
1162 lines
39 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from io import StringIO
import io
import os
import sys
import datetime
import argparse
import numpy as np # type: ignore
from onnx import defs, FunctionProto, helper, OperatorStatus
from onnx.defs import OpSchema, ONNX_DOMAIN, ONNX_ML_DOMAIN
from onnx.backend.test.case import collect_snippets
from onnx.backend.sample.ops import collect_sample_implementations
from typing import Any, Text, Sequence, Dict, List, Type, Set, Tuple
import pprint
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="Output ONNXOps.td.inc content to stdout.",
help="Output OpBuildTable.inc content to stdout.",
help="check whether the imported onnx package has new operation or "
" newer version of operation compared with version stored in version_dicts",
args = parser.parse_args()
check_operation_version = args.check_operation_version
# Record the version of each operation that is treated as the current version.
# To check whether the onnx package being used has newer version operation,
# run this script with --check-operation-version flag.
# Update this dictionary when a newer version is implemented
# TODO: how to keep the old version
version_dict = {'Abs': 6,
'Acos': 7,
'Acosh': 9,
'Add': 7,
'And': 7,
'ArgMax': 11,
'ArgMin': 11,
'Asin': 7,
'Asinh': 9,
'Atan': 7,
'Atanh': 9,
'AveragePool': 11,
'BatchNormalization': 9,
'BitShift': 11,
'Cast': 9,
'Ceil': 6,
'Clip': 11,
'Compress': 11,
'Concat': 11,
'ConcatFromSequence': 11,
'Constant': 11,
'ConstantOfShape': 9,
'Conv': 11,
'ConvInteger': 10,
'ConvTranspose': 11,
'Cos': 7,
'Cosh': 9,
'CumSum': 11,
'DepthToSpace': 11,
'DequantizeLinear': 10,
'Det': 11,
'Div': 7,
'Dropout': 10,
'DynamicQuantizeLinear': 11,
'Elu': 6,
'Equal': 11,
'Erf': 9,
'Exp': 6,
'Expand': 8,
'EyeLike': 9,
'Flatten': 11,
'Floor': 6,
'GRU': 7,
'Gather': 11,
'GatherElements': 11,
'GatherND': 11,
'Gemm': 11,
'GlobalAveragePool': 1,
'GlobalLpPool': 2,
'GlobalMaxPool': 1,
'Greater': 9,
'HardSigmoid': 6,
'Hardmax': 11,
'Identity': 1,
'If': 11,
'InstanceNormalization': 6,
'IsInf': 10,
'IsNaN': 9,
'LRN': 1,
'LSTM': 7,
'LeakyRelu': 6,
'Less': 9,
'Log': 6,
'LogSoftmax': 11,
'Loop': 11,
'LpNormalization': 1,
'LpPool': 11,
'MatMul': 9,
'MatMulInteger': 10,
'Max': 8,
'MaxPool': 11,
'MaxRoiPool': 1,
'MaxUnpool': 11,
'Mean': 8,
'MeanVarianceNormalization': 9,
'Min': 8,
'Mod': 10,
'Mul': 7,
'Multinomial': 7,
'Neg': 6,
'NonMaxSuppression': 11,
'NonZero': 9,
'Not': 1,
'OneHot': 11,
'Or': 7,
'PRelu': 9,
'Pad': 11,
'Pow': 7,
'QLinearConv': 10,
'QLinearMatMul': 10,
'QuantizeLinear': 10,
'RNN': 7,
'RandomNormal': 1,
'RandomNormalLike': 1,
'RandomUniform': 1,
'RandomUniformLike': 1,
'Range': 11,
'Reciprocal': 6,
'ReduceL1': 11,
'ReduceL2': 11,
'ReduceLogSum': 11,
'ReduceLogSumExp': 11,
'ReduceMax': 11,
'ReduceMean': 11,
'ReduceMin': 11,
'ReduceProd': 11,
'ReduceSum': 11,
'ReduceSumSquare': 11,
'Relu': 6,
'Reshape': 5,
'Resize': 11,
'ReverseSequence': 10,
'RoiAlign': 10,
'Round': 11,
'Scan': 11,
'Scatter': 11,
'ScatterElements': 11,
'ScatterND': 11,
'Selu': 6,
'SequenceAt': 11,
'SequenceConstruct': 11,
'SequenceEmpty': 11,
'SequenceErase': 11,
'SequenceInsert': 11,
