#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from collections import defaultdict import io import os import sys import numpy as np # type: ignore from onnx import defs, FunctionProto, helper, OperatorStatus from onnx.defs import OpSchema, ONNX_DOMAIN, ONNX_ML_DOMAIN from onnx.backend.test.case import collect_snippets from onnx.backend.sample.ops import collect_sample_implementations from typing import Any, Text, Sequence, Dict, List, Type, Set, Tuple #controls on ONNF code gen #specify attr default value special_attr_defaults = dict([ # ("AveragePool "+"kernel_shape", ('ints', '{}')), # ("MaxPool "+"kernel_shape", ('ints', '{}')), # ("Cast "+"to", ('int', '0')), # ("Concat "+"axis", ('int', '0')), # ("Conv "+"group", ('int', '1')), # ("Unsqueeze "+"axes", ('ints', '{}')), # ("RNN "+"activation_alpha", ('floats', '{}')), # ("RNN "+"activation_beta", ('floats', '{}')), ]) #specify the function name in src/builder/frontend_dialect_transformer.cpp #the reason for Conv and MaPool is to handled optional arguments special_op_handler = dict([ ("Conv", "ImportNodeConv"), ("MaxPool", "ImportNodeMaxPool"), #("Transpose", "ImportNodeTranspose") ]) #add an Op in this list if ShapeInterference is defined for this Op ShapeInferenceList=['Exp', 'Tanh', 'Sinh', 'Cosh', 'Sigmoid', 'Relu', 'Add', 'Mul', 'Div', 'Sub', 'And', 'Or', 'Xor', 'Sum', 'Max', 'Min', 'MatMul', 'Gemm', 'LeakyRelu', 'Elu', 'Selu', 'HardSigmoid', 'Reshape', 'Reciprocal', 'Identity', 'Cos', 'Log', 'Transpose', 'Softmax', 'Softplus', 'Softsign', 'Sqrt', 'Unsqueeze'] CanonicalList=['Add', 'Identity'] manual_code_in_op_def = dict([ ('DummyExample', ' let extraClassDeclaration = [{ \n'+ ' static StringRef getPermAttrName() { return "perm"; }\n'+ ' }];\n') ]) SNIPPETS = collect_snippets() SAMPLE_IMPLEMENTATIONS = collect_sample_implementations() ONNX_ML = not bool(os.getenv('ONNX_ML') == '0') ONNX_ML = False print("ONNX_ML", ONNX_ML) if ONNX_ML: ext = '-ml.md' else: ext = '.md' def display_number(v): # type: (int) -> Text if defs.OpSchema.is_infinite(v): return '∞' return Text(v) def should_render_domain(domain): # type: (Text) -> bool if domain == ONNX_ML_DOMAIN and not ONNX_ML: return False elif ONNX_ML and domain != ONNX_ML_DOMAIN: return False return True def format_name_with_domain(domain, schema_name): # type: (Text, Text) -> Text if domain: return '{}.{}'.format(domain, schema_name) else: return schema_name def display_attr_type(v): # type: (OpSchema.AttrType) -> Text assert isinstance(v, OpSchema.AttrType) s = Text(v) s = s[s.rfind('.') + 1:].lower() if s[-1] == 's': s = 'list of ' + s return s def display_domain(domain): # type: (Text) -> Text if domain: return "the '{}' operator set".format(domain) else: return "the default ONNX operator set" def display_domain_short(domain): # type: (Text) -> Text if domain: return domain else: return 'ai.onnx (default)' def display_version_link(name, version): # type: (Text, int) -> Text changelog_md = 'Changelog' + ext name_with_ver = '{}-{}'.format(name, version) return '{}'.format(changelog_md, name_with_ver, name_with_ver) def display_schema(schema, versions): # type: (OpSchema, Sequence[OpSchema]) -> Text s = '' # doc if schema.doc: s += '\n' s += '\n'.join(' ' + line for line in schema.doc.lstrip().splitlines()) s += '\n' # since version s += '\n#### Version\n' if schema.support_level == OpSchema.SupportType.EXPERIMENTAL: s += '\nNo versioning maintained for experimental ops.' else: s += '\nThis version of the operator has been ' + ('deprecated' if schema.deprecated else 'available') + ' since version {}'.format(schema.since_version) s += ' of {}.\n'.format(display_domain(schema.domain)) if len(versions) > 1: # TODO: link to the Changelog.md s += '\nOther versions of this operator: {}\n'.format( ', '.join(display_version_link(format_name_with_domain(v.domain, v.name), v.since_version) for v in versions[:-1])) # If this schema is deprecated, don't display any of the following sections if schema.deprecated: return s # attributes if schema.attributes: s += '\n#### Attributes\n\n' s += '
