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hello_world binay build flow
In some development environments, a full featured ELF or COFF executable file cannot be accepted as an input by tools such as a flash programmer or boot loader. These tools require a simpler form of the executable that is called a binary file. This article explains these binary files.
The term binary file is misleading. Please do not confuse it with the general term for any file that contains more than plain text. As used in this article, the term binary file refers to a particular variant of binary files that are not plain text files.
Binary Files Defined
One of the older ways to create a binary file is with the Unix utility objcopy. Here is the description of the format from the objcopy man page ...
When objcopy generates a raw binary file, it will essentially produce a memory dump of the contents of the input object file. All symbols and relocation information will be discarded. The memory dump will start at the load address of the lowest section copied into the output file. The rest of this article elaborates on this description, and discusses related issues.
Diagram Explanation
The left side represents a full featured ELF or COFF file named file.out. The right side represents the corresponding binary file named file.bin.
Regarding file.out ... This contrived file has three sections. The first two are initialized sections named secA and secB. The last one is an uninitialized section named .stack. For each section, a few key properties are shown. This includes the name, address, and length. For the initialized sections, the full contents of the raw data are shown. An uninitalized section like .stack reserves space in system memory, but has no contents.
Regarding file.bin ... This diagram shows the full contents of file.bin. It only contains the raw data from file.out. This raw data appears in address order. Thus secB, which is at the lowest address 0x100, appears first. There is a gap between the end of secB and the start of secA. In the simple format of a binary file, the only way to represent such a hole is to fill it. Unintialized sections, which have no raw data, are ignored.
Addresses in a Binary File
Compare the address with the file offset in the binary file. They are related, but they do not match. Here is one way to represent the relationship.
target address = lowest initialized address + file offset
The term lowest initalized address is the starting address of the initialized section with the lowest address. In this diagram, that is secB at address 0x100.
A binary file does not record the starting address. That detail is maintained in some other manner.
If an initialized section has different load and run addresses, the load address is used, and the run address is ignored.
Holes in a Binary File
The format of a binary file is very simple. There is no compact way to represent a hole. The only possible way to represent a hole is to fill it.
The value zero is usually used to fill holes. If the binary file is created with a variant of an objcopy utility, see if that utilty supports an option named --gap-fill. If so, it can be used to fill a hole with a value other than zero.
Avoiding Holes
The best way to avoid holes is to carefully control the placement of the initialized sections in the executable. Put them as close together as possible. In an ideal configuration, they are all adjacent to each other.
Sometimes holes cannot be avoided. If that is the case, see if one of these two alternatives is practical.
One alternative is to create separate bin files. If there are two clusters of initialized sections, then create one bin file for each cluster. This approach is not always practical. The utility that creates the bin file may not support it. Or, the utility that reads the bin file as input may accept only one file.
The second alternative relies on two presumptions. One, all of the initialized sections are close together accept one. Two, there is room in memory near the main cluster of initialized sections. In that case, arrange for that remaining initialized section to have different load and run addresses. It loads at an address near the main cluster of initialized sections. As part of system startup, it is copied to a different run address.
This example matches the diagram. Therefore, it is not a realistic program. Instead, it is much smaller and easier to understand. It introduces several utilities. A good way to learn about such utilities is with small examples. Make changes in the input files, or how the utilities are used, and observe how the results change.
The TI ARM Clang compiler tools are used to build and inspect these files.
Here is the assembly source code file.s ...
@ file.s
.section secA,"a",%progbits
.skip 8,0xAA
.section secB,"a",%progbits
.skip 16,0xBB
.section .stack,"aw",%nobits
.zero 0x800
Here is the linker command file file.cmd ...
/* file.cmd */
/* Do NOT use this setting in a production build. It is used in this */
/* contrived example to prevent the linker from removing sections which are */
/* not used by the program. */
secB > 0x100
secA > 0x120
.stack > 0x200
These commands:
- Build file.s to create the object file file.o
- Link file.o to create the final executable file.out. The linker map file file.map is also created.
% tiarmclang -c file.s
% tiarmclang file.o -o file.out -Wl,file.cmd -Wl,-m=file.map
warning: no suitable entry-point found; setting to 0
Ignore the warning. This example is not a real program, so there isn't an entry point.
There are few different ways to see the sections that have been created.
These are the keys lines from the linker map file file.map ...
secB 0 00000100 00000010
00000100 00000010 file.o (secB)
secA 0 00000120 00000008
00000120 00000008 file.o (secA)
.stack 0 00000200 00000800 UNINITIALIZED
00000200 00000800 file.o (.stack)
The object file display utility could be used. Here is the command and a few key lines from the output ...
% tiarmofd file.out
Section Information
id name load addr run addr size align alloc
-- ---- --------- -------- ---- ----- -----
0 (no name) 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0 0 N
1 secB 0x00000100 0x00000100 0x10 1 Y
2 secA 0x00000120 0x00000120 0x8 1 Y
3 .stack 0x00000200 0x00000200 0x800 8 Y
Another way to see this information is with the readelf utility ...
% tiarmreadelf -S file.out
Section Headers:
[Nr] Name Type Address Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al
[ 0] NULL 00000000 000000 000000 00 0 0 0
[ 1] secB PROGBITS 00000100 000034 000010 00 A 0 0 1
[ 2] secA PROGBITS 00000120 000044 000008 00 A 0 0 1
[ 3] .stack NOBITS 00000200 000050 000800 00 WA 0 0 8
Use the the objcopy command to create the binary file file.bin.
Select text
% tiarmobjcopy -O binary file.out file.bin
One way to inspect a binary file is with a binary file editor. Another way is to use a utility to dump it out. Here is an example that uses a utility from Unix named od ...
Select text % od -Ax -t x1 -w4 -v file.bin
000000 bb bb bb bb
000004 bb bb bb bb
000008 bb bb bb bb
00000c bb bb bb bb
000010 00 00 00 00
000014 00 00 00 00
000018 00 00 00 00
00001c 00 00 00 00
000020 aa aa aa aa
000024 aa aa aa aa
The command line arguments to od are not standardized. Here is what they mean in this particular case.
- -Ax : Use hexadecimal for the file offset
- -t x1 : Format each byte as a separate 8-bit hex value
- -w4 : Show 4 bytes per line
- -v : Output all the lines, even if they are duplicates