'SequenceLength': 11,
'Shape': 1,
'Shrink': 9,
'Sigmoid': 6,
'Sign': 9,
'Sin': 7,
'Sinh': 9,
'Size': 1,
'Slice': 11,
'Softmax': 11,
'Softplus': 1,
'Softsign': 1,
'SpaceToDepth': 1,
'Split': 11,
'SplitToSequence': 11,
'Sqrt': 6,
'Squeeze': 11,
'StringNormalizer': 10,
'Sub': 7,
'Sum': 8,
'Tan': 7,
'Tanh': 6,
'TfIdfVectorizer': 9,
'ThresholdedRelu': 10,
'Tile': 6,
'TopK': 11,
'Transpose': 1,
'Unique': 11,
'Unsqueeze': 11,
'Upsample': 10,
'Where': 9,
'Xor': 7,
'ArrayFeatureExtractor': 1,
'Binarizer': 1,
'CastMap': 1,
'CategoryMapper': 1,
'DictVectorizer': 1,
'FeatureVectorizer': 1,
'Imputer': 1,
'LabelEncoder': 2,
'LinearClassifier': 1,
'LinearRegressor': 1,
'Normalizer': 1,
'OneHotEncoder': 1,
'SVMClassifier': 1,
'SVMRegressor': 1,
'Scaler': 1,
'TreeEnsembleClassifier': 1,
'TreeEnsembleRegressor': 1,
'ZipMap': 1}
# Manual specification of attribute defaults.
special_attr_defaults = dict([
# ("AveragePool.kernel_shape", ('ints', '{}')),
# ("MaxPool.kernel_shape", ('ints', '{}')),
# ("Cast.to", ('int', '0')),
# ("Concat.axis", ('int', '0')),
# ("Conv.group", ('int', '1')),
# ("Unsqueeze.axes", ('ints', '{}')),
# ("RNN.activation_alpha", ('floats', '{}')),
# ("RNN.activation_beta", ('floats', '{}')),
# Special operation importing handlers.
special_op_handler = dict([
("MaxPool", "ImportNodeMaxPool"),
("BatchNormalization", "ImportNodeBatchNormalization"),
("Pad", "ImportNodePad"),
#("Transpose", "ImportNodeTranspose")
# Operations supporting shape inference.
# Operations supporting canonicalization.
OpsWithCanonicalizer = ['Add', 'Identity', 'Gemm', 'Conv', 'Cast']
# Operations who have operands that, if produced by constant operations, should
# be promoted to become an attribute (via attribute promotion).
# For each operation, a key/value pair is used to specify how attribute promotion
# should proceed. The key is the operation's name and the value is a list of
# tuples, whose first item is the attribute/operand name, and the second item is
# the index at which such operand occurs in the list of the operation's inputs.
OpsWithPromotableConstOperands = {"Reshape": [("shape", 1)],
"Pad": [("pads", 1), ("constant_value", 2)],
"Tile": [("repeats", 1)]}
# Interface for special handling of type inference
# The common code are put into get_type_inference_func
OpsWithResultTypeInference = {
'''if (auto attr = valueAttr()) {
} else if (auto attr = sparse_valueAttr()) {
'''auto toAttr = to().getSExtValue();
auto builder = mlir::OpBuilder(getContext());
convertONNXTypeToMLIRType(builder, static_cast<onnx::TensorProto_DataType>(toAttr))));''',
'''if (auto attr = valueAttr()) {
} else {
# Add an Op in this list if the Op needs result type deduction which is required
# when writing declarative rewriting rules. Deduced type is always
# an UnrankedTensorType whose element type is the same as the first operand's
# element type.
# Currenlty, there are only two build methods generated:
# - one with operands and attributes having a separate parameter, and
# - one with operands and attributes having aggregated parameters.
custom_builder_unranked_ops_list = ['Abs', 'Exp', 'ReduceSum', 'ReduceSumSquare', 'Pad']
