Switch mem bus from ahb to axi.
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ clean:
rm -rf build obj_dir
rm -rf build obj_dir
swerv_define :
swerv_define :
BUILD_PATH=${BUILD_DIR} PERLLIB=${RV_SOC} ${RV_SOC}/swerv.config -target=default_ahb -set iccm_enable
BUILD_PATH=${BUILD_DIR} PERLLIB=${RV_SOC} ${RV_SOC}/swerv.config -target=default -set iccm_enable
##################### Verilog Builds #####################################
##################### Verilog Builds #####################################
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ clean:
rm -rf build obj_dir
rm -rf build obj_dir
swerv_define :
swerv_define :
BUILD_PATH=${BUILD_DIR} PERLLIB=${RV_SOC} ${RV_SOC}/swerv.config -target=default_ahb -set iccm_enable
BUILD_PATH=${BUILD_DIR} PERLLIB=${RV_SOC} ${RV_SOC}/swerv.config -target=default -set iccm_enable
##################### Verilog Builds #####################################
##################### Verilog Builds #####################################
@ -13,120 +13,97 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// limitations under the License.
module ahb_sif (
module axi_slv #(
input logic [63:0] HWDATA,
TAGW = 1
input logic HCLK,
) (
input logic HSEL,
input aclk,
input logic [3:0] HPROT,
input rst_l,
input logic HWRITE,
input arvalid,
input logic [1:0] HTRANS,
output reg arready,
input logic [2:0] HSIZE,
input [ 31:0] araddr,
input logic HREADY,
input [TAGW-1:0] arid,
input logic HRESETn,
input [ 7:0] arlen,
input logic [31:0] HADDR,
input [ 1:0] arburst,
input logic [2:0] HBURST,
input [ 2:0] arsize,
output logic HREADYOUT,
output reg rvalid,
output logic HRESP,
input rready,
output logic [63:0] HRDATA
output reg [ 63:0] rdata,
output reg [ 1:0] rresp,
output reg [TAGW-1:0] rid,
output rlast,
input awvalid,
output awready,
input [ 31:0] awaddr,
input [TAGW-1:0] awid,
input [ 7:0] awlen,
input [ 1:0] awburst,
input [ 2:0] awsize,
input [63:0] wdata,
input [ 7:0] wstrb,
input wvalid,
output wready,
output reg bvalid,
input bready,
output reg [ 1:0] bresp,
output reg [TAGW-1:0] bid
// `define RV_ICCM_SADR 32'hee000000
// `define RV_DCCM_SADR 32'hf0040000
parameter OFFSET_ADDR = 32'h00000000;
parameter MEM_DEPTH = 15; // memory size = 0x8000 = 32k
parameter MEM_DEPTH = 15; // memory size = 0x8000 = 32k
logic write;
logic [31:0] laddr, addr;
logic [7:0] strb_lat;
logic [63:0] rdata;
bit [7:0] mem[bit [MEM_DEPTH-1:0]];
bit [7:0] mem[bit [MEM_DEPTH-1:0]];
bit [7:0] wscnt;
bit [63:0] memdata;
int dws = 0;
int iws = 0;
bit dws_rand;
bit iws_rand;
bit ok;
wire [7:0] strb = HSIZE == 3'b000 ? 8'h1 << HADDR[2:0] :
wire [MEM_DEPTH-1:0] saraddr = araddr[MEM_DEPTH-1:0];
HSIZE == 3'b001 ? 8'h3 << {HADDR[2:1],1'b0} :
wire [MEM_DEPTH-1:0] sawaddr = awaddr[MEM_DEPTH-1:0];
HSIZE == 3'b010 ? 8'hf << {HADDR[2],2'b0} : 8'hff;