\n' for _, attr in sorted(schema.attributes.items()): # option holds either required or default value opt = '' if attr.required: opt = 'required' elif attr.default_value.name: default_value = helper.get_attribute_value(attr.default_value) def format_value(value): # type: (Any) -> Text if isinstance(value, float): formatted = str(np.round(value, 5)) # use default formatting, unless too long. if (len(formatted) > 10): formatted = str("({:e})".format(value)) return formatted elif isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray)) and sys.version_info[0] == 3: return str(value.decode('utf-8')) return str(value) if isinstance(default_value, list): default_value = [format_value(val) for val in default_value] else: default_value = format_value(default_value) opt = 'default is {}'.format(default_value) s += '
{} : {}{}
\n'.format( attr.name, display_attr_type(attr.type), ' ({})'.format(opt) if opt else '') s += '
\n'.format(attr.description) s += '
\n' # inputs s += '\n#### Inputs' if schema.min_input != schema.max_input: s += ' ({} - {})'.format(display_number(schema.min_input), display_number(schema.max_input)) s += '\n\n' if schema.inputs: s += '
\n' for input in schema.inputs: option_str = "" if OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Optional == input.option: option_str = " (optional)" elif OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Variadic == input.option: if input.isHomogeneous: option_str = " (variadic)" else: option_str = " (variadic, heterogeneous)" s += '
{}{} : {}
\n'.format(input.name, option_str, input.typeStr) s += '
\n'.format(input.description) s += '
\n' # outputs s += '\n#### Outputs' if schema.min_output != schema.max_output: s += ' ({} - {})'.format(display_number(schema.min_output), display_number(schema.max_output)) s += '\n\n' if schema.outputs: s += '
\n' for output in schema.outputs: option_str = "" if OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Optional == output.option: option_str = " (optional)" elif OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Variadic == output.option: if output.isHomogeneous: option_str = " (variadic)" else: option_str = " (variadic, heterogeneous)" s += '
{}{} : {}
\n'.format(output.name, option_str, output.typeStr) s += '
\n'.format(output.description) s += '
\n' # type constraints s += '\n#### Type Constraints' s += '\n\n' if schema.type_constraints: s += '
\n' for type_constraint in schema.type_constraints: allowedTypes = type_constraint.allowed_type_strs if (len(allowedTypes) > 0): allowedTypeStr = allowedTypes[0] for allowedType in allowedTypes[1:]: allowedTypeStr += ', ' + allowedType s += '
{} : {}
\n'.format( type_constraint.type_param_str, allowedTypeStr) s += '
\n'.format(type_constraint.description) s += '
\n' # Function Body if schema.has_function: # type: ignore s += '\n#### Function\n' s += '\nThe Function can be represented as a function.\n' return s def support_level_str(level): # type: (OpSchema.SupportType) -> Text return \ "experimental " if level == OpSchema.SupportType.EXPERIMENTAL else "" def convert_type(tstr) : tfrom = np.array(['bool', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'unkown', 'float16', 'float', 'double']) tto =np.array(['I1', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'BF16', 'F16', 'F32', 'F64']) index = -1 for i in range(len(tfrom)) : if tfrom[i] in tstr : index = i break if index == -1 : print("error", tstr) return '' else : return tto[i] def collect_types(schema, input) : allowedTypeStr='' #first step just ignore the type constraints return allowedTypeStr if input.typeStr : tstr = input.typeStr else : return allwedTypeStr if schema.type_constraints: for type_constraint in schema.type_constraints: if type_constraint.type_param_str != tstr : continue allowedTypes = type_constraint.allowed_type_strs allowedTypeStr='' if (len(allowedTypes) > 0): t = convert_type(allowedTypes[0]) if t == '' : return '' allowedTypeStr += t for allowedType in allowedTypes[1:]: t = convert_type(allowedType) if t == '' : return '' if not t in allowedTypeStr : allowedTypeStr += ', '+t return allowedTypeStr return allowedTypeStr def