Dec added
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
;buildInfoPackage: chisel3, version: 3.3.1, scalaVersion: 2.12.11, sbtVersion: 1.3.10
circuit ahb_to_axi4 :
extmodule gated_latch :
output Q : Clock
input CK : Clock
input EN : UInt<1>
input SE : UInt<1>
defname = gated_latch
module rvclkhdr :
input clock : Clock
input reset : Reset
output io : {l1clk : Clock, flip clk : Clock, flip en : UInt<1>, flip scan_mode : UInt<1>}
inst clkhdr of gated_latch @[lib.scala 334:26]
clkhdr.SE is invalid
clkhdr.EN is invalid
clkhdr.CK is invalid
clkhdr.Q is invalid
io.l1clk <= clkhdr.Q @[lib.scala 335:14]
clkhdr.CK <= io.clk @[lib.scala 336:18]
clkhdr.EN <= io.en @[lib.scala 337:18]
clkhdr.SE <= io.scan_mode @[lib.scala 338:18]
extmodule gated_latch_1 :
output Q : Clock
input CK : Clock
input EN : UInt<1>
input SE : UInt<1>
defname = gated_latch
module rvclkhdr_1 :
input clock : Clock
input reset : Reset
output io : {l1clk : Clock, flip clk : Clock, flip en : UInt<1>, flip scan_mode : UInt<1>}
inst clkhdr of gated_latch_1 @[lib.scala 334:26]
clkhdr.SE is invalid
clkhdr.EN is invalid
clkhdr.CK is invalid
clkhdr.Q is invalid
io.l1clk <= clkhdr.Q @[lib.scala 335:14]
clkhdr.CK <= io.clk @[lib.scala 336:18]
clkhdr.EN <= io.en @[lib.scala 337:18]
clkhdr.SE <= io.scan_mode @[lib.scala 338:18]
module ahb_to_axi4 :
input clock : Clock
input reset : AsyncReset
output io : {flip scan_mode : UInt<1>, flip bus_clk_en : UInt<1>, flip clk_override : UInt<1>, axi : {aw : {flip ready : UInt<1>, valid : UInt<1>, bits : {id : UInt<1>, addr : UInt<32>, region : UInt<4>, len : UInt<8>, size : UInt<3>, burst : UInt<2>, lock : UInt<1>, cache : UInt<4>, prot : UInt<3>, qos : UInt<4>}}, w : {flip ready : UInt<1>, valid : UInt<1>, bits : {data : UInt<64>, strb : UInt<8>, last : UInt<1>}}, flip b : {flip ready : UInt<1>, valid : UInt<1>, bits : {resp : UInt<2>, id : UInt<1>}}, ar : {flip ready : UInt<1>, valid : UInt<1>, bits : {id : UInt<1>, addr : UInt<32>, region : UInt<4>, len : UInt<8>, size : UInt<3>, burst : UInt<2>, lock : UInt<1>, cache : UInt<4>, prot : UInt<3>, qos : UInt<4>}}, flip r : {flip ready : UInt<1>, valid : UInt<1>, bits : {id : UInt<1>, data : UInt<64>, resp : UInt<2>, last : UInt<1>}}}, ahb : {flip sig : {in : {flip hrdata : UInt<64>, flip hready : UInt<1>, flip hresp : UInt<1>}, out : {haddr : UInt<32>, hburst : UInt<3>, hmastlock : UInt<1>, hprot : UInt<4>, hsize : UInt<3>, htrans : UInt<2>, hwrite : UInt<1>, hwdata : UInt<64>}}, flip hsel : UInt<1>, flip hreadyin : UInt<1>}}
wire _T : {aw : {flip ready : UInt<1>, valid : UInt<1>, bits : {id : UInt<1>, addr : UInt<32>, region : UInt<4>, len : UInt<8>, size : UInt<3>, burst : UInt<2>, lock : UInt<1>, cache : UInt<4>, prot : UInt<3>, qos : UInt<4>}}, w : {flip ready : UInt<1>, valid : UInt<1>, bits : {data : UInt<64>, strb : UInt<8>, last : UInt<1>}}, flip b : {flip ready : UInt<1>, valid : UInt<1>, bits : {resp : UInt<2>, id : UInt<1>}}, ar : {flip ready : UInt<1>, valid : UInt<1>, bits : {id : UInt<1>, addr : UInt<32>, region : UInt<4>, len : UInt<8>, size : UInt<3>, burst : UInt<2>, lock : UInt<1>, cache : UInt<4>, prot : UInt<3>, qos : UInt<4>}}, flip r : {flip ready : UInt<1>, valid : UInt<1>, bits : {id : UInt<1>, data : UInt<64>, resp : UInt<2>, last : UInt<1>}}} @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.r.bits.last <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.r.bits.resp <= UInt<2>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<64>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.r.valid <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.r.ready <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<4>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<3>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<4>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<2>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<3>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<8>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<4>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<32>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.b.bits.resp <= UInt<2>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.b.valid <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.b.ready <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.w.bits.last <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.w.bits.strb <= UInt<8>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<64>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.w.valid <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.w.ready <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<4>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<3>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<4>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<2>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<3>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<8>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<4>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<32>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:25]
_T.r.bits.last <= io.axi.r.bits.last @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
_T.r.bits.resp <= io.axi.r.bits.resp @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
_T.r.valid <= io.axi.r.valid @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
io.axi.r.ready <= _T.r.ready @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
_T.b.bits.resp <= io.axi.b.bits.resp @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
_T.b.valid <= io.axi.b.valid @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
io.axi.b.ready <= _T.b.ready @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
io.axi.w.bits.last <= _T.w.bits.last @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
io.axi.w.bits.strb <= _T.w.bits.strb @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
io.axi.w.valid <= _T.w.valid @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
_T.w.ready <= io.axi.w.ready @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
|||||| <= @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
wire master_wstrb : UInt<8>
master_wstrb <= UInt<8>("h00")
wire buf_state_en : UInt<1>
buf_state_en <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire buf_read_error_in : UInt<1>
buf_read_error_in <= UInt<1>("h00")
node ahb_hready = and(, io.ahb.hreadyin) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 27:50]
node _T_1 = bits(io.ahb.hsel, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_2 = mux(_T_1, UInt<2>("h03"), UInt<2>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_3 = bits(io.ahb.sig.out.htrans, 1, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 28:72]
node ahb_htrans_in = and(_T_2, _T_3) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 28:49]
wire ahb_hwdata_q : UInt<64>
ahb_hwdata_q <= UInt<64>("h00")
wire buf_rdata_en : UInt<1>
buf_rdata_en <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire bus_clk : Clock @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 33:33]
wire ahb_addr_clk : Clock @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 34:33]
wire buf_rdata_clk : Clock @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 35:33]
node _T_4 = bits(io.ahb.sig.out.htrans, 1, 1) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 36:80]
node _T_5 = and(ahb_hready, _T_4) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 36:57]
node ahb_addr_clk_en = and(io.bus_clk_en, _T_5) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 36:43]
node buf_rdata_clk_en = and(io.bus_clk_en, buf_rdata_en) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 37:43]
node _T_6 = asClock(UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 40:33]
bus_clk <= _T_6 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 40:19]
node _T_7 = asClock(UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 41:33]
ahb_addr_clk <= _T_7 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 41:19]
node _T_8 = asClock(UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 42:33]
buf_rdata_clk <= _T_8 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 42:19]
reg buf_read_error : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when io.bus_clk_en : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
buf_read_error <= buf_read_error_in @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
reg buf_rdata : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when buf_rdata_clk_en : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
buf_rdata <= @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
reg ahb_hresp_q : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when io.bus_clk_en : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
ahb_hresp_q <= @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
reg ahb_hsize_q : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when ahb_addr_clk_en : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
ahb_hsize_q <= io.ahb.sig.out.hsize @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
reg ahb_hwrite_q : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when ahb_addr_clk_en : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
ahb_hwrite_q <= io.ahb.sig.out.hwrite @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
reg ahb_haddr_q : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when ahb_addr_clk_en : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
ahb_haddr_q <= io.ahb.sig.out.haddr @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
reg ahb_hready_q : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when io.bus_clk_en : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
ahb_hready_q <= ahb_hready @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
reg ahb_htrans_q : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when io.bus_clk_en : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
ahb_htrans_q <= ahb_htrans_in @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
wire cmdbuf_wr_en : UInt<1>
cmdbuf_wr_en <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T_9 = bits(cmdbuf_wr_en, 0, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 60:70]
node _T_10 = and(io.bus_clk_en, _T_9) @[lib.scala 383:57]
reg cmdbuf_write : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_10 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
cmdbuf_write <= ahb_hwrite_q @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
node _T_11 = and(, @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:44]
node _T_12 = and(, @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:82]
node _T_13 = or(_T_11, _T_12) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:63]
node _T_14 = eq(cmdbuf_wr_en, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:104]
node _T_15 = and(_T_13, _T_14) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:102]
node _T_16 = eq(cmdbuf_write, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:144]
node _T_17 = and(, _T_16) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:142]
node cmdbuf_rst = or(_T_15, _T_17) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:119]
node _T_18 = bits(cmdbuf_wr_en, 0, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 62:64]
wire cmdbuf_vld : UInt @[lib.scala 389:21]
node _T_19 = eq(cmdbuf_rst, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lib.scala 391:73]
node _T_20 = and(UInt<1>("h01"), _T_19) @[lib.scala 391:53]
node _T_21 = or(_T_18, cmdbuf_rst) @[lib.scala 391:92]
node _T_22 = and(_T_21, io.bus_clk_en) @[lib.scala 391:99]
node _T_23 = bits(_T_22, 0, 0) @[lib.scala 8:44]
reg _T_24 : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_23 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_24 <= _T_20 @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
cmdbuf_vld <= _T_24 @[lib.scala 391:14]
node _T_25 = and(, @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 63:58]
node _T_26 = and(, @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 63:96]
node _T_27 = or(_T_25, _T_26) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 63:77]
node _T_28 = eq(_T_27, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 63:39]
node cmdbuf_full = and(cmdbuf_vld, _T_28) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 63:37]
node _T_29 = bits(ahb_hsize_q, 1, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 64:48]
node _T_30 = bits(cmdbuf_wr_en, 0, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 64:74]
node _T_31 = and(io.bus_clk_en, _T_30) @[lib.scala 383:57]
reg cmdbuf_size : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_31 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
cmdbuf_size <= _T_29 @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
node _T_32 = bits(cmdbuf_wr_en, 0, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 65:70]
node _T_33 = and(io.bus_clk_en, _T_32) @[lib.scala 383:57]
reg cmdbuf_wstrb : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_33 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
cmdbuf_wstrb <= master_wstrb @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
node _T_34 = bits(cmdbuf_wr_en, 0, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 66:64]
node _T_35 = and(_T_34, io.bus_clk_en) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 66:66]
inst rvclkhdr of rvclkhdr @[lib.scala 399:23]
rvclkhdr.clock <= clock
rvclkhdr.reset <= reset
|||||| <= clock @[lib.scala 401:18]
|||||| <= _T_35 @[lib.scala 402:17]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lib.scala 403:24]
reg cmdbuf_addr : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_35 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
cmdbuf_addr <= ahb_haddr_q @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
node _T_36 = bits(cmdbuf_wr_en, 0, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 67:74]
node _T_37 = and(_T_36, io.bus_clk_en) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 67:76]
inst rvclkhdr_1 of rvclkhdr_1 @[lib.scala 399:23]
rvclkhdr_1.clock <= clock
rvclkhdr_1.reset <= reset
|||||| <= clock @[lib.scala 401:18]
|||||| <= _T_37 @[lib.scala 402:17]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lib.scala 403:24]
reg cmdbuf_wdata : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_37 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
cmdbuf_wdata <= io.ahb.sig.out.hwdata @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
