/*Copyright 2020-2021 T-Head Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // &ModuleBeg; @22 module uart_apb_reg( apb_uart_paddr, apb_uart_penable, apb_uart_psel, apb_uart_pwdata, apb_uart_pwrite, ctrl_reg_busy, ctrl_reg_fe, ctrl_reg_iid, ctrl_reg_iid_vld, ctrl_reg_oe, ctrl_reg_pe, ctrl_reg_rbr_wdata, ctrl_reg_rbr_write_en, ctrl_reg_thr_read, ctrl_reg_thsr_empty, reg_ctrl_dllh_data, reg_ctrl_ier_enable, reg_ctrl_lcr_dls, reg_ctrl_lcr_eps, reg_ctrl_lcr_pen, reg_ctrl_lcr_stop, reg_ctrl_lcr_wen, reg_ctrl_rbr_vld, reg_ctrl_set_dllh_vld, reg_ctrl_thr_data, reg_ctrl_thr_vld, reg_ctrl_threint_en, rst_b, sys_clk, uart_apb_prdata, uart_vic_int ); // &Ports; @23 input [31:0] apb_uart_paddr; input apb_uart_penable; input apb_uart_psel; input [31:0] apb_uart_pwdata; input apb_uart_pwrite; input ctrl_reg_busy; input ctrl_reg_fe; input [3 :0] ctrl_reg_iid; input ctrl_reg_iid_vld; input ctrl_reg_oe; input ctrl_reg_pe; input [7 :0] ctrl_reg_rbr_wdata; input ctrl_reg_rbr_write_en; input ctrl_reg_thr_read; input ctrl_reg_thsr_empty; input rst_b; input sys_clk; output [15:0] reg_ctrl_dllh_data; output [2 :0] reg_ctrl_ier_enable; output [1 :0] reg_ctrl_lcr_dls; output reg_ctrl_lcr_eps; output reg_ctrl_lcr_pen; output reg_ctrl_lcr_stop; output reg_ctrl_lcr_wen; output reg_ctrl_rbr_vld; output reg_ctrl_set_dllh_vld; output [7 :0] reg_ctrl_thr_data; output reg_ctrl_thr_vld; output reg_ctrl_threint_en; output [31:0] uart_apb_prdata; output uart_vic_int; // &Regs; @24 reg iid_priv_vld; reg iir_iid_clr_vld; reg [7 :0] uart_dlh; reg [7 :0] uart_dll; reg [3 :0] uart_ier; reg [3 :0] uart_iir_iid; reg [4 :0] uart_lcr; reg uart_lcr_dlab; reg uart_lsr_dr; reg uart_lsr_fe; reg uart_lsr_oe; reg uart_lsr_pe; reg uart_lsr_thre; reg [7 :0] uart_rbr; reg [7 :0] uart_reg_data_pre; reg [7 :0] uart_thr; reg uart_usr; reg uart_vic_int; // &Wires; @25 wire ahb_iir_read_vld; wire ahb_lsr_read_vld; wire ahb_rbr_read_vld; wire ahb_usr_read_vld; wire [31:0] apb_uart_paddr; wire apb_uart_penable; wire apb_uart_psel; wire [31:0] apb_uart_pwdata; wire apb_uart_pwrite; wire ctrl_reg_busy; wire ctrl_reg_fe; wire [3 :0] ctrl_reg_iid; wire ctrl_reg_iid_vld; wire ctrl_reg_oe; wire ctrl_reg_pe; wire [7 :0] ctrl_reg_rbr_wdata; wire ctrl_reg_rbr_write_en; wire ctrl_reg_thr_read; wire ctrl_reg_thsr_empty; wire dllh_en; wire [7 :0] endian_wdata; wire iir_iid_write_vld; wire rd_acc; wire [15:0] reg_ctrl_dllh_data; wire [2 :0] reg_ctrl_ier_enable; wire [1 :0] reg_ctrl_lcr_dls; wire reg_ctrl_lcr_eps; wire reg_ctrl_lcr_pen; wire reg_ctrl_lcr_stop; wire reg_ctrl_lcr_wen; wire reg_ctrl_rbr_vld; wire reg_ctrl_set_dllh_vld; wire [7 :0] reg_ctrl_thr_data; wire reg_ctrl_thr_vld; wire reg_ctrl_threint_en; wire rst_b; wire sys_clk; wire [31:0] uart_apb_prdata; wire uart_dlh_wen; wire uart_dll_wen; wire uart_ier_wen; wire uart_lcr_wen; wire uart_lsr_temt; wire [7 :0] uart_reg_data; wire [5 :0] uart_reg_haddr; wire uart_thr_wen; wire wr_acc; parameter RBR = 6'h00; parameter THR = 6'h00; parameter DLL = 6'h00; parameter DLH = 6'h01; parameter IER = 6'h01; parameter IIR = 6'h02; parameter LCR = 6'h03; parameter LSR = 6'h05; parameter USR = 6'h1f; // &Force("bus","apb_uart_paddr",31,0); @37 // &Force("bus","apb_uart_pwdata",31,0); @38 // //&Force("output","uart_ahb_hready_resp"); @39 //================================================================================== // write register control signal //================================================================================== // define transfer type; //parameter TRANS_NONSEQ = 2'b10, // TRANS_SEQ = 2'b11, // RESP_OKAY = 2'b00, // RESP_ERROR = 2'b01; //assign acc_vld = ((ahb_uart_htrans[1:0] == TRANS_NONSEQ) // || (ahb_uart_htrans[1:0] == TRANS_SEQ)) // && ahb_uart_hsel && uart_ahb_hready_resp; // //assign rd_acc_pre = acc_vld && !ahb_uart_hwrite; //assign wr_acc_pre = acc_vld && ahb_uart_hwrite; // //assign uart_ahb_hresp[1:0] = RESP_OKAY; // //parameter S_WRITE = 2'b10; //parameter S_IDLE = 2'b00; //parameter S_READ = 2'b01; //parameter S_RAW = 2'b11; // //always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) //begin // if(!rst_b) // cur_state[1:0] <= S_IDLE; // else // cur_state[1:0] <= next_state[1:0]; //end // //&CombBeg; //next_state[1:0] = S_IDLE; //rd_acc = 1'b0; //casez(cur_state[1:0]) // S_IDLE, // S_READ, // S_RAW: begin // if(rd_acc_pre) // begin // rd_acc = 1'b1; // next_state[1:0] = S_READ; // end // else if(wr_acc_pre) // next_state[1:0] = S_WRITE; // end // S_WRITE: begin // if(rd_acc_pre) // next_state[1:0] = S_RAW; // else if(wr_acc_pre) // next_state[1:0] = S_WRITE; // end // default:next_state[1:0] = 2'bx; //endcase //&CombEnd; // //assign wr_acc = (cur_state[1:0] == S_WRITE); // //&Force("output","uart_ahb_hready_resp"); @97 //assign uart_ahb_hready_resp = ~(cur_state[1:0] == S_RAW); //assign raw = (cur_state[2:0] == S_RAW); //assign uart_reg_haddr[5:0] = (wr_acc || raw) // ? uart_addr_lat[5:0] // : ahb_uart_haddr[7:2]; //// latch address //// for byte or half word operation, data needs to be swapped. //always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) //begin // if(!rst_b) // uart_addr_lat[5:0] <= 14'b0; // else if(uart_ahb_hready_resp) // begin // uart_addr_lat[5:0] <= ahb_uart_haddr[7:2]; // end //end //assign endian_wdata[7:0] = i_bigend_b ? ahb_uart_hwdata[7:0] : ahb_uart_hwdata[31:24]; // &Force("bus","ahb_uart_hwdata",31,0); @117 assign endian_wdata[7:0] = apb_uart_pwdata[7:0]; assign wr_acc = apb_uart_psel && apb_uart_pwrite && apb_uart_penable; assign rd_acc = apb_uart_psel && !apb_uart_pwrite && apb_uart_penable; assign uart_reg_haddr[5:0] = apb_uart_paddr[7:2]; //================================================================================== // ahb write the uart register //================================================================================== assign dllh_en = !uart_usr && uart_lcr_dlab; assign uart_dll_wen = dllh_en && wr_acc && (uart_reg_haddr[5:0] == DLL); assign uart_dlh_wen = dllh_en && wr_acc && (uart_reg_haddr[5:0] == DLH); assign uart_thr_wen = !uart_lcr_dlab && wr_acc && (uart_reg_haddr[5:0] == THR); assign uart_ier_wen = !uart_lcr_dlab && wr_acc && (uart_reg_haddr[5:0] == IER); assign uart_lcr_wen = wr_acc && (uart_reg_haddr[5:0] == LCR); always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) uart_dll[7:0] <= 8'h0; else if(uart_dll_wen) uart_dll[7:0] <= endian_wdata[7:0]; end