/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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// This is the legalization pattern that converts complex operations into
// equivalent real value operations.

include "mlir/IR/OpBase.td"
include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.td"
include "mlir-hlo/Dialect/mhlo/IR/hlo_ops.td"

// Binary op patterns.

// Add and subtraction are elementwise and can be distributed across the real
// and imaginary components.
foreach elementwiseOp = [HLO_AddOp, HLO_SubOp] in
  def : Pat<(elementwiseOp HLO_ComplexTensor:$lhs,
              (elementwiseOp (HLO_RealOp $lhs), (HLO_RealOp $rhs)),
              (elementwiseOp (HLO_ImagOp $lhs), (HLO_ImagOp $rhs)))>;

// Complex multiplication results in a cross product multiplication between the
// real and imaginary components such that:
//   result.real = lhs.real * rhs.real - lhs.imag * rhs.imag
//   result.imag = lhs.imag * rhs.real + lhs.real * rhs.imag
def : Pat<(HLO_MulOp HLO_ComplexTensor:$lhs,
             (HLO_RealOp:$lhs_real $lhs),
             (HLO_RealOp:$rhs_real $rhs)),
             (HLO_ImagOp:$lhs_imag $lhs),
             (HLO_ImagOp:$rhs_imag $rhs))),
            (HLO_MulOp $lhs_real, $rhs_imag),
            (HLO_MulOp $lhs_imag, $rhs_real)))>;

// Multiplication between a complex and real tensor can be distributed by
// applying the real multiplicant to both the real and complex component.
// Note that the sourcep pattern is not legal according to the HLO dialect but
// instead handle intermediates generated by other patterns.
def : Pat<(HLO_MulOp HLO_ComplexTensor:$lhs, HLO_IntOrFpTensor:$rhs),
           (HLO_MulOp (HLO_RealOp $lhs), $rhs),
           (HLO_MulOp (HLO_ImagOp $lhs), $rhs))>;

def : Pat<(HLO_MulOp HLO_IntOrFpTensor:$lhs, HLO_ComplexTensor:$rhs),
           (HLO_MulOp $lhs, (HLO_RealOp $rhs)),
           (HLO_MulOp $lhs, (HLO_ImagOp $rhs)))>;

// Division is performed by normalizing the denominator by multiplying by the
// conjugate of the rhs.
//   numerator = lhs * conj(rhs)
//   denominator = rhs * conj(rhs)
def : Pat<(HLO_DivOp HLO_ComplexTensor:$lhs, HLO_ComplexTensor:$rhs),
             (HLO_MulOp:$num $lhs,
               (HLO_RealOp $rhs),
               (HLO_NegOp (HLO_ImagOp $rhs)))),
             (HLO_RealOp:$den (HLO_MulOp $rhs, $conj)))>;

def : Pat<(HLO_DivOp HLO_ComplexTensor:$lhs, HLO_IntOrFpTensor:$rhs),
           (HLO_DivOp (HLO_RealOp $lhs), $rhs),
           (HLO_DivOp (HLO_ImagOp $lhs), $rhs))>;

// Absolute value is evaluated as:
//   result = sqrt(val.real * val.real + val.imag * val.imag)
def : Pat<(HLO_AbsOp HLO_ComplexTensor:$val),
              (HLO_MulOp (HLO_RealOp:$real $val), $real),
              (HLO_MulOp (HLO_ImagOp:$imag $val), $imag)))>;

// Exponential can be lowered to an exponential on the real component and a
// sum of sinusoids of the imaginary component, which equates to a normal
// exponential operator multiplied by Euler's formula.
// Exp(a + ib) = Exp(a) * Exp(ib) = Exp(a) * (Cos(b) + iSin(b))
def : Pat<(HLO_ExpOp HLO_ComplexTensor:$val),
           (HLO_ExpOp (HLO_RealOp $val)),
            (HLO_CosOp (HLO_ImagOp:$imag $val)),
            (HLO_SinOp $imag)))>;