# Custom builder op list for operations with broadcast; we can deduce the right
# output type, no need to leave it undef as in the above list.
# Ops must have two operands, not one, not three... And there shall be two.
# TODO: handle variadic ops omitted here: Max, Min, Min, Sum.
custom_builder_broadcast_ops_list = ['Add', 'And', 'Div', 'Equal', 'Greater',
'Less', 'Mul', 'Or', 'Pow', 'Sub', 'Xor']
# union of both
custom_builder_ops_list = custom_builder_unranked_ops_list + custom_builder_broadcast_ops_list
#a dictionary to add any special definition for an operation
custom_definition_misc = dict([ ('Constant',
''' let builders = [
OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, Attribute sparse_value, Attribute value", [{
if (value) {
auto tensorType = value.getType();
build(builder, state, tensorType, sparse_value, value);
} else {
auto tensorType = sparse_value.getType();
build(builder, state, tensorType, sparse_value, value);
''' let builders = [
OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, Value input, IntegerAttr to", [{
auto toAttr = to.getValue().getSExtValue();
auto resultType = mlir::UnrankedTensorType::get(
convertONNXTypeToMLIRType(builder, static_cast<onnx::TensorProto_DataType>(toAttr)));
build(builder, state, resultType, input, to);
}] >
onnx_types = (
'bool', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'unkown', 'float16',
'float', 'double', 'complex64', 'complex128', 'string'
tblgen_types = ('AnyI1', 'AnyI8', 'AnyI16', 'AnyI32', 'AnyI64', 'BF16', 'F16', 'F32', 'F64',
'Complex<F32>', 'Complex<F64>', 'StringType'
SNIPPETS = collect_snippets()
SAMPLE_IMPLEMENTATIONS = collect_sample_implementations()
def should_render_domain(domain): # type: (Text) -> bool
return True
def display_attr_type(v): # type: (OpSchema.AttrType) -> Text
assert isinstance(v, OpSchema.AttrType)
s = Text(v)
s = s[s.rfind('.') + 1:].lower()
if s[-1] == 's':
s = 'list of ' + s
return s
def get_unique_output_name(schema, name):
for input in schema.inputs:
if input.name == name:
return 'out_' + name
return name
def onnx_attr_type_to_mlir_attr_type(t):
onnx_attr_type = Text(t)
onnx_attr_type = onnx_attr_type[onnx_attr_type.rfind('.') + 1:].lower()
if onnx_attr_type == 'int':
mlir_attr_type = 'I64Attr'
elif onnx_attr_type == 'float':
mlir_attr_type = 'F32Attr'
elif onnx_attr_type == 'ints':
mlir_attr_type = 'I64ArrayAttr'
elif onnx_attr_type == 'floats':
mlir_attr_type = 'F32ArrayAttr'
elif onnx_attr_type == "string":
mlir_attr_type = 'StrAttr'
elif onnx_attr_type == "strings":
mlir_attr_type = 'StrArrayAttr'
mlir_attr_type = 'AnyAttr'
#TODO: tensor and sparse tensor
return mlir_attr_type
#TODO: any better way to do this.
def tblgen_attr_type_to_cpp_type(t):
if 'I64Attr' in t:
cpp_type = 'IntegerAttr'
elif 'F32Attr' in t:
cpp_type = 'FloatAttr'
elif 'I64ArrayAttr' in t or 'F32ArrayAttr' in t:
cpp_type = 'ArrayAttr'
elif 'StrAttr' in t:
cpp_type = 'StringAttr'
elif 'strings' in t:
cpp_type = 'ArrayAttr'
cpp_type = 'Attribute'
return cpp_type
def tblgen_operand_type_to_cpp_type(op_type):
if op_type.startswith('Variadic'):
mytype = 'ValueRange'
mytype = 'Value'
return mytype
def np_type_to_tblgen_attr_type(tstr):
index = -1
for i in range(len(onnx_types)):
if onnx_types[i] in tstr:
index = i
if index == -1:
return None
return tblgen_types[i]
def get_tblgen_type_index(type_str):
return tblgen_types.index(type_str)
#the possible data structures are tensor, map and seq(tensor())
def get_data_structure_element(allowed_type_str):
structure_list = ['tensor', 'seq', 'map']
for structure in structure_list:
if allowed_type_str.startswith(structure) :
element = allowed_type_str.replace(
structure+'(', '', 1).replace(')', '', 1)
return (structure, element)
return (None, None)
def get_allowed_elem_types(schema, input):