node _T_38 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 31, 28) @[lib.scala 84:25]
node ahb_addr_in_dccm_region_nc = eq(_T_38, UInt<4>("h0f")) @[lib.scala 84:47]
node _T_39 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 31, 16) @[lib.scala 87:14]
node ahb_addr_in_dccm = eq(_T_39, UInt<16>("h0f004")) @[lib.scala 87:29]
node _T_40 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 31, 28) @[lib.scala 84:25]
node ahb_addr_in_iccm_region_nc = eq(_T_40, UInt<4>("h0e")) @[lib.scala 84:47]
node _T_41 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 31, 16) @[lib.scala 87:14]
node ahb_addr_in_iccm = eq(_T_41, UInt<16>("h0ee00")) @[lib.scala 87:29]
node _T_42 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 31, 28) @[lib.scala 84:25]
node ahb_addr_in_pic_region_nc = eq(_T_42, UInt<4>("h0f")) @[lib.scala 84:47]
node _T_43 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 31, 15) @[lib.scala 87:14]
node ahb_addr_in_pic = eq(_T_43, UInt<17>("h01e018")) @[lib.scala 87:29]
wire buf_state : UInt<2>
buf_state <= UInt<2>("h00")
wire buf_nxtstate : UInt<2>
buf_nxtstate <= UInt<2>("h00")
buf_nxtstate <= UInt<2>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 76:31]
buf_state_en <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 77:31]
buf_rdata_en <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 78:31]
buf_read_error_in <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 79:31]
cmdbuf_wr_en <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 80:31]
node _T_44 = eq(UInt<2>("h00"), buf_state) @[Conditional.scala 37:30]
when _T_44 : @[Conditional.scala 40:58]
node _T_45 = mux(io.ahb.sig.out.hwrite, UInt<2>("h01"), UInt<2>("h02")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 84:26]
buf_nxtstate <= _T_45 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 84:20]
node _T_46 = bits(io.ahb.sig.out.htrans, 1, 1) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 85:57]
node _T_47 = and(ahb_hready, _T_46) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 85:34]
node _T_48 = and(_T_47, io.ahb.hsel) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 85:61]
buf_state_en <= _T_48 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 85:20]
skip @[Conditional.scala 40:58]
else : @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
node _T_49 = eq(UInt<2>("h01"), buf_state) @[Conditional.scala 37:30]
when _T_49 : @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
node _T_50 = bits(io.ahb.sig.out.htrans, 1, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:72]
node _T_51 = eq(_T_50, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:79]
node _T_52 = or(, _T_51) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:48]
node _T_53 = eq(io.ahb.hsel, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:93]
node _T_54 = or(_T_52, _T_53) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:91]
node _T_55 = bits(_T_54, 0, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:107]
node _T_56 = mux(io.ahb.sig.out.hwrite, UInt<2>("h01"), UInt<2>("h02")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:124]
node _T_57 = mux(_T_55, UInt<2>("h00"), _T_56) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:26]
buf_nxtstate <= _T_57 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:20]
node _T_58 = eq(cmdbuf_full, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 89:24]
node _T_59 = or(_T_58, @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 89:37]
buf_state_en <= _T_59 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 89:20]
node _T_60 = eq(cmdbuf_full, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:23]
node _T_61 = bits(io.ahb.sig.out.htrans, 1, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:85]
node _T_62 = eq(_T_61, UInt<2>("h01")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:92]
node _T_63 = and(_T_62, io.ahb.hsel) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:110]
node _T_64 = or(, _T_63) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:60]
node _T_65 = eq(_T_64, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:38]
node _T_66 = and(_T_60, _T_65) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:36]
cmdbuf_wr_en <= _T_66 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:20]
skip @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
else : @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
node _T_67 = eq(UInt<2>("h02"), buf_state) @[Conditional.scala 37:30]
when _T_67 : @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
node _T_68 = mux(, UInt<2>("h00"), UInt<2>("h03")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 93:26]
buf_nxtstate <= _T_68 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 93:20]
node _T_69 = eq(cmdbuf_full, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 94:24]
node _T_70 = or(_T_69, @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 94:37]
buf_state_en <= _T_70 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 94:20]
node _T_71 = eq(, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 95:23]
node _T_72 = eq(cmdbuf_full, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 95:46]
node _T_73 = and(_T_71, _T_72) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 95:44]
cmdbuf_wr_en <= _T_73 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 95:20]
skip @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
else : @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
node _T_74 = eq(UInt<2>("h03"), buf_state) @[Conditional.scala 37:30]
when _T_74 : @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
buf_nxtstate <= UInt<2>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 98:20]
node _T_75 = eq(cmdbuf_write, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 99:40]
node _T_76 = and(io.axi.r.valid, _T_75) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 99:38]
buf_state_en <= _T_76 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 99:20]
buf_rdata_en <= buf_state_en @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 100:20]
node _T_77 = bits(io.axi.r.bits.resp, 1, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 101:61]
node _T_78 = orr(_T_77) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 101:68]
node _T_79 = and(buf_state_en, _T_78) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 101:41]
buf_read_error_in <= _T_79 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 101:25]
skip @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
node _T_80 = bits(buf_state_en, 0, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 104:78]
node _T_81 = and(io.bus_clk_en, _T_80) @[lib.scala 383:57]
reg _T_82 : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_81 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_82 <= buf_nxtstate @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
buf_state <= _T_82 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 104:31]
node _T_83 = bits(ahb_hsize_q, 2, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:54]
node _T_84 = eq(_T_83, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:60]
node _T_85 = bits(_T_84, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_86 = mux(_T_85, UInt<8>("h0ff"), UInt<8>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_87 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 2, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:92]
node _T_88 = dshl(UInt<1>("h01"), _T_87) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:78]
node _T_89 = and(_T_86, _T_88) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:70]
node _T_90 = bits(ahb_hsize_q, 2, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:24]
node _T_91 = eq(_T_90, UInt<1>("h01")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:30]
node _T_92 = bits(_T_91, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_93 = mux(_T_92, UInt<8>("h0ff"), UInt<8>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_94 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 2, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:62]
node _T_95 = dshl(UInt<2>("h03"), _T_94) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:48]
node _T_96 = and(_T_93, _T_95) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:40]
node _T_97 = or(_T_89, _T_96) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:109]
node _T_98 = bits(ahb_hsize_q, 2, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:24]
node _T_99 = eq(_T_98, UInt<2>("h02")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:30]
node _T_100 = bits(_T_99, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_101 = mux(_T_100, UInt<8>("h0ff"), UInt<8>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_102 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 2, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:62]
node _T_103 = dshl(UInt<4>("h0f"), _T_102) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:48]
node _T_104 = and(_T_101, _T_103) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:40]
node _T_105 = or(_T_97, _T_104) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:79]
node _T_106 = bits(ahb_hsize_q, 2, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 109:24]
node _T_107 = eq(_T_106, UInt<2>("h03")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 109:30]
node _T_108 = bits(_T_107, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_109 = mux(_T_108, UInt<8>("h0ff"), UInt<8>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_110 = and(_T_109, UInt<8>("h0ff")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 109:40]
node _T_111 = or(_T_105, _T_110) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:79]
master_wstrb <= _T_111 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:31]
node _T_112 = eq(ahb_hready_q, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:80]
node _T_113 = and(ahb_hresp_q, _T_112) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:78]
node _T_114 = eq(cmdbuf_full, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:98]
node _T_115 = eq(buf_state, UInt<2>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:124]
node _T_116 = or(_T_114, _T_115) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:111]
node _T_117 = eq(buf_state, UInt<2>("h02")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:149]
node _T_118 = eq(buf_state, UInt<2>("h03")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:168]
node _T_119 = or(_T_117, _T_118) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:156]
node _T_120 = eq(_T_119, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:137]
node _T_121 = and(_T_116, _T_120) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:135]
node _T_122 = eq(buf_read_error, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:181]
node _T_123 = and(_T_121, _T_122) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:179]
node _T_124 = mux(, _T_113, _T_123) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:44]
|||||| <= _T_124 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:38]
node _T_125 = bits(buf_rdata, 63, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 113:50]
|||||| <= _T_125 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 113:38]
node _T_126 = bits(ahb_htrans_q, 1, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 114:55]
node _T_127 = neq(_T_126, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 114:61]
node _T_128 = neq(buf_state, UInt<2>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 114:83]
node _T_129 = and(_T_127, _T_128) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 114:70]
node _T_130 = or(ahb_addr_in_dccm, ahb_addr_in_iccm) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 115:26]
node _T_131 = eq(_T_130, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 115:7]
node _T_132 = and(ahb_addr_in_dccm, ahb_hwrite_q) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:46]
node _T_133 = or(ahb_addr_in_iccm, _T_132) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:26]
node _T_134 = bits(ahb_hsize_q, 1, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:80]
node _T_135 = eq(_T_134, UInt<2>("h02")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:86]
node _T_136 = bits(ahb_hsize_q, 1, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:109]
node _T_137 = eq(_T_136, UInt<2>("h03")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:115]
node _T_138 = or(_T_135, _T_137) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:95]
node _T_139 = eq(_T_138, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:66]
node _T_140 = and(_T_133, _T_139) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:64]
node _T_141 = or(_T_131, _T_140) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 115:47]
node _T_142 = bits(ahb_hsize_q, 2, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 117:20]
node _T_143 = eq(_T_142, UInt<1>("h01")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 117:26]
node _T_144 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 0, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 117:48]
node _T_145 = and(_T_143, _T_144) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 117:35]
node _T_146 = or(_T_141, _T_145) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:126]
node _T_147 = bits(ahb_hsize_q, 2, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 118:20]
node _T_148 = eq(_T_147, UInt<2>("h02")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 118:26]
node _T_149 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 1, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 118:49]
node _T_150 = orr(_T_149) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 118:56]
node _T_151 = and(_T_148, _T_150) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 118:35]
node _T_152 = or(_T_146, _T_151) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 117:55]
node _T_153 = bits(ahb_hsize_q, 2, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 119:20]
node _T_154 = eq(_T_153, UInt<2>("h03")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 119:26]
node _T_155 = bits(ahb_haddr_q, 2, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 119:49]
node _T_156 = orr(_T_155) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 119:56]
node _T_157 = and(_T_154, _T_156) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 119:35]
node _T_158 = or(_T_152, _T_157) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 118:61]
node _T_159 = and(_T_129, _T_158) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 114:94]
