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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright 2020 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// $Id$
// Owner:
// Function: lsu interface with interface queue
// Comments:
module el2_lsu_bus_buffer
import el2_pkg::*;
`include "el2_param.vh"
input logic clk, // Clock only while core active. Through one clock header. For flops with second clock header built in. Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
input logic clk_override, // Override non-functional clock gating
input logic rst_l, // reset, active low
input logic scan_mode, // scan mode
input logic dec_tlu_external_ldfwd_disable, // disable load to load forwarding for externals
input logic dec_tlu_wb_coalescing_disable, // disable write buffer coalescing
input logic dec_tlu_sideeffect_posted_disable, // Don't block the sideeffect load store to the bus
input logic dec_tlu_force_halt,
// various clocks needed for the bus reads and writes
input logic lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken,
input logic lsu_busm_clken,
input logic lsu_c2_r_clk,
input logic lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk,
input logic lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk,
input logic lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk,
input logic lsu_free_c2_clk,
input logic lsu_busm_clk,
input logic dec_lsu_valid_raw_d, // Raw valid for address computation
input el2_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_m, // lsu packet flowing down the pipe
input el2_lsu_pkt_t lsu_pkt_r, // lsu packet flowing down the pipe
input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_m, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
input logic [31:0] end_addr_m, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_r, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
input logic [31:0] end_addr_r, // lsu address flowing down the pipe
input logic [31:0] store_data_r, // store data flowing down the pipe
input logic no_word_merge_r, // r store doesn't need to wait in ibuf since it will not coalesce
input logic no_dword_merge_r, // r store doesn't need to wait in ibuf since it will not coalesce
input logic lsu_busreq_m, // bus request is in m
output logic lsu_busreq_r, // bus request is in r
input logic ld_full_hit_m, // load can get all its byte from a write buffer entry
input logic flush_m_up, // flush
input logic flush_r, // flush
input logic lsu_commit_r, // lsu instruction in r commits
input logic is_sideeffects_r, // lsu attribute is side_effects
input logic ldst_dual_d, // load/store is unaligned at 32 bit boundary
input logic ldst_dual_m, // load/store is unaligned at 32 bit boundary
input logic ldst_dual_r, // load/store is unaligned at 32 bit boundary
input logic [7:0] ldst_byteen_ext_m, // HI and LO signals
output logic lsu_bus_buffer_pend_any, // bus buffer has a pending bus entry
output logic lsu_bus_buffer_full_any, // bus buffer is full
output logic lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any, // bus buffer is empty
output logic [3:0] ld_byte_hit_buf_lo, ld_byte_hit_buf_hi, // Byte enables for forwarding data
output logic [31:0] ld_fwddata_buf_lo, ld_fwddata_buf_hi, // load forwarding data
output logic lsu_imprecise_error_load_any, // imprecise load bus error
output logic lsu_imprecise_error_store_any, // imprecise store bus error
output logic [31:0] lsu_imprecise_error_addr_any, // address of the imprecise error
// Non-blocking loads
output logic lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m, // there is an external load -> put in the cam
output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_tag_m, // the tag of the external non block load
output logic lsu_nonblock_load_inv_r, // invalidate signal for the cam entry for non block loads
output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_inv_tag_r, // tag of the enrty which needs to be invalidated
output logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_valid, // the non block is valid - sending information back to the cam
output logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_error, // non block load has an error
output logic [pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag, // the tag of the non block load sending the data/error
output logic [31:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data, // Data of the non block load
// PMU events
output logic lsu_pmu_bus_trxn,
output logic lsu_pmu_bus_misaligned,
output logic lsu_pmu_bus_error,
output logic lsu_pmu_bus_busy,
// AXI Write Channels
output logic lsu_axi_awvalid,
input logic lsu_axi_awready,
output logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_awid,
output logic [31:0] lsu_axi_awaddr,
output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awregion,
output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_awlen,
output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_awsize,
output logic [1:0] lsu_axi_awburst,
output logic lsu_axi_awlock,
output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awcache,
output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_awprot,
output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_awqos,
output logic lsu_axi_wvalid,
input logic lsu_axi_wready,
output logic [63:0] lsu_axi_wdata,
output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_wstrb,
output logic lsu_axi_wlast,
input logic lsu_axi_bvalid,
output logic lsu_axi_bready,
input logic [1:0] lsu_axi_bresp,
input logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_bid,
// AXI Read Channels
output logic lsu_axi_arvalid,
input logic lsu_axi_arready,
output logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_arid,
output logic [31:0] lsu_axi_araddr,
output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arregion,
output logic [7:0] lsu_axi_arlen,
output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_arsize,
output logic [1:0] lsu_axi_arburst,
output logic lsu_axi_arlock,
output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arcache,
output logic [2:0] lsu_axi_arprot,
output logic [3:0] lsu_axi_arqos,
input logic lsu_axi_rvalid,
output logic lsu_axi_rready,
input logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_rid,
input logic [63:0] lsu_axi_rdata,
input logic [1:0] lsu_axi_rresp,
input logic lsu_bus_clk_en,
input logic lsu_bus_clk_en_q
// For Ld: IDLE -> WAIT -> CMD -> RESP -> DONE_PARTIAL(?) -> DONE_WAIT(?) -> DONE -> IDLE
// For St: IDLE -> WAIT -> CMD -> RESP(?) -> IDLE
typedef enum logic [2:0] {IDLE=3'b000, WAIT=3'b001, CMD=3'b010, RESP=3'b011, DONE_PARTIAL=3'b100, DONE_WAIT=3'b101, DONE=3'b110} state_t;
localparam DEPTH = pt.LSU_NUM_NBLOAD;
localparam TIMER = 8; // This can be only power of 2
localparam TIMER_MAX = TIMER - 1; // Maximum value of timer
localparam TIMER_LOG2 = (TIMER < 2) ? 1 : $clog2(TIMER);
logic [3:0] ldst_byteen_hi_m, ldst_byteen_lo_m;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] ld_addr_hitvec_lo, ld_addr_hitvec_hi;
logic [3:0][DEPTH-1:0] ld_byte_hitvec_lo, ld_byte_hitvec_hi;
