452 lines
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452 lines
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//===- Pattern.h - Pattern wrapper class ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Pattern wrapper class to simplify using TableGen Record defining a MLIR
// Pattern.
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "Argument.h"
#include "Operator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include <unordered_map>
namespace llvm {
class DagInit;
class Init;
class Record;
} // end namespace llvm
namespace mlir {
namespace tblgen {
// Mapping from TableGen Record to Operator wrapper object.
// We allocate each wrapper object in heap to make sure the pointer to it is
// valid throughout the lifetime of this map. This is important because this map
// is shared among multiple patterns to avoid creating the wrapper object for
// the same op again and again. But this map will continuously grow.
using RecordOperatorMap =
DenseMap<const llvm::Record *, std::unique_ptr<Operator>>;
class Pattern;
// Wrapper class providing helper methods for accessing TableGen DAG leaves
// used inside Patterns. This class is lightweight and designed to be used like
// values.
// A TableGen DAG construct is of the syntax
// `(operator, arg0, arg1, ...)`.
// This class provides getters to retrieve `arg*` as tblgen:: wrapper objects
// for handy helper methods. It only works on `arg*`s that are not nested DAG
// constructs.
class DagLeaf {
explicit DagLeaf(const llvm::Init *def) : def(def) {}
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is not specified in the pattern. That is, it
// places no further constraints/transforms and just carries over the original
// value.
bool isUnspecified() const;
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is matching an operand. That is, it specifies
// a type constraint.
bool isOperandMatcher() const;
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is matching an attribute. That is, it
// specifies an attribute constraint.
bool isAttrMatcher() const;
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is wrapping native code call.
bool isNativeCodeCall() const;
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is specifying a constant attribute.
bool isConstantAttr() const;
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is specifying an enum attribute case.
bool isEnumAttrCase() const;
// Returns true if this DAG leaf is specifying a string attribute.
bool isStringAttr() const;
// Returns this DAG leaf as a constraint. Asserts if fails.
Constraint getAsConstraint() const;
// Returns this DAG leaf as an constant attribute. Asserts if fails.
ConstantAttr getAsConstantAttr() const;
// Returns this DAG leaf as an enum attribute case.
// Precondition: isEnumAttrCase()
EnumAttrCase getAsEnumAttrCase() const;
// Returns the matching condition template inside this DAG leaf. Assumes the
// leaf is an operand/attribute matcher and asserts otherwise.
std::string getConditionTemplate() const;
// Returns the native code call template inside this DAG leaf.
// Precondition: isNativeCodeCall()
StringRef getNativeCodeTemplate() const;
// Returns the string associated with the leaf.
// Precondition: isStringAttr()
std::string getStringAttr() const;
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
// Returns true if the TableGen Init `def` in this DagLeaf is a DefInit and
// also a subclass of the given `superclass`.
bool isSubClassOf(StringRef superclass) const;
const llvm::Init *def;
// Wrapper class providing helper methods for accessing TableGen DAG constructs
// used inside Patterns. This class is lightweight and designed to be used like
// values.
// A TableGen DAG construct is of the syntax
// `(operator, arg0, arg1, ...)`.
// When used inside Patterns, `operator` corresponds to some dialect op, or
// a known list of verbs that defines special transformation actions. This
// `arg*` can be a nested DAG construct. This class provides getters to
// retrieve `operator` and `arg*` as tblgen:: wrapper objects for handy helper
// methods.
// A null DagNode contains a nullptr and converts to false implicitly.
class DagNode {
explicit DagNode(const llvm::DagInit *node) : node(node) {}
// Implicit bool converter that returns true if this DagNode is not a null
// DagNode.
operator bool() const { return node != nullptr; }
// Returns the symbol bound to this DAG node.
StringRef getSymbol() const;
// Returns the operator wrapper object corresponding to the dialect op matched
// by this DAG. The operator wrapper will be queried from the given `mapper`
// and created in it if not existing.
Operator &getDialectOp(RecordOperatorMap *mapper) const;
// Returns the number of operations recursively involved in the DAG tree
// rooted from this node.
int getNumOps() const;
// Returns the number of immediate arguments to this DAG node.
int getNumArgs() const;
// Returns true if the `index`-th argument is a nested DAG construct.
bool isNestedDagArg(unsigned index) const;
// Gets the `index`-th argument as a nested DAG construct if possible. Returns
// null DagNode otherwise.
DagNode getArgAsNestedDag(unsigned index) const;
// Gets the `index`-th argument as a DAG leaf.
DagLeaf getArgAsLeaf(unsigned index) const;
// Returns the specified name of the `index`-th argument.
StringRef getArgName(unsigned index) const;
// Returns true if this DAG construct means to replace with an existing SSA
// value.
bool isReplaceWithValue() const;
// Returns whether this DAG represents the location of an op creation.
bool isLocationDirective() const;
// Returns true if this DAG node is wrapping native code call.
bool isNativeCodeCall() const;
// Returns true if this DAG node is an operation.
bool isOperation() const;
// Returns the native code call template inside this DAG node.