wire [31:0] RDDR = HADDR - OFFSET_ADDR;
initial begin
always @(posedge aclk or negedge rst_l) begin
if ($value$plusargs("iws=%d", iws));
if (!rst_l) begin
if ($value$plusargs("dws=%d", dws));
rvalid <= 0;
dws_rand = dws < 0;
bvalid <= 0;
iws_rand = iws < 0;
end else begin
bid <= awid;
rid <= arid;
rvalid <= arvalid;
bvalid <= awvalid;
rdata <= memdata;
always @(negedge aclk) begin
if (arvalid)
always @ (negedge HCLK ) begin
memdata <= {
addr = RDDR;
if (write & HREADY) begin
if(strb_lat[7]) mem[{laddr[MEM_DEPTH-1:3],3'd7}] = HWDATA[63:56];
if(strb_lat[6]) mem[{laddr[MEM_DEPTH-1:3],3'd6}] = HWDATA[55:48];
if(strb_lat[5]) mem[{laddr[MEM_DEPTH-1:3],3'd5}] = HWDATA[47:40];
if(strb_lat[4]) mem[{laddr[MEM_DEPTH-1:3],3'd4}] = HWDATA[39:32];
if(strb_lat[3]) mem[{laddr[MEM_DEPTH-1:3],3'd3}] = HWDATA[31:24];
if(strb_lat[2]) mem[{laddr[MEM_DEPTH-1:3],3'd2}] = HWDATA[23:16];
if(strb_lat[1]) mem[{laddr[MEM_DEPTH-1:3],3'd1}] = HWDATA[15:08];
if (awvalid) begin
if(strb_lat[0]) mem[{laddr[MEM_DEPTH-1:3],3'd0}] = HWDATA[07:00];
if (wstrb[7]) mem[sawaddr+7] = wdata[63:56];
if (wstrb[6]) mem[sawaddr+6] = wdata[55:48];
if(HREADY & HSEL & |HTRANS) begin
if (wstrb[5]) mem[sawaddr+5] = wdata[47:40];
if (wstrb[4]) mem[sawaddr+4] = wdata[39:32];
if(iws_rand & ~HPROT[0])
if (wstrb[3]) mem[sawaddr+3] = wdata[31:24];
iws = $random & 15;
if (wstrb[2]) mem[sawaddr+2] = wdata[23:16];
if(dws_rand & HPROT[0])
if (wstrb[1]) mem[sawaddr+1] = wdata[15:08];
dws = $random & 15;
if (wstrb[0]) mem[sawaddr+0] = wdata[07:00];
if(iws_rand & ~HPROT[0])
ok = std::randomize(iws) with {iws dist {0:=10, [1:3]:/2, [4:15]:/1};};
if(dws_rand & HPROT[0])
ok = std::randomize(dws) with {dws dist {0:=10, [1:3]:/2, [4:15]:/1};};
assign HRDATA = HREADY ? rdata : ~rdata;
assign arready = 1'b1;
assign HREADYOUT = wscnt == 0;
assign awready = 1'b1;
assign HRESP = 0;
assign wready = 1'b1;
assign rresp = 2'b0;
always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn) begin
assign bresp = 2'b0;
if(~HRESETn) begin
assign rlast = 1'b1;
laddr <= 32'b0;
write <= 1'b0;
rdata <= '0;
wscnt <= 0;
else begin
if(HREADY & HSEL) begin
laddr <= RDDR;
write <= HWRITE & |HTRANS;
rdata <= {mem[{addr[MEM_DEPTH-1:3],3'd7}],
strb_lat <= strb;
wscnt <= HPROT[0] ? dws[7:0] : iws[7:0];
else if(wscnt != 0)
wscnt <= wscnt-1;
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
// connects LSI master to external AXI slave and DMA slave
// connects LSI master to external AXI slave and DMA slave
module axi_lsu_dma_bridge
module axi_lsu_dma_bridge #(
parameter M_ID_WIDTH = 8,
parameter M_ID_WIDTH = 8,
parameter S0_ID_WIDTH = 8
parameter S0_ID_WIDTH = 8
) (
input clk,
input clk,
input reset_l,
input reset_l,
@ -153,8 +151,7 @@ always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_l)
wsel_count <= '0;
wsel_count <= '0;
wsel_iptr <= '0;