logic [3:0][DEPTH-1:0] ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo, ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi;
logic ld_addr_ibuf_hit_lo, ld_addr_ibuf_hit_hi;
logic [3:0] ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo, ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi;
logic [3:0] ldst_byteen_r;
logic [3:0] ldst_byteen_hi_r, ldst_byteen_lo_r;
logic [31:0] store_data_hi_r, store_data_lo_r;
logic is_aligned_r; // Aligned load/store
logic ldst_samedw_r;
logic lsu_nonblock_load_valid_r;
logic [31:0] lsu_nonblock_load_data_hi, lsu_nonblock_load_data_lo, lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn;
logic [1:0] lsu_nonblock_addr_offset;
logic [1:0] lsu_nonblock_sz;
logic lsu_nonblock_unsign;
logic lsu_nonblock_load_data_ready;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] CmdPtr0Dec, CmdPtr1Dec;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] RspPtrDec;
logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] CmdPtr0, CmdPtr1;
logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] RspPtr;
logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] WrPtr0_m, WrPtr0_r;
logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] WrPtr1_m, WrPtr1_r;
logic found_wrptr0, found_wrptr1, found_cmdptr0, found_cmdptr1;
logic [3:0] buf_numvld_any, buf_numvld_wrcmd_any, buf_numvld_cmd_any, buf_numvld_pend_any;
logic any_done_wait_state;
logic bus_sideeffect_pend;
logic bus_coalescing_disable;
logic bus_addr_match_pending;
logic bus_cmd_sent, bus_cmd_ready;
logic bus_wcmd_sent, bus_wdata_sent;
logic bus_rsp_read, bus_rsp_write;
logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] bus_rsp_read_tag, bus_rsp_write_tag;
logic bus_rsp_read_error, bus_rsp_write_error;
logic [63:0] bus_rsp_rdata;
// Bus buffer signals
state_t [DEPTH-1:0] buf_state;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][1:0] buf_sz;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][31:0] buf_addr;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][3:0] buf_byteen;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_sideeffect;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_write;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_unsign;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_dual;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_samedw;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_nomerge;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_dualhi;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] buf_dualtag;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_ldfwd;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] buf_ldfwdtag;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_error;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][31:0] buf_data;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_age, buf_age_younger;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_rspage, buf_rsp_pickage;
state_t [DEPTH-1:0] buf_nxtstate;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_rst;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_state_en;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_cmd_state_bus_en;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_resp_state_bus_en;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_state_bus_en;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_dual_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_samedw_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_nomerge_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_sideeffect_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_unsign_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][1:0] buf_sz_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_write_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_wr_en;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_dualhi_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] buf_dualtag_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_ldfwd_en;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_ldfwd_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] buf_ldfwdtag_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][3:0] buf_byteen_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][31:0] buf_addr_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][31:0] buf_data_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_error_en;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] buf_data_en;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_age_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_ageQ;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_rspage_set;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_rspage_in;
logic [DEPTH-1:0][DEPTH-1:0] buf_rspageQ;
// Input buffer signals
logic ibuf_valid;
logic ibuf_dual;
logic ibuf_samedw;
logic ibuf_nomerge;
logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_tag;
logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_dualtag;
logic ibuf_sideeffect;
logic ibuf_unsign;
logic ibuf_write;
logic [1:0] ibuf_sz;
logic [3:0] ibuf_byteen;
logic [31:0] ibuf_addr;
logic [31:0] ibuf_data;
logic [TIMER_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_timer;
logic ibuf_byp;
logic ibuf_wr_en;
logic ibuf_rst;
logic ibuf_force_drain;
logic ibuf_drain_vld;
logic [DEPTH-1:0] ibuf_drainvec_vld;
logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_tag_in;
logic [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_dualtag_in;
logic [1:0] ibuf_sz_in;
logic [31:0] ibuf_addr_in;
logic [3:0] ibuf_byteen_in;
logic [31:0] ibuf_data_in;
logic [TIMER_LOG2-1:0] ibuf_timer_in;
logic [3:0] ibuf_byteen_out;
logic [31:0] ibuf_data_out;
logic ibuf_merge_en, ibuf_merge_in;
// Output buffer signals
logic obuf_valid;
logic obuf_write;
logic obuf_nosend;
logic obuf_rdrsp_pend;
logic obuf_sideeffect;
logic [31:0] obuf_addr;
logic [63:0] obuf_data;
logic [1:0] obuf_sz;
logic [7:0] obuf_byteen;
logic obuf_merge;
logic obuf_cmd_done, obuf_data_done;
logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_tag0;
logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_tag1;
logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_rdrsp_tag;
logic ibuf_buf_byp;
logic obuf_force_wr_en;
logic obuf_wr_wait;
logic obuf_wr_en, obuf_wr_enQ;
logic obuf_rst;
logic obuf_write_in;
logic obuf_nosend_in;
logic obuf_rdrsp_pend_en;
logic obuf_rdrsp_pend_in;
logic obuf_sideeffect_in;
logic obuf_aligned_in;
logic [31:0] obuf_addr_in;
logic [63:0] obuf_data_in;
logic [1:0] obuf_sz_in;
logic [7:0] obuf_byteen_in;
logic obuf_merge_in;
logic obuf_cmd_done_in, obuf_data_done_in;
logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_tag0_in;
logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_tag1_in;
logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] obuf_rdrsp_tag_in;
logic obuf_merge_en;
logic [TIMER_LOG2-1:0] obuf_wr_timer, obuf_wr_timer_in;
logic [7:0] obuf_byteen0_in, obuf_byteen1_in;
logic [63:0] obuf_data0_in, obuf_data1_in;
logic lsu_axi_awvalid_q, lsu_axi_awready_q;