// Precondition: isNativeCodeCall()
StringRef getNativeCodeTemplate() const;
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
const llvm::DagInit *node; // nullptr means null DagNode
// A class for maintaining information for symbols bound in patterns and
// provides methods for resolving them according to specific use cases.
// Symbols can be bound to
// * Op arguments and op results in the source pattern and
// * Op results in result patterns.
// Symbols can be referenced in result patterns and additional constraints to
// the pattern.
// For example, in
// ```
// def : Pattern<
// (SrcOp:$results1 $arg0, %arg1),
// [(ResOp1:$results2), (ResOp2 $results2 (ResOp3 $arg0, $arg1))]>;
// ```
// `$argN` is bound to the `SrcOp`'s N-th argument. `$results1` is bound to
// `SrcOp`. `$results2` is bound to `ResOp1`. $result2 is referenced to build
// `ResOp2`. `$arg0` and `$arg1` are referenced to build `ResOp3`.
// If a symbol binds to a multi-result op and it does not have the `__N`
// suffix, the symbol is expanded to represent all results generated by the
// multi-result op. If the symbol has a `__N` suffix, then it will expand to
// only the N-th *static* result as declared in ODS, and that can still
// corresponds to multiple *dynamic* values if the N-th *static* result is
// variadic.
// This class keeps track of such symbols and resolves them into their bound
// values in a suitable way.
class SymbolInfoMap {
explicit SymbolInfoMap(ArrayRef<llvm::SMLoc> loc) : loc(loc) {}
// Class for information regarding a symbol.
class SymbolInfo {
// Returns a string for defining a variable named as `name` to store the
// value bound by this symbol.
std::string getVarDecl(StringRef name) const;
// Returns a variable name for the symbol named as `name`.
std::string getVarName(StringRef name) const;
// Allow SymbolInfoMap to access private methods.
friend class SymbolInfoMap;
// What kind of entity this symbol represents:
// * Attr: op attribute
// * Operand: op operand
// * Result: op result
// * Value: a value not attached to an op (e.g., from NativeCodeCall)
enum class Kind : uint8_t { Attr, Operand, Result, Value };
// Creates a SymbolInfo instance. `index` is only used for `Attr` and
// `Operand` so should be negative for `Result` and `Value` kind.
SymbolInfo(const Operator *op, Kind kind, Optional<int> index);
// Static methods for creating SymbolInfo.
static SymbolInfo getAttr(const Operator *op, int index) {
return SymbolInfo(op, Kind::Attr, index);
static SymbolInfo getAttr() {
return SymbolInfo(nullptr, Kind::Attr, llvm::None);
static SymbolInfo getOperand(const Operator *op, int index) {
return SymbolInfo(op, Kind::Operand, index);
static SymbolInfo getResult(const Operator *op) {
return SymbolInfo(op, Kind::Result, llvm::None);
static SymbolInfo getValue() {
return SymbolInfo(nullptr, Kind::Value, llvm::None);
// Returns the number of static values this symbol corresponds to.
// A static value is an operand/result declared in ODS. Normally a symbol
// only represents one static value, but symbols bound to op results can
// represent more than one if the op is a multi-result op.
int getStaticValueCount() const;
// Returns a string containing the C++ expression for referencing this
// symbol as a value (if this symbol represents one static value) or a value
// range (if this symbol represents multiple static values). `name` is the
// name of the C++ variable that this symbol bounds to. `index` should only
// be used for indexing results. `fmt` is used to format each value.
// `separator` is used to separate values if this is a value range.
std::string getValueAndRangeUse(StringRef name, int index, const char *fmt,
const char *separator) const;
// Returns a string containing the C++ expression for referencing this
// symbol as a value range regardless of how many static values this symbol
// represents. `name` is the name of the C++ variable that this symbol
// bounds to. `index` should only be used for indexing results. `fmt` is
// used to format each value. `separator` is used to separate values in the
// range.
std::string getAllRangeUse(StringRef name, int index, const char *fmt,
const char *separator) const;
const Operator *op; // The op where the bound entity belongs
Kind kind; // The kind of the bound entity
// The argument index (for `Attr` and `Operand` only)
Optional<int> argIndex;
// Alternative name for the symbol. It is used in case the name
// is not unique. Applicable for `Operand` only.
Optional<std::string> alternativeName;
using BaseT = std::unordered_multimap<std::string, SymbolInfo>;
// Iterators for accessing all symbols.
using iterator = BaseT::iterator;
iterator begin() { return symbolInfoMap.begin(); }
iterator end() { return symbolInfoMap.end(); }
// Const iterators for accessing all symbols.
using const_iterator = BaseT::const_iterator;
const_iterator begin() const { return symbolInfoMap.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return symbolInfoMap.end(); }
// Binds the given `symbol` to the `argIndex`-th argument to the given `op`.
