#ifndef C_STRUCTURES_H #define C_STRUCTURES_H #include "cuda_runtime.h" #include "pthread.h" typedef struct device { int max_compute_units; int device_id; } cu_device; typedef struct c_thread { pthread_t thread; unsigned long executed_commands; unsigned index; bool exit; } cu_ptd; typedef struct scheduler_pool { struct c_thread *thread_pool; size_t num_worker_threads; size_t local_mem_size; int num_kernel_launch; int num_kernel_finished; int num_kernel_queued; size_t idle_threads; pthread_cond_t wake_pool; pthread_cond_t wake_host; int threadpool_shutdown_requested; // lock for scheduler pthread_mutex_t work_queue_lock; // C99 array at the end // user kernel queue for only user called functions struct kernel_queue *kernelQueue; } cu_pool; struct kernel_queue { struct kernel *head; struct kernel *tail; // finish command count unsigned long finish_count; // waiting to be run on threads unsigned long waiting_count; // running count unsigned long running_count; // total count unsigned long kernel_count; // current index for task to be run unsigned long current_index; }; typedef struct command { struct kernel *ker; struct command *next; struct command *prev; } cu_command; typedef struct argument { // size of the argument to allocation size_t size; void *value; unsigned int index; } cu_argument; typedef struct input_arg { // real values for the input char *p; struct argument *argus[]; // (TODO): implement meta_data // the type of metadata will need to change to list of ints or something // so that we can parse the arguments p } cu_input; enum StreamType { DEFAULT, LOW, HIGH, EXT, }; struct cStreamDataInternal { /* status of the stream (run , wait) Run: Stream will asynchronously assign the kernel assign with this stream Wait: Stream will halt kernels from exiting the scheduler */ int status; /* if status == wait, wait on the number of kernels to wait to become 0 */ unsigned long numKernelsToWait; unsigned int lastKernelIdToWait; unsigned int count; // number of task left in the stream }; typedef struct streamData { // execution status of current event monitor struct cStreamDataInternal ev; pthread_mutex_t stream_lock; // lock on the stream StreamType stream_priority; unsigned int id; unsigned int stream_flags; // queue of the kernels in this stream struct kernel_queue *kernelQueue; } cstreamData; // kernel information typedef struct kernel { void *(*start_routine)(void *); void **args; dim3 gridDim; dim3 blockDim; struct kernel *next; struct kernel *prev; size_t shared_mem; cudaStream_t stream; struct event *barrier; int status; int totalBlocks; int N; int blockSize; int kernelId; // current blockId int blockId; // execute multiple blocks per fetch int gpu_block_to_execute_per_cpu_thread; } cu_kernel; typedef struct asyncKernel { unsigned int numBlocks; unsigned int numThreads; struct event *evt; struct kernel *ker; struct asyncKernel *prev; struct asyncKernel *next; } asyncKernel; // command queue of command nodes typedef struct kernel_arg_array { size_t size; unsigned int index; } karg_arr; typedef struct kernel_image_arg { size_t size; unsigned int index; } k_arg; typedef struct callParams { dim3 gridDim; dim3 blockDim; size_t shareMem; void *stream; } callParams; #endif // HEADER_FILE