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2020-10-10 21:05:48 +08:00
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Utilities for defining TensorFlow Bazel dependencies."""
def _is_windows(ctx):
return ctx.os.name.lower().find("windows") != -1
def _wrap_bash_cmd(ctx, cmd):
if _is_windows(ctx):
bazel_sh = _get_env_var(ctx, "BAZEL_SH")
if not bazel_sh:
fail("BAZEL_SH environment variable is not set")
cmd = [bazel_sh, "-l", "-c", " ".join(["\"%s\"" % s for s in cmd])]
return cmd
def _get_env_var(ctx, name):
if name in ctx.os.environ:
return ctx.os.environ[name]
return None
# Checks if we should use the system lib instead of the bundled one
def _use_system_lib(ctx, name):
syslibenv = _get_env_var(ctx, "TF_SYSTEM_LIBS")
if syslibenv:
for n in syslibenv.strip().split(","):
if n.strip() == name:
return True
return False
# Executes specified command with arguments and calls 'fail' if it exited with
# non-zero code
def _execute_and_check_ret_code(repo_ctx, cmd_and_args):
result = repo_ctx.execute(cmd_and_args, timeout = 60)
if result.return_code != 0:
fail(("Non-zero return code({1}) when executing '{0}':\n" + "Stdout: {2}\n" +
"Stderr: {3}").format(
" ".join(cmd_and_args),
def _repos_are_siblings():
return Label("@foo//bar").workspace_root.startswith("../")
# Apply a patch_file to the repository root directory
# Runs 'patch -p1'
def _apply_patch(ctx, patch_file):
# Don't check patch on Windows, because patch is only available under bash.
if not _is_windows(ctx) and not ctx.which("patch"):
fail("patch command is not found, please install it")
cmd = _wrap_bash_cmd(
["patch", "-p1", "-d", ctx.path("."), "-i", ctx.path(patch_file)],
_execute_and_check_ret_code(ctx, cmd)
def _apply_delete(ctx, paths):
for path in paths:
if path.startswith("/"):
fail("refusing to rm -rf path starting with '/': " + path)
if ".." in path:
fail("refusing to rm -rf path containing '..': " + path)
cmd = _wrap_bash_cmd(ctx, ["rm", "-rf"] + [ctx.path(path) for path in paths])
_execute_and_check_ret_code(ctx, cmd)
def _tf_http_archive(ctx):
if ("mirror.tensorflow.org" not in ctx.attr.urls[0] and
(len(ctx.attr.urls) < 2 and
ctx.attr.name not in _SINGLE_URL_WHITELIST.to_list())):
fail("tf_http_archive(urls) must have redundant URLs. The " +
"mirror.tensorflow.org URL must be present and it must come first. " +
"Even if you don't have permission to mirror the file, please " +
"put the correctly formatted mirror URL there anyway, because " +
"someone will come along shortly thereafter and mirror the file.")
use_syslib = _use_system_lib(ctx, ctx.attr.name)
if not use_syslib:
if ctx.attr.delete:
_apply_delete(ctx, ctx.attr.delete)
if ctx.attr.patch_file != None:
_apply_patch(ctx, ctx.attr.patch_file)
if use_syslib and ctx.attr.system_build_file != None:
# Use BUILD.bazel to avoid conflict with third party projects with
# BUILD or build (directory) underneath.
ctx.template("BUILD.bazel", ctx.attr.system_build_file, {
"%prefix%": ".." if _repos_are_siblings() else "external",
}, False)
elif ctx.attr.build_file != None:
# Use BUILD.bazel to avoid conflict with third party projects with
# BUILD or build (directory) underneath.
ctx.template("BUILD.bazel", ctx.attr.build_file, {
"%prefix%": ".." if _repos_are_siblings() else "external",
}, False)
if use_syslib:
for internal_src, external_dest in ctx.attr.system_link_files.items():
ctx.symlink(Label(internal_src), ctx.path(external_dest))
tf_http_archive = repository_rule(
implementation = _tf_http_archive,
attrs = {
"sha256": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"urls": attr.string_list(mandatory = True, allow_empty = False),
"strip_prefix": attr.string(),
"type": attr.string(),
"delete": attr.string_list(),
"patch_file": attr.label(),
"build_file": attr.label(),
"system_build_file": attr.label(),
"system_link_files": attr.string_dict(),
environ = [
"""Downloads and creates Bazel repos for dependencies.
This is a swappable replacement for both http_archive() and
new_http_archive() that offers some additional features. It also helps
ensure best practices are followed.
def _third_party_http_archive(ctx):
if ("mirror.tensorflow.org" not in ctx.attr.urls[0] and
(len(ctx.attr.urls) < 2 and
ctx.attr.name not in _SINGLE_URL_WHITELIST.to_list())):
fail("tf_http_archive(urls) must have redundant URLs. The " +
"mirror.tensorflow.org URL must be present and it must come first. " +
"Even if you don't have permission to mirror the file, please " +
"put the correctly formatted mirror URL there anyway, because " +
"someone will come along shortly thereafter and mirror the file.")
use_syslib = _use_system_lib(ctx, ctx.attr.name)
# Use "BUILD.bazel" to avoid conflict with third party projects that contain a
# file or directory called "BUILD"
buildfile_path = ctx.path("BUILD.bazel")
if use_syslib:
if ctx.attr.system_build_file == None:
fail("Bazel was configured with TF_SYSTEM_LIBS to use a system " +
"library for %s, but no system build file for %s was configured. " +
"Please add a system_build_file attribute to the repository rule" +
"for %s." % (ctx.attr.name, ctx.attr.name, ctx.attr.name))
ctx.symlink(Label(ctx.attr.system_build_file), buildfile_path)
if ctx.attr.delete:
_apply_delete(ctx, ctx.attr.delete)
if ctx.attr.patch_file != None:
_apply_patch(ctx, ctx.attr.patch_file)
ctx.symlink(Label(ctx.attr.build_file), buildfile_path)
link_dict = {}
if use_syslib:
for internal_src, external_dest in ctx.attr.link_files.items():
# if syslib and link exists in both, use the system one
if external_dest not in link_dict.values():
link_dict[internal_src] = external_dest
for internal_src, external_dest in link_dict.items():
ctx.symlink(Label(internal_src), ctx.path(external_dest))
# Downloads and creates Bazel repos for dependencies.
# This is an upgrade for tf_http_archive that works with go/tfbr-thirdparty.
# For link_files, specify each dict entry as:
# "//path/to/source:file": "localfile"
third_party_http_archive = repository_rule(
implementation = _third_party_http_archive,
attrs = {
"sha256": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"urls": attr.string_list(mandatory = True, allow_empty = False),
"strip_prefix": attr.string(),
"type": attr.string(),
"delete": attr.string_list(),
"build_file": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"system_build_file": attr.string(mandatory = False),
"patch_file": attr.label(),
"link_files": attr.string_dict(),
"system_link_files": attr.string_dict(),
environ = [