logic lsu_axi_wvalid_q, lsu_axi_wready_q;
logic lsu_axi_arvalid_q, lsu_axi_arready_q;
logic lsu_axi_bvalid_q, lsu_axi_bready_q;
logic lsu_axi_rvalid_q, lsu_axi_rready_q;
logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_bid_q, lsu_axi_rid_q;
logic [1:0] lsu_axi_bresp_q, lsu_axi_rresp_q;
logic [pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_imprecise_error_store_tag;
logic [63:0] lsu_axi_rdata_q;
// Load forwarding logic start
// Function to do 8 to 3 bit encoding
function automatic logic [2:0] f_Enc8to3;
input logic [7:0] Dec_value;
logic [2:0] Enc_value;
Enc_value[0] = Dec_value[1] | Dec_value[3] | Dec_value[5] | Dec_value[7];
Enc_value[1] = Dec_value[2] | Dec_value[3] | Dec_value[6] | Dec_value[7];
Enc_value[2] = Dec_value[4] | Dec_value[5] | Dec_value[6] | Dec_value[7];
return Enc_value[2:0];
endfunction // f_Enc8to3
// Buffer hit logic for bus load forwarding
assign ldst_byteen_hi_m[3:0] = ldst_byteen_ext_m[7:4];
assign ldst_byteen_lo_m[3:0] = ldst_byteen_ext_m[3:0];
for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
assign ld_addr_hitvec_lo[i] = (lsu_addr_m[31:2] == buf_addr[i][31:2]) & buf_write[i] & (buf_state[i] != IDLE) & lsu_busreq_m;
assign ld_addr_hitvec_hi[i] = (end_addr_m[31:2] == buf_addr[i][31:2]) & buf_write[i] & (buf_state[i] != IDLE) & lsu_busreq_m;
for (genvar j=0; j<4; j++) begin
assign ld_byte_hit_buf_lo[j] = |(ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[j]) | ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[j];
assign ld_byte_hit_buf_hi[j] = |(ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[j]) | ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[j];
for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
assign ld_byte_hitvec_lo[j][i] = ld_addr_hitvec_lo[i] & buf_byteen[i][j] & ldst_byteen_lo_m[j];
assign ld_byte_hitvec_hi[j][i] = ld_addr_hitvec_hi[i] & buf_byteen[i][j] & ldst_byteen_hi_m[j];
assign ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[j][i] = ld_byte_hitvec_lo[j][i] & ~(|(ld_byte_hitvec_lo[j] & buf_age_younger[i])) & ~ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[j]; // Kill the byte enable if younger entry exists or byte exists in ibuf
assign ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[j][i] = ld_byte_hitvec_hi[j][i] & ~(|(ld_byte_hitvec_hi[j] & buf_age_younger[i])) & ~ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[j]; // Kill the byte enable if younger entry exists or byte exists in ibuf
// Hit in the ibuf
assign ld_addr_ibuf_hit_lo = (lsu_addr_m[31:2] == ibuf_addr[31:2]) & ibuf_write & ibuf_valid & lsu_busreq_m;
assign ld_addr_ibuf_hit_hi = (end_addr_m[31:2] == ibuf_addr[31:2]) & ibuf_write & ibuf_valid & lsu_busreq_m;
for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin
assign ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[i] = ld_addr_ibuf_hit_lo & ibuf_byteen[i] & ldst_byteen_lo_m[i];
assign ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[i] = ld_addr_ibuf_hit_hi & ibuf_byteen[i] & ldst_byteen_hi_m[i];
always_comb begin
ld_fwddata_buf_lo[31:0] = {{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[3]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[2]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[1]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_lo[0]}}} & ibuf_data[31:0];
ld_fwddata_buf_hi[31:0] = {{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[3]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[2]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[1]}},{8{ld_byte_ibuf_hit_hi[0]}}} & ibuf_data[31:0];
for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
ld_fwddata_buf_lo[7:0] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[0][i]}} & buf_data[i][7:0];
ld_fwddata_buf_lo[15:8] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[1][i]}} & buf_data[i][15:8];
ld_fwddata_buf_lo[23:16] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[2][i]}} & buf_data[i][23:16];
ld_fwddata_buf_lo[31:24] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[3][i]}} & buf_data[i][31:24];
ld_fwddata_buf_hi[7:0] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[0][i]}} & buf_data[i][7:0];
ld_fwddata_buf_hi[15:8] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[1][i]}} & buf_data[i][15:8];
ld_fwddata_buf_hi[23:16] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[2][i]}} & buf_data[i][23:16];
ld_fwddata_buf_hi[31:24] |= {8{ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[3][i]}} & buf_data[i][31:24];
// Load forwarding logic end
assign bus_coalescing_disable = dec_tlu_wb_coalescing_disable | pt.BUILD_AHB_LITE;
// Get the hi/lo byte enable
assign ldst_byteen_r[3:0] = ({4{lsu_pkt_r.by}} & 4'b0001) |
({4{lsu_pkt_r.half}} & 4'b0011) |
({4{lsu_pkt_r.word}} & 4'b1111);
assign {ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0], ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0]} = {4'b0,ldst_byteen_r[3:0]} << lsu_addr_r[1:0];
assign {store_data_hi_r[31:0], store_data_lo_r[31:0]} = {32'b0,store_data_r[31:0]} << 8*lsu_addr_r[1:0];
assign ldst_samedw_r = (lsu_addr_r[3] == end_addr_r[3]);
assign is_aligned_r = (lsu_pkt_r.word & (lsu_addr_r[1:0] == 2'b0)) |
(lsu_pkt_r.half & (lsu_addr_r[0] == 1'b0)) |
// Input buffer logic starts here
assign ibuf_byp = lsu_busreq_r & (lsu_pkt_r.load | no_word_merge_r) & ~ibuf_valid;
assign ibuf_wr_en = lsu_busreq_r & lsu_commit_r & ~ibuf_byp;
assign ibuf_rst = (ibuf_drain_vld & ~ibuf_wr_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
assign ibuf_force_drain = lsu_busreq_m & ~lsu_busreq_r & ibuf_valid & (lsu_pkt_m.load | (ibuf_addr[31:2] != lsu_addr_m[31:2])); // Move the ibuf to buf if there is a non-colaescable ld/st in m but nothing in r
assign ibuf_drain_vld = ibuf_valid & (((ibuf_wr_en | (ibuf_timer == TIMER_MAX)) & ~(ibuf_merge_en & ibuf_merge_in)) | ibuf_byp | ibuf_force_drain | ibuf_sideeffect | ~ibuf_write | bus_coalescing_disable);
assign ibuf_tag_in[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = (ibuf_merge_en & ibuf_merge_in) ? ibuf_tag[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] : (ldst_dual_r ? WrPtr1_r : WrPtr0_r);
assign ibuf_dualtag_in[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = WrPtr0_r;
assign ibuf_sz_in[1:0] = {lsu_pkt_r.word, lsu_pkt_r.half};
assign ibuf_addr_in[31:0] = ldst_dual_r ? end_addr_r[31:0] : lsu_addr_r[31:0];
assign ibuf_byteen_in[3:0] = (ibuf_merge_en & ibuf_merge_in) ? (ibuf_byteen[3:0] | ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0]) : (ldst_dual_r ? ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0] : ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0]);
for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin
assign ibuf_data_in[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = (ibuf_merge_en & ibuf_merge_in) ? (ldst_byteen_lo_r[i] ? store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : ibuf_data[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]) :
(ldst_dual_r ? store_data_hi_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]);
