# SweRV RISC-V CoreTM 1.5 from Western Digital ## Release Notes This is a bug-fix and performance-improvement release. No new functionality is added to the SweRV core. 1. Bug fixes: * Hart incorrectly cleared dmcontrol.dmactive on reset (reported by Codasip). Note that a separate system power-on-reset signal `dbg_rst_l` was added to differentiate power-on-reset vs core reset. * Hart never asserted the dmstatus.allrunning signal on reset which caused a timeout in OpenOCD (reported by Codasip). * Debug module failed to auto-increment register on system-bus access of size 64-bit (reported by Codasip). * The core_rst_n signal was incorrectly connected (reported by Codasip). * Module/instance renamed for tool compatibility. * The program counter was getting corrupted when the load/store unit indicated both a single-bit and a double-bit error in the same cycle. * The MSTATUS register was not being updated as expected when both a non-maskable-interrupt and an MSTATUS-write happened in the same cycle. * Write to SBDATA0 was not starting a system-bus write access when sbreadonaddr/sbreadondata is set. * Minstret was incorrectly counting ecall/ebreak instructions. * The dec_tlu_mpc_halted_only signal was not set for MPC halt after reset. * The MEPC register was not being updated when a firmware-halt request was followed by a timer interrupt. * The MINSTRETH control register was being incremented when performance counters were disabled. * Bus driver contained combinational logic from multiple clock domains that sometimes caused a glitch. * System bus reads were always being made with 64-bit size for the AXI bus which is incorrect for IO access. * DCCM single-bit errors were counted for instructions that did not commit. * ICCM single bit errors were double-counted. * Load/store unit was not detecting access faults when DCCM and PIC memories are next to each other. * Single-bit ECC errors on data load were not always corrected in the DCCM. * Single-bit ECC errors were not always corrected in the DCCM for DMA accesses. * Single-bit errors detected while reading ICCM through DMA were not being corrected in memory. 2. Improvements: * Improved performance by removing redundant term in decode stall logic. * Reduced power used by the ICCM memory arrays. 3. Testbench Improvements: * AXI4 and AHB-Lite support. * Updated bus memory to be persistent and handle larger programs. * Makefile supports ability to run with source or pre-generated hex files. * Makefile supports targets for CoreMarks benchmark (issue #25). * Questa support in Makefile (Issue #19). # SweRV RISC-V CoreTM 1.4 from Western Digital ## Release Notes Move declarations to top of Verilog file to fix fpga compile issues. # SweRV RISC-V CoreTM 1.3 from Western Digital ## Release Notes 1. Make the FPGA optimization code work with the latest version of Verilator.[Pull request #13](https://github.com/chipsalliance/Cores-SweRV/pull/12) 1. Move JTAG TAP to swerv_wrapper module. [Pull request #10](https://github.com/chipsalliance/Cores-SweRV/pull/10) # SweRV RISC-V CoreTM 1.2 from Western Digital ## Release Notes 1. SWERV core RISCV compatibility improvements * The ebreak and ecall instructions are no longer counted in the MINSRET control and status register. * Write to SBDATA0 does not start SB write access when both sbreadonaddr/sbreadondata are zero. This fixes issue number 5 on github. 1. FPGA support: Add fpga_optimize option to swerv.config which eliminates over 90% of clock-gating enabling faster FPGA simulation. 1. Usability: Untabified all the verilog files. This fixes issue number 3 on github. # SweRV RISC-V CoreTM 1.1 from Western Digital ## Release Notes 1. SWERV core RISCV compatibility improvements * Illegal instructions no longer increment minstret * Debug single-step command no longer executes multiple instructions * For instructions, MTVAL register holds the address that actually triggered an access fault * DICAD1 debug CSR ECC read size enhancements 1. SWERV core performance enhancements * Improved instruction fetch unit external memory access performance * Instruction fetcher no longer stalls due to DMA ICCM requests * Improved performance of streaming stores * Improved performance of divide instruction * Improved I/O Timing * Non-idempotent Ld/St changed to non-posted in MFDC * DMA QoS Configurable in MFDC 1. SWERV core miscellaneous changes * Non-word access to PIC memory generates access-error * Improved streaming performance with unified read/write buffer * Non-idempotent load enhancements * Debug, single-step, and trigger enhancements * DMA, IFU, and LSU interaction enhancements * Bus error handling improvements * DMA h-ready addition * DMA slave error response enhancements 1. Added memory protection windows * Now able to define up to eight instruction fetch windows and up to eight data load/store windows. See the programmer reference manual for more details.