// RUN: mlir-hlo-opt %s -verify-diagnostics -split-input-file | mlir-hlo-opt | FileCheck %s // CHECK-LABEL: func @minimum_broadcast_shapes func @minimum_broadcast_shapes(%lhs: tensor, %rhs: tensor) -> (tensor, tensor) { %0, %1 = chlo.minimum_broadcast_shapes %lhs, %rhs : tensor, tensor -> tensor, tensor return %0, %1 : tensor, tensor } // ----- func @minimum_broadcast_shapes_mismatch_operand_and_result_count(%lhs: tensor, %rhs: tensor) { // expected-error @+1{{number of operand shapes (2) does not match number of result shapes (1)}} %0 = chlo.minimum_broadcast_shapes %lhs, %rhs : tensor, tensor -> tensor return } // ----- func @minimum_broadcast_shapes_one_operand(%arg: tensor) { // expected-error @+1{{number of operand shapes (1) should be >= 2}} %0 = chlo.minimum_broadcast_shapes %arg : tensor -> tensor return }