assign ibuf_timer_in = ibuf_wr_en ? '0 : (ibuf_timer < TIMER_MAX) ? (ibuf_timer + 1'b1) : ibuf_timer;
assign ibuf_merge_en = lsu_busreq_r & lsu_commit_r & lsu_pkt_r.store & ibuf_valid & ibuf_write & (lsu_addr_r[31:2] == ibuf_addr[31:2]) & ~is_sideeffects_r & ~bus_coalescing_disable;
assign ibuf_merge_in = ~ldst_dual_r; // If it's a unaligned store, merge needs to happen on the way out of ibuf
// ibuf signals going to bus buffer after merging
for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin
assign ibuf_byteen_out[i] = (ibuf_merge_en & ~ibuf_merge_in) ? (ibuf_byteen[i] | ldst_byteen_lo_r[i]) : ibuf_byteen[i];
assign ibuf_data_out[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = (ibuf_merge_en & ~ibuf_merge_in) ? (ldst_byteen_lo_r[i] ? store_data_lo_r[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : ibuf_data[(8*i)+7:(8*i)]) :
rvdffsc #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_valid_ff (.din(1'b1), .dout(ibuf_valid), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clear(ibuf_rst), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) ibuf_tagff (.din(ibuf_tag_in), .dout(ibuf_tag), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) ibuf_dualtagff (.din(ibuf_dualtag_in), .dout(ibuf_dualtag), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_dualff (.din(ldst_dual_r), .dout(ibuf_dual), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_samedwff (.din(ldst_samedw_r), .dout(ibuf_samedw), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_nomergeff (.din(no_dword_merge_r), .dout(ibuf_nomerge), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_sideeffectff (.din(is_sideeffects_r), .dout(ibuf_sideeffect), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_unsignff (.din(lsu_pkt_r.unsign), .dout(ibuf_unsign), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) ibuf_writeff (.din(lsu_pkt_r.store), .dout(ibuf_write), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(2)) ibuf_szff (.din(ibuf_sz_in[1:0]), .dout(ibuf_sz), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) ibuf_addrff (.din(ibuf_addr_in[31:0]), .dout(ibuf_addr), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(4)) ibuf_byteenff (.din(ibuf_byteen_in[3:0]), .dout(ibuf_byteen), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_ibuf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) ibuf_dataff (.din(ibuf_data_in[31:0]), .dout(ibuf_data), .en(ibuf_wr_en), .*);
rvdff #(.WIDTH(TIMER_LOG2)) ibuf_timerff (.din(ibuf_timer_in), .dout(ibuf_timer), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
// Input buffer logic ends here
// Output buffer logic starts here
assign obuf_wr_wait = (buf_numvld_wrcmd_any[3:0] == 4'b1) & (buf_numvld_cmd_any[3:0] == 4'b1) & (obuf_wr_timer != TIMER_MAX) &
~bus_coalescing_disable & ~buf_nomerge[CmdPtr0] & ~buf_sideeffect[CmdPtr0] & ~obuf_force_wr_en;
assign obuf_wr_timer_in = obuf_wr_en ? 3'b0: (((buf_numvld_cmd_any > 4'b0) & (obuf_wr_timer < TIMER_MAX)) ? (obuf_wr_timer + 1'b1) : obuf_wr_timer);
assign obuf_force_wr_en = lsu_busreq_m & ~lsu_busreq_r & ~ibuf_valid & (buf_numvld_cmd_any[3:0] == 4'b1) & (lsu_addr_m[31:2] != buf_addr[CmdPtr0][31:2]); // Entry in m can't merge with entry going to obuf and there is no entry in between
assign ibuf_buf_byp = ibuf_byp & (buf_numvld_pend_any[3:0] == 4'b0) & (~lsu_pkt_r.store | no_dword_merge_r);
assign obuf_wr_en = ((ibuf_buf_byp & lsu_commit_r & ~(is_sideeffects_r & bus_sideeffect_pend)) |
((buf_state[CmdPtr0] == CMD) & found_cmdptr0 & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[CmdPtr0] & ~(buf_sideeffect[CmdPtr0] & bus_sideeffect_pend) &
(~(buf_dual[CmdPtr0] & buf_samedw[CmdPtr0] & ~buf_write[CmdPtr0]) | found_cmdptr1 | buf_nomerge[CmdPtr0] | obuf_force_wr_en))) &
(bus_cmd_ready | ~obuf_valid | obuf_nosend) & ~obuf_wr_wait & ~bus_addr_match_pending & lsu_bus_clk_en;
assign obuf_rst = ((bus_cmd_sent | (obuf_valid & obuf_nosend)) & ~obuf_wr_en & lsu_bus_clk_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
assign obuf_write_in = ibuf_buf_byp ? lsu_pkt_r.store : buf_write[CmdPtr0];
assign obuf_sideeffect_in = ibuf_buf_byp ? is_sideeffects_r : buf_sideeffect[CmdPtr0];
assign obuf_addr_in[31:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? lsu_addr_r[31:0] : buf_addr[CmdPtr0];
assign obuf_sz_in[1:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? {lsu_pkt_r.word, lsu_pkt_r.half} : buf_sz[CmdPtr0];
assign obuf_merge_in = obuf_merge_en;
assign obuf_tag0_in[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(WrPtr0_r) : (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(CmdPtr0);
assign obuf_tag1_in[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(WrPtr1_r) : (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(CmdPtr1);
assign obuf_cmd_done_in = ~(obuf_wr_en | obuf_rst) & (obuf_cmd_done | bus_wcmd_sent);
assign obuf_data_done_in = ~(obuf_wr_en | obuf_rst) & (obuf_data_done | bus_wdata_sent);
assign obuf_aligned_in = ibuf_buf_byp ? is_aligned_r : ((obuf_sz_in[1:0] == 2'b0) |
(obuf_sz_in[0] & ~obuf_addr_in[0]) |
(obuf_sz_in[1] & ~(|obuf_addr_in[1:0])));
assign obuf_rdrsp_pend_in = ((~(obuf_wr_en & ~obuf_nosend_in) & obuf_rdrsp_pend & ~(bus_rsp_read & (bus_rsp_read_tag == obuf_rdrsp_tag))) | (bus_cmd_sent & ~obuf_write)) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt;
assign obuf_rdrsp_pend_en = lsu_bus_clk_en | dec_tlu_force_halt;
assign obuf_rdrsp_tag_in[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = (bus_cmd_sent & ~obuf_write) ? obuf_tag0[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] : obuf_rdrsp_tag[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0];
// No ld to ld fwd for aligned
assign obuf_nosend_in = (obuf_addr_in[31:3] == obuf_addr[31:3]) & obuf_aligned_in & ~obuf_sideeffect & ~obuf_write & ~obuf_write_in & ~dec_tlu_external_ldfwd_disable &
((obuf_valid & ~obuf_nosend) | (obuf_rdrsp_pend & ~(bus_rsp_read & (bus_rsp_read_tag == obuf_rdrsp_tag))));
assign obuf_byteen0_in[7:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (lsu_addr_r[2] ? {ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0],4'b0} : {4'b0,ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0]}) :
(buf_addr[CmdPtr0][2] ? {buf_byteen[CmdPtr0],4'b0} : {4'b0,buf_byteen[CmdPtr0]});
assign obuf_byteen1_in[7:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (end_addr_r[2] ? {ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0],4'b0} : {4'b0,ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0]}) :
(buf_addr[CmdPtr1][2] ? {buf_byteen[CmdPtr1],4'b0} : {4'b0,buf_byteen[CmdPtr1]});
assign obuf_data0_in[63:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (lsu_addr_r[2] ? {store_data_lo_r[31:0],32'b0} : {32'b0,store_data_lo_r[31:0]}) :
(buf_addr[CmdPtr0][2] ? {buf_data[CmdPtr0],32'b0} : {32'b0,buf_data[CmdPtr0]});
assign obuf_data1_in[63:0] = ibuf_buf_byp ? (end_addr_r[2] ? {store_data_hi_r[31:0],32'b0} :{32'b0,store_data_hi_r[31:0]}) :
(buf_addr[CmdPtr1][2] ? {buf_data[CmdPtr1],32'b0} : {32'b0,buf_data[CmdPtr1]});
for (genvar i=0 ;i<8; i++) begin
assign obuf_byteen_in[i] = obuf_byteen0_in[i] | (obuf_merge_en & obuf_byteen1_in[i]);