#allowed_types_str = None
# return allowed_types_str
# TODO: enable type constraints.
if input.typeStr :
tstr = input.typeStr
structure, element = get_data_structure_element(tstr);
# In case the type is directly specified
if structure and element :
t = np_type_to_tblgen_attr_type(element)
if t == None :
return allowed_structure, None
else :
return structure, [t]
else :
return None
if schema.type_constraints:
for type_constraint in schema.type_constraints:
if type_constraint.type_param_str != tstr :
allowedTypes = type_constraint.allowed_type_strs
allowed_structure = None
for allowedType in allowedTypes:
structure, element = get_data_structure_element(allowedType);
if structure == None or element == None:
return None, None
if allowed_structure != None and allowed_structure != structure :
print("{}: one structure assumed".format(schema.name))
allowed_structure = structure
t = np_type_to_tblgen_attr_type(element)
if t == None :
return allowed_structure, None
if not t in allowed_type_list :
allowed_tyoe_list = allowed_type_list.append(t)
return allowed_structure,allowed_type_list
return None, None
def inc_indent(indent=None):
return "" if indent is None else indent + ' ' * 2
def dec_indent(indent):
return indent[:-2]
def join_args(args):
return ", ".join(args)
def get_operands_or_results(schema, type_str_dict, is_input):
value_list = schema.inputs if is_input else schema.outputs
if not value_list:
return OrderedDict()
def any_type_of(types):
assert isinstance(types, list)
if len(types) == 1:
return types[0]
return "AnyTypeOf<[{}]>".format(", ".join(types))
name_to_types = OrderedDict()
for i, value in enumerate(value_list):
types = get_onnx_mlir_types(schema, type_str_dict, value)
structure, elem_types = get_allowed_elem_types(schema, type_str_dict, value)
if structure == 'tensor' :
if elem_types is None:
types = ["AnyMemRef", "AnyTensor"]
elem_types_str = ','.join(elem_types)
types = ["TensorOf<[{}]>", "MemRefOf<[{}]>"]
types = list(map(lambda x: x.format(elem_types_str), types))
elif structure == 'seq' :
# Seq is not supported yet.
# Use of TensorOf<[AnyTensor]> as a placeholder for tablegen.
# When the Operation is used, warning/error will be generated at runtime.
if elem_types is None:
types = ["AnyMemRef", "TensorOf<[AnyTensor]>"]
elem_types_str = ','.join(elem_types)
types = ["TensorOf<[TensorOf<[{}]>]>", "MemRefOf<[{}]>"]
types = list(map(lambda x: x.format(elem_types_str), types))
elif structure == 'map' :
# Map is not supported yet.
# Use of TupleOf as a placeholder for tablegen.
# When the Operation is used, warning/error will be generated at runtime.
if elem_types is None:
types = ["AnyMemRef", "TupleOf<[AnyTensor]>"]
elem_types_str = ','.join(elem_types)
types = ["TupleOf<[TensorOf<[{}]>]>", "MemRefOf<[{}]>"]
types = list(map(lambda x: x.format(elem_types_str), types))
types = ["AnyMemRef", "AnyTensor"]
# If operand is promotable to an attribute, then it must be
# nullable in case it migrates to be an attribute.
if schema.name in OpsWithPromotableConstOperands:
idxs = dict(OpsWithPromotableConstOperands[schema.name]).values()
if i in idxs and not OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Optional == value.option:
if OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Optional == value.option:
elif OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Variadic == value.option:
if value.isHomogeneous:
types = ["Variadic<{}>".format(any_type_of(types))]
#TODO handle(variadic, heterogeneous) "
sys.stderr.write("warning: (variadic, heterogeneous) for" + schema.name +
' ' + value.name + "\n")
