; t < total_iterations; t += num_iterations) {
int temp = src;
src = dst;
dst = temp;
calculate_temp<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(
MIN(num_iterations, total_iterations - t), MatrixPower, MatrixTemp[src],
MatrixTemp[dst], col, row, borderCols, borderRows, Cap, Rx, Ry, Rz,
step, time_elapsed);
return dst;
void usage(int argc, char **argv) {
"Usage: %s <grid_rows/grid_cols> <pyramid_height> <sim_time> "
"<temp_file> <power_file> <output_file>\n",
fprintf(stderr, "\t<grid_rows/grid_cols> - number of rows/cols in the grid "
"(positive integer)\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t<pyramid_height> - pyramid heigh(positive integer)\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t<sim_time> - number of iterations\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t<temp_file> - name of the file containing the initial "
"temperature values of each cell\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t<power_file> - name of the file containing the dissipated "
"power values of each cell\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t<output_file> - name of the output file\n");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("WG size of kernel = %d X %d\n", BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
run(argc, argv);
void run(int argc, char **argv) {
int size;
int grid_rows, grid_cols;
float *FilesavingTemp, *FilesavingPower, *MatrixOut;
char *tfile, *pfile, *ofile;
int total_iterations = 60;
int pyramid_height = 1; // number of iterations
if (argc != 7)
usage(argc, argv);
if ((grid_rows = atoi(argv[1])) <= 0 || (grid_cols = atoi(argv[1])) <= 0 ||
(pyramid_height = atoi(argv[2])) <= 0 ||
(total_iterations = atoi(argv[3])) <= 0)
usage(argc, argv);
tfile = argv[4];
pfile = argv[5];
ofile = argv[6];
size = grid_rows * grid_cols;
/* --------------- pyramid parameters --------------- */
#define EXPAND_RATE \
2 // add one iteration will extend the pyramid base by 2 per each borderline
int borderCols = (pyramid_height)*EXPAND_RATE / 2;
int borderRows = (pyramid_height)*EXPAND_RATE / 2;
int smallBlockCol = BLOCK_SIZE - (pyramid_height)*EXPAND_RATE;
int smallBlockRow = BLOCK_SIZE - (pyramid_height)*EXPAND_RATE;
int blockCols =
grid_cols / smallBlockCol + ((grid_cols % smallBlockCol == 0) ? 0 : 1);
int blockRows =
grid_rows / smallBlockRow + ((grid_rows % smallBlockRow == 0) ? 0 : 1);
FilesavingTemp = (float *)malloc(size * sizeof(float));
FilesavingPower = (float *)malloc(size * sizeof(float));
MatrixOut = (float *)calloc(size, sizeof(float));
if (!FilesavingPower || !FilesavingTemp || !MatrixOut)
fatal("unable to allocate memory");
printf("pyramidHeight: %d\ngridSize: [%d, %d]\nborder:[%d, "
"%d]\nblockGrid:[%d, %d]\ntargetBlock:[%d, %d]\n",
pyramid_height, grid_cols, grid_rows, borderCols, borderRows,
blockCols, blockRows, smallBlockCol, smallBlockRow);
readinput(FilesavingTemp, grid_rows, grid_cols, tfile);
readinput(FilesavingPower, grid_rows, grid_cols, pfile);
float *MatrixTemp[2], *MatrixPower;
cudaMalloc((void **)&MatrixTemp[0], sizeof(float) * size);
cudaMalloc((void **)&MatrixTemp[1], sizeof(float) * size);
cudaMemcpy(MatrixTemp[0], FilesavingTemp, sizeof(float) * size,
cudaMalloc((void **)&MatrixPower, sizeof(float) * size);
cudaMemcpy(MatrixPower, FilesavingPower, sizeof(float) * size,
printf("Start computing the transient temperature\n");
int ret = compute_tran_temp(MatrixPower, MatrixTemp, grid_cols, grid_rows,
total_iterations, pyramid_height, blockCols,
blockRows, borderCols, borderRows);
printf("Ending simulation\n");
cudaMemcpy(MatrixOut, MatrixTemp[ret], sizeof(float) * size,
writeoutput(MatrixOut, grid_rows, grid_cols, ofile);