node _T_160 = or(_T_159, buf_read_error) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 119:63]
node _T_161 = eq(ahb_hready_q, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 121:20]
node _T_162 = and(ahb_hresp_q, _T_161) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 121:18]
node _T_163 = or(_T_160, _T_162) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 120:20]
|||||| <= _T_163 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 114:38]
node _T_164 = and(cmdbuf_vld, cmdbuf_write) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 124:47]
|||||| <= _T_164 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 124:33]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 125:33]
|||||| <= cmdbuf_addr @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 126:33]
node _T_165 = bits(cmdbuf_size, 1, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 127:59]
node _T_166 = cat(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_165) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
|||||| <= _T_166 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 127:33]
node _T_167 = mux(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<3>("h07"), UInt<3>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
|||||| <= _T_167 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 128:33]
node _T_168 = mux(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<8>("h0ff"), UInt<8>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
|||||| <= _T_168 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 129:33]
|||||| <= UInt<2>("h01") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 130:33]
node _T_169 = and(cmdbuf_vld, cmdbuf_write) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 132:47]
io.axi.w.valid <= _T_169 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 132:33]
|||||| <= cmdbuf_wdata @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 133:33]
io.axi.w.bits.strb <= cmdbuf_wstrb @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 134:33]
io.axi.w.bits.last <= UInt<1>("h01") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 135:33]
io.axi.b.ready <= UInt<1>("h01") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 137:33]
node _T_170 = eq(cmdbuf_write, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 139:49]
node _T_171 = and(cmdbuf_vld, _T_170) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 139:47]
|||||| <= _T_171 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 139:33]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 140:33]
|||||| <= cmdbuf_addr @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 141:33]
node _T_172 = bits(cmdbuf_size, 1, 0) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 142:59]
node _T_173 = cat(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_172) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
|||||| <= _T_173 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 142:33]
node _T_174 = mux(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<3>("h07"), UInt<3>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
|||||| <= _T_174 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 143:33]
node _T_175 = mux(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<8>("h0ff"), UInt<8>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
|||||| <= _T_175 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 144:33]
|||||| <= UInt<2>("h01") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 145:33]
io.axi.r.ready <= UInt<1>("h01") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 147:28]
@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
module rvclkhdr(
input io_clk,
input io_en
wire clkhdr_Q; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
wire clkhdr_CK; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
wire clkhdr_EN; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
wire clkhdr_SE; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
gated_latch clkhdr ( // @[lib.scala 334:26]
assign clkhdr_CK = io_clk; // @[lib.scala 336:18]
assign clkhdr_EN = io_en; // @[lib.scala 337:18]
assign clkhdr_SE = 1'h0; // @[lib.scala 338:18]
module ahb_to_axi4(
input clock,
input reset,
input io_scan_mode,
input io_bus_clk_en,
input io_clk_override,
input io_axi_aw_ready,
output io_axi_aw_valid,
output io_axi_aw_bits_id,
output [31:0] io_axi_aw_bits_addr,
output [3:0] io_axi_aw_bits_region,
output [7:0] io_axi_aw_bits_len,
output [2:0] io_axi_aw_bits_size,
output [1:0] io_axi_aw_bits_burst,
output io_axi_aw_bits_lock,
output [3:0] io_axi_aw_bits_cache,
output [2:0] io_axi_aw_bits_prot,
output [3:0] io_axi_aw_bits_qos,
input io_axi_w_ready,
output io_axi_w_valid,
output [63:0] io_axi_w_bits_data,
output [7:0] io_axi_w_bits_strb,
output io_axi_w_bits_last,
output io_axi_b_ready,
input io_axi_b_valid,
input [1:0] io_axi_b_bits_resp,
input io_axi_b_bits_id,
input io_axi_ar_ready,
output io_axi_ar_valid,
output io_axi_ar_bits_id,
output [31:0] io_axi_ar_bits_addr,
output [3:0] io_axi_ar_bits_region,
output [7:0] io_axi_ar_bits_len,
output [2:0] io_axi_ar_bits_size,
output [1:0] io_axi_ar_bits_burst,
output io_axi_ar_bits_lock,
output [3:0] io_axi_ar_bits_cache,
output [2:0] io_axi_ar_bits_prot,
output [3:0] io_axi_ar_bits_qos,
output io_axi_r_ready,
input io_axi_r_valid,
input io_axi_r_bits_id,
input [63:0] io_axi_r_bits_data,
input [1:0] io_axi_r_bits_resp,
input io_axi_r_bits_last,
output [63:0] io_ahb_sig_in_hrdata,
output io_ahb_sig_in_hready,
output io_ahb_sig_in_hresp,
input [31:0] io_ahb_sig_out_haddr,
input [2:0] io_ahb_sig_out_hburst,
input io_ahb_sig_out_hmastlock,
input [3:0] io_ahb_sig_out_hprot,
input [2:0] io_ahb_sig_out_hsize,
input [1:0] io_ahb_sig_out_htrans,
input io_ahb_sig_out_hwrite,
input [63:0] io_ahb_sig_out_hwdata,
input io_ahb_hsel,
input io_ahb_hreadyin
reg [31:0] _RAND_0;
reg [31:0] _RAND_1;
reg [31:0] _RAND_2;
reg [31:0] _RAND_3;
reg [63:0] _RAND_4;
reg [31:0] _RAND_5;
reg [31:0] _RAND_6;
reg [31:0] _RAND_7;
reg [31:0] _RAND_8;
reg [31:0] _RAND_9;
reg [31:0] _RAND_10;
reg [31:0] _RAND_11;
reg [31:0] _RAND_12;
reg [31:0] _RAND_13;
reg [63:0] _RAND_14;
wire rvclkhdr_io_clk; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire rvclkhdr_io_en; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire rvclkhdr_1_io_clk; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire rvclkhdr_1_io_en; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire ahb_hready = io_ahb_sig_in_hready & io_ahb_hreadyin; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 27:50]
wire [1:0] _T_2 = io_ahb_hsel ? 2'h3 : 2'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [1:0] ahb_htrans_in = _T_2 & io_ahb_sig_out_htrans; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 28:49]
wire _T_5 = ahb_hready & io_ahb_sig_out_htrans[1]; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 36:57]
wire ahb_addr_clk_en = io_bus_clk_en & _T_5; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 36:43]
reg [1:0] buf_state; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire _T_44 = 2'h0 == buf_state; // @[Conditional.scala 37:30]
wire _T_49 = 2'h1 == buf_state; // @[Conditional.scala 37:30]
wire _T_67 = 2'h2 == buf_state; // @[Conditional.scala 37:30]
wire _T_74 = 2'h3 == buf_state; // @[Conditional.scala 37:30]
wire _T_48 = _T_5 & io_ahb_hsel; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 85:61]
reg cmdbuf_vld; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire _T_25 = io_axi_aw_valid & io_axi_aw_ready; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 63:58]
wire _T_26 = io_axi_ar_valid & io_axi_ar_ready; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 63:96]
wire _T_27 = _T_25 | _T_26; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 63:77]
wire _T_28 = ~_T_27; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 63:39]
wire cmdbuf_full = cmdbuf_vld & _T_28; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 63:37]
wire _T_58 = ~cmdbuf_full; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 89:24]
wire _T_59 = _T_58 | io_ahb_sig_in_hresp; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 89:37]
reg cmdbuf_write; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire _T_75 = ~cmdbuf_write; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 99:40]
wire _T_76 = io_axi_r_valid & _T_75; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 99:38]
wire _GEN_15 = _T_74 & _T_76; // @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
wire _GEN_19 = _T_67 ? _T_59 : _GEN_15; // @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
wire _GEN_24 = _T_49 ? _T_59 : _GEN_19; // @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
wire buf_state_en = _T_44 ? _T_48 : _GEN_24; // @[Conditional.scala 40:58]
wire _GEN_16 = _T_74 & buf_state_en; // @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
wire _GEN_21 = _T_67 ? 1'h0 : _GEN_16; // @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
wire _GEN_26 = _T_49 ? 1'h0 : _GEN_21; // @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
wire buf_rdata_en = _T_44 ? 1'h0 : _GEN_26; // @[Conditional.scala 40:58]
wire buf_rdata_clk_en = io_bus_clk_en & buf_rdata_en; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 37:43]
reg buf_read_error; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire _T_78 = |io_axi_r_bits_resp; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 101:68]
wire _T_79 = buf_state_en & _T_78; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 101:41]
wire _GEN_17 = _T_74 & _T_79; // @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
reg [63:0] buf_rdata; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
reg ahb_hresp_q; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
reg [2:0] ahb_hsize_q; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
reg ahb_hwrite_q; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
reg [31:0] ahb_haddr_q; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
reg ahb_hready_q; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
reg [1:0] ahb_htrans_q; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire _T_62 = io_ahb_sig_out_htrans == 2'h1; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:92]
wire _T_63 = _T_62 & io_ahb_hsel; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:110]
wire _T_64 = io_ahb_sig_in_hresp | _T_63; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:60]
wire _T_65 = ~_T_64; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:38]
wire _T_66 = _T_58 & _T_65; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 90:36]
wire _T_71 = ~io_ahb_sig_in_hresp; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 95:23]
wire _T_73 = _T_71 & _T_58; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 95:44]
wire _GEN_20 = _T_67 & _T_73; // @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
wire _GEN_25 = _T_49 ? _T_66 : _GEN_20; // @[Conditional.scala 39:67]
wire cmdbuf_wr_en = _T_44 ? 1'h0 : _GEN_25; // @[Conditional.scala 40:58]
wire _T_10 = io_bus_clk_en & cmdbuf_wr_en; // @[lib.scala 383:57]
wire _T_14 = ~cmdbuf_wr_en; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:104]
wire _T_15 = _T_27 & _T_14; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:102]
wire _T_17 = io_ahb_sig_in_hresp & _T_75; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:142]
wire cmdbuf_rst = _T_15 | _T_17; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 61:119]
wire _T_19 = ~cmdbuf_rst; // @[lib.scala 391:73]
wire _T_21 = cmdbuf_wr_en | cmdbuf_rst; // @[lib.scala 391:92]
wire _T_22 = _T_21 & io_bus_clk_en; // @[lib.scala 391:99]
reg [1:0] cmdbuf_size; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
reg [7:0] cmdbuf_wstrb; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire _T_84 = ahb_hsize_q == 3'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:60]
wire [7:0] _T_86 = _T_84 ? 8'hff : 8'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [7:0] _T_88 = 8'h1 << ahb_haddr_q[2:0]; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:78]
wire [7:0] _T_89 = _T_86 & _T_88; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:70]
wire _T_91 = ahb_hsize_q == 3'h1; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:30]
wire [7:0] _T_93 = _T_91 ? 8'hff : 8'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [8:0] _T_95 = 9'h3 << ahb_haddr_q[2:0]; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:48]
wire [8:0] _GEN_34 = {{1'd0}, _T_93}; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:40]
wire [8:0] _T_96 = _GEN_34 & _T_95; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:40]
wire [8:0] _GEN_35 = {{1'd0}, _T_89}; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:109]
wire [8:0] _T_97 = _GEN_35 | _T_96; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:109]
wire _T_99 = ahb_hsize_q == 3'h2; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:30]
wire [7:0] _T_101 = _T_99 ? 8'hff : 8'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [10:0] _T_103 = 11'hf << ahb_haddr_q[2:0]; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:48]
wire [10:0] _GEN_36 = {{3'd0}, _T_101}; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:40]
wire [10:0] _T_104 = _GEN_36 & _T_103; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:40]
wire [10:0] _GEN_37 = {{2'd0}, _T_97}; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:79]
wire [10:0] _T_105 = _GEN_37 | _T_104; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 107:79]
wire _T_107 = ahb_hsize_q == 3'h3; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 109:30]
wire [7:0] _T_109 = _T_107 ? 8'hff : 8'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [10:0] _GEN_38 = {{3'd0}, _T_109}; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:79]
wire [10:0] _T_111 = _T_105 | _GEN_38; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 108:79]
wire [7:0] master_wstrb = _T_111[7:0]; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 106:31]
wire _T_35 = cmdbuf_wr_en & io_bus_clk_en; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 66:66]
reg [31:0] cmdbuf_addr; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
reg [63:0] cmdbuf_wdata; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire ahb_addr_in_dccm = ahb_haddr_q[31:16] == 16'hf004; // @[lib.scala 87:29]
wire ahb_addr_in_iccm = ahb_haddr_q[31:16] == 16'hee00; // @[lib.scala 87:29]
wire _T_51 = io_ahb_sig_out_htrans == 2'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:79]