// Returns false if `symbol` is already bound and symbols are not operands.
bool bindOpArgument(StringRef symbol, const Operator &op, int argIndex);
// Binds the given `symbol` to the results the given `op`. Returns false if
// `symbol` is already bound.
bool bindOpResult(StringRef symbol, const Operator &op);
// Registers the given `symbol` as bound to a value. Returns false if `symbol`
// is already bound.
bool bindValue(StringRef symbol);
// Registers the given `symbol` as bound to an attr. Returns false if `symbol`
// is already bound.
bool bindAttr(StringRef symbol);
// Returns true if the given `symbol` is bound.
bool contains(StringRef symbol) const;
// Returns an iterator to the information of the given symbol named as `key`.
const_iterator find(StringRef key) const;
// Returns an iterator to the information of the given symbol named as `key`,
// with index `argIndex` for operator `op`.
const_iterator findBoundSymbol(StringRef key, const Operator &op,
int argIndex) const;
// Returns the bounds of a range that includes all the elements which
// bind to the `key`.
std::pair<iterator, iterator> getRangeOfEqualElements(StringRef key);
// Returns number of times symbol named as `key` was used.
int count(StringRef key) const;
// Returns the number of static values of the given `symbol` corresponds to.
// A static value is an operand/result declared in ODS. Normally a symbol only
// represents one static value, but symbols bound to op results can represent
// more than one if the op is a multi-result op.
int getStaticValueCount(StringRef symbol) const;
// Returns a string containing the C++ expression for referencing this
// symbol as a value (if this symbol represents one static value) or a value
// range (if this symbol represents multiple static values). `fmt` is used to
// format each value. `separator` is used to separate values if `symbol`
// represents a value range.
std::string getValueAndRangeUse(StringRef symbol, const char *fmt = "{0}",
const char *separator = ", ") const;
// Returns a string containing the C++ expression for referencing this
// symbol as a value range regardless of how many static values this symbol
// represents. `fmt` is used to format each value. `separator` is used to
// separate values in the range.
std::string getAllRangeUse(StringRef symbol, const char *fmt = "{0}",
const char *separator = ", ") const;
// Assign alternative unique names to Operands that have equal names.
void assignUniqueAlternativeNames();
// Splits the given `symbol` into a value pack name and an index. Returns the
// value pack name and writes the index to `index` on success. Returns
// `symbol` itself if it does not contain an index.
// We can use `name__N` to access the `N`-th value in the value pack bound to
// `name`. `name` is typically the results of an multi-result op.
static StringRef getValuePackName(StringRef symbol, int *index = nullptr);
BaseT symbolInfoMap;
// Pattern instantiation location. This is intended to be used as parameter
// to PrintFatalError() to report errors.
ArrayRef<llvm::SMLoc> loc;
// Wrapper class providing helper methods for accessing MLIR Pattern defined
// in TableGen. This class should closely reflect what is defined as class
// `Pattern` in TableGen. This class contains maps so it is not intended to be
// used as values.
class Pattern {
explicit Pattern(const llvm::Record *def, RecordOperatorMap *mapper);
// Returns the source pattern to match.
DagNode getSourcePattern() const;
// Returns the number of result patterns generated by applying this rewrite
// rule.
int getNumResultPatterns() const;
// Returns the DAG tree root node of the `index`-th result pattern.
DagNode getResultPattern(unsigned index) const;
// Collects all symbols bound in the source pattern into `infoMap`.
void collectSourcePatternBoundSymbols(SymbolInfoMap &infoMap);
// Collects all symbols bound in result patterns into `infoMap`.
void collectResultPatternBoundSymbols(SymbolInfoMap &infoMap);
// Returns the op that the root node of the source pattern matches.
const Operator &getSourceRootOp();
// Returns the operator wrapper object corresponding to the given `node`'s DAG
// operator.
Operator &getDialectOp(DagNode node);
// Returns the constraints.
std::vector<AppliedConstraint> getConstraints() const;
// Returns the benefit score of the pattern.
int getBenefit() const;
using IdentifierLine = std::pair<StringRef, unsigned>;
// Returns the file location of the pattern (buffer identifier + line number
// pair).
std::vector<IdentifierLine> getLocation() const;
// Helper function to verify variabld binding.
void verifyBind(bool result, StringRef symbolName);
// Recursively collects all bound symbols inside the DAG tree rooted
// at `tree` and updates the given `infoMap`.
void collectBoundSymbols(DagNode tree, SymbolInfoMap &infoMap,
bool isSrcPattern);
// The TableGen definition of this pattern.
const llvm::Record &def;
// All operators.
// TODO: we need a proper context manager, like MLIRContext, for managing the
// lifetime of shared entities.
RecordOperatorMap *recordOpMap;
} // end namespace tblgen
} // end namespace mlir