wsel_iptr <= '0;
wsel_optr <= '0;
wsel_optr <= '0;
end else begin
else begin
if (m_awvalid & m_awready) begin
if (m_awvalid & m_awready) begin
wsel[wsel_iptr] <= aw_slave_select;
wsel[wsel_iptr] <= aw_slave_select;
if (!(m_wready & m_wvalid)) wsel_count <= wsel_count + 1;
if (!(m_wready & m_wvalid)) wsel_count <= wsel_count + 1;
@ -171,8 +168,7 @@ always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_l)
if (!reset_l) begin
if (!reset_l) begin
arid_cnt <= '0;
arid_cnt <= '0;
rid_cnt <= '0;
rid_cnt <= '0;
end else begin
else begin
if (ar_slave_select & m_arready & m_arvalid) begin
if (ar_slave_select & m_arready & m_arvalid) begin
arid[arid_cnt] <= m_arid;
arid[arid_cnt] <= m_arid;
arid_cnt <= arid_cnt + 1;
arid_cnt <= arid_cnt + 1;
@ -187,8 +183,7 @@ always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset_l)
if (!reset_l) begin
if (!reset_l) begin
awid_cnt <= '0;
awid_cnt <= '0;
bid_cnt <= '0;
bid_cnt <= '0;
end else begin
else begin
if (aw_slave_select & m_awready & m_awvalid) begin
if (aw_slave_select & m_awready & m_awvalid) begin
awid[awid_cnt] <= m_awid;
awid[awid_cnt] <= m_awid;
awid_cnt <= awid_cnt + 1;
awid_cnt <= awid_cnt + 1;
@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ module soc_sim (
wire [63:0] WriteData;
wire [63:0] WriteData;
string abi_reg [ 32]; // ABI register names
string abi_reg [ 32]; // ABI register names
assign WriteData = rvsoc.lsu_hwdata;
assign WriteData = rvsoc.lsu_axi_wdata;
assign mailbox_data_val = WriteData[7:0] > 8'h5 && WriteData[7:0] < 8'h7f;
assign mailbox_data_val = WriteData[7:0] > 8'h5 && WriteData[7:0] < 8'h7f;
parameter MAILBOX_ADDR = 32'hD0580000;
parameter MAILBOX_ADDR = 32'hD0580000;
logic write;
logic write;
logic [31:0] laddr;
logic [31:0] laddr;
wire mailbox_write = write && laddr == MAILBOX_ADDR;
wire mailbox_write = rvsoc.lmem_axi_awvalid && rvsoc.lsu_axi_awaddr == MAILBOX_ADDR && rst_l;
always @(posedge core_clk or negedge rst_l) begin
always @(posedge core_clk or negedge rst_l) begin
if (~rst_l) begin
if (~rst_l) begin
laddr <= 32'b0;
laddr <= 32'b0;
@ -44,4 +44,5 @@
@ -100,6 +100,210 @@ module soc_top (
wire dma_hready_out;
wire dma_hready_out;
//-------------------------- LSU AXI signals--------------------------
// AXI Write Channels
wire lsu_axi_awvalid;
wire lsu_axi_awready;
wire [`RV_LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_awid;
wire [ 31:0] lsu_axi_awaddr;
wire [ 3:0] lsu_axi_awregion;
wire [ 7:0] lsu_axi_awlen;
wire [ 2:0] lsu_axi_awsize;
wire [ 1:0] lsu_axi_awburst;
wire lsu_axi_awlock;
wire [ 3:0] lsu_axi_awcache;
wire [ 2:0] lsu_axi_awprot;
wire [ 3:0] lsu_axi_awqos;
wire lsu_axi_wvalid;
wire lsu_axi_wready;
wire [ 63:0] lsu_axi_wdata;
wire [ 7:0] lsu_axi_wstrb;
wire lsu_axi_wlast;
wire lsu_axi_bvalid;
wire lsu_axi_bready;
wire [ 1:0] lsu_axi_bresp;