always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) uart_dlh[7:0] <= 8'h0; else if(uart_dlh_wen) uart_dlh[7:0] <= endian_wdata[7:0]; end always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) uart_thr[7:0] <= 8'h0; else if(uart_thr_wen) uart_thr[7:0] <= endian_wdata[7:0]; end always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) uart_ier[3:0] <= 4'h0; else if(uart_ier_wen) uart_ier[3:0] <= endian_wdata[3:0] ; end always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) begin uart_lcr_dlab <= 1'b0; uart_lcr[4:0] <= 5'h0; end else if(uart_lcr_wen) begin uart_lcr_dlab <= endian_wdata[7]; uart_lcr[4:0] <= endian_wdata[4:0] ; end else begin uart_lcr_dlab <= uart_lcr_dlab; uart_lcr[4:0] <= uart_lcr[4:0]; end end //================================================================================== // ahb read the uart register //================================================================================== //always@(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) //begin // if(!rst_b) // uart_reg_data[7:0] <= 8'b0; // else if(rd_acc) // uart_reg_data[7:0] <= uart_reg_data_pre[7:0]; //end assign uart_reg_data[7:0] = rd_acc ? uart_reg_data_pre[7:0] : 8'bx; // &CombBeg; @194 always @( uart_dll[7:0] or uart_lsr_fe or uart_ier[2:0] or uart_dlh[7:0] or uart_lsr_oe or uart_iir_iid[3:0] or uart_rbr[7:0] or uart_lcr_dlab or uart_usr or uart_lsr_pe or uart_lsr_temt or uart_reg_haddr[5:0] or uart_lsr_thre or uart_lcr[4:0] or uart_lsr_dr) begin case(uart_reg_haddr[5:0]) RBR: uart_reg_data_pre[7:0] = uart_lcr_dlab ? uart_dll[7:0] : uart_rbr[7:0]; IER: uart_reg_data_pre[7:0] = uart_lcr_dlab ? uart_dlh[7:0] : {5'b0,uart_ier[2:0]}; IIR: uart_reg_data_pre[7:0] = {4'b0,uart_iir_iid[3:0]}; LCR: uart_reg_data_pre[7:0] = {uart_lcr_dlab,2'b0,uart_lcr[4:0]}; LSR: uart_reg_data_pre[7:0] = {1'b0,uart_lsr_temt,uart_lsr_thre,1'b0, uart_lsr_fe,uart_lsr_pe,uart_lsr_oe,uart_lsr_dr}; USR: uart_reg_data_pre[7:0] = {6'b0,uart_usr}; default:uart_reg_data_pre[7:0] = 8'b0; endcase // &CombEnd; @205 end //assign uart_ahb_hrdata[31:24] = i_bigend_b ? 8'b0 : uart_reg_data[7:0]; assign uart_apb_prdata[31:0] = {24'b0,uart_reg_data[7:0]}; // &CombBeg; @209 always @( uart_iir_iid[3:0]) begin casez(uart_iir_iid[3:0]) 4'b0010:uart_vic_int =1'b1; 4'b0100:uart_vic_int =1'b1; 4'b0110:uart_vic_int =1'b1; default: uart_vic_int = 1'b0; endcase // &CombEnd; @216 end //================================================================================== // Interface with UART_CTRL //================================================================================== //================================================================================== // UART_CTRL write the uart register //================================================================================== always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) uart_rbr[7:0] <= 8'b0; else if(ctrl_reg_rbr_write_en) uart_rbr[7:0] <= ctrl_reg_rbr_wdata[7:0]; end always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) uart_iir_iid[3:0] <= 4'b0001; else if(iir_iid_write_vld) uart_iir_iid[3:0] <= ctrl_reg_iid[3:0]; else if(iir_iid_clr_vld) uart_iir_iid[3:0] <= 4'b0001; end assign iir_iid_write_vld = ctrl_reg_iid_vld && iid_priv_vld; // &CombBeg; @245 always @( uart_iir_iid[3:0] or ctrl_reg_iid[2:0]) begin casez(uart_iir_iid[3:0]) 4'b0001: iid_priv_vld = 1'b1; 4'b0111: iid_priv_vld = 1'b1; 4'b0010: iid_priv_vld = (ctrl_reg_iid[2] && !ctrl_reg_iid[0]) ? 