gen_schema(schema) : skip_attr_gen = [] line_indent = ' ' #s = 'def ONNX'+schema.name+str(schema.since_version)+'Op:ONNX_Op<"'+schema.name+'", \n' s = 'def ONNX'+schema.name+'Op:ONNX_Op<"'+schema.name+'", \n' s += line_indent+' [NoSideEffect' if schema.name in ShapeInferenceList : s+= ', DeclareOpInterfaceMethods' s += ']> {' if schema.name in CanonicalList: s += '\n'+line_indent+'let hasCanonicalizer = 1;' #summary s += '\n'+line_indent s += 'let summary = "ONNX '+schema.name+' operation";' #description s += '\n'+line_indent s += 'let description = [{' if schema.doc: """ s += '\n'.join(line_indent + line for line in schema.doc.lstrip().splitlines()) """ for line in schema.doc.lstrip().splitlines(): line = line.replace('}]', '\}\]') s += '\n'+line_indent+' '+'"'+line+'"' else : s += '\n'+line_indent*2 +'no doc for this op from onnx' s += '\n'+line_indent+'}];' #input s+= '\n'+line_indent+'let arguments = (ins ' isfirst = True if schema.inputs: isfirst = False for input in schema.inputs: if input != schema.inputs[0] : s+= ',\n ' etypes=collect_types(schema, input) if OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Optional == input.option: #TODO: handle optional print("warning: optional input for"+schema.name+' '+input.name) elif OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Variadic == input.option: if input.isHomogeneous: s+= 'Variadic<' else: #TODO handle (variadic, heterogeneous)" print("warning: (variadic, heterogeneous) for"+schema.name+' '+input.name) if etypes == '': s+= 'AnyTypeOf<[AnyMemRef, AnyTensor]>' else: s+= 'TensorOf<['+etypes+']>' if OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Optional == input.option: #TODO: handle optional t='' elif OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Variadic == input.option: if input.isHomogeneous: s+= '>' else: #TODO handle (variadic, heterogeneous)" t='' s+=':$'+input.name if not schema.name in skip_attr_gen : s += gen_attr_ins(schema, isfirst) s+= ');' #output s+= '\n'+line_indent+'let results = (outs ' if schema.outputs: for output in schema.outputs: if output != schema.outputs[0] : s+= ', ' #need to interpret output.typeStr etypes=collect_types(schema, output) if etypes == '': s+= 'AnyTypeOf<[AnyMemRef, AnyTensor]>' else: s+= 'TensorOf<['+etypes+']>' s += ':$o_'+output.name s+= ');\n' #s+= 'let hasCanonicalizer = 1;' #add special code if schema.name in manual_code_in_op_def : s += manual_code_in_op_def[schema.name] s += '}\n\n' return s """ special cases: * Split: attr split default value: sizeof(output1) namely 1 * Conv: attr dilations default value is {num_dim of first input - 2, 1} * Conv: attr kernel_shape type is ints * Transpose: attr perm default value is {} empty int list """ def gen_code(schema,fefile) : handle_variadic = False line_indent = ' ' fefile.write(' '+'}else if (OpName == "'+schema.name+'") {\n') op_type_str='mlir::ONNX'+schema.name+'Op' if schema.name in special_op_handler : fefile.write(' '+special_op_handler[schema.name]+'(node, ' +str(len(schema.inputs)) +', ' +str(len(schema.outputs))) elif len(schema.outputs) > 1 : fefile.write(' '+'ImportNodeMultipleOuts<'+op_type_str+'>(node, ' +str(len(schema.inputs)) +', ' +str(len(schema.outputs))) else : fefile.write(' '+'ImportNodeOneOut<'+op_type_str+'>(node, ' +str(len(schema.inputs)) +', ' +str(len(schema.outputs))) variadicIn = 'false' variadicOut = 'false' for input in schema.inputs: if OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Variadic == input.option: if input.isHomogeneous: variadicIn = 'true' handle_variadic = True for output in schema.outputs: if OpSchema.FormalParameterOption.Variadic == output.option: if output.isHomogeneous: variadicOut = 'true' if not handle_variadic: fefile.write(');\n') else: fefile.write(', '+variadicIn+', '+variadicOut+');\n') def gen_attr_ins(schema, isfirst) : def get_attr_type_basic(attr_type) : if attr_type == 'int' : mytype = 'I64Attr' elif attr_type == 'float' : mytype = 'F32Attr' elif attr_type == 'ints' : mytype = 'I64ArrayAttr' elif attr_type == 'floats' : mytype = 'F32ArrayAttr' elif attr_type == "string" : mytype = 'StrAttr' elif attr_type == "strings" : mytype = 'StrArrayAttr' else : mytype ='AnyAttr' #TODO: tensor and sparse tensor return mytype def get_attr_type_optional(attr_type) : mytype = 'OptionalAttr<' mytype += get_attr_type_basic(attr_type) mytype += '>' return mytype def get_attr_type_with_default(attr_type, attr_default) : mytype = 'DefaultValuedAttr<' mytype += get_attr_type_basic(attr_type) mytype += ', "'+attr_default+'">' return mytype attr_line = '' if schema.attributes: for _, attr in sorted(schema.attributes.items()): #attr_line = line_indent+line_indent+line_indent+line_indent if not isfirst: attr_line += ',\n ' else : isfirst = False if schema.name+' '+attr.name in special_attr_defaults: (attr_type_str, attr_default_str) = special_attr_defaults[schema.name+' '+attr.name] attr_line += get_attr_type_with_default(attr_type_str, attr_default_str) attr_line += ':$'+attr.name elif attr.required: s = Text(attr.type) attr_type_str = s[s.rfind('.') + 1:].lower() attr_line += get_attr_type_basic(attr_type_str) attr_line += ':$'+attr.name # option holds either required or default value elif attr.default_value.name: s = Text(attr.type) attr_type_str = s[s.rfind('.') + 1:].lower() default_value = helper.get_attribute_value(attr.default_value) def format_value(value): # type: (Any) -> Text if isinstance(value, float): formatted = str(np.round(value, 5)) # use default formatting, unless too long. if (len(formatted) > 10): formatted = str("({:e})".format(value)) return formatted elif isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray)) and sys.version_info[0] == 3: return str(value.decode('utf-8')) return str(value) if isinstance(default_value, list): default_value = [format_value(val) for val in default_value] attr_option_str = '{}'.format(default_value) attr_option_str = attr_option_str.replace('[', '{', 1) attr_option_str = attr_option_str.replace(']', '}', 1) if attr_type_str == 'strings' : attr_option_str = attr_option_str.replace("'", '\\"') else : attr_option_str = attr_option_str.replace("'", '') else: default_value = format_value(default_value) attr_option_str = default_value attr_line += get_attr_type_with_default(attr_type_str, attr_option_str) attr_line += ':$'+attr.name else: s = Text(attr.type) attr_type_str = s[s.rfind('.') + 1:].lower() attr_line += get_attr_type_optional(attr_type_str) attr_line += ':$'+attr.name return attr_line def main(args): # type: (Type[Args]) -> None with io.open(args.changelog, 'w', newline='') as fout: fout.write('## Operator Changelog\n') fout.write( "*This file is automatically generated from the\n" " [def files](/onnx/defs) via [this script](/onnx/defs/gen_doc.py).\n" " Do not modify directly and instead edit operator definitions.*\n") # domain -> version -> [schema] dv_index = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) # type: Dict[Text, Dict[int, List[OpSchema]]] for schema in defs.get_all_schemas_with_history(): dv_index[schema.domain][schema.since_version].append(schema) fout.write('\n') for domain, versionmap in sorted(dv_index.items()): if not should_render_domain(domain): continue s = '# {}\n'.format(display_domain_short(domain)) for version, unsorted_schemas in sorted(versionmap.items()): s += '## Version {} of {}\n'.format(version, display_domain(domain)) for schema in sorted(unsorted_schemas, key=lambda s: s.name): name_with_ver = '{}-{}'.format(format_name_with_domain(domain, schema.name), schema.since_version) s += ('### **{}**' + (' (deprecated)' if schema.deprecated else '') + '\n').format(name_with_ver, name_with_ver) s += display_schema(schema, [schema]) s += '\n' fout.write(s) with io.open(args.output, 'w', newline='', encoding="utf-8") as fout: fout.write('## Operator Schemas\n') fout.write( "*This file is automatically generated from the\n" " [def files](/onnx/defs) via [this script](/onnx/defs/gen_doc.py).\n" " Do not modify directly and instead edit operator definitions.*\n") # domain -> support level -> name -> [schema] index = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))) # type: Dict[Text, Dict[int, Dict[Text, List[OpSchema]]]] for schema in defs.get_all_schemas_with_history(): #print("check point 0", schema.name, schema.domain, schema.support_level) #gen_schema(schema) index[schema.domain][int(schema.support_level)][schema.name].append(schema) fout.write('\n') # Preprocess the Operator Schemas # [(domain, [(support_level, [(schema name, current schema, all versions schemas)])])] operator_schemas = list() # type: List[Tuple[Text, List[Tuple[int, List[Tuple[Text, OpSchema, List[OpSchema]]]]]]] exsting_ops = set() # type: Set[Text] for domain, _supportmap in sorted(index.items()): if not should_render_domain(domain): continue processed_supportmap = list() for _support, _namemap in sorted(_supportmap.items()): processed_namemap = list() for n, unsorted_versions in sorted(_namemap.items()): versions = sorted(unsorted_versions, key=lambda s: s.since_version) schema = versions[-1] #print("check point 2", schema) if schema.name in exsting_ops: continue exsting_ops.add(schema.name) processed_namemap.append((n, schema, versions)) processed_supportmap.append((_support, processed_namemap)) operator_schemas.append((domain, processed_supportmap)) # Table of contents for domain, supportmap in operator_schemas: s = '* {}\n'.format(display_domain_short(domain)) fout.write(s) function_ops = list() for _, namemap in supportmap: for n, schema, versions in namemap: if schema.has_function: # type: ignore function_ops.append((n, schema, versions)) continue s = ' * {}{}\n'.format( support_level_str(schema.support_level), format_name_with_domain(domain, n), format_name_with_domain(domain, n)) fout.write(s) if len(function_ops): fout.write('\n') fout.write(' **Operators with function registered:**\n') for n, schema, versions in function_ops: s = ' * {}{}\n'.format( support_level_str(schema.support_level), format_name_with_domain(domain, n), format_name_with_domain(domain, n)) fout.write(s) fout.write('\n') tdfile= io.open(args.tdfile, 'w', newline='') tdfile.write('//********************************************************\n'+ '// Warning: Do not modify this file directly\n'+ '// This file is automatically generated via script\n'+ '// Details can be found in doc/readonnxdefs.md\n'+ '//********************************************************\n\n' ) fefile=io.open('op_build_table.inc', 'w', newline='') firstfunc = True fefile.write('//********************************************************\n'+ '// Warning: Do not modify this file directly\n'+ '// This file is automatically generated via script\n'+ '// Details can be found in doc/readonnxdefs.md\n'+ '//********************************************************\n\n' ) fefile.write(' '+'if (OpName == "DUMMY") {\n') for domain, supportmap in operator_schemas: s = '## {}\n'.format(display_domain_short(domain)) fout.write(s) for _, namemap in supportmap: for op_type, schema, versions in namemap: # op_type #print("check point 1", schema.name, len(schema.inputs), len(schema.outputs)) gen_code(schema, fefile) r = gen_schema(schema) tdfile.write(r) s = ('### {}**{}**' + (' (deprecated)' if schema.deprecated else '') + '\n').format( support_level_str(schema.support_level), format_name_with_domain(domain, op_type), format_name_with_domain(domain, op_type.lower()), format_name_with_domain(domain, op_type)) s += display_schema(schema, versions) s += '\n\n' if op_type in SNIPPETS: s += '#### Examples\n\n' for summary, code in sorted(SNIPPETS[op_type]): s += '
\n' s += '{}\n\n'.format(summary) s += '```python\n{}\n```\n\n'.format(code) s += '
\n' s += '\n\n' if op_type.lower() in SAMPLE_IMPLEMENTATIONS: s += '#### Sample Implementation\n\n' s += '
\n' s += '{}\n\n'.format(op_type) s += '```python\n{}\n```\n\n'.format(SAMPLE_IMPLEMENTATIONS[op_type.lower()]) s += '
\n' s += '\n\n' fout.write(s) fefile.write(' }') fefile.close() if __name__ == '__main__': base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))) docs_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'docs') print(docs_dir) class Args(object): output = os.path.join(docs_dir, 'Operators' + ext) changelog = os.path.join(docs_dir, 'Changelog' + ext) tdfile = os.path.join(base_dir, 'onnxop.inc') print(Args) main(Args)