include(GoogleTest) # Adapted from macro(add_unit_test TESTNAME) # create an exectuable in which the tests will be stored add_executable(${TESTNAME} ${ARGN}) # link the Google test infrastructure, mocking library, and a default main fuction to # the test executable. Remove g_test_main if writing your own main function. target_link_libraries(${TESTNAME} gtest gmock gtest_main) # gtest_discover_tests replaces gtest_add_tests, # see for more options to pass to it gtest_discover_tests(${TESTNAME} # set a working directory so your project root so that you can find test data via paths relative to the project root WORKING_DIRECTORY ${ONNX_MLIR_BIN_ROOT} PROPERTIES VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY "${ONNX_MLIR_BIN_ROOT}") endmacro() macro(add_c_unit_test TESTNAME) add_executable(${TESTNAME} ${ARGN}) add_test(NAME ${TESTNAME} COMMAND ${TESTNAME}) endmacro() add_subdirectory(Runtime)