assign obuf_data_in[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] = (obuf_merge_en & obuf_byteen1_in[i]) ? obuf_data1_in[(8*i)+7:(8*i)] : obuf_data0_in[(8*i)+7:(8*i)];
// No store obuf merging for AXI since all stores are sent non-posted. Can't track the second id right now
assign obuf_merge_en = ((CmdPtr0 != CmdPtr1) & found_cmdptr0 & found_cmdptr1 & (buf_state[CmdPtr0] == CMD) & (buf_state[CmdPtr1] == CMD) &
~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[CmdPtr0] & ~buf_sideeffect[CmdPtr0] &
(~buf_write[CmdPtr0] & buf_dual[CmdPtr0] & ~buf_dualhi[CmdPtr0] & buf_samedw[CmdPtr0])) | // CmdPtr0/CmdPtr1 are for same load which is within a DW
(ibuf_buf_byp & ldst_samedw_r & ldst_dual_r);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_wren_ff (.din(obuf_wr_en), .dout(obuf_wr_enQ), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdffsc #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_valid_ff (.din(1'b1), .dout(obuf_valid), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clear(obuf_rst), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_nosend_ff (.din(obuf_nosend_in), .dout(obuf_nosend), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_rdrsp_pend_ff(.din(obuf_rdrsp_pend_in), .dout(obuf_rdrsp_pend), .en(obuf_rdrsp_pend_en), .clk(lsu_free_c2_clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_cmd_done_ff (.din(obuf_cmd_done_in), .dout(obuf_cmd_done), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_data_done_ff (.din(obuf_data_done_in), .dout(obuf_data_done), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)) obuf_rdrsp_tagff (.din(obuf_rdrsp_tag_in), .dout(obuf_rdrsp_tag), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)) obuf_tag0ff (.din(obuf_tag0_in), .dout(obuf_tag0), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)) obuf_tag1ff (.din(obuf_tag1_in), .dout(obuf_tag1), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_mergeff (.din(obuf_merge_in), .dout(obuf_merge), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_writeff (.din(obuf_write_in), .dout(obuf_write), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) obuf_sideeffectff (.din(obuf_sideeffect_in), .dout(obuf_sideeffect), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(2)) obuf_szff (.din(obuf_sz_in[1:0]), .dout(obuf_sz), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdffs_fpga #(.WIDTH(8)) obuf_byteenff (.din(obuf_byteen_in[7:0]), .dout(obuf_byteen), .en(obuf_wr_en), .clk(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clk), .clken(lsu_bus_obuf_c1_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) obuf_addrff (.din(obuf_addr_in[31:0]), .dout(obuf_addr), .en(obuf_wr_en), .*);
rvdffe #(.WIDTH(64)) obuf_dataff (.din(obuf_data_in[63:0]), .dout(obuf_data), .en(obuf_wr_en), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(TIMER_LOG2)) obuf_timerff (.din(obuf_wr_timer_in), .dout(obuf_wr_timer), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
// Output buffer logic ends here
// Find the entry to allocate and entry to send
always_comb begin
WrPtr0_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = '0;
WrPtr1_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = '0;
found_wrptr0 = '0;
found_wrptr1 = '0;
// Find first write pointer
for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
if (~found_wrptr0) begin
WrPtr0_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = DEPTH_LOG2'(i);
found_wrptr0 = (buf_state[i] == IDLE) & ~((ibuf_valid & (ibuf_tag == i)) |
(lsu_busreq_r & ((WrPtr0_r == i) | (ldst_dual_r & (WrPtr1_r == i)))));
// Find second write pointer
for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
if (~found_wrptr1) begin
WrPtr1_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = DEPTH_LOG2'(i);
found_wrptr1 = (buf_state[i] == IDLE) & ~((ibuf_valid & (ibuf_tag == i)) |
(lsu_busreq_m & (WrPtr0_m == i)) |
(lsu_busreq_r & ((WrPtr0_r == i) | (ldst_dual_r & (WrPtr1_r == i)))));
// Get the command ptr
for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
// These should be one-hot
assign CmdPtr0Dec[i] = ~(|buf_age[i]) & (buf_state[i] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i];
assign CmdPtr1Dec[i] = ~(|(buf_age[i] & ~CmdPtr0Dec)) & ~CmdPtr0Dec[i] & (buf_state[i] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i];
assign RspPtrDec[i] = ~(|buf_rsp_pickage[i]) & (buf_state[i] == DONE_WAIT);
assign found_cmdptr0 = |CmdPtr0Dec;
assign found_cmdptr1 = |CmdPtr1Dec;
assign CmdPtr0 = f_Enc8to3(8'(CmdPtr0Dec[DEPTH-1:0]));
assign CmdPtr1 = f_Enc8to3(8'(CmdPtr1Dec[DEPTH-1:0]));
assign RspPtr = f_Enc8to3(8'(RspPtrDec[DEPTH-1:0]));
// Age vector
for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin: GenAgeVec
for (genvar j=0; j<DEPTH; j++) begin
assign buf_age_in[i][j] = (((buf_state[i] == IDLE) & buf_state_en[i]) &
(((buf_state[j] == WAIT) | ((buf_state[j] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[j])) | // Set age bit for older entries
(ibuf_drain_vld & lsu_busreq_r & (ibuf_byp | ldst_dual_r) & (i == WrPtr0_r) & (j == ibuf_tag)) | // Set case for dual lo
(ibuf_byp & lsu_busreq_r & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r) & (j == WrPtr0_r)))) | // ibuf bypass case
assign buf_age[i][j] = buf_ageQ[i][j] & ~((buf_state[j] == CMD) & buf_cmd_state_bus_en[j]) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt; // Reset case
assign buf_age_younger[i][j] = (i == j) ? 1'b0: (~buf_age[i][j] & (buf_state[j] != IDLE)); // Younger entries
// Age vector for responses
for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin: GenRspAgeVec
for (genvar j=0; j<DEPTH; j++) begin
assign buf_rspage_set[i][j] = ((buf_state[i] == IDLE) & buf_state_en[i]) &
(~((buf_state[j] == IDLE) | (buf_state[j] == DONE)) | // Set age bit for older entries
(ibuf_drain_vld & lsu_busreq_r & (ibuf_byp | ldst_dual_r) & (DEPTH_LOG2'(i) == WrPtr0_r) & (DEPTH_LOG2'(j) == ibuf_tag)) | // Set case for dual lo
(ibuf_byp & lsu_busreq_r & ldst_dual_r & (DEPTH_LOG2'(i) == WrPtr1_r) & (DEPTH_LOG2'(j) == WrPtr0_r)));
assign buf_rspage_in[i][j] = buf_rspage_set[i][j] | buf_rspage[i][j];
assign buf_rspage[i][j] = buf_rspageQ[i][j] & ~((buf_state[j] == DONE) | (buf_state[j] == IDLE)) & ~dec_tlu_force_halt; // Reset case
assign buf_rsp_pickage[i][j] = buf_rspageQ[i][j] & (buf_state[j] == DONE_WAIT);
// Buffer logic
for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
assign ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] = (ibuf_drain_vld & (i == ibuf_tag));
assign buf_byteen_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_byteen_out[3:0] : ((ibuf_byp & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r)) ? ldst_byteen_hi_r[3:0] : ldst_byteen_lo_r[3:0]);
assign buf_addr_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_addr[31:0] : ((ibuf_byp & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r)) ? end_addr_r[31:0] : lsu_addr_r[31:0]);
assign buf_dual_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_dual : ldst_dual_r;
assign buf_samedw_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_samedw : ldst_samedw_r;
