Added basic commit register update trace in exec.log

This commit is contained in:
Ajay Nath 2019-09-08 11:13:17 -04:00
parent 761e69df4e
commit cf4d56c78c
1 changed files with 29 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -105,7 +105,11 @@ module tb_top ( input logic core_clk, input logic reset_l, output finished);
wire dma_hready_out;
integer commit_count;
logic wb_valid[1:0];
logic [4:0] wb_dest[1:0];
logic [31:0] wb_data[1:0];
//assign mailbox_write = &{i_ahb_lsu.Write, i_ahb_lsu.Last_HADDR==32'hD0580000, i_ahb_lsu.HRESETn==1};
assign mailbox_write = i_ahb_lsu.mailbox_write;
@ -118,6 +122,8 @@ module tb_top ( input logic core_clk, input logic reset_l, output finished);
assign jtag_id[27:12] = '0;
assign jtag_id[11:1] = 11'h45;
`define FORCE force
@ -128,9 +134,10 @@ module tb_top ( input logic core_clk, input logic reset_l, output finished);
integer fd;
initial begin
fd = $fopen("console.log","w");
commit_count = 0;
integer tp;
integer tp,el;
always @(posedge core_clk or negedge reset_l) begin
if( reset_l == 0)
@ -160,15 +167,31 @@ module tb_top ( input logic core_clk, input logic reset_l, output finished);
always @(posedge finished) begin
$display("\n\nFinished : minstret = %0d, mcycle = %0d", rvtop.swerv.dec.tlu.minstretl[31:0],rvtop.swerv.dec.tlu.mcyclel[31:0]);
$display("\n\nSee \"exec.log\" for execution trace with register updates..\n");
always @(posedge core_clk)
if (rvtop.trace_rv_i_valid_ip !== 0) begin
$fwrite(tp,"%b,%h,%h,%0h,%0h,3,%b,%h,%h,%b\n", rvtop.trace_rv_i_valid_ip, rvtop.trace_rv_i_address_ip[63:32], rvtop.trace_rv_i_address_ip[31:0], rvtop.trace_rv_i_insn_ip[63:32], rvtop.trace_rv_i_insn_ip[31:0],rvtop.trace_rv_i_exception_ip,rvtop.trace_rv_i_ecause_ip,rvtop.trace_rv_i_tval_ip,rvtop.trace_rv_i_interrupt_ip);
always @(posedge core_clk) begin
wb_valid[1:0] <= '{rvtop.swerv.dec.dec_i1_wen_wb & ~rvtop.swerv.dec.decode.dec_tlu_i1_kill_writeb_wb,
rvtop.swerv.dec.decode.wbd.i0v & ~rvtop.swerv.dec.decode.dec_tlu_i0_kill_writeb_wb};
wb_dest[1:0] <= '{rvtop.swerv.dec.dec_i1_waddr_wb, rvtop.swerv.dec.dec_i0_waddr_wb};
wb_data[1:0] <= '{rvtop.swerv.dec.dec_i1_wdata_wb, rvtop.swerv.dec.dec_i0_wdata_wb};
if (rvtop.trace_rv_i_valid_ip !== 0) begin
$fwrite(tp,"%b,%h,%h,%0h,%0h,3,%b,%h,%h,%b\n", rvtop.trace_rv_i_valid_ip, rvtop.trace_rv_i_address_ip[63:32], rvtop.trace_rv_i_address_ip[31:0], rvtop.trace_rv_i_insn_ip[63:32], rvtop.trace_rv_i_insn_ip[31:0],rvtop.trace_rv_i_exception_ip,rvtop.trace_rv_i_ecause_ip,rvtop.trace_rv_i_tval_ip,rvtop.trace_rv_i_interrupt_ip);
// Basic trace - no exception register updates
// #1 0 ee000000 b0201073 c 0b02 00000000
if (rvtop.trace_rv_i_valid_ip[0]==1) begin
commit_count ++;
$fwrite (el, "%0d : #%0d 0 %0h %0h r %0d %0h\n",$time(), commit_count, rvtop.trace_rv_i_address_ip[31:0], rvtop.trace_rv_i_insn_ip[31:0], wb_dest[0], wb_data[0]);
if (rvtop.trace_rv_i_valid_ip[1]==1) begin
commit_count ++;
$fwrite (el, "%0d : #%0d 0 0x%0h 0x%0h r %0d 0x%h\n",$time(), commit_count, rvtop.trace_rv_i_address_ip[63:32], rvtop.trace_rv_i_insn_ip[63:32], wb_dest[1], wb_data[1]);
initial begin
@ -189,6 +212,8 @@ module tb_top ( input logic core_clk, input logic reset_l, output finished);
$readmemh("data.hex", i_ahb_lsu.mem);
$readmemh("program.hex", i_ahb_ic.mem);
tp = $fopen("trace_port.csv","w");
el = $fopen("exec.log","w");
$fwrite (el, "//Time : #inst 0 pc opcode reg regnum value\n");
repeat (5) @(posedge core_clk);