wire [`RV_LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_bid;
// AXI Read Channels
wire lsu_axi_arvalid;
wire lsu_axi_arready;
wire [`RV_LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_arid;
wire [ 31:0] lsu_axi_araddr;
wire [ 3:0] lsu_axi_arregion;
wire [ 7:0] lsu_axi_arlen;
wire [ 2:0] lsu_axi_arsize;
wire [ 1:0] lsu_axi_arburst;
wire lsu_axi_arlock;
wire [ 3:0] lsu_axi_arcache;
wire [ 2:0] lsu_axi_arprot;
wire [ 3:0] lsu_axi_arqos;
wire lsu_axi_rvalid;
wire lsu_axi_rready;
wire [`RV_LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lsu_axi_rid;
wire [ 63:0] lsu_axi_rdata;
wire [ 1:0] lsu_axi_rresp;
wire lsu_axi_rlast;
//-------------------------- IFU AXI signals--------------------------
// AXI Write Channels
wire ifu_axi_awvalid;
wire ifu_axi_awready;
wire [`RV_IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_axi_awid;
wire [ 31:0] ifu_axi_awaddr;
wire [ 3:0] ifu_axi_awregion;
wire [ 7:0] ifu_axi_awlen;
wire [ 2:0] ifu_axi_awsize;
wire [ 1:0] ifu_axi_awburst;
wire ifu_axi_awlock;
wire [ 3:0] ifu_axi_awcache;
wire [ 2:0] ifu_axi_awprot;
wire [ 3:0] ifu_axi_awqos;
wire ifu_axi_wvalid;
wire ifu_axi_wready;
wire [ 63:0] ifu_axi_wdata;
wire [ 7:0] ifu_axi_wstrb;
wire ifu_axi_wlast;
wire ifu_axi_bvalid;
wire ifu_axi_bready;
wire [ 1:0] ifu_axi_bresp;
wire [`RV_IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_axi_bid;
// AXI Read Channels
wire ifu_axi_arvalid;
wire ifu_axi_arready;
wire [`RV_IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_axi_arid;
wire [ 31:0] ifu_axi_araddr;
wire [ 3:0] ifu_axi_arregion;
wire [ 7:0] ifu_axi_arlen;
wire [ 2:0] ifu_axi_arsize;
wire [ 1:0] ifu_axi_arburst;
wire ifu_axi_arlock;
wire [ 3:0] ifu_axi_arcache;
wire [ 2:0] ifu_axi_arprot;
wire [ 3:0] ifu_axi_arqos;
wire ifu_axi_rvalid;
wire ifu_axi_rready;
wire [`RV_IFU_BUS_TAG-1:0] ifu_axi_rid;
wire [ 63:0] ifu_axi_rdata;
wire [ 1:0] ifu_axi_rresp;
wire ifu_axi_rlast;
//-------------------------- SB AXI signals--------------------------
// AXI Write Channels
wire sb_axi_awvalid;
wire sb_axi_awready;
wire [ `RV_SB_BUS_TAG-1:0] sb_axi_awid;
wire [ 31:0] sb_axi_awaddr;
wire [ 3:0] sb_axi_awregion;
wire [ 7:0] sb_axi_awlen;
wire [ 2:0] sb_axi_awsize;
wire [ 1:0] sb_axi_awburst;
wire sb_axi_awlock;
wire [ 3:0] sb_axi_awcache;
wire [ 2:0] sb_axi_awprot;
wire [ 3:0] sb_axi_awqos;
wire sb_axi_wvalid;
wire sb_axi_wready;
wire [ 63:0] sb_axi_wdata;
wire [ 7:0] sb_axi_wstrb;
wire sb_axi_wlast;
wire sb_axi_bvalid;
wire sb_axi_bready;
wire [ 1:0] sb_axi_bresp;
wire [ `RV_SB_BUS_TAG-1:0] sb_axi_bid;
// AXI Read Channels
wire sb_axi_arvalid;
wire sb_axi_arready;
wire [ `RV_SB_BUS_TAG-1:0] sb_axi_arid;
wire [ 31:0] sb_axi_araddr;
wire [ 3:0] sb_axi_arregion;
wire [ 7:0] sb_axi_arlen;
wire [ 2:0] sb_axi_arsize;
wire [ 1:0] sb_axi_arburst;
wire sb_axi_arlock;
