/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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#include "mlir-hlo/utils/cycle_detector.h"

#include <algorithm>

#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"

namespace mlir {

namespace {

using NodeSet = llvm::DenseSet<int32_t>;
using OrderedNodeSet = OrderedSet<int32_t>;

template <typename T>
struct VecStruct {
  typedef llvm::SmallVector<T, 4> type;
template <typename T>
using Vec = typename VecStruct<T>::type;

struct Node {
  // rank number assigned by Pearce-Kelly algorithm
  int32_t rank;
  // Temporary marker used by depth-first-search
  bool visited;
  // User-supplied data
  void* data;
  // List of immediate predecessor nodes in graph
  OrderedNodeSet in;
  // List of immediate successor nodes in graph
  OrderedNodeSet out;

}  // namespace

struct GraphCycles::Rep {
  Vec<Node*> nodes;
  // Indices for unused entries in nodes
  Vec<int32_t> free_nodes;

  // Temporary state.
  // Results of forward DFS
  Vec<int32_t> deltaf;
  // Results of backward DFS
  Vec<int32_t> deltab;
  // All nodes to reprocess
  Vec<int32_t> list;
  // Rank values to assign to list entries
  Vec<int32_t> merged;
  // Emulates recursion stack when doing depth first search
  Vec<int32_t> stack;

GraphCycles::GraphCycles(int32_t num_nodes) : rep_(new Rep) {
  for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i) {
    Node* n = new Node;
    n->visited = false;
    n->data = nullptr;
    n->rank = rep_->nodes.size();

GraphCycles::~GraphCycles() {
  for (Vec<Node*>::size_type i = 0, e = rep_->nodes.size(); i < e; ++i) {
    delete rep_->nodes[i];
  delete rep_;

bool GraphCycles::HasEdge(int32_t x, int32_t y) const {
  return rep_->nodes[x]->out.Contains(y);

void GraphCycles::RemoveEdge(int32_t x, int32_t y) {
  // No need to update the rank assignment since a previous valid
  // rank assignment remains valid after an edge deletion.

static bool ForwardDFS(GraphCycles::Rep* r, int32_t n, int32_t upper_bound);
static void BackwardDFS(GraphCycles::Rep* r, int32_t n, int32_t lower_bound);
static void Reorder(GraphCycles::Rep* r);
static void Sort(const Vec<Node*>&, Vec<int32_t>* delta);
static void MoveToList(GraphCycles::Rep* r, Vec<int32_t>* src,
                       Vec<int32_t>* dst);
static void ClearVisitedBits(GraphCycles::Rep* r, const Vec<int32_t>& nodes);

bool GraphCycles::InsertEdge(int32_t x, int32_t y) {
  if (x == y) return false;
  Rep* r = rep_;
  Node* nx = r->nodes[x];
  if (!nx->out.Insert(y)) {
    // Edge already exists.
    return true;

  Node* ny = r->nodes[y];

  if (nx->rank <= ny->rank) {
    // New edge is consistent with existing rank assignment.
    return true;

  // Current rank assignments are incompatible with the new edge.  Recompute.
  // We only need to consider nodes that fall in the range [ny->rank,nx->rank].
  if (ForwardDFS(r, y, nx->rank)) {
    // Found a cycle.  Undo the insertion and tell caller.
    // Since we do not call Reorder() on this path, clear any visited
    // markers left by ForwardDFS.
    ClearVisitedBits(r, r->deltaf);
    return false;
  BackwardDFS(r, x, ny->rank);
  return true;

// Follows the edges from producer to consumer and searchs if the node having
// rank `n` can reach the node having rank `upper_bound` using a DFS search.
// When doing DFS search, We only consider the pathes that satisfy the ranks
// of the nodes of the path are all smaller than `upper_bound`.
// Returns true if such path exists.
static bool ForwardDFS(GraphCycles::Rep* r, int32_t n, int32_t upper_bound) {
  // Avoid recursion since stack space might be limited.
  // We instead keep a stack of nodes to visit.
  while (!r->stack.empty()) {
    n = r->stack.back();
    Node* nn = r->nodes[n];
    if (nn->visited) continue;

    nn->visited = true;

    for (auto w : nn->out.GetSequence()) {
      Node* nw = r->nodes[w];
      if (nw->rank == upper_bound) {
        return true;
      if (!nw->visited && nw->rank < upper_bound) {
  return false;

// Follows the edges from consumer to producer and visit all the nodes that
// is reachable from node `n` and have rank larger than `lower_bound`.
static void BackwardDFS(GraphCycles::Rep* r, int32_t n, int32_t lower_bound) {
  while (!r->stack.empty()) {
    n = r->stack.back();
    Node* nn = r->nodes[n];
    if (nn->visited) continue;

    nn->visited = true;

    for (auto w : nn->in.GetSequence()) {
      Node* nw = r->nodes[w];
      if (!nw->visited && lower_bound < nw->rank) {