assign buf_nomerge_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? (ibuf_nomerge | ibuf_force_drain) : no_dword_merge_r;
assign buf_dualhi_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_dual : (ibuf_byp & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r)); // If it's dual, ibuf will always have the high
assign buf_dualtag_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_dualtag : ((ibuf_byp & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r)) ? WrPtr0_r : WrPtr1_r);
assign buf_sideeffect_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_sideeffect : is_sideeffects_r;
assign buf_unsign_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_unsign : lsu_pkt_r.unsign;
assign buf_sz_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_sz : {lsu_pkt_r.word, lsu_pkt_r.half};
assign buf_write_in[i] = ibuf_drainvec_vld[i] ? ibuf_write : lsu_pkt_r.store;
// Buffer entry state machine
always_comb begin
buf_nxtstate[i] = IDLE;
buf_state_en[i] = '0;
buf_resp_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
buf_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
buf_wr_en[i] = '0;
buf_data_in[i] = '0;
buf_data_en[i] = '0;
buf_error_en[i] = '0;
buf_rst[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt;
buf_ldfwd_en[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt;
buf_ldfwd_in[i] = '0;
buf_ldfwdtag_in[i] = '0;
case (buf_state[i])
IDLE: begin
buf_nxtstate[i] = lsu_bus_clk_en ? CMD : WAIT;
buf_state_en[i] = (lsu_busreq_r & lsu_commit_r & (((ibuf_byp | ldst_dual_r) & ~ibuf_merge_en & (i == WrPtr0_r)) | (ibuf_byp & ldst_dual_r & (i == WrPtr1_r)))) |
(ibuf_drain_vld & (i == ibuf_tag));
buf_wr_en[i] = buf_state_en[i];
buf_data_en[i] = buf_state_en[i];
buf_data_in[i] = (ibuf_drain_vld & (i == ibuf_tag)) ? ibuf_data_out[31:0] : store_data_lo_r[31:0];
buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
WAIT: begin
buf_nxtstate[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt ? IDLE : CMD;
buf_state_en[i] = lsu_bus_clk_en | dec_tlu_force_halt;
buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
CMD: begin
buf_nxtstate[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt ? IDLE : (obuf_nosend & bus_rsp_read & (bus_rsp_read_tag == obuf_rdrsp_tag)) ? DONE_WAIT : RESP;
buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = ((obuf_tag0 == i) | (obuf_merge & (obuf_tag1 == i))) & obuf_valid & obuf_wr_enQ; // Just use the recently written obuf_valid
buf_state_bus_en[i] = buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i];
buf_state_en[i] = (buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
buf_ldfwd_in[i] = 1'b1;
buf_ldfwd_en[i] = buf_state_en[i] & ~buf_write[i] & obuf_nosend & ~dec_tlu_force_halt;
buf_ldfwdtag_in[i] = DEPTH_LOG2'(obuf_rdrsp_tag[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-2:0]);
buf_data_en[i] = buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en & obuf_nosend & bus_rsp_read;
buf_error_en[i] = buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en & obuf_nosend & bus_rsp_read_error;
buf_data_in[i] = buf_error_en[i] ? bus_rsp_rdata[31:0] : (buf_addr[i][2] ? bus_rsp_rdata[63:32] : bus_rsp_rdata[31:0]);
RESP: begin
buf_nxtstate[i] = (dec_tlu_force_halt | (buf_write[i] & ~bus_rsp_write_error)) ? IDLE : // Side-effect writes will be non-posted
(buf_dual[i] & ~buf_samedw[i] & ~buf_write[i] & (buf_state[buf_dualtag[i]] != DONE_PARTIAL)) ? DONE_PARTIAL : // Goto DONE_PARTIAL if this is the first return of dual
(buf_ldfwd[i] | any_done_wait_state |
(buf_dual[i] & ~buf_samedw[i] & ~buf_write[i] & buf_ldfwd[buf_dualtag[i]] &
(buf_state[buf_dualtag[i]] == DONE_PARTIAL) & any_done_wait_state)) ? DONE_WAIT : DONE;
buf_resp_state_bus_en[i] = (bus_rsp_write & (bus_rsp_write_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i))) |
(bus_rsp_read & ((bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i)) |
(buf_ldfwd[i] & (bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(buf_ldfwdtag[i]))) |
(buf_dual[i] & buf_dualhi[i] & ~buf_write[i] & buf_samedw[i] & (bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(buf_dualtag[i])))));
buf_state_bus_en[i] = buf_resp_state_bus_en[i];
buf_state_en[i] = (buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
buf_data_en[i] = buf_state_bus_en[i] & bus_rsp_read & lsu_bus_clk_en;
// Need to capture the error for stores as well for AXI
buf_error_en[i] = buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en & ((bus_rsp_read_error & (bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i))) |
(bus_rsp_read_error & buf_ldfwd[i] & (bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(buf_ldfwdtag[i]))) |
(bus_rsp_write_error & (bus_rsp_write_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i))));
buf_data_in[i][31:0] = (buf_state_en[i] & ~buf_error_en[i]) ? (buf_addr[i][2] ? bus_rsp_rdata[63:32] : bus_rsp_rdata[31:0]) : bus_rsp_rdata[31:0];
buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
DONE_PARTIAL: begin // Other part of dual load hasn't returned
buf_nxtstate[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt ? IDLE : (buf_ldfwd[i] | buf_ldfwd[buf_dualtag[i]] | any_done_wait_state) ? DONE_WAIT : DONE;
buf_state_bus_en[i] = bus_rsp_read & ((bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(buf_dualtag[i])) |
(buf_ldfwd[buf_dualtag[i]] & (bus_rsp_read_tag == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(buf_ldfwdtag[buf_dualtag[i]]))));
buf_state_en[i] = (buf_state_bus_en[i] & lsu_bus_clk_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
DONE_WAIT: begin // WAIT state if there are multiple outstanding nb returns
buf_nxtstate[i] = dec_tlu_force_halt ? IDLE : DONE;
buf_state_en[i] = ((RspPtr == DEPTH_LOG2'(i)) | (buf_dual[i] & (buf_dualtag[i] == RspPtr))) | dec_tlu_force_halt;
buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
DONE: begin
buf_nxtstate[i] = IDLE;
buf_rst[i] = 1'b1;
buf_state_en[i] = 1'b1;
buf_ldfwd_in[i] = 1'b0;
buf_ldfwd_en[i] = buf_state_en[i];
buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
default : begin
buf_nxtstate[i] = IDLE;
buf_state_en[i] = '0;
buf_resp_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
buf_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
buf_wr_en[i] = '0;
buf_data_in[i] = '0;
buf_data_en[i] = '0;
buf_error_en[i] = '0;
buf_rst[i] = '0;
buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i] = '0;