wire _T_52 = io_ahb_sig_in_hresp | _T_51; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:48]
wire _T_53 = ~io_ahb_hsel; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:93]
wire _T_54 = _T_52 | _T_53; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 88:91]
wire _T_81 = io_bus_clk_en & buf_state_en; // @[lib.scala 383:57]
wire _T_112 = ~ahb_hready_q; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:80]
wire _T_113 = ahb_hresp_q & _T_112; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:78]
wire _T_115 = buf_state == 2'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:124]
wire _T_116 = _T_58 | _T_115; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:111]
wire _T_117 = buf_state == 2'h2; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:149]
wire _T_118 = buf_state == 2'h3; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:168]
wire _T_119 = _T_117 | _T_118; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:156]
wire _T_120 = ~_T_119; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:137]
wire _T_121 = _T_116 & _T_120; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:135]
wire _T_122 = ~buf_read_error; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:181]
wire _T_123 = _T_121 & _T_122; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:179]
wire _T_127 = ahb_htrans_q != 2'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 114:61]
wire _T_128 = buf_state != 2'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 114:83]
wire _T_129 = _T_127 & _T_128; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 114:70]
wire _T_130 = ahb_addr_in_dccm | ahb_addr_in_iccm; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 115:26]
wire _T_131 = ~_T_130; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 115:7]
wire _T_132 = ahb_addr_in_dccm & ahb_hwrite_q; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:46]
wire _T_133 = ahb_addr_in_iccm | _T_132; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:26]
wire _T_135 = ahb_hsize_q[1:0] == 2'h2; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:86]
wire _T_137 = ahb_hsize_q[1:0] == 2'h3; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:115]
wire _T_138 = _T_135 | _T_137; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:95]
wire _T_139 = ~_T_138; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:66]
wire _T_140 = _T_133 & _T_139; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:64]
wire _T_141 = _T_131 | _T_140; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 115:47]
wire _T_145 = _T_91 & ahb_haddr_q[0]; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 117:35]
wire _T_146 = _T_141 | _T_145; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 116:126]
wire _T_150 = |ahb_haddr_q[1:0]; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 118:56]
wire _T_151 = _T_99 & _T_150; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 118:35]
wire _T_152 = _T_146 | _T_151; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 117:55]
wire _T_156 = |ahb_haddr_q[2:0]; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 119:56]
wire _T_157 = _T_107 & _T_156; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 119:35]
wire _T_158 = _T_152 | _T_157; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 118:61]
wire _T_159 = _T_129 & _T_158; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 114:94]
wire _T_160 = _T_159 | buf_read_error; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 119:63]
rvclkhdr rvclkhdr ( // @[lib.scala 399:23]
rvclkhdr rvclkhdr_1 ( // @[lib.scala 399:23]
assign io_axi_aw_valid = cmdbuf_vld & cmdbuf_write; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 124:33]
assign io_axi_aw_bits_id = 1'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 125:33]
assign io_axi_aw_bits_addr = cmdbuf_addr; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 126:33]
assign io_axi_aw_bits_region = 4'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
assign io_axi_aw_bits_len = 8'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 129:33]
assign io_axi_aw_bits_size = {1'h0,cmdbuf_size}; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 127:33]
assign io_axi_aw_bits_burst = 2'h1; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 130:33]
assign io_axi_aw_bits_lock = 1'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
assign io_axi_aw_bits_cache = 4'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
assign io_axi_aw_bits_prot = 3'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 128:33]
assign io_axi_aw_bits_qos = 4'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
assign io_axi_w_valid = cmdbuf_vld & cmdbuf_write; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 132:33]
assign io_axi_w_bits_data = cmdbuf_wdata; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 133:33]
assign io_axi_w_bits_strb = cmdbuf_wstrb; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 134:33]
assign io_axi_w_bits_last = 1'h1; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 135:33]
assign io_axi_b_ready = 1'h1; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 137:33]
assign io_axi_ar_valid = cmdbuf_vld & _T_75; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 139:33]
assign io_axi_ar_bits_id = 1'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 140:33]
assign io_axi_ar_bits_addr = cmdbuf_addr; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 141:33]
assign io_axi_ar_bits_region = 4'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
assign io_axi_ar_bits_len = 8'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 144:33]
assign io_axi_ar_bits_size = {1'h0,cmdbuf_size}; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 142:33]
assign io_axi_ar_bits_burst = 2'h1; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 145:33]
assign io_axi_ar_bits_lock = 1'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
assign io_axi_ar_bits_cache = 4'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
assign io_axi_ar_bits_prot = 3'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 143:33]
assign io_axi_ar_bits_qos = 4'h0; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10]
assign io_axi_r_ready = 1'h1; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 20:10 ahb_to_axi4.scala 147:28]
assign io_ahb_sig_in_hrdata = buf_rdata; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 113:38]
assign io_ahb_sig_in_hready = io_ahb_sig_in_hresp ? _T_113 : _T_123; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 112:38]
assign io_ahb_sig_in_hresp = _T_160 | _T_113; // @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 114:38]
assign rvclkhdr_io_clk = clock; // @[lib.scala 401:18]
assign rvclkhdr_io_en = cmdbuf_wr_en & io_bus_clk_en; // @[lib.scala 402:17]
assign rvclkhdr_1_io_clk = clock; // @[lib.scala 401:18]
assign rvclkhdr_1_io_en = cmdbuf_wr_en & io_bus_clk_en; // @[lib.scala 402:17]
`ifndef RANDOM
`define RANDOM $random
integer initvar;
initial begin
#0.002 begin end
_RAND_0 = {1{`RANDOM}};
buf_state = _RAND_0[1:0];
_RAND_1 = {1{`RANDOM}};
cmdbuf_vld = _RAND_1[0:0];
_RAND_2 = {1{`RANDOM}};
cmdbuf_write = _RAND_2[0:0];
_RAND_3 = {1{`RANDOM}};
buf_read_error = _RAND_3[0:0];
_RAND_4 = {2{`RANDOM}};
buf_rdata = _RAND_4[63:0];
_RAND_5 = {1{`RANDOM}};
ahb_hresp_q = _RAND_5[0:0];
_RAND_6 = {1{`RANDOM}};
ahb_hsize_q = _RAND_6[2:0];
_RAND_7 = {1{`RANDOM}};
ahb_hwrite_q = _RAND_7[0:0];
_RAND_8 = {1{`RANDOM}};
ahb_haddr_q = _RAND_8[31:0];
_RAND_9 = {1{`RANDOM}};
ahb_hready_q = _RAND_9[0:0];
_RAND_10 = {1{`RANDOM}};
ahb_htrans_q = _RAND_10[1:0];
_RAND_11 = {1{`RANDOM}};
cmdbuf_size = _RAND_11[1:0];
_RAND_12 = {1{`RANDOM}};
cmdbuf_wstrb = _RAND_12[7:0];
_RAND_13 = {1{`RANDOM}};
cmdbuf_addr = _RAND_13[31:0];
_RAND_14 = {2{`RANDOM}};
cmdbuf_wdata = _RAND_14[63:0];
if (reset) begin
buf_state = 2'h0;
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_vld = 1'h0;
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_write = 1'h0;
if (reset) begin
buf_read_error = 1'h0;
if (reset) begin
buf_rdata = 64'h0;
if (reset) begin
ahb_hresp_q = 1'h0;
if (reset) begin
ahb_hsize_q = 3'h0;
if (reset) begin
ahb_hwrite_q = 1'h0;
if (reset) begin
ahb_haddr_q = 32'h0;
if (reset) begin
ahb_hready_q = 1'h0;
if (reset) begin
ahb_htrans_q = 2'h0;
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_size = 2'h0;
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_wstrb = 8'h0;
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_addr = 32'h0;
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_wdata = 64'h0;
`endif // RANDOMIZE
end // initial
`endif // SYNTHESIS
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
buf_state <= 2'h0;
end else if (_T_81) begin
if (_T_44) begin
if (io_ahb_sig_out_hwrite) begin
buf_state <= 2'h1;
end else begin
buf_state <= 2'h2;
end else if (_T_49) begin
if (_T_54) begin
buf_state <= 2'h0;
end else if (io_ahb_sig_out_hwrite) begin
buf_state <= 2'h1;
end else begin
buf_state <= 2'h2;
end else if (_T_67) begin
if (io_ahb_sig_in_hresp) begin
buf_state <= 2'h0;
end else begin
buf_state <= 2'h3;
end else begin
buf_state <= 2'h0;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_vld <= 1'h0;
end else if (_T_22) begin
cmdbuf_vld <= _T_19;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_write <= 1'h0;
end else if (_T_10) begin
cmdbuf_write <= ahb_hwrite_q;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
buf_read_error <= 1'h0;
end else if (io_bus_clk_en) begin
if (_T_44) begin
buf_read_error <= 1'h0;
end else if (_T_49) begin
buf_read_error <= 1'h0;
end else if (_T_67) begin
buf_read_error <= 1'h0;
end else begin
buf_read_error <= _GEN_17;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
buf_rdata <= 64'h0;
end else if (buf_rdata_clk_en) begin
buf_rdata <= io_axi_r_bits_data;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
ahb_hresp_q <= 1'h0;
end else if (io_bus_clk_en) begin
ahb_hresp_q <= io_ahb_sig_in_hresp;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
ahb_hsize_q <= 3'h0;
end else if (ahb_addr_clk_en) begin
ahb_hsize_q <= io_ahb_sig_out_hsize;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
ahb_hwrite_q <= 1'h0;
end else if (ahb_addr_clk_en) begin
ahb_hwrite_q <= io_ahb_sig_out_hwrite;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
ahb_haddr_q <= 32'h0;
end else if (ahb_addr_clk_en) begin
ahb_haddr_q <= io_ahb_sig_out_haddr;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
ahb_hready_q <= 1'h0;
end else if (io_bus_clk_en) begin
ahb_hready_q <= ahb_hready;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
ahb_htrans_q <= 2'h0;
end else if (io_bus_clk_en) begin
ahb_htrans_q <= ahb_htrans_in;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_size <= 2'h0;
end else if (_T_10) begin
cmdbuf_size <= ahb_hsize_q[1:0];
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_wstrb <= 8'h0;
end else if (_T_10) begin
cmdbuf_wstrb <= master_wstrb;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_addr <= 32'h0;
end else if (_T_35) begin
cmdbuf_addr <= ahb_haddr_q;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
cmdbuf_wdata <= 64'h0;
end else if (_T_35) begin
cmdbuf_wdata <= io_ahb_sig_out_hwdata;
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
;buildInfoPackage: chisel3, version: 3.3.1, scalaVersion: 2.12.11, sbtVersion: 1.3.10
circuit dec_ib_ctl :
module dec_ib_ctl :
input clock : Clock
input reset : UInt<1>
output io : {flip ifu_ib : {ifu_i0_icaf : UInt<1>, ifu_i0_icaf_type : UInt<2>, ifu_i0_icaf_second : UInt<1>, ifu_i0_dbecc : UInt<1>, ifu_i0_bp_index : UInt<8>, ifu_i0_bp_fghr : UInt<8>, ifu_i0_bp_btag : UInt<5>, ifu_i0_valid : UInt<1>, ifu_i0_instr : UInt<32>, ifu_i0_pc : UInt<31>, ifu_i0_pc4 : UInt<1>, i0_brp : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {toffset : UInt<12>, hist : UInt<2>, br_error : UInt<1>, br_start_error : UInt<1>, bank : UInt<1>, prett : UInt<31>, way : UInt<1>, ret : UInt<1>}}}, flip ib_exu : {flip dec_i0_pc_d : UInt<31>, flip dec_debug_wdata_rs1_d : UInt<1>}, dbg_ib : {flip dbg_cmd_valid : UInt<1>, flip dbg_cmd_write : UInt<1>, flip dbg_cmd_type : UInt<2>, flip dbg_cmd_addr : UInt<32>}, dec_debug_valid_d : UInt<1>, dec_ib0_valid_d : UInt<1>, dec_i0_icaf_type_d : UInt<2>, dec_i0_instr_d : UInt<32>, dec_i0_pc4_d : UInt<1>, dec_i0_brp : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {toffset : UInt<12>, hist : UInt<2>, br_error : UInt<1>, br_start_error : UInt<1>, bank : UInt<1>, prett : UInt<31>, way : UInt<1>, ret : UInt<1>}}, dec_i0_bp_index : UInt<8>, dec_i0_bp_fghr : UInt<8>, dec_i0_bp_btag : UInt<5>, flip ifu_i0_fa_index : UInt<9>, dec_i0_bp_fa_index : UInt<9>, dec_i0_icaf_d : UInt<1>, dec_i0_icaf_second_d : UInt<1>, dec_i0_dbecc_d : UInt<1>, dec_debug_fence_d : UInt<1>}
io.dec_i0_icaf_second_d <= io.ifu_ib.ifu_i0_icaf_second @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 34:35]
io.dec_i0_dbecc_d <= io.ifu_ib.ifu_i0_dbecc @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 35:31]
io.dec_i0_icaf_d <= io.ifu_ib.ifu_i0_icaf @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 36:31]
io.ib_exu.dec_i0_pc_d <= io.ifu_ib.ifu_i0_pc @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 37:31]
io.dec_i0_pc4_d <= io.ifu_ib.ifu_i0_pc4 @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 38:31]
io.dec_i0_icaf_type_d <= io.ifu_ib.ifu_i0_icaf_type @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 39:31]
io.dec_i0_brp.bits.ret <= io.ifu_ib.i0_brp.bits.ret @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
io.dec_i0_brp.bits.way <= io.ifu_ib.i0_brp.bits.way @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
io.dec_i0_brp.bits.prett <= io.ifu_ib.i0_brp.bits.prett @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
|||||| <= @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
io.dec_i0_brp.bits.br_start_error <= io.ifu_ib.i0_brp.bits.br_start_error @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
io.dec_i0_brp.bits.br_error <= io.ifu_ib.i0_brp.bits.br_error @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
io.dec_i0_brp.bits.hist <= io.ifu_ib.i0_brp.bits.hist @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
io.dec_i0_brp.bits.toffset <= io.ifu_ib.i0_brp.bits.toffset @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
io.dec_i0_brp.valid <= io.ifu_ib.i0_brp.valid @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
io.dec_i0_bp_index <= io.ifu_ib.ifu_i0_bp_index @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 41:31]