// Recomputes rank assignments to make them compatible with the edges (producer
// has smaller rank than its consumer)
static void Reorder(GraphCycles::Rep* r) {
  Sort(r->nodes, &r->deltab);
  Sort(r->nodes, &r->deltaf);

  // Adds contents of delta lists to list (backwards deltas first).
  MoveToList(r, &r->deltab, &r->list);
  MoveToList(r, &r->deltaf, &r->list);

  // Produce sorted list of all ranks that will be reassigned.
  r->merged.resize(r->deltab.size() + r->deltaf.size());
  std::merge(r->deltab.begin(), r->deltab.end(), r->deltaf.begin(),
             r->deltaf.end(), r->merged.begin());

  // Assign the ranks in order to the collected list.
  for (Vec<int32_t>::size_type i = 0, e = r->list.size(); i < e; ++i) {
    r->nodes[r->list[i]]->rank = r->merged[i];

// Sorts nodes in the vector according to their ranks. Small rank first.
static void Sort(const Vec<Node*>& nodes, Vec<int32_t>* delta) {
  struct ByRank {
    const Vec<Node*>* nodes;
    bool operator()(int32_t a, int32_t b) const {
      return (*nodes)[a]->rank < (*nodes)[b]->rank;
  ByRank cmp;
  cmp.nodes = &nodes;
  std::sort(delta->begin(), delta->end(), cmp);

// Collects ranks of nodes in vector `src` to vector `dst`
static void MoveToList(GraphCycles::Rep* r, Vec<int32_t>* src,
                       Vec<int32_t>* dst) {
  for (Vec<int32_t>::size_type i = 0, e = src->size(); i < e; i++) {
    int32_t w = (*src)[i];
    // Replace src entry with its rank
    (*src)[i] = r->nodes[w]->rank;
    // Prepare for future DFS calls
    r->nodes[w]->visited = false;

// Clears bookkeeping fileds used during the last DFS process.
static void ClearVisitedBits(GraphCycles::Rep* r, const Vec<int32_t>& nodes) {
  for (Vec<int32_t>::size_type i = 0, e = nodes.size(); i < e; i++) {
    r->nodes[nodes[i]]->visited = false;

bool GraphCycles::IsReachable(int32_t x, int32_t y) {
  if (x == y) return true;
  Rep* r = rep_;
  Node* nx = r->nodes[x];
  Node* ny = r->nodes[y];

  if (nx->rank >= ny->rank) {
    // x cannot reach y since it is after it in the topological ordering
    return false;

  // See if x can reach y using a DFS search that is limited to y's rank
  bool reachable = ForwardDFS(r, x, ny->rank);

  // Clear any visited markers left by ForwardDFS.
  ClearVisitedBits(r, r->deltaf);
  return reachable;

llvm::Optional<int32_t> GraphCycles::ContractEdge(int32_t a, int32_t b) {
  assert(HasEdge(a, b));
  RemoveEdge(a, b);

  if (IsReachable(a, b)) {
    // Restore the graph to its original state.
    InsertEdge(a, b);
    return {};

  if (rep_->nodes[b]->in.Size() + rep_->nodes[b]->out.Size() >
      rep_->nodes[a]->in.Size() + rep_->nodes[a]->out.Size()) {
    // Swap "a" and "b" to minimize copying.
    std::swap(a, b);

  Node* nb = rep_->nodes[b];
  OrderedNodeSet out = std::move(nb->out);
  OrderedNodeSet in = std::move(nb->in);
  for (int32_t y : out.GetSequence()) {
  for (int32_t y : in.GetSequence()) {

  rep_->nodes[a]->out.Reserve(rep_->nodes[a]->out.Size() + out.Size());
  for (int32_t y : out.GetSequence()) {
    InsertEdge(a, y);

  rep_->nodes[a]->in.Reserve(rep_->nodes[a]->in.Size() + in.Size());
  for (int32_t y : in.GetSequence()) {
    InsertEdge(y, a);

  // Note, if the swap happened it might be what originally was called "b".
  return a;

std::vector<int32_t> GraphCycles::SuccessorsCopy(int32_t node) const {
  return rep_->nodes[node]->out.GetSequence();

namespace {
void SortInPostOrder(const Vec<Node*>& nodes, std::vector<int32_t>* to_sort) {
  std::sort(to_sort->begin(), to_sort->end(), [&](int32_t a, int32_t b) {
    return nodes[a]->rank > nodes[b]->rank;
}  // namespace

std::vector<int32_t> GraphCycles::AllNodesInPostOrder() const {
  llvm::DenseSet<int32_t> free_nodes_set;
  for (int32_t n : rep_->free_nodes) free_nodes_set.insert(n);

  std::vector<int32_t> all_nodes;
  all_nodes.reserve(rep_->nodes.size() - free_nodes_set.size());
  for (size_t i = 0, e = rep_->nodes.size(); i < e; i++) {
    if (!free_nodes_set.count(i)) {

  SortInPostOrder(rep_->nodes, &all_nodes);
  return all_nodes;

}  // namespace mlir