rvdffs #(.WIDTH($bits(state_t))) buf_state_ff (.din(buf_nxtstate[i]), .dout({buf_state[i]}), .en(buf_state_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdff #(.WIDTH(DEPTH)) buf_ageff (.din(buf_age_in[i]), .dout(buf_ageQ[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdff #(.WIDTH(DEPTH)) buf_rspageff (.din(buf_rspage_in[i]), .dout(buf_rspageQ[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) buf_dualtagff (.din(buf_dualtag_in[i]), .dout(buf_dualtag[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_dualff (.din(buf_dual_in[i]), .dout(buf_dual[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_samedwff (.din(buf_samedw_in[i]), .dout(buf_samedw[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_nomergeff (.din(buf_nomerge_in[i]), .dout(buf_nomerge[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_dualhiff (.din(buf_dualhi_in[i]), .dout(buf_dualhi[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_ldfwdff (.din(buf_ldfwd_in[i]), .dout(buf_ldfwd[i]), .en(buf_ldfwd_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) buf_ldfwdtagff (.din(buf_ldfwdtag_in[i]), .dout(buf_ldfwdtag[i]), .en(buf_ldfwd_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_sideeffectff (.din(buf_sideeffect_in[i]), .dout(buf_sideeffect[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_unsignff (.din(buf_unsign_in[i]), .dout(buf_unsign[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_writeff (.din(buf_write_in[i]), .dout(buf_write[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(2)) buf_szff (.din(buf_sz_in[i]), .dout(buf_sz[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) buf_addrff (.din(buf_addr_in[i][31:0]), .dout(buf_addr[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .*);
rvdffs #(.WIDTH(4)) buf_byteenff (.din(buf_byteen_in[i][3:0]), .dout(buf_byteen[i]), .en(buf_wr_en[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
rvdffe #(.WIDTH(32)) buf_dataff (.din(buf_data_in[i][31:0]), .dout(buf_data[i]), .en(buf_data_en[i]), .*);
rvdffsc #(.WIDTH(1)) buf_errorff (.din(1'b1), .dout(buf_error[i]), .en(buf_error_en[i]), .clear(buf_rst[i]), .clk(lsu_bus_buf_c1_clk), .*);
// buffer full logic
always_comb begin
buf_numvld_any[3:0] = ({1'b0,lsu_busreq_m} << ldst_dual_m) +
({1'b0,lsu_busreq_r} << ldst_dual_r) +
buf_numvld_wrcmd_any[3:0] = 4'b0;
buf_numvld_cmd_any[3:0] = 4'b0;
buf_numvld_pend_any[3:0] = 4'b0;
any_done_wait_state = 1'b0;
for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
buf_numvld_any[3:0] += {3'b0, (buf_state[i] != IDLE)};
buf_numvld_wrcmd_any[3:0] += {3'b0, (buf_write[i] & (buf_state[i] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i])};
buf_numvld_cmd_any[3:0] += {3'b0, ((buf_state[i] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i])};
buf_numvld_pend_any[3:0] += {3'b0, ((buf_state[i] == WAIT) | ((buf_state[i] == CMD) & ~buf_cmd_state_bus_en[i]))};
any_done_wait_state |= (buf_state[i] == DONE_WAIT);
assign lsu_bus_buffer_pend_any = (buf_numvld_pend_any != 0);
assign lsu_bus_buffer_full_any = (ldst_dual_d & dec_lsu_valid_raw_d) ? (buf_numvld_any[3:0] >= (DEPTH-1)) : (buf_numvld_any[3:0] == DEPTH);
assign lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any = ~(|buf_state[DEPTH-1:0]) & ~ibuf_valid & ~obuf_valid;
// Non blocking ports
assign lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m = lsu_busreq_m & lsu_pkt_m.valid & lsu_pkt_m.load & ~flush_m_up & ~ld_full_hit_m;
assign lsu_nonblock_load_tag_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = WrPtr0_m[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0];
assign lsu_nonblock_load_inv_r = lsu_nonblock_load_valid_r & ~lsu_commit_r;
assign lsu_nonblock_load_inv_tag_r[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = WrPtr0_r[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]; // r tag needs to be accurate even if there is no invalidate
always_comb begin
lsu_nonblock_load_data_ready = '0;
lsu_nonblock_load_data_error = '0;
lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] = '0;
lsu_nonblock_load_data_lo[31:0] = '0;
lsu_nonblock_load_data_hi[31:0] = '0;
for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
// Use buf_rst[i] instead of buf_state_en[i] for timing
lsu_nonblock_load_data_ready |= (buf_state[i] == DONE) & ~buf_write[i];
lsu_nonblock_load_data_error |= (buf_state[i] == DONE) & buf_error[i] & ~buf_write[i];
lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] |= DEPTH_LOG2'(i) & {DEPTH_LOG2{((buf_state[i] == DONE) & ~buf_write[i] & (~buf_dual[i] | ~buf_dualhi[i]))}};
lsu_nonblock_load_data_lo[31:0] |= buf_data[i][31:0] & {32{((buf_state[i] == DONE) & ~buf_write[i] & (~buf_dual[i] | ~buf_dualhi[i]))}};
lsu_nonblock_load_data_hi[31:0] |= buf_data[i][31:0] & {32{((buf_state[i] == DONE) & ~buf_write[i] & (buf_dual[i] & buf_dualhi[i]))}};
assign lsu_nonblock_addr_offset[1:0] = buf_addr[lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag][1:0];
assign lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] = buf_sz[lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag][1:0];
assign lsu_nonblock_unsign = buf_unsign[lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag];
assign lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[31:0] = 32'({lsu_nonblock_load_data_hi[31:0], lsu_nonblock_load_data_lo[31:0]} >> 8*lsu_nonblock_addr_offset[1:0]);
assign lsu_nonblock_load_data_valid = lsu_nonblock_load_data_ready & ~lsu_nonblock_load_data_error;
assign lsu_nonblock_load_data[31:0] = ({32{ lsu_nonblock_unsign & (lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] == 2'b00)}} & {24'b0,lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[7:0]}) |
({32{ lsu_nonblock_unsign & (lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] == 2'b01)}} & {16'b0,lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[15:0]}) |
({32{~lsu_nonblock_unsign & (lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] == 2'b00)}} & {{24{lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[7]}}, lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[7:0]}) |
({32{~lsu_nonblock_unsign & (lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] == 2'b01)}} & {{16{lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[15]}},lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[15:0]}) |
({32{(lsu_nonblock_sz[1:0] == 2'b10)}} & lsu_nonblock_data_unalgn[31:0]);
// Determine if there is a pending return to sideeffect load/store
always_comb begin
bus_sideeffect_pend = obuf_valid & obuf_sideeffect & dec_tlu_sideeffect_posted_disable;
for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
bus_sideeffect_pend |= ((buf_state[i] == RESP) & buf_sideeffect[i] & dec_tlu_sideeffect_posted_disable);
// We have no ordering rules for AXI. Need to check outstanding trxns to same address for AXI
always_comb begin
bus_addr_match_pending = '0;
for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
bus_addr_match_pending |= (obuf_valid & (obuf_addr[31:3] == buf_addr[i][31:3]) & (buf_state[i] == RESP) & ~((obuf_tag0 == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i)) | (obuf_merge & (obuf_tag1 == (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(i)))));
// Generic bus signals
assign bus_cmd_ready = obuf_write ? ((obuf_cmd_done | obuf_data_done) ? (obuf_cmd_done ? lsu_axi_wready : lsu_axi_awready) : (lsu_axi_awready & lsu_axi_wready)) : lsu_axi_arready;
assign bus_wcmd_sent = lsu_axi_awvalid & lsu_axi_awready;
assign bus_wdata_sent = lsu_axi_wvalid & lsu_axi_wready;
assign bus_cmd_sent = ((obuf_cmd_done | bus_wcmd_sent) & (obuf_data_done | bus_wdata_sent)) | (lsu_axi_arvalid & lsu_axi_arready);
assign bus_rsp_read = lsu_axi_rvalid & lsu_axi_rready;
assign bus_rsp_write = lsu_axi_bvalid & lsu_axi_bready;