wire [ 3:0] sb_axi_arcache;
wire [ 2:0] sb_axi_arprot;
wire [ 3:0] sb_axi_arqos;
wire sb_axi_rvalid;
wire sb_axi_rready;
wire [ `RV_SB_BUS_TAG-1:0] sb_axi_rid;
wire [ 63:0] sb_axi_rdata;
wire [ 1:0] sb_axi_rresp;
wire sb_axi_rlast;
//-------------------------- DMA AXI signals--------------------------
// AXI Write Channels
wire dma_axi_awvalid;
wire dma_axi_awready;
wire [`RV_DMA_BUS_TAG-1:0] dma_axi_awid;
wire [ 31:0] dma_axi_awaddr;
wire [ 2:0] dma_axi_awsize;
wire [ 2:0] dma_axi_awprot;
wire [ 7:0] dma_axi_awlen;
wire [ 1:0] dma_axi_awburst;
wire dma_axi_wvalid;
wire dma_axi_wready;
wire [ 63:0] dma_axi_wdata;
wire [ 7:0] dma_axi_wstrb;
wire dma_axi_wlast;
wire dma_axi_bvalid;
wire dma_axi_bready;
wire [ 1:0] dma_axi_bresp;
wire [`RV_DMA_BUS_TAG-1:0] dma_axi_bid;
// AXI Read Channels
wire dma_axi_arvalid;
wire dma_axi_arready;
wire [`RV_DMA_BUS_TAG-1:0] dma_axi_arid;
wire [ 31:0] dma_axi_araddr;
wire [ 2:0] dma_axi_arsize;
wire [ 2:0] dma_axi_arprot;
wire [ 7:0] dma_axi_arlen;
wire [ 1:0] dma_axi_arburst;
wire dma_axi_rvalid;
wire dma_axi_rready;
wire [`RV_DMA_BUS_TAG-1:0] dma_axi_rid;
wire [ 63:0] dma_axi_rdata;
wire [ 1:0] dma_axi_rresp;
wire dma_axi_rlast;
wire lmem_axi_arvalid;
wire lmem_axi_arready;
wire lmem_axi_rvalid;
wire [`RV_LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lmem_axi_rid;
wire [ 1:0] lmem_axi_rresp;
wire [ 63:0] lmem_axi_rdata;
wire lmem_axi_rlast;
wire lmem_axi_rready;
wire lmem_axi_awvalid;
wire lmem_axi_awready;
wire lmem_axi_wvalid;
wire lmem_axi_wready;
wire [ 1:0] lmem_axi_bresp;
wire lmem_axi_bvalid;
wire [`RV_LSU_BUS_TAG-1:0] lmem_axi_bid;
wire lmem_axi_bready;
initial begin
initial begin
jtag_id[31:28] = 4'b1;
jtag_id[31:28] = 4'b1;
jtag_id[27:12] = '0;
jtag_id[27:12] = '0;
@ -122,70 +326,186 @@ module soc_top (
.nmi_vec (nmi_vector[31:1]),
.nmi_vec (nmi_vector[31:1]),
.jtag_id (jtag_id[31:1]),
.jtag_id (jtag_id[31:1]),
//-------------------------- LSU AXI signals--------------------------
.haddr (ic_haddr),
// AXI Write Channels
.hburst (ic_hburst),
.lsu_axi_awvalid (lsu_axi_awvalid),
.lsu_axi_awready (lsu_axi_awready),
.hprot (ic_hprot),
.lsu_axi_awid (lsu_axi_awid),
.hsize (ic_hsize),
.lsu_axi_awaddr (lsu_axi_awaddr),
.htrans (ic_htrans),
.hwrite (ic_hwrite),
.lsu_axi_awlen (lsu_axi_awlen),
.lsu_axi_awsize (lsu_axi_awsize),
.lsu_axi_awburst (lsu_axi_awburst),
.lsu_axi_awlock (lsu_axi_awlock),
.lsu_axi_awcache (lsu_axi_awcache),
.lsu_axi_awprot (lsu_axi_awprot),
.lsu_axi_awqos (lsu_axi_awqos),
.hresp (ic_hresp),
.lsu_axi_wdata (lsu_axi_wdata),
.lsu_axi_wstrb (lsu_axi_wstrb),
.lsu_axi_wlast (lsu_axi_wlast),
// Debug AHB Master
.lsu_axi_bresp (lsu_axi_bresp),
.sb_haddr (sb_haddr),
.lsu_axi_bid (lsu_axi_bid),
.sb_hburst (sb_hburst),
.sb_hprot (sb_hprot),
.sb_hsize (sb_hsize),
.sb_htrans (sb_htrans),