# Since output name can coincide with that of an input, we explicitly
# append a suffix "_out" to such names for disambiguation.
if is_input:
value_name = value.name
value_name = get_unique_output_name(schema, value.name)
name_to_types[value_name] = any_type_of(types)
return name_to_types
def get_attrs(schema):
def get_attr_type_optional(attr_type):
return 'OptionalAttr<{}>'.format(
def get_attr_type_with_default(attr_type, attr_default):
return 'DefaultValuedAttr<{}, "{}">'.format(
onnx_attr_type_to_mlir_attr_type(attr_type), attr_default)
if not schema.attributes:
return OrderedDict()
name_to_type = OrderedDict()
for _, attr in sorted(schema.attributes.items()):
qualified_attr_name = "{}.{}".format(schema.name, attr.name)
if qualified_attr_name in special_attr_defaults:
name_to_type[attr.name] = get_attr_type_with_default(
# option holds either required or default value
elif attr.required:
name_to_type[attr.name] = onnx_attr_type_to_mlir_attr_type(
elif attr.default_value.name:
def format_value(value): # type: (Any) -> Text
if isinstance(value, float):
formatted = str(np.round(value, 5))
# use default formatting, unless too long.
if (len(formatted) > 10):
formatted = str("({:e})".format(value))
return formatted
elif isinstance(
(bytes, bytearray)) and sys.version_info[0] == 3:
return str(value.decode('utf-8'))
return str(value)
default_value = helper.get_attribute_value(attr.default_value)
if isinstance(default_value, list):
default_value = [format_value(val) for val in default_value]
default_value_str = '{}'.format(default_value)
default_value_str = default_value_str.replace('[', '{', 1)
default_value_str = default_value_str.replace(']', '}', 1)
if Text(attr.type) == "AttrType.STRINGS":
default_value_str = default_value_str.replace("'", '\\"')
default_value_str = default_value_str.replace("'", '')
default_value = format_value(default_value)
default_value_str = default_value
name_to_type[attr.name] = get_attr_type_with_default(
attr.type, default_value_str)
name_to_type[attr.name] = get_attr_type_optional(attr.type)
return name_to_type
def get_numberof_list(mylist):
expected_num = len(mylist)
for element in mylist :
if OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Variadic == element.option:
expected_num = -1
return expected_num
def get_output_type_mapping(schema):
for output in schema.outputs :
#if only one type is allowed, just set that
structure, allowed_elem_types = get_allowed_elem_types(schema, output)
if allowed_elem_types != None and len(allowed_elem_types) == 1 :
#map the type string
if output.typeStr :
tstr = output.typeStr
found = False
for i, input in enumerate(schema.inputs):
if input.typeStr and input.typeStr == tstr:
found = True
if found:
#unknown output type
return mapping
def get_numberof_inout(s, indent, schema):
expected_num_operands = get_numberof_list(schema.inputs)
indent = inc_indent(indent)
s += indent + "static int getNumberOfOperands() {\n"
indent = inc_indent(indent)
s += indent + "return {};\n".format(expected_num_operands)
indent = dec_indent(indent)
s += indent + "}\n"
expected_num_results = get_numberof_list(schema.outputs)
s += indent + "static int getNumberOfResults() {\n"
indent = inc_indent(indent)
s += indent + "return {};\n".format(expected_num_results)
indent = dec_indent(indent)
s += indent + "}\n"
s += indent + "static std::vector<int> getTypeMap() {\n"
mapping = get_output_type_mapping(schema)
indent = inc_indent(indent)
s += indent + "return {" + ",".join(mapping) + "};\n"
indent = dec_indent(indent)
s += indent + "}\n"
return s
def get_promotable_const_operands_func(s, indent, const_operands_name_to_idx):
cpp_name_to_idx_literal = "{" + ", ".join([
"{{\"{}\", {}}}".format(*name_to_idx)
for name_to_idx in const_operands_name_to_idx
]) + "}"
#s += indent + "let extraClassDeclaration = [{\n"
indent = inc_indent(indent)
s += indent + "std::map<std::string, size_t> promotableConstOperands() {\n"
indent = inc_indent(indent)
s += indent + "return {};\n".format(cpp_name_to_idx_literal)
indent = dec_indent(indent)
s += indent + "}\n"
#indent = dec_indent(indent)
#s += indent + "}];\n"
