* Call llc, ld from within onnx-mlir.
* Rename EmitLLVMBC -> EmitLib., reorder header files
* Edit comment.
* Checkpoint, debug.py works.
* Automatically generate inputs in debug.py.
* Use float.
* initial support for rapidcheck tests.
* Convolution test case works.
* Format code.
* Link library with MainUtils.
* Fix CMake script error.
* Fast implementation of array assertion, more detailed error analysis.
* More utility for DynMemRef.
* Fix linking issue.
* Uncomment unit test.
* Refactor to separate C++/Python ExecutionSession, enable unit test.
* format code.
* Verbose build.
* Enable PIC option for ExecusionSession.
* Fix cmake error.
* Build all targets.
* Fix doc to build all targets.
* Clean up.
* Clean up, debug.
* Use type alias consistently.
* Move definitions to DynMemRef.cpp.
* include algorithm.
* pyruntime -> PyRuntime
* Format code.
* Free memory.
* Add comments.
* Copyright notice.
* Improve stylistic consistency.
* Add comment.
* Revert irrelevant changes.
* Disambiguate.
* Refator test case generator out from test case implementation, implement example exhaustive test driver.
* Add documentation for testing.
* Call llc, ld from within onnx-mlir.
* Rename EmitLLVMBC -> EmitLib., reorder header files
* Checkpoint, debug.py works.
* Automatically generate inputs in debug.py.
* Use float.
* Fix merge conflict, remove RapidCheck from this patch.
* Remove submodule rapidcheck properly.
* Reformat code.
* More comments.
* Add documentation.
* Add documentation to navigation.
* Account for the fact that some initializers may also appear as input.