
344 lines
12 KiB

// # ifdef __cplusplus
// extern "C" {
// # endif
// #ifndef LIST_H
// # define LIST_H
// INCLUDE (for some reason these are not recognized when defined in main
// file before this one is included)
#include <stdbool.h> // (in path known to compiler) needed by true/false, bool
#include <stdint.h> // (in path known to compiler) needed by uint32_t
#include <stdlib.h> // (in path known to compiler) needed by malloc
#define fp float
#define Version "1.5"
#ifdef WINDOWS
#define bool char
#define false 0
#define true 1
/* #define DEFAULT_ORDER 256 */
#ifdef RD_WG_SIZE_0_0
#elif defined(RD_WG_SIZE_0)
#elif defined(RD_WG_SIZE)
#define DEFAULT_ORDER 256
/* #ifdef RD_WG_SIZE_1_0 */
/* #define DEFAULT_ORDER_2 RD_WG_SIZE_1_0 */
/* #elif defined(RD_WG_SIZE_1) */
/* #define DEFAULT_ORDER_2 RD_WG_SIZE_1 */
/* #elif defined(RD_WG_SIZE) */
/* #define DEFAULT_ORDER_2 RD_WG_SIZE */
/* #else */
/* #define DEFAULT_ORDER_2 256 */
/* #endif */
/* #define DEFAULT_ORDER 508 */
#define malloc(size) \
({ \
void *_tmp; \
if (!(_tmp = malloc(size))) { \
fprintf(stderr, "Allocation failed at %s:%d!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
exit(-1); \
} \
_tmp; \
// struct list_item;
typedef struct list_item list_item_t;
typedef struct list_t {
list_item_t *head, *tail;
uint32_t length;
int32_t (*compare)(const void *key, const void *with);
void (*datum_delete)(void *);
} list_t;
typedef list_item_t *list_iterator_t;
typedef list_item_t *list_reverse_iterator_t;
/* Type representing the record
* to which a given key refers.
* In a real B+ tree system, the
* record would hold data (in a database)
* or a file (in an operating system)
* or some other information.
* Users can rewrite this part of the code
* to change the type and content
* of the value field.
typedef struct record {
int value;
} record;
/* Type representing a node in the B+ tree.
* This type is general enough to serve for both
* the leaf and the internal node.
* The heart of the node is the array
* of keys and the array of corresponding
* pointers. The relation between keys
* and pointers differs between leaves and
* internal nodes. In a leaf, the index
* of each key equals the index of its corresponding
* pointer, with a maximum of order - 1 key-pointer
* pairs. The last pointer points to the
* leaf to the right (or NULL in the case
* of the rightmost leaf).
* In an internal node, the first pointer
* refers to lower nodes with keys less than
* the smallest key in the keys array. Then,
* with indices i starting at 0, the pointer
* at i + 1 points to the subtree with keys
* greater than or equal to the key in this
* node at index i.
* The num_keys field is used to keep
* track of the number of valid keys.
* In an internal node, the number of valid
* pointers is always num_keys + 1.
* In a leaf, the number of valid pointers
* to data is always num_keys. The
* last leaf pointer points to the next leaf.
typedef struct node {
void **pointers;
int *keys;
struct node *parent;
bool is_leaf;
int num_keys;
struct node *next; // Used for queue.
} node;
typedef struct knode {
int location;
int indices[DEFAULT_ORDER + 1];
int keys[DEFAULT_ORDER + 1];
bool is_leaf;
int num_keys;
} knode;
struct list_item {
struct list_item *pred, *next;
void *datum;
// Other
void list_item_init(list_item_t *li, void *datum);
void list_item_delete(list_item_t *li, void (*datum_delete)(void *datum));
void list_insert_item_tail(list_t *l, list_item_t *i);
void list_insert_item_before(list_t *l, list_item_t *next, list_item_t *i);
void list_insert_item_after(list_t *l, list_item_t *pred, list_item_t *i);
void list_insert_item_sorted(list_t *l, list_item_t *i);
// ???
void list_init(list_t *l, int32_t (*compare)(const void *key, const void *with),
void (*datum_delete)(void *datum));
void list_delete(list_t *l);
void list_reset(list_t *l);
void list_insert_head(list_t *l, void *v);
void list_insert_tail(list_t *l, void *v);
void list_insert_before(list_t *l, list_item_t *next, void *v);
void list_insert_after(list_t *l, list_item_t *pred, void *v);
void list_insert_sorted(list_t *l, void *v);
void list_insert_item_head(list_t *l, list_item_t *i);
void list_remove_item(list_t *l, list_item_t *i);
void list_remove_head(list_t *l);
void list_remove_tail(list_t *l);
list_item_t *list_find_item(list_t *l, void *datum);
list_item_t *list_get_head_item(list_t *l);
list_item_t *list_get_tail_item(list_t *l);
void *list_find(list_t *l, void *datum);
void *list_get_head(list_t *l);
void *list_get_tail(list_t *l);
uint32_t list_get_length(list_t *l);
bool list_is_empty(list_t *l);
bool list_not_empty(list_t *l);
void list_visit_items(list_t *l, void (*visitor)(void *v));
void *list_item_get_datum(list_item_t *li);
void list_iterator_init(list_t *l, list_iterator_t *li);
void list_iterator_delete(list_iterator_t *li);
void list_iterator_next(list_iterator_t *li);
void list_iterator_prev(list_iterator_t *li);
void *list_iterator_get_datum(list_iterator_t *li);
bool list_iterator_is_valid(list_iterator_t *li);
void list_reverse_iterator_init(list_t *l, list_iterator_t *li);
void list_reverse_iterator_delete(list_iterator_t *li);
void list_reverse_iterator_next(list_iterator_t *li);
void list_reverse_iterator_prev(list_iterator_t *li);
void *list_reverse_iterator_get_datum(list_iterator_t *li);
bool list_reverse_iterator_is_valid(list_reverse_iterator_t *li);
// Output and utility
void *kmalloc(int size);
long transform_to_cuda(node *n,
bool verbose); // returns actual mem used in a long
void usage_1(void);
void usage_2(void);
void enqueue(node *new_node);
node *dequeue(void);
int height(node *root);
int path_to_root(node *root, node *child);
void print_leaves(node *root);
void print_tree(node *root);
node *find_leaf(node *root, int key, bool verbose);
record *find(node *root, int key, bool verbose);
int cut(int length);
// Insertion
record *make_record(int value);
node *make_node(void);
node *make_leaf(void);
int get_left_index(node *parent, node *left);
node *insert_into_leaf(node *leaf, int key, record *pointer);
node *insert_into_leaf_after_splitting(node *root, node *leaf, int key,
record *pointer);
node *insert_into_node(node *root, node *parent, int left_index, int key,
node *right);
node *insert_into_node_after_splitting(node *root, node *parent, int left_index,
int key, node *right);
node *insert_into_parent(node *root, node *left, int key, node *right);
node *insert_into_new_root(node *left, int key, node *right);
node *start_new_tree(int key, record *pointer);
node *insert(node *root, int key, int value);
// Deletion
int get_neighbor_index(node *n);
node *adjust_root(node *root);
node *coalesce_nodes(node *root, node *n, node *neighbor, int neighbor_index,
int k_prime);
node *redistribute_nodes(node *root, node *n, node *neighbor,
int neighbor_index, int k_prime_index, int k_prime);
node *delete_entry(node *root, node *n, int key, void *pointer);
node *deleteVal(node *root, int key);
// int main( int argc,
// char *argv []);
// END
// #endif
// # ifdef __cplusplus
// }
// # endif