assign bus_rsp_read_tag[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = lsu_axi_rid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0];
assign bus_rsp_write_tag[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = lsu_axi_bid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0];
assign bus_rsp_write_error = bus_rsp_write & (lsu_axi_bresp[1:0] != 2'b0);
assign bus_rsp_read_error = bus_rsp_read & (lsu_axi_rresp[1:0] != 2'b0);
assign bus_rsp_rdata[63:0] = lsu_axi_rdata[63:0];
// AXI command signals
assign lsu_axi_awvalid = obuf_valid & obuf_write & ~obuf_cmd_done & ~bus_addr_match_pending;
assign lsu_axi_awid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(obuf_tag0);
assign lsu_axi_awaddr[31:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? obuf_addr[31:0] : {obuf_addr[31:3],3'b0};
assign lsu_axi_awsize[2:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? {1'b0, obuf_sz[1:0]} : 3'b011;
assign lsu_axi_awprot[2:0] = 3'b001;
assign lsu_axi_awcache[3:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? 4'b0 : 4'b1111;
assign lsu_axi_awregion[3:0] = obuf_addr[31:28];
assign lsu_axi_awlen[7:0] = '0;
assign lsu_axi_awburst[1:0] = 2'b01;
assign lsu_axi_awqos[3:0] = '0;
assign lsu_axi_awlock = '0;
assign lsu_axi_wvalid = obuf_valid & obuf_write & ~obuf_data_done & ~bus_addr_match_pending;
assign lsu_axi_wstrb[7:0] = obuf_byteen[7:0] & {8{obuf_write}};
assign lsu_axi_wdata[63:0] = obuf_data[63:0];
assign lsu_axi_wlast = '1;
assign lsu_axi_arvalid = obuf_valid & ~obuf_write & ~obuf_nosend & ~bus_addr_match_pending;
assign lsu_axi_arid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] = (pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)'(obuf_tag0);
assign lsu_axi_araddr[31:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? obuf_addr[31:0] : {obuf_addr[31:3],3'b0};
assign lsu_axi_arsize[2:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? {1'b0, obuf_sz[1:0]} : 3'b011;
assign lsu_axi_arprot[2:0] = 3'b001;
assign lsu_axi_arcache[3:0] = obuf_sideeffect ? 4'b0 : 4'b1111;
assign lsu_axi_arregion[3:0] = obuf_addr[31:28];
assign lsu_axi_arlen[7:0] = '0;
assign lsu_axi_arburst[1:0] = 2'b01;
assign lsu_axi_arqos[3:0] = '0;
assign lsu_axi_arlock = '0;
assign lsu_axi_bready = 1;
assign lsu_axi_rready = 1;
always_comb begin
lsu_imprecise_error_store_any = '0;
lsu_imprecise_error_store_tag = '0;
for (int i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin
lsu_imprecise_error_store_any |= lsu_bus_clk_en_q & (buf_state[i] == DONE) & buf_error[i] & buf_write[i];
lsu_imprecise_error_store_tag |= DEPTH_LOG2'(i) & {DEPTH_LOG2{((buf_state[i] == DONE) & buf_error[i] & buf_write[i])}};
assign lsu_imprecise_error_load_any = lsu_nonblock_load_data_error & ~lsu_imprecise_error_store_any; // This is to make sure we send only one imprecise error for load/store
assign lsu_imprecise_error_addr_any[31:0] = lsu_imprecise_error_store_any ? buf_addr[lsu_imprecise_error_store_tag] : buf_addr[lsu_nonblock_load_data_tag];
// PMU signals
assign lsu_pmu_bus_trxn = (lsu_axi_awvalid & lsu_axi_awready) | (lsu_axi_wvalid & lsu_axi_wready) | (lsu_axi_arvalid & lsu_axi_arready);
assign lsu_pmu_bus_misaligned = lsu_busreq_r & ldst_dual_r & lsu_commit_r;
assign lsu_pmu_bus_error = lsu_imprecise_error_load_any | lsu_imprecise_error_store_any;
assign lsu_pmu_bus_busy = (lsu_axi_awvalid & ~lsu_axi_awready) | (lsu_axi_wvalid & ~lsu_axi_wready) | (lsu_axi_arvalid & ~lsu_axi_arready);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_awvalid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_awvalid), .dout(lsu_axi_awvalid_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_awready_ff (.din(lsu_axi_awready), .dout(lsu_axi_awready_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_wvalid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_wvalid), .dout(lsu_axi_wvalid_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_wready_ff (.din(lsu_axi_wready), .dout(lsu_axi_wready_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_arvalid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_arvalid), .dout(lsu_axi_arvalid_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_arready_ff (.din(lsu_axi_arready), .dout(lsu_axi_arready_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_bvalid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_bvalid), .dout(lsu_axi_bvalid_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_bready_ff (.din(lsu_axi_bready), .dout(lsu_axi_bready_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(2)) lsu_axi_bresp_ff (.din(lsu_axi_bresp[1:0]), .dout(lsu_axi_bresp_q[1:0]), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)) lsu_axi_bid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_bid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0]),.dout(lsu_axi_bid_q[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0]),.clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdffe #(.WIDTH(64)) lsu_axi_rdata_ff (.din(lsu_axi_rdata[63:0]), .dout(lsu_axi_rdata_q[63:0]), .en((lsu_axi_rvalid | clk_override) & lsu_bus_clk_en), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_rvalid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_rvalid), .dout(lsu_axi_rvalid_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_axi_rready_ff (.din(lsu_axi_rready), .dout(lsu_axi_rready_q), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(2)) lsu_axi_rresp_ff (.din(lsu_axi_rresp[1:0]), .dout(lsu_axi_rresp_q[1:0]), .clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff_fpga #(.WIDTH(pt.LSU_BUS_TAG)) lsu_axi_rid_ff (.din(lsu_axi_rid[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0]),.dout(lsu_axi_rid_q[pt.LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0]),.clk(lsu_busm_clk), .clken(lsu_busm_clken), .rawclk(clk), .*);
rvdff #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) lsu_WrPtr0_rff (.din(WrPtr0_m), .dout(WrPtr0_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
rvdff #(.WIDTH(DEPTH_LOG2)) lsu_WrPtr1_rff (.din(WrPtr1_m), .dout(WrPtr1_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
rvdff #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_busreq_rff (.din(lsu_busreq_m & ~flush_r & ~ld_full_hit_m), .dout(lsu_busreq_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
rvdff #(.WIDTH(1)) lsu_nonblock_load_valid_rff (.din(lsu_nonblock_load_valid_m), .dout(lsu_nonblock_load_valid_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
for (genvar i=0; i<4; i++) begin: GenByte
assert_ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0(ld_byte_hitvecfn_lo[i][DEPTH-1:0]));
assert_ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0(ld_byte_hitvecfn_hi[i][DEPTH-1:0]));
for (genvar i=0; i<DEPTH; i++) begin: GenAssertAge
assert_bufempty_agevec: assert #0 (~(lsu_bus_buffer_empty_any & |(buf_age[i])));
assert_CmdPtr0Dec_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0(CmdPtr0Dec[DEPTH-1:0] & ~{DEPTH{dec_tlu_force_halt}}));
assert_CmdPtr1Dec_onehot: assert #0 ($onehot0(CmdPtr1Dec[DEPTH-1:0] & ~{DEPTH{dec_tlu_force_halt}}));
endmodule // el2_lsu_bus_buffer