from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import itertools import os import unittest import onnx.backend.base import onnx.backend.test from onnx.backend.base import Device, DeviceType import onnx.shape_inference import onnx.version_converter import subprocess from pyruntime import ExecutionSession CXX = os.getenv('CXX') ONNF = os.getenv('ONNF') LLC = os.getenv('LLC') RT_DIR = os.getenv('RT_DIR') assert CXX and ONNF and LLC and RT_DIR, "tools path not set" class DummyBackend(onnx.backend.base.Backend): @classmethod def prepare( cls, model, device='CPU', **kwargs ): super(DummyBackend, cls).prepare(model, device, **kwargs) # Save model to disk as temp_model.onnx., "temp_model.onnx") # Call frontend to process temp_model.onnx, bit code will be generated.[ONNF, "temp_model.onnx"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Call llc to generate object file from bitcode.[LLC, "-filetype=obj", "model.bc"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Generate shared library from object file, linking with c runtime.[ CXX, "-shared", "model.o", "-o", "", "-L" + RT_DIR, "-lcruntime" ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return ExecutionSession("./", "_dyn_entry_point_main_graph") @classmethod def supports_device(cls, device): d = Device(device) if d.type == DeviceType.CPU: return True return False backend_test = onnx.backend.test.BackendTest(DummyBackend, __name__) # Test directories: # test_to_enable = [ # Add Op: "test_add_cpu", "test_add_bcast_cpu", # And Op: # Sub Op: "test_sub_cpu", "test_sub_bcast_cpu", "test_sub_example_cpu", # Cosh Op: "test_cosh_cpu", "test_cosh_example_cpu", # Div Op: "test_div_cpu", "test_div_bcast_cpu", "test_div_example_cpu", # Elu Op: "test_elu_cpu", "test_elu_default_cpu", "test_elu_example_cpu", # Exp Op: "test_exp_cpu", "test_exp_example_cpu", # Hard Sigmoid Op: "test_hardsigmoid_cpu", "test_hardsigmoid_default_cpu", "test_hardsigmoid_example_cpu", # Leaky Relu Op: "test_leakyrelu_cpu", "test_leakyrelu_default_cpu", "test_leakyrelu_example_cpu", # Max Op: # "test_max_example_cpu", <- error "test_max_one_input_cpu", # "test_max_two_inputs_cpu", <- error # Min Op: # "test_min_example_cpu", <- error "test_min_one_input_cpu", # "test_min_two_inputs_cpu", <- error # Mul Op: "test_mul_cpu", "test_mul_bcast_cpu", "test_mul_example_cpu", # Relu Op: "test_relu_cpu", # Selu Op: "test_selu_cpu", "test_selu_default_cpu", "test_selu_example_cpu", # Sigmoid Op: "test_sigmoid_cpu", "test_sigmoid_example_cpu", # Sum Op: #"test_sum_example_cpu", <- error "test_sum_one_input_cpu", #"test_sum_two_inputs_cpu", <- error # Reciprocal Op: #"test_reciprocal_cpu", <- error on shape inference. #"test_reciprocal_example_cpu", <- error on shape inference. ] # Extract name of all test cases. import inspect all_tests = inspect.getmembers( backend_test.test_cases["OnnxBackendNodeModelTest"]) all_test_names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], all_tests)) for test_name in test_to_enable: assert test_name in all_test_names, "test name {} not found".format(test_name) backend_test.include(r"^{}$".format(test_name)) def tearDownModule(): print() print("*" * 40) print("A total of {} tests should have run".format(len(test_to_enable))) print("*" * 40) # import all test cases at global scope to make them visible to python.unittest globals().update(backend_test.test_cases) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()