return s
def get_type_inference_func(s, indent, type_inference_code):
indent = inc_indent(indent)
s += indent + "std::vector<mlir::Type> resultTypeInference() {" + "\n"
indent = inc_indent(indent)
s += indent + "std::vector<mlir::Type> resultTypes;" + "\n"
s += indent + type_inference_code + '\n'
s += indent + "return resultTypes;" + "\n"
indent = dec_indent(indent)
s += indent + "}" + "\n"
indent = dec_indent(indent)
return s
def parse_type_str(allowedType):
# AnyI may be used for uint because the onnx_mlir is not generating uint output
# This will be fixed later and UI will be replace AnyI
onnx_to_mlir_type_dict = { '(': '<[',
')': ']>',
'tensor' : 'TensorOf',
'seq' : 'SeqOf',
'map' : 'TupleOf',
'bool': 'I1',
#'uint8' : 'AnyI8',
#uint16' : 'AnyI16',
#uint32' : 'AnyI32',
#uint64' : 'AnyI64',
'uint8' : 'UI8',
'uint16' : 'UI16',
'uint32' : 'UI32',
'uint64' : 'UI64',
'int8' : 'I8',
'int16' : 'I16',
'int32' : 'I32',
'int64' : 'I64',
'float16' : 'F16',
'float' : 'F32',
'double' : 'F64',
'unkown' : 'BF16',
'complex64' : 'Complex<F32>',
'complex128' : 'Complex<F64>',
'string' : 'StringType'}
for key, item in onnx_to_mlir_type_dict.items():
allowedType = allowedType.replace(key, item)
return allowedType
def parse_a_type_constraint(constraint):
allowedTypes = constraint.allowed_type_strs
mlirTypes = []
for allowedType in allowedTypes:
mlirType = parse_type_str(allowedType)
# Remove redundant and sort.
# However onnx keeps a consitently meaningful order
# There is no redundancy as long as each onnx type is mapped uniquely
# mlirTypes = sorted(list(set(mlirTypes)))
2020-07-14 23:15:06 +08:00
# MemRef is always needed
return mlirTypes
def parse_type_constraints(schema):
type_str_dict = dict()
for type_constraint in schema.type_constraints:
type_str_dict[type_constraint.type_param_str] = parse_a_type_constraint(type_constraint)
return type_str_dict
def get_onnx_mlir_types(schema, type_str_dict, input):
if input.typeStr :
if not input.typeStr in type_str_dict :
# some arguments use type description directly
# instead of constraint
return [parse_type_str(input.typeStr)]
else :
return type_str_dict[input.typeStr]
else :
print('No typeStr ', schema.name)
return []
def gen_op_def(schema):
indent = inc_indent()
s = 'def ONNX{0}Op:ONNX_Op<"{0}",\n'.format(schema.name)
# Generate decl for op traits.
traits = ["NoSideEffect"]
if schema.name in OpsWithShapeInference:
if schema.name in OpsWithPromotableConstOperands.keys():
if schema.name in OpsWithResultTypeInference.keys():
s += inc_indent(indent) + '[{}]> {{\n'.format(join_args(traits))
# Generate decl for canonicalizer.
indent = inc_indent(indent)
if schema.name in OpsWithCanonicalizer:
s += indent + 'let hasCanonicalizer = 1;\n'
# Generate decl for summary.
s += indent + 'let summary = "ONNX {} operation";\n'.format(schema.name)
# Generate description.
s += indent + 'let description = [{\n'
if schema.doc:
lines = schema.doc.lstrip().splitlines()
for line in lines:
escaped_line = line.replace('"', '\\"')\
.replace('}]', '\\}\\]')
s += indent + '"{}"\n'.format(escaped_line)
s += indent + '}];\n'
# handle the type constraint for input and output
# parse type constraint into onnx-mlir type string list
type_str_dict = parse_type_constraints(schema)
# Generate ins (consisting of operands and attributes).
ins = get_operands_or_results(schema, type_str_dict, is_input=True)
ins_strs = ["{1}:${0}".format(*i) for i in ins.items()]
s += indent + 'let arguments = (ins {});\n'.format(
(',\n' + inc_indent(indent)).join(ins_strs))
# Generate outs (operation results).
outs = get_operands_or_results(schema, type_str_dict, is_input=False)
outs_strs = ["{1}:${0}".format(*i) for i in outs.items()]
s += indent + 'let results = (outs {});\n'.format(
(',\n' + inc_indent(indent)).join(outs_strs))
# custom_builder_broadcast_ops_list
# add custom builders
# use element type of the first operand to construct an UnrankedTensorType for the output.
if schema.name in custom_builder_ops_list:
if len(ins) == 0:
raise RuntimeWarning(
"warning: not generate custom build methods for " +
schema.name + " since it does not have operands.")