1 : 0; 4'b0100: iid_priv_vld = (ctrl_reg_iid[2:0] == 3'b110) ? 1 : 0; 4'b0110: iid_priv_vld = 1'b0; default: iid_priv_vld = 1'b0; endcase // &CombEnd; @254 end // &CombBeg; @257 always @( ahb_rbr_read_vld or uart_iir_iid[3:0] or ahb_lsr_read_vld or uart_lsr_thre or ahb_iir_read_vld or ahb_usr_read_vld) begin casez(uart_iir_iid[3:0]) 4'b0010: iir_iid_clr_vld = !uart_lsr_thre || ahb_iir_read_vld; 4'b0100: iir_iid_clr_vld = ahb_rbr_read_vld; 4'b0110: iir_iid_clr_vld = ahb_lsr_read_vld; 4'b0111: iir_iid_clr_vld = ahb_usr_read_vld; default: iir_iid_clr_vld = 1'b0; endcase // &CombEnd; @265 end assign ahb_iir_read_vld = rd_acc && ( uart_reg_haddr[5:0] == IIR ); assign ahb_lsr_read_vld = rd_acc && ( uart_reg_haddr[5:0] == LSR ); assign ahb_usr_read_vld = rd_acc && ( uart_reg_haddr[5:0] == USR ); assign ahb_rbr_read_vld = rd_acc && !uart_lcr_dlab &&( uart_reg_haddr[5:0] == RBR); always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) begin uart_lsr_thre <= 1'b1; end else if(uart_thr_wen) begin uart_lsr_thre <= 1'b0; end else if(ctrl_reg_thr_read) begin uart_lsr_thre <= 1'b1; end end assign uart_lsr_temt = ctrl_reg_thsr_empty && uart_lsr_thre; always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) uart_lsr_dr <= 1'b0; else if(ctrl_reg_rbr_write_en && !uart_lsr_pe && !uart_lsr_fe) uart_lsr_dr <= 1'b1; else if(ahb_rbr_read_vld ) uart_lsr_dr <= 1'b0; end always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) uart_lsr_fe <= 1'b0; else if(ctrl_reg_fe) uart_lsr_fe <= 1'b1; else if( ahb_lsr_read_vld ) uart_lsr_fe <= 1'b0; end always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) uart_lsr_pe <= 1'b0; else if(ctrl_reg_pe) uart_lsr_pe <= 1'b1; else if( ahb_lsr_read_vld ) uart_lsr_pe <= 1'b0; end always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) uart_lsr_oe <= 1'b0; else if(ctrl_reg_oe) uart_lsr_oe <= 1'b1; else if( ahb_lsr_read_vld ) uart_lsr_oe <= 1'b0; end always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_b) begin if(!rst_b) uart_usr <= 1'b0; else if(ctrl_reg_busy) uart_usr <= 1'b1; else if(!ctrl_reg_busy) uart_usr <= 1'b0; end //================================================================================== // Interface with UART_CTRL //================================================================================== assign reg_ctrl_thr_vld = !uart_lsr_thre; assign reg_ctrl_thr_data[7:0] = uart_thr[7:0]; assign reg_ctrl_ier_enable[2:0] = uart_ier[2:0]; assign reg_ctrl_dllh_data[15:0] = {uart_dlh[7:0],uart_dll[7:0]}; assign reg_ctrl_lcr_eps = uart_lcr[4]; assign reg_ctrl_lcr_pen = uart_lcr[3]; assign reg_ctrl_lcr_stop = uart_lcr[2]; assign reg_ctrl_lcr_dls[1:0] = uart_lcr[1:0]; assign reg_ctrl_rbr_vld = uart_lsr_dr; assign reg_ctrl_lcr_wen = uart_lcr_wen; assign reg_ctrl_set_dllh_vld = uart_dlh_wen || uart_dll_wen; assign reg_ctrl_threint_en = uart_ier_wen && endian_wdata[1]; // &ModuleEnd; @358 endmodule