.sb_hwrite (sb_hwrite),
.sb_hwdata (sb_hwdata),
.sb_hresp (sb_hresp),
.lsu_axi_arvalid (lsu_axi_arvalid),
// LSU AHB Master
.lsu_axi_arready (lsu_axi_arready),
.lsu_axi_arid (lsu_axi_arid),
.lsu_haddr (lsu_haddr),
.lsu_axi_araddr (lsu_axi_araddr),
.lsu_hburst (lsu_hburst),
.lsu_axi_arlen (lsu_axi_arlen),
.lsu_hprot (lsu_hprot),
.lsu_axi_arsize (lsu_axi_arsize),
.lsu_hsize (lsu_hsize),
.lsu_axi_arburst (lsu_axi_arburst),
.lsu_htrans (lsu_htrans),
.lsu_axi_arlock (lsu_axi_arlock),
.lsu_hwrite (lsu_hwrite),
.lsu_axi_arcache (lsu_axi_arcache),
.lsu_hwdata (lsu_hwdata),
.lsu_axi_arprot (lsu_axi_arprot),
.lsu_axi_arqos (lsu_axi_arqos),
.lsu_hresp (lsu_hresp),
.lsu_axi_rid (lsu_axi_rid),
.lsu_axi_rdata (lsu_axi_rdata),
.lsu_axi_rresp (lsu_axi_rresp),
.lsu_axi_rlast (lsu_axi_rlast),
//-------------------------- IFU AXI signals--------------------------
// DMA Slave
// AXI Write Channels
.ifu_axi_awvalid (ifu_axi_awvalid),
.dma_haddr ('0),
.ifu_axi_awready (ifu_axi_awready),
.dma_hburst ('0),
.ifu_axi_awid (ifu_axi_awid),
.ifu_axi_awaddr (ifu_axi_awaddr),
.dma_hprot ('0),
.dma_hsize ('0),
.ifu_axi_awlen (ifu_axi_awlen),
.dma_htrans ('0),
.ifu_axi_awsize (ifu_axi_awsize),
.dma_hwrite ('0),
.ifu_axi_awburst (ifu_axi_awburst),
.dma_hwdata ('0),
.ifu_axi_awlock (ifu_axi_awlock),
.ifu_axi_awcache (ifu_axi_awcache),
.ifu_axi_awprot (ifu_axi_awprot),
.ifu_axi_awqos (ifu_axi_awqos),
.dma_hrdata (dma_hrdata),
.dma_hresp (dma_hresp),
.dma_hsel (1'b1),
.ifu_axi_wdata (ifu_axi_wdata),
.dma_hreadyin (dma_hready_out),
.ifu_axi_wstrb (ifu_axi_wstrb),
.ifu_axi_wlast (ifu_axi_wlast),
.ifu_axi_bresp (ifu_axi_bresp),
.ifu_axi_bid (ifu_axi_bid),
.ifu_axi_arvalid (ifu_axi_arvalid),
.ifu_axi_arready (ifu_axi_arready),
.ifu_axi_arid (ifu_axi_arid),
.ifu_axi_araddr (ifu_axi_araddr),
.ifu_axi_arlen (ifu_axi_arlen),
.ifu_axi_arsize (ifu_axi_arsize),
.ifu_axi_arburst (ifu_axi_arburst),
.ifu_axi_arlock (ifu_axi_arlock),
.ifu_axi_arcache (ifu_axi_arcache),
.ifu_axi_arprot (ifu_axi_arprot),
.ifu_axi_arqos (ifu_axi_arqos),
.ifu_axi_rid (ifu_axi_rid),
.ifu_axi_rdata (ifu_axi_rdata),
.ifu_axi_rresp (ifu_axi_rresp),
.ifu_axi_rlast (ifu_axi_rlast),
//-------------------------- SB AXI signals--------------------------
// AXI Write Channels
.sb_axi_awvalid (sb_axi_awvalid),
.sb_axi_awready (sb_axi_awready),
.sb_axi_awid (sb_axi_awid),
.sb_axi_awaddr (sb_axi_awaddr),
.sb_axi_awlen (sb_axi_awlen),
.sb_axi_awsize (sb_axi_awsize),
.sb_axi_awburst (sb_axi_awburst),
.sb_axi_awlock (sb_axi_awlock),
.sb_axi_awcache (sb_axi_awcache),
.sb_axi_awprot (sb_axi_awprot),
.sb_axi_awqos (sb_axi_awqos),
.sb_axi_wdata (sb_axi_wdata),
.sb_axi_wstrb (sb_axi_wstrb),
.sb_axi_wlast (sb_axi_wlast),
.sb_axi_bresp (sb_axi_bresp),
.sb_axi_bid (sb_axi_bid),
.sb_axi_arvalid (sb_axi_arvalid),
.sb_axi_arready (sb_axi_arready),