io.dec_i0_bp_fghr <= io.ifu_ib.ifu_i0_bp_fghr @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 42:31]
io.dec_i0_bp_btag <= io.ifu_ib.ifu_i0_bp_btag @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 43:31]
io.dec_i0_bp_fa_index <= io.ifu_i0_fa_index @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 44:25]
node _T = neq(io.dbg_ib.dbg_cmd_type, UInt<2>("h02")) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 58:74]
node debug_valid = and(io.dbg_ib.dbg_cmd_valid, _T) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 58:48]
node _T_1 = eq(io.dbg_ib.dbg_cmd_write, UInt<1>("h00")) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 59:38]
node debug_read = and(debug_valid, _T_1) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 59:36]
node debug_write = and(debug_valid, io.dbg_ib.dbg_cmd_write) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 60:36]
io.dec_debug_valid_d <= debug_valid @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 61:24]
node _T_2 = eq(io.dbg_ib.dbg_cmd_type, UInt<1>("h00")) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 62:62]
node debug_read_gpr = and(debug_read, _T_2) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 62:37]
node _T_3 = eq(io.dbg_ib.dbg_cmd_type, UInt<1>("h00")) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 63:62]
node debug_write_gpr = and(debug_write, _T_3) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 63:37]
node _T_4 = eq(io.dbg_ib.dbg_cmd_type, UInt<1>("h01")) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 64:62]
node debug_read_csr = and(debug_read, _T_4) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 64:37]
node _T_5 = eq(io.dbg_ib.dbg_cmd_type, UInt<1>("h01")) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 65:62]
node debug_write_csr = and(debug_write, _T_5) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 65:37]
node dreg = bits(io.dbg_ib.dbg_cmd_addr, 4, 0) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 67:47]
node dcsr = bits(io.dbg_ib.dbg_cmd_addr, 11, 0) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 68:47]
node _T_6 = bits(debug_read_gpr, 0, 0) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 71:20]
node _T_7 = mux(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<12>("h0fff"), UInt<12>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_8 = cat(_T_7, dreg) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_9 = cat(_T_8, UInt<15>("h06033")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_10 = bits(debug_write_gpr, 0, 0) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 72:21]
node _T_11 = cat(UInt<20>("h06"), dreg) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_12 = cat(_T_11, UInt<7>("h033")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_13 = bits(debug_read_csr, 0, 0) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 73:20]
node _T_14 = cat(dcsr, UInt<20>("h02073")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_15 = bits(debug_write_csr, 0, 0) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 74:21]
node _T_16 = cat(dcsr, UInt<20>("h01073")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_17 = mux(_T_6, _T_9, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_18 = mux(_T_10, _T_12, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_19 = mux(_T_13, _T_14, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_20 = mux(_T_15, _T_16, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_21 = or(_T_17, _T_18) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_22 = or(_T_21, _T_19) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_23 = or(_T_22, _T_20) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire ib0_debug_in : UInt<32> @[Mux.scala 27:72]
ib0_debug_in <= _T_23 @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_24 = or(debug_write_gpr, debug_write_csr) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 78:54]
io.ib_exu.dec_debug_wdata_rs1_d <= _T_24 @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 78:35]
node _T_25 = eq(dcsr, UInt<11>("h07c4")) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 81:51]
node _T_26 = and(debug_write_csr, _T_25) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 81:43]
io.dec_debug_fence_d <= _T_26 @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 81:24]
node _T_27 = or(io.ifu_ib.ifu_i0_valid, debug_valid) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 83:48]
io.dec_ib0_valid_d <= _T_27 @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 83:22]
node _T_28 = bits(debug_valid, 0, 0) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 84:41]
node _T_29 = mux(_T_28, ib0_debug_in, io.ifu_ib.ifu_i0_instr) @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 84:28]
io.dec_i0_instr_d <= _T_29 @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 84:22]
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
module dec_ib_ctl(
input clock,
input reset,
input io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_icaf,
input [1:0] io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_icaf_type,
input io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_icaf_second,
input io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_dbecc,
input [7:0] io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_bp_index,
input [7:0] io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_bp_fghr,
input [4:0] io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_bp_btag,
input io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_valid,
input [31:0] io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_instr,
input [30:0] io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_pc,
input io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_pc4,
input io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_valid,
input [11:0] io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_toffset,
input [1:0] io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_hist,
input io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_br_error,
input io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_br_start_error,
input io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_bank,
input [30:0] io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_prett,
input io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_way,
input io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_ret,
output [30:0] io_ib_exu_dec_i0_pc_d,
output io_ib_exu_dec_debug_wdata_rs1_d,
input io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_valid,
input io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_write,
input [1:0] io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_type,
input [31:0] io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_addr,
output io_dec_debug_valid_d,
output io_dec_ib0_valid_d,
output [1:0] io_dec_i0_icaf_type_d,
output [31:0] io_dec_i0_instr_d,
output io_dec_i0_pc4_d,
output io_dec_i0_brp_valid,
output [11:0] io_dec_i0_brp_bits_toffset,
output [1:0] io_dec_i0_brp_bits_hist,
output io_dec_i0_brp_bits_br_error,
output io_dec_i0_brp_bits_br_start_error,
output io_dec_i0_brp_bits_bank,
output [30:0] io_dec_i0_brp_bits_prett,
output io_dec_i0_brp_bits_way,
output io_dec_i0_brp_bits_ret,
output [7:0] io_dec_i0_bp_index,
output [7:0] io_dec_i0_bp_fghr,
output [4:0] io_dec_i0_bp_btag,
input [8:0] io_ifu_i0_fa_index,
output [8:0] io_dec_i0_bp_fa_index,
output io_dec_i0_icaf_d,
output io_dec_i0_icaf_second_d,
output io_dec_i0_dbecc_d,
output io_dec_debug_fence_d
wire _T = io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_type != 2'h2; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 58:74]
wire debug_valid = io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_valid & _T; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 58:48]
wire _T_1 = ~io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_write; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 59:38]
wire debug_read = debug_valid & _T_1; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 59:36]
wire debug_write = debug_valid & io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_write; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 60:36]
wire _T_2 = io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_type == 2'h0; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 62:62]
wire debug_read_gpr = debug_read & _T_2; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 62:37]
wire debug_write_gpr = debug_write & _T_2; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 63:37]
wire _T_4 = io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_type == 2'h1; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 64:62]
wire debug_read_csr = debug_read & _T_4; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 64:37]
wire debug_write_csr = debug_write & _T_4; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 65:37]
wire [4:0] dreg = io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_addr[4:0]; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 67:47]
wire [11:0] dcsr = io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_addr[11:0]; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 68:47]
wire [31:0] _T_9 = {12'h0,dreg,15'h6033}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_12 = {20'h6,dreg,7'h33}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_14 = {dcsr,20'h2073}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_16 = {dcsr,20'h1073}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_17 = debug_read_gpr ? _T_9 : 32'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_18 = debug_write_gpr ? _T_12 : 32'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_19 = debug_read_csr ? _T_14 : 32'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_20 = debug_write_csr ? _T_16 : 32'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_21 = _T_17 | _T_18; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_22 = _T_21 | _T_19; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] ib0_debug_in = _T_22 | _T_20; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_25 = dcsr == 12'h7c4; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 81:51]
assign io_ib_exu_dec_i0_pc_d = io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_pc; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 37:31]
assign io_ib_exu_dec_debug_wdata_rs1_d = debug_write_gpr | debug_write_csr; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 78:35]
assign io_dec_debug_valid_d = io_dbg_ib_dbg_cmd_valid & _T; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 61:24]
assign io_dec_ib0_valid_d = io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_valid | debug_valid; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 83:22]
assign io_dec_i0_icaf_type_d = io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_icaf_type; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 39:31]
assign io_dec_i0_instr_d = debug_valid ? ib0_debug_in : io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_instr; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 84:22]
assign io_dec_i0_pc4_d = io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_pc4; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 38:31]
assign io_dec_i0_brp_valid = io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_valid; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
assign io_dec_i0_brp_bits_toffset = io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_toffset; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
assign io_dec_i0_brp_bits_hist = io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_hist; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
assign io_dec_i0_brp_bits_br_error = io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_br_error; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
assign io_dec_i0_brp_bits_br_start_error = io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_br_start_error; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
assign io_dec_i0_brp_bits_bank = io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_bank; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
assign io_dec_i0_brp_bits_prett = io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_prett; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
assign io_dec_i0_brp_bits_way = io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_way; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
assign io_dec_i0_brp_bits_ret = io_ifu_ib_i0_brp_bits_ret; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 40:31]
assign io_dec_i0_bp_index = io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_bp_index; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 41:31]
assign io_dec_i0_bp_fghr = io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_bp_fghr; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 42:31]
assign io_dec_i0_bp_btag = io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_bp_btag; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 43:31]
assign io_dec_i0_bp_fa_index = io_ifu_i0_fa_index; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 44:25]
assign io_dec_i0_icaf_d = io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_icaf; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 36:31]
assign io_dec_i0_icaf_second_d = io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_icaf_second; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 34:35]
assign io_dec_i0_dbecc_d = io_ifu_ib_ifu_i0_dbecc; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 35:31]
assign io_dec_debug_fence_d = debug_write_csr & _T_25; // @[dec_ib_ctl.scala 81:24]
@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
module rvclkhdr(
input io_clk,
input io_en
wire clkhdr_Q; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
wire clkhdr_CK; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
wire clkhdr_EN; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
wire clkhdr_SE; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
gated_latch clkhdr ( // @[lib.scala 334:26]
assign clkhdr_CK = io_clk; // @[lib.scala 336:18]
assign clkhdr_EN = io_en; // @[lib.scala 337:18]
assign clkhdr_SE = 1'h0; // @[lib.scala 338:18]
module exu_alu_ctl(
input clock,
input reset,
input io_dec_alu_dec_i0_alu_decode_d,
input io_dec_alu_dec_csr_ren_d,
input [11:0] io_dec_alu_dec_i0_br_immed_d,
output [30:0] io_dec_alu_exu_i0_pc_x,
input [31:0] io_csr_rddata_in,
input [30:0] io_dec_i0_pc_d,
input io_scan_mode,
input io_flush_upper_x,
