
469 lines
15 KiB

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import sys
import unittest
import warnings
import onnx.backend.base
import onnx.backend.test
from onnx.backend.base import Device, DeviceType
import subprocess
import test_config
VERBOSE = bool(os.environ.get("VERBOSE"))
CXX = test_config.CXX_PATH
ONNX_MLIR = os.path.join(test_config.ONNX_MLIR_BUILD_PATH, "bin/onnx-mlir")
LLC = os.path.join(test_config.LLVM_PROJ_BUILD_PATH, "bin/llc")
# Make lib folder under build directory visible in PYTHONPATH
doc_check_base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
RUNTIME_DIR = os.path.join(test_config.ONNX_MLIR_BUILD_PATH, "lib")
from PyRuntime import ExecutionSession
def execute_commands(cmds):
print(" ".join(cmds))
# There are two issues, which necessitates the adoption of this endianness
# aware wrapper around Execution Session:
# 1. Input arrays are given sometimes in native byte order, sometime in
# LE byte order, and as soon as the python array enters into py::array
# C++ objects through pybind, we will no longer be able to query their
# endianness. So we must intercept the inputs and convert them into
# native endianness.
# 2. Output arrays are compared with reference outputs, the comparison
# unfortunately includes checking that our outputs and reference outputs
# share the same endianness. So we try to figure out what is the desired
# reference output endianness, and convert our outputs to this desired
# endianness.
class EndiannessAwareExecutionSession(ExecutionSession):
def __init__(self, path, entry_point):
super().__init__(path, entry_point)
def is_input_le(self, inputs):
inputs_endianness = list(map(lambda x: x.dtype.byteorder, inputs))
endianness_is_consistent = len(set(inputs_endianness)) <= 1
assert endianness_is_consistent, \
"Input arrays contain a mixture of endianness configuration."
sys_is_le = sys.byteorder == 'little'
# To interpret character symbols indicating endianness:
# https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.dtype.byteorder.html
explicitly_le = inputs_endianness[0] == "<"
implicitly_le = (inputs_endianness[0] == "=" and sys_is_le)
return explicitly_le or implicitly_le
def run(self, inputs, **kwargs):
if len(inputs):
# Deduce desired endianness of output from inputs.
sys_is_le = sys.byteorder == 'little'
inp_is_le = self.is_input_le(inputs)
if (sys_is_le != inp_is_le):
inputs = list(
map(lambda x: x.byteswap().newbyteorder(), inputs))
outputs = super().run(inputs)
if (sys_is_le != inp_is_le):
outputs = list(
map(lambda x: x.byteswap().newbyteorder(), outputs))
return outputs
# Can't deduce desired output endianess, fingers crossed.
"Cannot deduce desired output endianness, using native endianness by default."
return super().run(inputs)
class DummyBackend(onnx.backend.base.Backend):
def prepare(cls, model, device='CPU', **kwargs):
super(DummyBackend, cls).prepare(model, device, **kwargs)
# Save model to disk as temp_model.onnx.
onnx.save(model, "temp_model.onnx")
# Call frontend to process temp_model.onnx, bit code will be generated.
execute_commands([ONNX_MLIR, "temp_model.onnx"])
return EndiannessAwareExecutionSession("./temp_model.so",
def supports_device(cls, device):
d = Device(device)
if d.type == DeviceType.CPU:
return True
return False
backend_test = onnx.backend.test.BackendTest(DummyBackend, __name__)
# Test directories:
# https://github.com/onnx/onnx/tree/master/onnx/backend/test/data/node
test_to_enable = [
# Abs Op:
# Add Op:
# And Op:
# Sub Op:
# Cosh Op:
# Concat
# Tanh:
# Div Op:
# Elu Op:
# Exp Op:
# Gather Op:
# Gemm Op:
# Hard Sigmoid Op:
# Leaky Relu Op:
# Max Op:
# Min Op:
# Mul Op:
# Relu Op:
# ReduceMax Op:
# ReduceMin Op:
# ReduceProd Op:
# ReduceSum Op:
# ReduceL1
# ReduceL2
# ReduceLogSum
# ReduceLogSumExp
# ReduceSumSquare
# Selu Op:
# Sigmoid Op:
# Softmax Op:
# Sqrt Op:
# Sum Op:
# Unsqueeze Op:
# "test_unsqueeze_unsorted_axes_cpu",
# Reciprocal Op:
# SoftplusOp:
# SoftsignOp:
# ReshapeOp:
# Transpose
# Conv
# Sign Op:
# MatmulOp
# BatchNormalization (test mode)
# MaxPoolSingleOut
# AveragePool
# Squeeze
# Split
# ConstantOfShape
# Size
# TODO(tjingrant): fix unit test for size ops.
# "test_size_cpu",
# "test_size_example_cpu",
# Error:
# Items are not equal:
# ACTUAL: dtype('int32')
# DESIRED: dtype('uint8')
# In this test, 'int32' was specified for value attribute as in
# onnx/onnx/backend/test/case/node/constantofshape.py
# and onnx-mlir correctly imported and converted the model.
# It is unknown why 'uint8' came from.
# Model
# Extract name of all test cases.
import inspect
all_tests = []
all_tests += inspect.getmembers(
all_tests += inspect.getmembers(
all_test_names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], all_tests))
# Ensure that test names specified in test_to_enable actually exist.
for test_name in test_to_enable:
assert test_name in all_test_names, """test name {} not found, it is likely
that you may have misspelled the test name or the specified test does not
exist in the version of onnx package you installed.""".format(test_name)
# import all test cases at global scope to make them visible to python.unittest
if __name__ == '__main__':