s += indent + 'let builders = [\n'
# Custom builders with operands and attributes having a seperate parameter.
# E.g. OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, Value X,
# Value, Y, Attribute A", [{}]>
indent = inc_indent(indent)
s += indent + 'OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state'
operands_dict = get_operands_or_results(schema, type_str_dict, is_input=True)
for name, ty in operands_dict.items():
s += ', {} {}'.format(tblgen_operand_type_to_cpp_type(ty),
for name, ty in get_attrs(schema).items():
s += ', {} {}'.format(tblgen_attr_type_to_cpp_type(ty), name)
s += '", [{\n'
indent = inc_indent(indent)
# Get output type from first operand's type.
first_operand_name = list(ins.items())[0][0]
build_type_name = ''
if schema.name in custom_builder_broadcast_ops_list:
second_operand_name = list(ins.items())[1][0]
2020-07-22 10:05:18 +08:00
s += indent + 'auto lhsTy = {}.getType();\n'. \
2020-07-22 10:05:18 +08:00
s += indent + 'auto rhsTy = {}.getType();\n'. \
s += indent + 'auto elementType = getBroadcastedType(lhsTy, rhsTy);\n'
s += indent + 'auto shapedType = elementType.dyn_cast_or_null<ShapedType>();\n';
s += indent + 'if (!shapedType || !shapedType.hasStaticShape()) {\n';
s += indent + indent + 'elementType = {}'.format(first_operand_name) + \
s += indent + indent + 'elementType = UnrankedTensorType::get(elementType);\n'
s += indent + '}\n';
build_type_name = 'elementType'
s += indent + 'auto elementType = {}'.format(first_operand_name) + \
build_type_name = 'UnrankedTensorType::get(elementType)'
s += indent + 'build(builder, state, {}'.format(build_type_name)
for name, _ in ins.items():
s += ', ' + name
s += ');\n'
indent = dec_indent(indent)
s += indent + '}]>,\n'
# Custom builders with all operands and attributes having aggregate parameters.
# E.g. OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, ValueRange operands,
# ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes", [{}]>'
s += indent + 'OpBuilder<"OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state, ' + \
'ValueRange operands, ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes", [{\n'
indent = inc_indent(indent)
if schema.name in custom_builder_broadcast_ops_list:
2020-07-22 10:05:18 +08:00
s += indent + 'auto lhsTy = operands[0].getType();\n'
s += indent + 'auto rhsTy = operands[1].getType();\n'
s += indent + 'auto elementType = getBroadcastedType(lhsTy, rhsTy);\n'
s += indent + 'auto shapedType = elementType.dyn_cast_or_null<ShapedType>();\n';
s += indent + 'if (!shapedType || !shapedType.hasStaticShape()) {\n';
s += indent + indent + 'elementType = operands[0]' + \
s += indent + indent + 'elementType = UnrankedTensorType::get(elementType);\n'
s += indent + '}\n';
s += indent + 'auto elementType = operands[0].getType().' + \
s += indent + 'std::vector<mlir::Type> outputTypes;\n'
s += indent + 'outputTypes.emplace_back({});\n'.format(build_type_name)
s += indent + 'build(builder, state, outputTypes, operands, attributes);\n'
indent = dec_indent(indent)
s += indent + '}]>'
s += '\n' + indent + '];\n'
# generate extracClassDeclaration
s += indent + "let extraClassDeclaration = [{\n"
#indent = inc_indent(indent)
# generate input/output number
s = get_numberof_inout(s, indent, schema)
# generate ProtableConst
if schema.name in OpsWithPromotableConstOperands:
s = get_promotable_const_operands_func(
s, indent, OpsWithPromotableConstOperands[schema.name])
if schema.name in OpsWithResultTypeInference:
s = get_type_inference_func(
s, indent, OpsWithResultTypeInference[schema.name])
s += indent + '}];\n'
if ( schema.name in custom_definition_misc) :
s += custom_definition_misc[schema.name] + '\n'
s += '}\n\n'
return s
special cases:
* Split: attr split default value: sizeof(output1) namely 1
* Conv: attr dilations default value is {num_dim of first input - 2, 1}
* Conv: attr kernel_shape type is ints
* Transpose: attr perm default value is {} empty int list
def gen_op_importer(schema, file):
indent = inc_indent()
s = indent + 'import_handler_map_["' + schema.name +'"] = \n '
expected_num_operands = len(schema.inputs)
expected_num_results = len(schema.outputs)
for input in schema.inputs:
if OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Variadic == input.option:
expected_num_operands = -1
for output in schema.outputs:
if OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Variadic == output.option:
expected_num_results = -1
handler_func = special_op_handler.get(
schema.name, "buildOperation<mlir::ONNX{}Op>".format(schema.name))
