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2020-01-23 06:22:50 +08:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright 2020 Western Digital Corporation or it's affiliates.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Function: Instruction aligner
module el2_ifu_aln_ctl
import el2_pkg::*;
`include "el2_param.vh"
input logic scan_mode,
input logic rst_l,
input logic clk,
input logic active_clk,
input logic ifu_async_error_start, // ecc/parity related errors with current fetch - not sent down the pipe
input logic iccm_rd_ecc_double_err, // This fetch has a double ICCM ecc error.
input logic ic_access_fault_f, // Instruction access fault for the current fetch.
input logic [1:0] ic_access_fault_type_f, // Instruction access fault types
input logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ifu_bp_fghr_f, // fetch GHR
input logic [31:1] ifu_bp_btb_target_f, // predicted RET target
input logic [11:0] ifu_bp_poffset_f, // predicted target offset
input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_hist0_f, // history counters for all 4 potential branches, bit 1, right justified
input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_hist1_f, // history counters for all 4 potential branches, bit 1, right justified
input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_pc4_f, // pc4 indication, right justified
input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_way_f, // way indication, right justified
input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_valid_f, // branch valid, right justified
input logic [1:0] ifu_bp_ret_f, // predicted ret indication, right justified
input logic exu_flush_final, // Flush from the pipeline.
input logic dec_i0_decode_d,
input logic [31:0] ifu_fetch_data_f, // fetch data in memory format - not right justified
input logic [1:0] ifu_fetch_val, // valids on a 2B boundary, right justified
input logic [31:1] ifu_fetch_pc, // starting pc of fetch
output logic ifu_i0_valid, // Instruction 0 is valid
output logic ifu_i0_icaf, // Instruction 0 has access fault
output logic [1:0] ifu_i0_icaf_type, // Instruction 0 access fault type
output logic ifu_i0_icaf_f1, // Instruction 0 has access fault on second fetch group
output logic ifu_i0_dbecc, // Instruction 0 has double bit ecc error
output logic [31:0] ifu_i0_instr, // Instruction 0
output logic [31:1] ifu_i0_pc, // Instruction 0 PC
output logic ifu_i0_pc4,
output logic ifu_fb_consume1, // Consumed one buffer. To fetch control fetch for buffer mass balance
output logic ifu_fb_consume2, // Consumed two buffers.To fetch control fetch for buffer mass balance
output el2_br_pkt_t i0_brp, // Branch packet for I0.
output logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] ifu_i0_bp_index, // BP index
output logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] ifu_i0_bp_fghr, // BP FGHR
output logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] ifu_i0_bp_btag, // BP tag
output logic ifu_pmu_instr_aligned, // number of inst aligned this cycle
output logic [15:0] ifu_i0_cinst // 16b compress inst for i0
logic ifvalid;
logic shift_f1_f0, shift_f2_f0, shift_f2_f1;
logic fetch_to_f0, fetch_to_f1, fetch_to_f2;
logic [1:0] f2val_in, f2val;
logic [1:0] f1val_in, f1val;
logic [1:0] f0val_in, f0val;
logic [1:0] sf1val, sf0val;
logic [31:1] f2pc_in, f2pc;
logic [31:1] f1pc_in, f1pc;
logic [31:1] f0pc_in, f0pc;
logic [31:1] sf1pc;
logic [31:0] aligndata;
logic first4B, first2B;
logic [31:0] uncompress0;
logic i0_shift;
logic shift_2B, shift_4B;
logic f1_shift_2B;
logic f2_valid, sf1_valid, sf0_valid;
logic [31:0] ifirst;
logic [31:1] f0pc_plus1;
logic [31:1] f1pc_plus1;
logic [1:0] alignval;
logic [31:1] firstpc, secondpc;
logic [11:0] f1poffset;
logic [11:0] f0poffset;
logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] f1fghr;
logic [pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] f0fghr;
logic [1:0] f1hist1;
logic [1:0] f0hist1;
logic [1:0] f1hist0;
logic [1:0] f0hist0;
logic [1:0] f1ictype;
logic [1:0] f0ictype;
logic [1:0] f1pc4;
logic [1:0] f0pc4;
logic [1:0] f1ret;
logic [1:0] f0ret;
logic [1:0] f1way;
logic [1:0] f0way;
logic [1:0] f1brend;
logic [1:0] f0brend;
logic [1:0] alignbrend;
logic [1:0] alignpc4;
logic [1:0] alignret;
logic [1:0] alignway;
logic [1:0] alignhist1;
logic [1:0] alignhist0;
logic [1:1] alignfromf1;
logic i0_ends_f1;
logic i0_br_start_error;
logic [31:1] f1prett;
logic [31:1] f0prett;
logic f1dbecc;
logic f0dbecc;
logic f1icaf;
logic f0icaf;
logic [1:0] aligndbecc;
logic [1:0] alignicaf;
logic i0_brp_pc4;
logic [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] firstpc_hash, secondpc_hash;
logic first_legal;
logic f2_wr_en;
logic f0_shift_wr_en;
logic f1_shift_wr_en;
logic [1:0] wrptr, wrptr_in;
logic [1:0] rdptr, rdptr_in;
logic [2:0] qwen;
logic [31:0] q2,q1,q0;
logic q2off_in, q2off;
logic q1off_in, q1off;
logic q0off_in, q0off;
logic f0_shift_2B;
logic [31:0] q0eff;
logic [31:0] q0final;
logic q0ptr;
logic [1:0] q0sel;
logic [31:0] q1eff;
logic [15:0] q1final;
logic q1ptr;
logic [1:0] q1sel;
logic [2:0] qren;
logic consume_fb1, consume_fb0;
logic [1:1] icaf_eff;
localparam BRDATA_SIZE = 12;
localparam BRDATA_WIDTH = 6;
logic [BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] brdata_in, brdata2, brdata1, brdata0;
logic [BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] brdata1eff, brdata0eff;
logic [BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] brdata1final, brdata0final;
localparam MHI = 46+pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE;
localparam MSIZE = 47+pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE;
logic [MHI:0] misc_data_in, misc2, misc1, misc0;
logic [MHI:0] misc1eff, misc0eff;
logic [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] firstbrtag_hash, secondbrtag_hash;
logic error_stall_in, error_stall;
assign error_stall_in = (error_stall | ifu_async_error_start) & ~exu_flush_final;
rvdff #(1) error_stallff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(error_stall_in), .dout(error_stall));
rvdff #(2) wrpff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(wrptr_in[1:0]), .dout(wrptr[1:0]));
rvdff #(2) rdpff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(rdptr_in[1:0]), .dout(rdptr[1:0]));
rvdff #(2) f2valff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(f2val_in[1:0]), .dout(f2val[1:0]));
rvdff #(2) f1valff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(f1val_in[1:0]), .dout(f1val[1:0]));
rvdff #(2) f0valff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(f0val_in[1:0]), .dout(f0val[1:0]));
rvdff #(1) q2offsetff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(q2off_in), .dout(q2off));
rvdff #(1) q1offsetff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(q1off_in), .dout(q1off));
rvdff #(1) q0offsetff (.*, .clk(active_clk), .din(q0off_in), .dout(q0off));
rvdffe #(31) f2pcff (.*, .en(f2_wr_en), .din(f2pc_in[31:1]), .dout(f2pc[31:1]));
rvdffe #(31) f1pcff (.*, .en(f1_shift_wr_en), .din(f1pc_in[31:1]), .dout(f1pc[31:1]));
rvdffe #(31) f0pcff (.*, .en(f0_shift_wr_en), .din(f0pc_in[31:1]), .dout(f0pc[31:1]));
rvdffe #(BRDATA_SIZE) brdata2ff (.*, .en(qwen[2]), .din(brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]), .dout(brdata2[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]));
rvdffe #(BRDATA_SIZE) brdata1ff (.*, .en(qwen[1]), .din(brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]), .dout(brdata1[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]));
rvdffe #(BRDATA_SIZE) brdata0ff (.*, .en(qwen[0]), .din(brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]), .dout(brdata0[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]));
rvdffe #(MSIZE) misc2ff (.*, .en(qwen[2]), .din(misc_data_in[MHI:0]), .dout(misc2[MHI:0]));
rvdffe #(MSIZE) misc1ff (.*, .en(qwen[1]), .din(misc_data_in[MHI:0]), .dout(misc1[MHI:0]));
rvdffe #(MSIZE) misc0ff (.*, .en(qwen[0]), .din(misc_data_in[MHI:0]), .dout(misc0[MHI:0]));
rvdffe #(32) q2ff (.*, .en(qwen[2]), .din(ifu_fetch_data_f[31:0]), .dout(q2[31:0]));
rvdffe #(32) q1ff (.*, .en(qwen[1]), .din(ifu_fetch_data_f[31:0]), .dout(q1[31:0]));
rvdffe #(32) q0ff (.*, .en(qwen[0]), .din(ifu_fetch_data_f[31:0]), .dout(q0[31:0]));
assign f2_wr_en = fetch_to_f2;
assign f1_shift_wr_en = fetch_to_f1 | shift_f2_f1 | f1_shift_2B;
assign f0_shift_wr_en = fetch_to_f0 | shift_f2_f0 | shift_f1_f0 | shift_2B | shift_4B;
// new queue control logic
assign qren[2:0] = { rdptr[1:0] == 2'b10,
rdptr[1:0] == 2'b01,
rdptr[1:0] == 2'b00 };
assign qwen[2:0] = { (wrptr[1:0] == 2'b10) & ifvalid,
(wrptr[1:0] == 2'b01) & ifvalid,
(wrptr[1:0] == 2'b00) & ifvalid };
assign rdptr_in[1:0] = ({2{ qren[0] & ifu_fb_consume1 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b01 ) |
({2{ qren[1] & ifu_fb_consume1 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b10 ) |
({2{ qren[2] & ifu_fb_consume1 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b00 ) |
({2{ qren[0] & ifu_fb_consume2 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b10 ) |
({2{ qren[1] & ifu_fb_consume2 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b00 ) |
({2{ qren[2] & ifu_fb_consume2 & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b01 ) |
({2{~ifu_fb_consume1 & ~ifu_fb_consume2 & ~exu_flush_final}} & rdptr[1:0]);
assign wrptr_in[1:0] = ({2{ qwen[0] & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b01 ) |
({2{ qwen[1] & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b10 ) |
({2{ qwen[2] & ~exu_flush_final}} & 2'b00 ) |
({2{~ifvalid & ~exu_flush_final}} & wrptr[1:0]);
assign q2off_in = ( ~qwen[2] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd2) & (q2off | f0_shift_2B) ) |
( ~qwen[2] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd1) & (q2off | f1_shift_2B) ) |
( ~qwen[2] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd0) & q2off );
assign q1off_in = ( ~qwen[1] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd1) & (q1off | f0_shift_2B) ) |
( ~qwen[1] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd0) & (q1off | f1_shift_2B) ) |
( ~qwen[1] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd2) & q1off );
assign q0off_in = ( ~qwen[0] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd0) & (q0off | f0_shift_2B) ) |
( ~qwen[0] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd2) & (q0off | f1_shift_2B) ) |
( ~qwen[0] & (rdptr[1:0]==2'd1) & q0off );
assign q0ptr = ( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b00) & q0off ) |
( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b01) & q1off ) |
( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b10) & q2off );
assign q1ptr = ( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b00) & q1off ) |
( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b01) & q2off ) |
( (rdptr[1:0]==2'b10) & q0off );
assign q0sel[1:0] = {q0ptr,~q0ptr};
assign q1sel[1:0] = {q1ptr,~q1ptr};
// end new queue control logic
// misc data that is associated with each fetch buffer
assign misc_data_in[MHI:0] = { iccm_rd_ecc_double_err,
assign {misc1eff[MHI:0],misc0eff[MHI:0]} = (({MSIZE*2{qren[0]}} & {misc1[MHI:0],misc0[MHI:0]}) |
({MSIZE*2{qren[1]}} & {misc2[MHI:0],misc1[MHI:0]}) |
({MSIZE*2{qren[2]}} & {misc0[MHI:0],misc2[MHI:0]}));
assign { f1dbecc,
} = misc1eff[MHI:0];
assign { f0dbecc,
} = misc0eff[MHI:0];
assign brdata_in[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] = {
assign {brdata1eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata0eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]} = (({BRDATA_SIZE*2{qren[0]}} & {brdata1[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata0[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]}) |
({BRDATA_SIZE*2{qren[1]}} & {brdata2[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata1[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]}) |
({BRDATA_SIZE*2{qren[2]}} & {brdata0[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0],brdata2[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0]}));
assign brdata0final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] = (({BRDATA_SIZE{q0sel[0]}} & { brdata0eff[2*BRDATA_WIDTH-1:0]}) |
({BRDATA_SIZE{q0sel[1]}} & {{BRDATA_WIDTH{1'b0}},brdata0eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:BRDATA_WIDTH]}));
assign brdata1final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0] = (({BRDATA_SIZE{q1sel[0]}} & { brdata1eff[2*BRDATA_WIDTH-1:0]}) |
({BRDATA_SIZE{q1sel[1]}} & {{BRDATA_WIDTH{1'b0}},brdata1eff[BRDATA_SIZE-1:BRDATA_WIDTH]}));
assign {f0hist1[1],f0hist0[1],f0pc4[1],f0way[1],f0brend[1],f0ret[1],
f0hist1[0],f0hist0[0],f0pc4[0],f0way[0],f0brend[0],f0ret[0]} = brdata0final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0];
assign {f1hist1[1],f1hist0[1],f1pc4[1],f1way[1],f1brend[1],f1ret[1],
f1hist1[0],f1hist0[0],f1pc4[0],f1way[0],f1brend[0],f1ret[0]} = brdata1final[BRDATA_SIZE-1:0];
// possible states of { sf0_valid, sf1_valid, f2_valid }
// 000 if->f0
// 100 if->f1
// 101 illegal
// 010 if->f1, f1->f0
// 110 if->f2
// 001 if->f1, f2->f0
// 011 if->f2, f2->f1, f1->f0
// 111 !if, no shift
assign f2_valid = f2val[0];
assign sf1_valid = sf1val[0];
assign sf0_valid = sf0val[0];
// interface to fetch
assign consume_fb0 = ~sf0val[0] & f0val[0];
assign consume_fb1 = ~sf1val[0] & f1val[0];
assign ifu_fb_consume1 = consume_fb0 & ~consume_fb1 & ~exu_flush_final;
assign ifu_fb_consume2 = consume_fb0 & consume_fb1 & ~exu_flush_final;
assign ifvalid = ifu_fetch_val[0];
assign shift_f1_f0 = ~sf0_valid & sf1_valid;
assign shift_f2_f0 = ~sf0_valid & ~sf1_valid & f2_valid;
assign shift_f2_f1 = ~sf0_valid & sf1_valid & f2_valid;
assign fetch_to_f0 = ~sf0_valid & ~sf1_valid & ~f2_valid & ifvalid;
assign fetch_to_f1 = (~sf0_valid & ~sf1_valid & f2_valid & ifvalid) |
(~sf0_valid & sf1_valid & ~f2_valid & ifvalid) |
( sf0_valid & ~sf1_valid & ~f2_valid & ifvalid);
assign fetch_to_f2 = (~sf0_valid & sf1_valid & f2_valid & ifvalid) |
( sf0_valid & sf1_valid & ~f2_valid & ifvalid);
assign f0pc_plus1[31:1] = f0pc[31:1] + 31'd1;
assign f1pc_plus1[31:1] = f1pc[31:1] + 31'd1;
assign f2pc_in[31:1] = ifu_fetch_pc[31:1];
assign sf1pc[31:1] = ({31{ f1_shift_2B}} & f1pc_plus1[31:1]) |
({31{~f1_shift_2B}} & f1pc[31:1] );
assign f1pc_in[31:1] = ({31{ fetch_to_f1 }} & ifu_fetch_pc[31:1]) |
({31{ shift_f2_f1}} & f2pc[31:1] ) |
({31{~fetch_to_f1 & ~shift_f2_f1}} & sf1pc[31:1] );
assign f0pc_in[31:1] = ({31{ fetch_to_f0 }} & ifu_fetch_pc[31:1]) |
({31{ shift_f2_f0 }} & f2pc[31:1] ) |
({31{ shift_f1_f0}} & sf1pc[31:1] ) |
({31{~fetch_to_f0 & ~shift_f2_f0 & ~shift_f1_f0}} & f0pc_plus1[31:1] );
assign f2val_in[1:0] = ({2{ fetch_to_f2 & ~exu_flush_final}} & ifu_fetch_val[1:0]) |
({2{~fetch_to_f2 & ~shift_f2_f1 & ~shift_f2_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & f2val[1:0] );
assign sf1val[1:0] = ({2{ f1_shift_2B}} & {1'b0,f1val[1]}) |
({2{~f1_shift_2B}} & f1val[1:0] );
assign f1val_in[1:0] = ({2{ fetch_to_f1 & ~exu_flush_final}} & ifu_fetch_val[1:0]) |
({2{ shift_f2_f1 & ~exu_flush_final}} & f2val[1:0] ) |
({2{~fetch_to_f1 & ~shift_f2_f1 & ~shift_f1_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & sf1val[1:0] );
assign sf0val[1:0] = ({2{ shift_2B }} & {1'b0,f0val[1]}) |
({2{~shift_2B & ~shift_4B}} & f0val[1:0]);
assign f0val_in[1:0] = ({2{fetch_to_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & ifu_fetch_val[1:0]) |
({2{ shift_f2_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & f2val[1:0] ) |
({2{ shift_f1_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & sf1val[1:0] ) |
({2{~fetch_to_f0 & ~shift_f2_f0 & ~shift_f1_f0 & ~exu_flush_final}} & sf0val[1:0] );
assign {q1eff[31:0],q0eff[31:0]} = (({64{qren[0]}} & {q1[31:0],q0[31:0]}) |
({64{qren[1]}} & {q2[31:0],q1[31:0]}) |
({64{qren[2]}} & {q0[31:0],q2[31:0]}));
assign q0final[31:0] = ({32{q0sel[0]}} & { q0eff[31:0]}) |
({32{q0sel[1]}} & {16'b0,q0eff[31:16]});
assign q1final[15:0] = ({16{q1sel[0]}} & q1eff[15:0] ) |
({16{q1sel[1]}} & q1eff[31:16]);
assign aligndata[31:0] = ({32{ f0val[1] }} & {q0final[31:0]}) |
({32{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {q1final[15:0],q0final[15:0]});
assign alignval[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & {2'b11}) |
({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1val[0],1'b1});
assign alignicaf[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & {{2{f0icaf}}}) |
({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1icaf,f0icaf});
assign aligndbecc[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & {{2{f0dbecc}}}) |
({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1dbecc,f0dbecc});
// for branch prediction
assign alignbrend[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0brend[1:0] ) |
({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1brend[0],f0brend[0]});
assign alignpc4[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0pc4[1:0] ) |
({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1pc4[0],f0pc4[0]});
assign alignret[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0ret[1:0] ) |
({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1ret[0],f0ret[0]});
assign alignway[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0way[1:0] ) |
({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1way[0],f0way[0]});
assign alignhist1[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0hist1[1:0] ) |
({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1hist1[0],f0hist1[0]});
assign alignhist0[1:0] = ({ 2{ f0val[1] }} & f0hist0[1:0] ) |
({ 2{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & {f1hist0[0],f0hist0[0]});
assign alignfromf1[1] = ~f0val[1] & f0val[0];
assign secondpc[31:1] = ({31{ f0val[1] }} & f0pc_plus1[31:1]) |
({31{~f0val[1] & f0val[0]}} & f1pc[31:1] );
assign ifu_i0_pc[31:1] = f0pc[31:1];
assign firstpc[31:1] = f0pc[31:1];
assign ifu_i0_pc4 = first4B;
assign ifu_i0_cinst[15:0] = aligndata[15:0];
assign first4B = (aligndata[1:0] == 2'b11);
assign first2B = ~first4B;
assign ifu_i0_valid = (first4B & alignval[1]) |
(first2B & alignval[0]);
// inst access fault on any byte of inst results in access fault for the inst
assign ifu_i0_icaf = (first4B & (|alignicaf[1:0])) |
(first2B & alignicaf[0] );
assign ifu_i0_icaf_type[1:0] = (first4B & ~f0val[1] & f0val[0] & ~alignicaf[0] & ~aligndbecc[0]) ? f1ictype[1:0] : f0ictype[1:0];
assign icaf_eff[1] = alignicaf[1] | aligndbecc[1];
assign ifu_i0_icaf_f1 = first4B & icaf_eff[1] & alignfromf1[1];
assign ifu_i0_dbecc = (first4B & (|aligndbecc[1:0])) |
(first2B & aligndbecc[0] );
assign ifirst[31:0] = aligndata[31:0];
assign ifu_i0_instr[31:0] = ({32{first4B}} & ifirst[31:0]) |
({32{first2B}} & uncompress0[31:0]);
// if you detect br does not start on instruction boundary
el2_btb_addr_hash #(.pt(pt)) firsthash (.pc(firstpc [pt.BTB_INDEX3_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX1_LO]), .hash(firstpc_hash [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]));
el2_btb_addr_hash #(.pt(pt)) secondhash(.pc(secondpc[pt.BTB_INDEX3_HI:pt.BTB_INDEX1_LO]), .hash(secondpc_hash[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO]));
if(pt.BTB_BTAG_FOLD) begin : btbfold
el2_btb_tag_hash_fold #(.pt(pt)) first_brhash (.pc(firstpc [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]), .hash(firstbrtag_hash [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]));
el2_btb_tag_hash_fold #(.pt(pt)) second_brhash(.pc(secondpc[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]), .hash(secondbrtag_hash[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]));
else begin
el2_btb_tag_hash #(.pt(pt)) first_brhash (.pc(firstpc [pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]), .hash(firstbrtag_hash [pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]));
el2_btb_tag_hash #(.pt(pt)) second_brhash(.pc(secondpc[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE+pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE:pt.BTB_ADDR_HI+1]), .hash(secondbrtag_hash[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0]));
// start_indexing - you want pc to be based on where the end of branch is prediction
// normal indexing pc based that's incorrect now for pc4 cases it's pc4 + 2
always_comb begin
i0_brp = '0;
i0_br_start_error = (first4B & alignval[1] & alignbrend[0]);
i0_brp.valid = (first2B & alignbrend[0]) |
(first4B & alignbrend[1]) |
i0_brp_pc4 = (first2B & alignpc4[0]) |
(first4B & alignpc4[1]);
i0_brp.ret = (first2B & alignret[0]) |
(first4B & alignret[1]);
i0_brp.way = (first2B | alignbrend[0]) ? alignway[0] : alignway[1];
i0_brp.hist[1] = (first2B & alignhist1[0]) |
(first4B & alignhist1[1]);
i0_brp.hist[0] = (first2B & alignhist0[0]) |
(first4B & alignhist0[1]);
i0_ends_f1 = first4B & alignfromf1[1];
i0_brp.toffset[11:0] = (i0_ends_f1) ? f1poffset[11:0] : f0poffset[11:0];
i0_brp.prett[31:1] = (i0_ends_f1) ? f1prett[31:1] : f0prett[31:1];
i0_brp.br_start_error = i0_br_start_error; = (first2B | alignbrend[0]) ? firstpc[1] : secondpc[1];
i0_brp.br_error = (i0_brp.valid & i0_brp_pc4 & first2B) |
(i0_brp.valid & ~i0_brp_pc4 & first4B);
assign ifu_i0_bp_index[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] = (first2B | alignbrend[0]) ? firstpc_hash[pt.BTB_ADDR_HI:pt.BTB_ADDR_LO] :
assign ifu_i0_bp_fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] = (i0_ends_f1) ? f1fghr[pt.BHT_GHR_SIZE-1:0] :
assign ifu_i0_bp_btag[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] = (first2B | alignbrend[0]) ? firstbrtag_hash[pt.BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1:0] :
// decompress
el2_ifu_compress_ctl compress0 (.din(aligndata[15:0]), .dout(uncompress0[31:0]));
assign i0_shift = dec_i0_decode_d & ~error_stall;
assign ifu_pmu_instr_aligned = i0_shift;
// compute how many bytes are being shifted from f0
// assign shift_0B = ~i0_shift;
assign shift_2B = i0_shift & first2B;
assign shift_4B = i0_shift & first4B;
// exact equations for the queue logic
assign f0_shift_2B = (shift_2B & f0val[0] ) |
(shift_4B & f0val[0] & ~f0val[1]);
// f0 valid states
// 11
// 10
// 00
assign f1_shift_2B = f0val[0] & ~f0val[1] & shift_4B;