192 lines
8.8 KiB
192 lines
8.8 KiB
// RUN: mlir-hlo-opt %s --split-input-file --mhlo-rank-specialization-cluster | FileCheck %s
// RUN: mlir-hlo-opt %s --split-input-file --mhlo-rank-specialization-cluster --mhlo-rank-specialization-to-scf | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CHECK-SCF
// CHECK-LABEL: @add_mul
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG1:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG2:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>)
func @add_mul(%arg0 : tensor<*xf32>, %arg1 : tensor<*xf32>,
%arg2 : tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32> {
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster"(%[[ARG2]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]]) ( {
// CHECK: ^bb0(%[[ARG2_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG0_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG1_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>):
// CHECK: %[[TMP:.*]] = chlo.broadcast_multiply %[[ARG0_]], %[[ARG1_]]
// CHECK: %[[INNER_RES:.*]] = chlo.broadcast_add %[[TMP]], %[[ARG2_]]
// CHECK: "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster_yield"(%[[INNER_RES]])
// CHECK: }) : (tensor<*xf32>, tensor<*xf32>, tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
// CHECK: return %[[RES]]
%0 = chlo.broadcast_multiply %arg0, %arg1
: (tensor<*xf32>, tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%1 = chlo.broadcast_add %0, %arg2
: (tensor<*xf32>, tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
return %1 : tensor<*xf32>
// -----
// Unary MHLO operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: @sqrt
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>)
func @sqrt(%arg : tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32> {
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster"(%[[ARG]])
// CHECK: ^bb0(%[[ARG_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>):
// CHECK: %[[TMP0:.*]] = "mhlo.sqrt"(%[[ARG_]])
// CHECK: %[[TMP1:.*]] = "mhlo.sqrt"(%[[TMP0]])
// CHECK: %[[TMP2:.*]] = "mhlo.sqrt"(%[[TMP1]])
// CHECK: "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster_yield"(%[[TMP2]])
// CHECK: return %[[RES]]
%0 = "mhlo.sqrt"(%arg) : (tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%1 = "mhlo.sqrt"(%0) : (tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%2 = "mhlo.sqrt"(%1) : (tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
return %2 : tensor<*xf32>
// CHECK-SCF-SAME: (%[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>)
// CHECK-SCF: %[[SHAPE:.*]] = shape.shape_of %[[ARG]]
// CHECK-SCF: %[[N:.*]] = shape.num_elements %[[SHAPE]]
// CHECK-SCF: %[[FLAT_SHAPE:.*]] = tensor.from_elements %[[N]]
// CHECK-SCF: %[[FLAT_ARG:.*]] = "mhlo.dynamic_reshape"(%[[ARG]], %[[FLAT_SHAPE]]) : (tensor<*xf32>, tensor<1xindex>) -> tensor<?xf32>
// CHECK-SCF: %[[TMP0:.*]] = "mhlo.sqrt"(%[[FLAT_ARG]]) : (tensor<?xf32>)
// CHECK-SCF: %[[TMP1:.*]] = "mhlo.sqrt"(%[[TMP0]]) : (tensor<?xf32>)
// CHECK-SCF: %[[TMP2:.*]] = "mhlo.sqrt"(%[[TMP1]]) : (tensor<?xf32>)
// CHECK-SCF: %[[RES:.*]] = "mhlo.dynamic_reshape"(%[[TMP2]], %[[SHAPE]]) : (tensor<?xf32>, tensor<?xindex>) -> tensor<*xf32>
// CHECK-SCF: return %[[RES]]
// -----
// Don't cluster single ranked operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: @sqrt_ranked
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<3x?xf32>)
func @sqrt_ranked(%arg: tensor<3x?xf32>) -> tensor<3x?xf32> {
// CHECK-NOT: rank_specialization_cluster
%0 = "mhlo.sqrt"(%arg) : (tensor<3x?xf32>) -> tensor<3x?xf32>
%1 = "mhlo.sqrt"(%0) : (tensor<3x?xf32>) -> tensor<3x?xf32>
%2 = "mhlo.sqrt"(%1) : (tensor<3x?xf32>) -> tensor<3x?xf32>
return %2 : tensor<3x?xf32>
// -----
// Ternary operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: @select_mixed
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[PRED:.*]]: tensor<*xi1>, %[[ARG1:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG2:.*]]: tensor<2xf32>)
func @select_mixed(%pred: tensor<*xi1>, %arg1: tensor<*xf32>,
%arg2: tensor<2xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32> {
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster"(%[[PRED]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG2]])
// CHECK: ^bb0(%[[PRED_:.*]]: tensor<*xi1>, %[[ARG1_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG2_:.*]]: tensor<2xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[TMP:.*]] = chlo.broadcast_select %[[PRED_]], %[[ARG1_]], %[[ARG2_]]
// CHECK: "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster_yield"(%[[TMP]])
// CHECK: return %[[RES]]
%0 = "chlo.broadcast_select"(%pred, %arg1, %arg2)
: (tensor<*xi1>, tensor<*xf32>, tensor<2xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
return %0 : tensor<*xf32>
// -----
// Unary CHLO operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: @tan
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
func @tan(%arg : tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32> {
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster"(%[[ARG]]) ( {
// CHECK: ^bb0(%[[ARG_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[TMP0:.*]] = chlo.tan %[[ARG_]]
// CHECK: %[[TMP1:.*]] = chlo.tan %[[TMP0]]
// CHECK: %[[TMP2:.*]] = chlo.tan %[[TMP1]]
// CHECK: "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster_yield"(%[[TMP2]])
// CHECK: return %[[RES]]
%0 = chlo.tan %arg : tensor<*xf32> -> tensor<*xf32>
%1 = chlo.tan %0 : tensor<*xf32> -> tensor<*xf32>
%2 = chlo.tan %1 : tensor<*xf32> -> tensor<*xf32>
return %2 : tensor<*xf32>
// -----
// Composition of unary/binary CHLO and unary MHLO ops.
// CHECK-LABEL: @mixed
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG1:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG2:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>)
func @mixed(%arg0 : tensor<*xf32>, %arg1 : tensor<*xf32>, %arg2 : tensor<*xf32>)
-> tensor<*xf32> {
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster"(%[[ARG2]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG0]])
// CHECK: ^bb0(%[[ARG2_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG1_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG0_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[TMP0:.*]] = chlo.tan %[[ARG0_]]
// CHECK: %[[TMP1:.*]] = "mhlo.sqrt"(%[[ARG1_]])
// CHECK: %[[TMP2:.*]] = chlo.broadcast_multiply %[[TMP0]], %[[TMP1]]
// CHECK: %[[TMP3:.*]] = chlo.broadcast_add %[[TMP2]], %[[ARG2_]]
// CHECK: %[[TMP4:.*]] = "mhlo.sqrt"(%[[TMP3]])
// CHECK: %[[TMP5:.*]] = chlo.tan %[[TMP4]]
// CHECK: "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster_yield"(%[[TMP5]])
// CHECK: return %[[RES]]
%0 = chlo.tan %arg0 : tensor<*xf32> -> tensor<*xf32>
%1 = "mhlo.sqrt"(%arg1) : (tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%2 = chlo.broadcast_multiply %0, %1
: (tensor<*xf32>, tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%3 = chlo.broadcast_add %2, %arg2
: (tensor<*xf32>, tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%4 = "mhlo.sqrt"(%3) : (tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%5 = chlo.tan %4 : tensor<*xf32> -> tensor<*xf32>
return %5 : tensor<*xf32>
// -----
// Constant cluster operand.
// CHECK-LABEL: @relu
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>)
func @relu(%arg : tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32> {
// CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = mhlo.constant dense<0.000000e+00>
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster"(%[[ARG]], %[[C0]])
// CHECK: ^bb0(%[[ARG_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[C0_:.*]]: tensor<f32>):
// CHECK: %[[TMP:.*]] = chlo.broadcast_maximum %[[ARG_]], %[[C0_]]
// CHECK: "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster_yield"(%[[TMP]])
// CHECK: return %[[RES]]
%0 = mhlo.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<f32>
%1 = chlo.broadcast_maximum %0, %arg
: (tensor<f32>, tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
return %1 : tensor<*xf32>
// -----
// Cluster with binary non-broadcasting operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: @angle
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<*xcomplex<f32>>)
func @angle(%arg : tensor<*xcomplex<f32>>) -> tensor<*xf32> {
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster"(%[[ARG]])
// CHECK: ^bb0(%[[ARG_:.*]]: tensor<*xcomplex<f32>>):
// CHECK: %[[IMAG:.*]] = "mhlo.imag"(%[[ARG_]])
// CHECK: %[[REAL:.*]] = "mhlo.real"(%[[ARG_]])
// CHECK: %[[TMP:.*]] = mhlo.atan2 %[[IMAG]], %[[REAL]]
// CHECK: "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster_yield"(%[[TMP]])
// CHECK: return %[[RES]]
%0 = "mhlo.imag"(%arg) : (tensor<*xcomplex<f32>>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%1 = "mhlo.real"(%arg) : (tensor<*xcomplex<f32>>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%2 = mhlo.atan2 %0, %1 : tensor<*xf32>
return %2 : tensor<*xf32>
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @xlogy
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG1:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>)
func @xlogy(%arg0 : tensor<*xf32>, %arg1 : tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32> {
// CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = mhlo.constant dense<0.000000e+00>
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster"(%[[C0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]])
// CHECK: ^bb0(%[[C0_:.*]]: tensor<f32>, %[[ARG0_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>, %[[ARG1_:.*]]: tensor<*xf32>):
// CHECK: %[[TMP0:.*]] = chlo.broadcast_compare %[[ARG0_]], %[[C0_]] {comparison_direction = "EQ"}
// CHECK: %[[TMP1:.*]] = "mhlo.log"(%[[ARG1_]])
// CHECK: %[[TMP2:.*]] = chlo.broadcast_multiply %[[ARG0_]], %[[TMP1]]
// CHECK: %[[TMP3:.*]] = chlo.broadcast_select %[[TMP0]], %[[C0_]], %[[TMP2]]
// CHECK: "chlo.rank_specialization_cluster_yield"(%[[TMP3]])
// CHECK: return %[[RES]]
%0 = mhlo.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<f32>
%1 = tensor.cast %0 : tensor<f32> to tensor<f32>
%2 = chlo.broadcast_compare %arg0, %1 {comparison_direction = "EQ"}
: (tensor<*xf32>, tensor<f32>) -> tensor<*xi1>
%3 = "mhlo.log"(%arg1) : (tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%4 = chlo.broadcast_multiply %arg0, %3
: (tensor<*xf32>, tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
%5 = chlo.broadcast_select %2, %1, %4
: (tensor<*xi1>, tensor<f32>, tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<*xf32>
return %5 : tensor<*xf32>