# Special handlers currently require expected num operands/results to be specified.
# TODO: remove special handlers.
args = ["node"]
if expected_num_operands != -1 or expected_num_results != -1 or "buildOperation" not in handler_func:
"/* expected_num_operands = */ {}".format(expected_num_operands))
'/* expected_num_results = */ {}'.format(expected_num_results))
s += inc_indent(indent) + '&onnx_mlir::detail::FrontendGenImpl::'
s += handler_func+';\n'
def build_operator_schemas():
# domain -> support level -> name -> [schema]
index = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(
list))) # type: Dict[Text, Dict[int, Dict[Text, List[OpSchema]]]]
for schema in defs.get_all_schemas_with_history():
# Preprocess the Operator Schemas
# [(domain, [(support_level, [(schema name, current schema, all versions schemas)])])]
operator_schemas = list(
) # type: List[Tuple[Text, List[Tuple[int, List[Tuple[Text, OpSchema, List[OpSchema]]]]]]]
exsting_ops = set() # type: Set[Text]
for domain, _supportmap in sorted(index.items()):
if not should_render_domain(domain):
processed_supportmap = list()
for _support, _namemap in sorted(_supportmap.items()):
processed_namemap = list()
for n, unsorted_versions in sorted(_namemap.items()):
versions = sorted(unsorted_versions,
key=lambda s: s.since_version)
schema = versions[-1]
if schema.name in exsting_ops:
if check_operation_version :
# Generate operation of the latest version of your onnx.
processed_namemap.append((n, schema, versions))
# Add checks against version_dict
if schema.name not in version_dict :
print("Check-operation-version: Operation {} with version is new".format(
schema.since_version, schema.name))
elif schema.since_version > version_dict[schema.name]:
print("Check-operation-version: Operation {} has a newer version {}"+
"(old version {})".format( schema.name,
schema.since_version, version_dict[schema.name]))
# Generate operation according to the version in version_dict.
if schema.name not in version_dict :
found = False
for schema in reversed(versions):
# Check the version number against the version_dict
if schema.since_version == version_dict[schema.name]:
processed_namemap.append((n, schema, versions))
found = True
if not found:
print("Your onnx may be too old."
"right version for opertion {} not found".format(
processed_supportmap.append((_support, processed_namemap))
operator_schemas.append((domain, processed_supportmap))
return operator_schemas
def main(args): # type: (Type[Args]) -> None
curr_utc_time = datetime.datetime.now(
datetime.timezone.utc).strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")
autogen_warning = (
'// Do not modify this file directly.\n'
'// This file is automatically generated via script.\n'
'// Details can be found in docs/ImportONNXDefs.md .\n'
autogen_warning = autogen_warning.format(curr_utc_time)
op_def = args.op_def
op_importer = args.op_importer
version_dict = dict()
for domain, supportmap in build_operator_schemas():
for _, namemap in supportmap:
for op_type, schema, versions in namemap:
if check_operation_version:
version_dict[schema.name] = schema.since_version
gen_op_importer(schema, op_importer)
r = gen_op_def(schema)
if check_operation_version :
if __name__ == '__main__':
curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
class Args(object):
if args.dry_run_onnx_ops:
op_def = StringIO()
op_def_file_path = os.path.join(curr_dir, 'ONNXOps.td.inc')
op_def = io.open(op_def_file_path, 'w', newline='')
if args.dry_run_op_build_table:
op_importer = StringIO()
op_importer_file_path = os.path.join(curr_dir, 'OpBuildTable.inc')
op_importer = io.open(op_importer_file_path, 'w', newline='')
if args.dry_run_onnx_ops:
if args.dry_run_op_build_table: