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# Copyright (c) Alibaba Cloud.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
class QWenConfig:
def __init__(self):
self.vocab_size = 4096
self.hidden_size = 128 # 1024 2048
self.num_hidden_layers = 6 # 12 24
self.num_attention_heads = 8 # 8 16
self.emb_dropout_prob = 0.0
self.attn_dropout_prob = 0.0
self.layer_norm_epsilon = 1e-6
self.initializer_range = 0.02
self.max_position_embeddings = 8192
self.scale_attn_weights = True
self.use_cache = True
self.bf16 = False
self.fp16 = False
self.fp32 = False
self.rotary_pct = 1.0
self.rotary_emb_base = 10000
self.use_dynamic_ntk = True
self.use_logn_attn = True
self.use_flash_attn = "auto"
self.intermediate_size = 5504 # 5504 11008
self.no_bias = True
self.tie_word_embeddings = False
self.use_cache_quantization = False
self.use_cache_kernel = False
self.softmax_in_fp32 = False
self.chat_format = "chatml"
self.max_window_size = 6144
self.max_new_tokens = 512
self.do_sample = True
self.top_k = 0
self.top_p = 0.8
self.repetition_penalty = 1.1
self.model_max_length = 8192