input io_dec_tlu_flush_lower_r,
input io_enable,
input io_i0_ap_clz,
input io_i0_ap_ctz,
input io_i0_ap_pcnt,
input io_i0_ap_sext_b,
input io_i0_ap_sext_h,
input io_i0_ap_slo,
input io_i0_ap_sro,
input io_i0_ap_min,
input io_i0_ap_max,
input io_i0_ap_pack,
input io_i0_ap_packu,
input io_i0_ap_packh,
input io_i0_ap_rol,
input io_i0_ap_ror,
input io_i0_ap_grev,
input io_i0_ap_gorc,
input io_i0_ap_zbb,
input io_i0_ap_sbset,
input io_i0_ap_sbclr,
input io_i0_ap_sbinv,
input io_i0_ap_sbext,
input io_i0_ap_sh1add,
input io_i0_ap_sh2add,
input io_i0_ap_sh3add,
input io_i0_ap_zba,
input io_i0_ap_land,
input io_i0_ap_lor,
input io_i0_ap_lxor,
input io_i0_ap_sll,
input io_i0_ap_srl,
input io_i0_ap_sra,
input io_i0_ap_beq,
input io_i0_ap_bne,
input io_i0_ap_blt,
input io_i0_ap_bge,
input io_i0_ap_add,
input io_i0_ap_sub,
input io_i0_ap_slt,
input io_i0_ap_unsign,
input io_i0_ap_jal,
input io_i0_ap_predict_t,
input io_i0_ap_predict_nt,
input io_i0_ap_csr_write,
input io_i0_ap_csr_imm,
input [31:0] io_a_in,
input [31:0] io_b_in,
input io_pp_in_valid,
input io_pp_in_bits_misp,
input io_pp_in_bits_ataken,
input io_pp_in_bits_boffset,
input io_pp_in_bits_pc4,
input [1:0] io_pp_in_bits_hist,
input [11:0] io_pp_in_bits_toffset,
input io_pp_in_bits_br_error,
input io_pp_in_bits_br_start_error,
input [30:0] io_pp_in_bits_prett,
input io_pp_in_bits_pcall,
input io_pp_in_bits_pret,
input io_pp_in_bits_pja,
input io_pp_in_bits_way,
output [31:0] io_result_ff,
output io_flush_upper_out,
output io_flush_final_out,
output [30:0] io_flush_path_out,
output io_pred_correct_out,
output io_predict_p_out_valid,
output io_predict_p_out_bits_misp,
output io_predict_p_out_bits_ataken,
output io_predict_p_out_bits_boffset,
output io_predict_p_out_bits_pc4,
output [1:0] io_predict_p_out_bits_hist,
output [11:0] io_predict_p_out_bits_toffset,
output io_predict_p_out_bits_br_error,
output io_predict_p_out_bits_br_start_error,
output [30:0] io_predict_p_out_bits_prett,
output io_predict_p_out_bits_pcall,
output io_predict_p_out_bits_pret,
output io_predict_p_out_bits_pja,
output io_predict_p_out_bits_way
reg [31:0] _RAND_0;
reg [31:0] _RAND_1;
wire rvclkhdr_io_clk; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire rvclkhdr_io_en; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire _T_1 = io_b_in[4:0] == 5'h1f; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 87:55]
wire ap_rev = io_i0_ap_grev & _T_1; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 87:39]
wire _T_4 = io_b_in[4:0] == 5'h18; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 88:55]
wire ap_rev8 = io_i0_ap_grev & _T_4; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 88:39]
wire _T_7 = io_b_in[4:0] == 5'h7; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 89:55]
wire ap_orc_b = io_i0_ap_gorc & _T_7; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 89:39]
wire _T_10 = io_b_in[4:0] == 5'h10; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 90:55]
wire ap_orc16 = io_i0_ap_gorc & _T_10; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 90:39]
reg [30:0] _T_14; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire _T_15 = io_enable & io_dec_alu_dec_i0_alu_decode_d; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 135:43]
reg [31:0] _T_18; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire [31:0] _T_153 = io_csr_rddata_in; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_151 = {{1{_T_153[31]}},_T_153}; // @[Mux.scala 27:72 Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_172 = io_dec_alu_dec_csr_ren_d ? $signed(_T_151) : $signed(33'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_94 = ~io_i0_ap_zbb; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 160:22]
wire _T_95 = io_i0_ap_land & _T_94; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 160:20]
wire [32:0] _T_98 = {1'h0,io_a_in}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [32:0] _T_99 = {1'h0,io_a_in}; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 160:67]
wire [31:0] _T_100 = io_b_in; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 160:85]
wire [32:0] _GEN_2 = {{1{_T_100[31]}},_T_100}; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 160:74]
wire [32:0] _T_156 = $signed(_T_99) & $signed(_GEN_2); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_173 = _T_95 ? $signed(_T_156) : $signed(33'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_180 = $signed(_T_172) | $signed(_T_173); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_104 = io_i0_ap_lor & _T_94; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 161:20]
wire [32:0] _T_159 = $signed(_T_99) | $signed(_GEN_2); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_174 = _T_104 ? $signed(_T_159) : $signed(33'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_182 = $signed(_T_180) | $signed(_T_174); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_113 = io_i0_ap_lxor & _T_94; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 162:20]
wire [32:0] _T_162 = $signed(_T_99) ^ $signed(_GEN_2); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_175 = _T_113 ? $signed(_T_162) : $signed(33'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_184 = $signed(_T_182) | $signed(_T_175); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_121 = io_i0_ap_land & io_i0_ap_zbb; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 163:20]
wire [31:0] _T_128 = ~io_b_in; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 163:76]
wire [32:0] _GEN_5 = {{1{_T_128[31]}},_T_128}; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 163:74]
wire [32:0] _T_165 = $signed(_T_99) & $signed(_GEN_5); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_176 = _T_121 ? $signed(_T_165) : $signed(33'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_186 = $signed(_T_184) | $signed(_T_176); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_131 = io_i0_ap_lor & io_i0_ap_zbb; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 164:20]
wire [32:0] _T_168 = $signed(_T_99) | $signed(_GEN_5); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_177 = _T_131 ? $signed(_T_168) : $signed(33'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_188 = $signed(_T_186) | $signed(_T_177); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_141 = io_i0_ap_lxor & io_i0_ap_zbb; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 165:20]
wire [32:0] _T_171 = $signed(_T_99) ^ $signed(_GEN_5); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] _T_178 = _T_141 ? $signed(_T_171) : $signed(33'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [32:0] lout = $signed(_T_188) | $signed(_T_178); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_836 = io_i0_ap_sll | io_i0_ap_srl; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 293:44]
wire _T_837 = _T_836 | io_i0_ap_sra; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 293:59]
wire _T_840 = _T_837 | io_i0_ap_rol; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 293:92]
wire sel_shift = _T_840 | io_i0_ap_ror; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 293:101]
wire [31:0] _T_887 = sel_shift ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [30:0] _T_345 = io_a_in[31] ? 31'h7fffffff : 31'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [30:0] _T_352 = io_i0_ap_sra ? _T_345 : 31'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [30:0] _T_353 = io_i0_ap_sll ? io_a_in[30:0] : 31'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [30:0] _T_358 = _T_352 | _T_353; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [30:0] _T_354 = io_i0_ap_rol ? io_a_in[30:0] : 31'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [30:0] _T_359 = _T_358 | _T_354; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [30:0] _T_355 = io_i0_ap_ror ? io_a_in[30:0] : 31'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [30:0] _T_360 = _T_359 | _T_355; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [62:0] shift_extend = {_T_360,io_a_in}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [5:0] _T_195 = {1'h0,io_b_in[4:0]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [5:0] _T_197 = 6'h20 - _T_195; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 179:41]
wire [5:0] _T_218 = io_i0_ap_sll ? _T_197 : 6'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [5:0] _T_219 = io_i0_ap_srl ? _T_195 : 6'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [5:0] _T_226 = _T_218 | _T_219; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [5:0] _T_220 = io_i0_ap_sra ? _T_195 : 6'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [5:0] _T_227 = _T_226 | _T_220; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [5:0] _T_221 = io_i0_ap_rol ? _T_197 : 6'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [5:0] _T_228 = _T_227 | _T_221; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [5:0] _T_222 = io_i0_ap_ror ? _T_195 : 6'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [5:0] _T_229 = _T_228 | _T_222; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [5:0] _T_225 = io_i0_ap_sbext ? _T_195 : 6'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [5:0] shift_amount = _T_229 | _T_225; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [62:0] shift_long = shift_extend >> shift_amount[4:0]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 202:32]
wire [4:0] _T_238 = {io_i0_ap_sll,io_i0_ap_sll,io_i0_ap_sll,io_i0_ap_sll,io_i0_ap_sll}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [4:0] _T_240 = _T_238 & io_b_in[4:0]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 189:73]
wire [62:0] _T_241 = 63'hffffffff << _T_240; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 189:39]
wire [31:0] shift_mask = _T_241[31:0]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 189:14]
wire [31:0] sout = shift_long[31:0] & shift_mask; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 204:34]
wire [31:0] _T_889 = _T_887 & sout; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 304:56]
wire [31:0] _T_890 = lout[31:0] | _T_889; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 304:31]
wire _T_841 = io_i0_ap_add | io_i0_ap_sub; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 294:44]
wire _T_843 = ~io_i0_ap_slt; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 294:71]
wire _T_844 = _T_841 & _T_843; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 294:69]
wire _T_845 = ~io_i0_ap_min; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 294:87]
wire _T_846 = _T_844 & _T_845; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 294:85]
wire _T_847 = ~io_i0_ap_max; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 294:97]
wire sel_adder = _T_846 & _T_847; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 294:95]
wire [31:0] _T_892 = sel_adder ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [32:0] _T_57 = {1'h0,io_a_in}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_58 = ~io_b_in; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 146:74]
wire [32:0] _T_59 = {1'h0,_T_58}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [32:0] _T_61 = _T_57 + _T_59; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 146:59]
wire [32:0] _T_62 = {32'h0,io_i0_ap_sub}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [32:0] _T_64 = _T_61 + _T_62; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 146:84]
wire [32:0] _T_67 = {1'h0,io_b_in}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [32:0] _T_69 = _T_98 + _T_67; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 146:139]
wire [32:0] _T_72 = _T_69 + _T_62; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 146:164]
wire [32:0] aout = io_i0_ap_sub ? _T_64 : _T_72; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 146:14]
wire [31:0] _T_894 = _T_892 & aout[31:0]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 305:28]
wire [31:0] _T_895 = _T_890 | _T_894; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 304:71]
wire _T_848 = io_i0_ap_jal | io_pp_in_bits_pcall; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 295:44]
wire _T_849 = _T_848 | io_pp_in_bits_pja; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 295:66]
wire sel_pc = _T_849 | io_pp_in_bits_pret; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 295:86]
wire [31:0] _T_897 = sel_pc ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [12:0] _T_853 = {io_dec_alu_dec_i0_br_immed_d,1'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_852 = {io_dec_i0_pc_d,1'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [12:0] _T_856 = _T_852[12:1] + _T_853[12:1]; // @[lib.scala 68:31]
wire _T_865 = ~_T_856[12]; // @[lib.scala 72:28]
wire _T_866 = _T_853[12] ^ _T_865; // @[lib.scala 72:26]
wire [18:0] _T_877 = _T_866 ? _T_852[31:13] : 19'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_869 = ~_T_853[12]; // @[lib.scala 73:20]
wire _T_871 = _T_869 & _T_856[12]; // @[lib.scala 73:26]
wire [18:0] _T_859 = _T_852[31:13] + 19'h1; // @[lib.scala 69:27]
wire [18:0] _T_878 = _T_871 ? _T_859 : 19'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [18:0] _T_880 = _T_877 | _T_878; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_875 = _T_853[12] & _T_865; // @[lib.scala 74:26]
wire [18:0] _T_862 = _T_852[31:13] - 19'h1; // @[lib.scala 70:27]
wire [18:0] _T_879 = _T_875 ? _T_862 : 19'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [18:0] _T_881 = _T_880 | _T_879; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] pcout = {_T_881,_T_856[11:0],1'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_898 = _T_897 & pcout; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 306:28]
wire [31:0] _T_899 = _T_895 | _T_898; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 305:43]
wire [31:0] _T_901 = io_i0_ap_csr_write ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_902 = io_i0_ap_csr_imm ? $signed(io_b_in) : $signed(io_a_in); // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 307:51]
wire [31:0] _T_903 = _T_901 & _T_902; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 307:34]
wire [31:0] _T_904 = _T_899 | _T_903; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 306:41]
wire _T_88 = ~io_i0_ap_unsign; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 154:30]
wire neg = aout[31]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 153:34]
wire _T_75 = ~io_a_in[31]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 149:14]
wire [31:0] bm = io_i0_ap_sub ? _T_58 : io_b_in; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 143:17]
wire _T_77 = ~bm[31]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 149:29]
wire _T_78 = _T_75 & _T_77; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 149:27]
wire _T_80 = _T_78 & neg; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 149:37]
wire _T_83 = io_a_in[31] & bm[31]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 149:66]
wire _T_85 = ~neg; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 149:78]
wire _T_86 = _T_83 & _T_85; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 149:76]
wire ov = _T_80 | _T_86; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 149:50]
wire _T_89 = neg ^ ov; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 154:54]
wire _T_90 = _T_88 & _T_89; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 154:47]
wire cout = aout[32]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 147:18]
wire _T_91 = ~cout; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 154:84]
wire _T_92 = io_i0_ap_unsign & _T_91; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 154:82]
wire lt = _T_90 | _T_92; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 154:61]
wire slt_one = io_i0_ap_slt & lt; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 298:43]
wire [31:0] _T_905 = {31'h0,slt_one}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_906 = _T_904 | _T_905; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 307:59]
wire [31:0] _T_908 = io_i0_ap_sbext ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_910 = {31'h0,sout[0]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_911 = _T_908 & _T_910; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 309:28]
wire [31:0] _T_912 = _T_906 | _T_911; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 308:56]
wire _T_547 = io_i0_ap_clz | io_i0_ap_ctz; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 221:52]
wire [5:0] _T_549 = _T_547 ? 6'h3f : 6'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_445 = io_i0_ap_clz ? $signed(io_a_in) : $signed(32'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [9:0] _T_416 = {io_a_in[0],io_a_in[1],io_a_in[2],io_a_in[3],io_a_in[4],io_a_in[5],io_a_in[6],io_a_in[7],io_a_in[8],io_a_in[9]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [18:0] _T_425 = {_T_416,io_a_in[10],io_a_in[11],io_a_in[12],io_a_in[13],io_a_in[14],io_a_in[15],io_a_in[16],io_a_in[17],io_a_in[18]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_434 = {_T_425,io_a_in[19],io_a_in[20],io_a_in[21],io_a_in[22],io_a_in[23],io_a_in[24],io_a_in[25],io_a_in[26],io_a_in[27]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] bitmanip_a_reverse_ff = {_T_434,io_a_in[28],io_a_in[29],io_a_in[30],io_a_in[31]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_444 = {_T_434,io_a_in[28],io_a_in[29],io_a_in[30],io_a_in[31]}; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_446 = io_i0_ap_ctz ? $signed(_T_444) : $signed(32'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] bitmanip_lzd_in = $signed(_T_445) | $signed(_T_446); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_451 = $signed(_T_445) | $signed(_T_446); // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:75]
wire _T_452 = _T_451 == 32'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_454 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:1] == 31'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_456 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:2] == 30'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_458 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:3] == 29'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_460 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:4] == 28'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_462 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:5] == 27'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_464 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:6] == 26'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_466 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:7] == 25'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_468 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:8] == 24'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_470 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:9] == 23'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_472 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:10] == 22'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_474 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:11] == 21'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_476 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:12] == 20'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_478 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:13] == 19'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_480 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:14] == 18'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_482 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:15] == 17'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_484 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:16] == 16'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_486 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:17] == 15'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_488 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:18] == 14'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_490 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:19] == 13'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_492 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:20] == 12'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_494 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:21] == 11'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_496 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:22] == 10'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_498 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:23] == 9'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_500 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:24] == 8'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_502 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:25] == 7'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_504 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:26] == 6'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_506 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:27] == 5'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_508 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:28] == 4'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_510 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:29] == 3'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_512 = bitmanip_lzd_in[31:30] == 2'h0; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire _T_514 = ~bitmanip_lzd_in[31]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 219:81]
wire [1:0] _T_516 = _T_512 ? 2'h2 : {{1'd0}, _T_514}; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [1:0] _T_517 = _T_510 ? 2'h3 : _T_516; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [2:0] _T_518 = _T_508 ? 3'h4 : {{1'd0}, _T_517}; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [2:0] _T_519 = _T_506 ? 3'h5 : _T_518; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [2:0] _T_520 = _T_504 ? 3'h6 : _T_519; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [2:0] _T_521 = _T_502 ? 3'h7 : _T_520; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [3:0] _T_522 = _T_500 ? 4'h8 : {{1'd0}, _T_521}; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [3:0] _T_523 = _T_498 ? 4'h9 : _T_522; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [3:0] _T_524 = _T_496 ? 4'ha : _T_523; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [3:0] _T_525 = _T_494 ? 4'hb : _T_524; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [3:0] _T_526 = _T_492 ? 4'hc : _T_525; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [3:0] _T_527 = _T_490 ? 4'hd : _T_526; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [3:0] _T_528 = _T_488 ? 4'he : _T_527; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [3:0] _T_529 = _T_486 ? 4'hf : _T_528; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_530 = _T_484 ? 5'h10 : {{1'd0}, _T_529}; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_531 = _T_482 ? 5'h11 : _T_530; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_532 = _T_480 ? 5'h12 : _T_531; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_533 = _T_478 ? 5'h13 : _T_532; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_534 = _T_476 ? 5'h14 : _T_533; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_535 = _T_474 ? 5'h15 : _T_534; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_536 = _T_472 ? 5'h16 : _T_535; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_537 = _T_470 ? 5'h17 : _T_536; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_538 = _T_468 ? 5'h18 : _T_537; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_539 = _T_466 ? 5'h19 : _T_538; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_540 = _T_464 ? 5'h1a : _T_539; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_541 = _T_462 ? 5'h1b : _T_540; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_542 = _T_460 ? 5'h1c : _T_541; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_543 = _T_458 ? 5'h1d : _T_542; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_544 = _T_456 ? 5'h1e : _T_543; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [4:0] _T_545 = _T_454 ? 5'h1f : _T_544; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [5:0] bitmanip_dw_lzd_enc = _T_452 ? 6'h20 : {{1'd0}, _T_545}; // @[Mux.scala 98:16]
wire [5:0] _GEN_8 = {{5'd0}, bitmanip_dw_lzd_enc[5]}; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 221:62]
wire [5:0] _T_551 = _T_549 & _GEN_8; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 221:62]
wire _T_553 = ~bitmanip_dw_lzd_enc[5]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 221:96]
wire [4:0] _T_555 = _T_553 ? 5'h1f : 5'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [4:0] _T_557 = _T_555 & bitmanip_dw_lzd_enc[4:0]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 221:121]
wire [10:0] bitmanip_clz_ctz_result = {_T_551,_T_557}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_914 = {26'h0,bitmanip_clz_ctz_result[5:0]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_915 = _T_912 | _T_914; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 309:56]
wire [5:0] _T_559 = io_i0_ap_pcnt ? 6'h3f : 6'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [1:0] _T_592 = io_a_in[0] + io_a_in[1]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_594 = io_a_in[2] + io_a_in[3]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [2:0] _T_596 = _T_592 + _T_594; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_598 = io_a_in[4] + io_a_in[5]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_600 = io_a_in[6] + io_a_in[7]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [2:0] _T_602 = _T_598 + _T_600; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [3:0] _T_604 = _T_596 + _T_602; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_606 = io_a_in[8] + io_a_in[9]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_608 = io_a_in[10] + io_a_in[11]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [2:0] _T_610 = _T_606 + _T_608; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_612 = io_a_in[12] + io_a_in[13]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_614 = io_a_in[14] + io_a_in[15]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [2:0] _T_616 = _T_612 + _T_614; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [3:0] _T_618 = _T_610 + _T_616; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [4:0] _T_620 = _T_604 + _T_618; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_622 = io_a_in[16] + io_a_in[17]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_624 = io_a_in[18] + io_a_in[19]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [2:0] _T_626 = _T_622 + _T_624; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_628 = io_a_in[20] + io_a_in[21]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_630 = io_a_in[22] + io_a_in[23]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [2:0] _T_632 = _T_628 + _T_630; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [3:0] _T_634 = _T_626 + _T_632; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_636 = io_a_in[24] + io_a_in[25]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_638 = io_a_in[26] + io_a_in[27]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [2:0] _T_640 = _T_636 + _T_638; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_642 = io_a_in[28] + io_a_in[29]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [1:0] _T_644 = io_a_in[30] + io_a_in[31]; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [2:0] _T_646 = _T_642 + _T_644; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [3:0] _T_648 = _T_640 + _T_646; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [4:0] _T_650 = _T_634 + _T_648; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [5:0] _T_652 = _T_620 + _T_650; // @[Bitwise.scala 47:55]
wire [5:0] bitmanip_pcnt_result = _T_559 & _T_652; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 224:50]
wire [31:0] _T_917 = {26'h0,bitmanip_pcnt_result}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_918 = _T_915 | _T_917; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 310:52]
wire [23:0] _T_656 = io_a_in[7] ? 24'hffffff : 24'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_658 = {_T_656,io_a_in[7:0]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_664 = io_i0_ap_sext_b ? _T_658 : 32'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [15:0] _T_661 = io_a_in[15] ? 16'hffff : 16'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_663 = {_T_661,io_a_in[15:0]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_665 = io_i0_ap_sext_h ? _T_663 : 32'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] bitmanip_sext_result = _T_664 | _T_665; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_920 = _T_918 | bitmanip_sext_result; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 311:52]
wire bitmanip_minmax_sel = io_i0_ap_min | io_i0_ap_max; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 233:46]