.sb_axi_arid (sb_axi_arid),
.sb_axi_araddr (sb_axi_araddr),
.sb_axi_arlen (sb_axi_arlen),
.sb_axi_arsize (sb_axi_arsize),
.sb_axi_arburst (sb_axi_arburst),
.sb_axi_arlock (sb_axi_arlock),
.sb_axi_arcache (sb_axi_arcache),
.sb_axi_arprot (sb_axi_arprot),
.sb_axi_arqos (sb_axi_arqos),
.sb_axi_rid (sb_axi_rid),
.sb_axi_rdata (sb_axi_rdata),
.sb_axi_rresp (sb_axi_rresp),
.sb_axi_rlast (sb_axi_rlast),
//-------------------------- DMA AXI signals--------------------------
// AXI Write Channels
.dma_axi_awid ('0), // ids are not used on DMA since it always responses in order
.dma_axi_wdata (lsu_axi_wdata),
.dma_axi_wstrb (lsu_axi_wstrb),
.dma_axi_wlast (1'b1),
.dma_axi_bresp (dma_axi_bresp),
.dma_axi_bid (),
.dma_axi_arid ('0),
.dma_axi_araddr (lsu_axi_araddr),
.dma_axi_arsize (lsu_axi_arsize),
.dma_axi_arprot ('0),
.dma_axi_arlen ('0),
.dma_axi_rid (),
.dma_axi_rdata (dma_axi_rdata),
.dma_axi_rresp (dma_axi_rresp),
.dma_axi_rlast (dma_axi_rlast),
.timer_int (1'b0),
.timer_int (1'b0),
@ -233,44 +553,155 @@ module soc_top (
ahb_sif imem (
axi_slv #(
// Inputs
) imem (
// Outputs
.wdata ('0),
.wstrb ('0),
ahb_sif lmem (
defparam lmem.TAGW = `RV_LSU_BUS_TAG;
// Inputs
// Outputs
//axi_slv #(.TAGW(`RV_LSU_BUS_TAG)) lmem(
axi_slv lmem (
.wdata (lsu_axi_wdata),
.wstrb (lsu_axi_wstrb),
axi_lsu_dma_bridge #(`RV_LSU_BUS_TAG, `RV_LSU_BUS_TAG) bridge (
.s1_rresp (dma_axi_rresp),
.s1_rdata (dma_axi_rdata),
.s1_rlast (dma_axi_rlast),
.s1_bresp (dma_axi_bresp),
@ -258,12 +258,12 @@ if ($target eq "default") {
if (!defined($dccm_enable)) { $dccm_enable=1; }
if (!defined($dccm_enable)) { $dccm_enable=1; }
if (!defined($dccm_region)) { $dccm_region="0xf"; }
if (!defined($dccm_region)) { $dccm_region="0xf"; }
if (!defined($dccm_offset)) { $dccm_offset="0x40000"; } #1*256*1024
if (!defined($dccm_offset)) { $dccm_offset="0x40000"; } #1*256*1024
if (!defined($dccm_size)) { $dccm_size=64; }
if (!defined($dccm_size)) { $dccm_size=32; }
if (!defined($dccm_num_banks)) { $dccm_num_banks=8; }
if (!defined($dccm_num_banks)) { $dccm_num_banks=8; }
if (!defined($iccm_enable)) { $iccm_enable=0; }
if (!defined($iccm_enable)) { $iccm_enable=0; }
if (!defined($iccm_region)) { $iccm_region="0xe"; }
if (!defined($iccm_region)) { $iccm_region="0xe"; }
if (!defined($iccm_offset)) { $iccm_offset="0xe000000"; } #0x380*256*1024
if (!defined($iccm_offset)) { $iccm_offset="0xe000000"; } #0x380*256*1024
if (!defined($iccm_size)) { $iccm_size=512; }
if (!defined($iccm_size)) { $iccm_size=32; }
if (!defined($iccm_num_banks)) { $iccm_num_banks=8; }
if (!defined($iccm_num_banks)) { $iccm_num_banks=8; }
if (!defined($icache_enable)) { $icache_enable=1; }
if (!defined($icache_enable)) { $icache_enable=1; }
if (!defined($icache_ecc)) { $icache_ecc=0; }
if (!defined($icache_ecc)) { $icache_ecc=0; }
Reference in New Issue