wire ge = ~lt; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 155:29]
wire bitmanip_minmax_sel_a = ge ^ io_i0_ap_min; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 235:43]
wire _T_667 = bitmanip_minmax_sel & bitmanip_minmax_sel_a; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 238:26]
wire [31:0] _T_677 = _T_667 ? $signed(io_a_in) : $signed(32'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_668 = ~bitmanip_minmax_sel_a; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 239:28]
wire _T_669 = bitmanip_minmax_sel & _T_668; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 239:26]
wire [31:0] _T_678 = _T_669 ? $signed(io_b_in) : $signed(32'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_921 = $signed(_T_677) | $signed(_T_678); // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 313:27]
wire [31:0] _T_922 = _T_920 | _T_921; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 312:35]
wire [31:0] _T_684 = io_i0_ap_pack ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_687 = {io_b_in[15:0],io_a_in[15:0]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] bitmanip_pack_result = _T_684 & _T_687; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 244:50]
wire [31:0] _T_924 = _T_922 | bitmanip_pack_result; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 313:35]
wire [31:0] _T_689 = io_i0_ap_packu ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_692 = {io_b_in[31:16],io_a_in[31:16]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] bitmanip_packu_result = _T_689 & _T_692; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 245:50]
wire [31:0] _T_926 = _T_924 | bitmanip_packu_result; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 314:35]
wire [31:0] _T_694 = io_i0_ap_packh ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_698 = {16'h0,io_b_in[7:0],io_a_in[7:0]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] bitmanip_packh_result = _T_694 & _T_698; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 246:50]
wire [31:0] _T_928 = _T_926 | bitmanip_packh_result; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 315:35]
wire [31:0] _T_700 = ap_rev ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] bitmanip_rev_result = _T_700 & bitmanip_a_reverse_ff; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 252:48]
wire [31:0] _T_930 = _T_928 | bitmanip_rev_result; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 316:35]
wire [31:0] _T_765 = ap_rev8 ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_772 = {io_a_in[7:0],io_a_in[15:8],io_a_in[23:16],io_a_in[31:24]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] bitmanip_rev8_result = _T_765 & _T_772; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 254:50]
wire [31:0] _T_932 = _T_930 | bitmanip_rev8_result; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 317:35]
wire [31:0] _T_774 = ap_orc_b ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire _T_788 = |io_a_in[31:24]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 279:117]
wire [7:0] _T_790 = _T_788 ? 8'hff : 8'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire _T_784 = |io_a_in[23:16]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 279:117]
wire [7:0] _T_786 = _T_784 ? 8'hff : 8'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire _T_780 = |io_a_in[15:8]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 279:117]
wire [7:0] _T_782 = _T_780 ? 8'hff : 8'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire _T_776 = |io_a_in[7:0]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 279:117]
wire [7:0] _T_778 = _T_776 ? 8'hff : 8'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_793 = {_T_790,_T_786,_T_782,_T_778}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] bitmanip_orc_b_result = _T_774 & _T_793; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 279:50]
wire [31:0] _T_934 = _T_932 | bitmanip_orc_b_result; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 318:35]
wire [31:0] _T_795 = ap_orc16 ? 32'hffffffff : 32'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [15:0] _T_798 = io_a_in[31:16] | io_a_in[15:0]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 281:71]
wire [31:0] _T_802 = {_T_798,_T_798}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] bitmanip_orc16_result = _T_795 & _T_802; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 281:50]
wire [31:0] _T_936 = _T_934 | bitmanip_orc16_result; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 319:35]
wire [62:0] bitmanip_sb_1hot = 63'h1 << io_b_in[4:0]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 285:53]
wire [31:0] _T_805 = bitmanip_sb_1hot[31:0]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 288:53]
wire [31:0] _T_820 = $signed(io_a_in) | $signed(_T_805); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_827 = io_i0_ap_sbset ? $signed(_T_820) : $signed(32'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_811 = ~_T_805; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 289:29]
wire [31:0] _T_823 = $signed(io_a_in) & $signed(_T_811); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_828 = io_i0_ap_sbclr ? $signed(_T_823) : $signed(32'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_831 = $signed(_T_827) | $signed(_T_828); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_826 = $signed(io_a_in) ^ $signed(_T_805); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_829 = io_i0_ap_sbinv ? $signed(_T_826) : $signed(32'sh0); // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [31:0] _T_937 = $signed(_T_831) | $signed(_T_829); // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 321:21]
wire [31:0] result = _T_936 | _T_937; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 320:35]
wire eq = $signed(io_a_in) == $signed(io_b_in); // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 151:38]
wire ne = ~eq; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 152:29]
wire _T_941 = io_i0_ap_beq & eq; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 335:43]
wire _T_942 = io_i0_ap_bne & ne; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 335:65]
wire _T_943 = _T_941 | _T_942; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 335:49]
wire _T_944 = io_i0_ap_blt & lt; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 335:94]
wire _T_945 = _T_943 | _T_944; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 335:78]
wire _T_946 = io_i0_ap_bge & ge; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 335:116]
wire _T_947 = _T_945 | _T_946; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 335:100]
wire actual_taken = _T_947 | sel_pc; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 335:122]
wire _T_948 = io_dec_alu_dec_i0_alu_decode_d & io_i0_ap_predict_nt; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 340:61]
wire _T_949 = ~actual_taken; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 340:85]
wire _T_950 = _T_948 & _T_949; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 340:83]
wire _T_951 = ~sel_pc; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 340:101]
wire _T_952 = _T_950 & _T_951; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 340:99]
wire _T_953 = io_dec_alu_dec_i0_alu_decode_d & io_i0_ap_predict_t; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 340:145]
wire _T_954 = _T_953 & actual_taken; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 340:167]
wire _T_956 = _T_954 & _T_951; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 340:183]
wire _T_963 = io_i0_ap_predict_t & _T_949; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 345:48]
wire _T_964 = io_i0_ap_predict_nt & actual_taken; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 345:88]
wire cond_mispredict = _T_963 | _T_964; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 345:65]
wire _T_966 = io_pp_in_bits_prett != aout[31:1]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 348:72]
wire target_mispredict = io_pp_in_bits_pret & _T_966; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 348:49]
wire _T_967 = io_i0_ap_jal | cond_mispredict; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 350:45]
wire _T_968 = _T_967 | target_mispredict; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 350:63]
wire _T_969 = _T_968 & io_dec_alu_dec_i0_alu_decode_d; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 350:84]
wire _T_970 = ~io_flush_upper_x; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 350:119]
wire _T_971 = _T_969 & _T_970; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 350:117]
wire _T_972 = ~io_dec_tlu_flush_lower_r; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 350:141]
wire _T_982 = io_pp_in_bits_hist[1] & io_pp_in_bits_hist[0]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 355:44]
wire _T_984 = ~io_pp_in_bits_hist[0]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 355:73]
wire _T_985 = _T_984 & actual_taken; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 355:96]
wire _T_986 = _T_982 | _T_985; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 355:70]
wire _T_988 = ~io_pp_in_bits_hist[1]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 356:6]
wire _T_990 = _T_988 & _T_949; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 356:29]
wire _T_992 = io_pp_in_bits_hist[1] & actual_taken; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 356:72]
wire _T_993 = _T_990 | _T_992; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 356:47]
wire _T_997 = _T_970 & _T_972; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 359:56]
wire _T_998 = cond_mispredict | target_mispredict; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 359:103]
rvclkhdr rvclkhdr ( // @[lib.scala 399:23]
assign io_dec_alu_exu_i0_pc_x = _T_14; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 133:26]
assign io_result_ff = _T_18; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 135:16]
assign io_flush_upper_out = _T_971 & _T_972; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 350:26]
assign io_flush_final_out = _T_971 | io_dec_tlu_flush_lower_r; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 351:26]
assign io_flush_path_out = sel_pc ? aout[31:1] : pcout[31:1]; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 342:22]
assign io_pred_correct_out = _T_952 | _T_956; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 340:26]
assign io_predict_p_out_valid = io_pp_in_valid; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_misp = _T_997 & _T_998; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30 exu_alu_ctl.scala 359:35]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_ataken = _T_947 | sel_pc; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30 exu_alu_ctl.scala 360:35]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_boffset = io_pp_in_bits_boffset; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_pc4 = io_pp_in_bits_pc4; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_hist = {_T_986,_T_993}; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30 exu_alu_ctl.scala 361:35]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_toffset = io_pp_in_bits_toffset; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_br_error = io_pp_in_bits_br_error; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_br_start_error = io_pp_in_bits_br_start_error; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_prett = io_pp_in_bits_prett; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_pcall = io_pp_in_bits_pcall; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_pret = io_pp_in_bits_pret; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_pja = io_pp_in_bits_pja; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30]
assign io_predict_p_out_bits_way = io_pp_in_bits_way; // @[exu_alu_ctl.scala 358:30]
assign rvclkhdr_io_clk = clock; // @[lib.scala 401:18]
assign rvclkhdr_io_en = io_enable & io_dec_alu_dec_i0_alu_decode_d; // @[lib.scala 402:17]
`ifndef RANDOM
`define RANDOM $random
integer initvar;
initial begin
#0.002 begin end
_RAND_0 = {1{`RANDOM}};
_T_14 = _RAND_0[30:0];
_RAND_1 = {1{`RANDOM}};
_T_18 = _RAND_1[31:0];
if (reset) begin
_T_14 = 31'h0;
if (reset) begin
_T_18 = 32'h0;
`endif // RANDOMIZE
end // initial
`endif // SYNTHESIS
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
_T_14 <= 31'h0;
end else if (io_enable) begin
_T_14 <= io_dec_i0_pc_d;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
_T_18 <= 32'h0;
end else if (_T_15) begin
_T_18 <= result;
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
module rvclkhdr(
input io_clk,
input io_en
wire clkhdr_Q; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
wire clkhdr_CK; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
wire clkhdr_EN; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
wire clkhdr_SE; // @[lib.scala 334:26]
gated_latch clkhdr ( // @[lib.scala 334:26]
assign clkhdr_CK = io_clk; // @[lib.scala 336:18]
assign clkhdr_EN = io_en; // @[lib.scala 337:18]
assign clkhdr_SE = 1'h0; // @[lib.scala 338:18]
module exu_mul_ctl(
input clock,
input reset,
input io_scan_mode,
input io_mul_p_valid,
input io_mul_p_bits_rs1_sign,
input io_mul_p_bits_rs2_sign,
input io_mul_p_bits_low,
input io_mul_p_bits_bext,
input io_mul_p_bits_bdep,
input io_mul_p_bits_clmul,
input io_mul_p_bits_clmulh,
input io_mul_p_bits_clmulr,
input io_mul_p_bits_grev,
input io_mul_p_bits_gorc,
input io_mul_p_bits_shfl,
input io_mul_p_bits_unshfl,
input io_mul_p_bits_crc32_b,
input io_mul_p_bits_crc32_h,
input io_mul_p_bits_crc32_w,
input io_mul_p_bits_crc32c_b,
input io_mul_p_bits_crc32c_h,
input io_mul_p_bits_crc32c_w,
input io_mul_p_bits_bfp,
input [31:0] io_rs1_in,
input [31:0] io_rs2_in,
output [31:0] io_result_x
reg [31:0] _RAND_0;
reg [63:0] _RAND_1;
reg [63:0] _RAND_2;
wire rvclkhdr_io_clk; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire rvclkhdr_io_en; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire rvclkhdr_1_io_clk; // @[lib.scala 426:23]
wire rvclkhdr_1_io_en; // @[lib.scala 426:23]
wire rvclkhdr_2_io_clk; // @[lib.scala 426:23]
wire rvclkhdr_2_io_en; // @[lib.scala 426:23]
wire rvclkhdr_3_io_clk; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire rvclkhdr_3_io_en; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire rvclkhdr_4_io_clk; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire rvclkhdr_4_io_en; // @[lib.scala 399:23]
wire _T_1 = io_mul_p_bits_rs1_sign & io_rs1_in[31]; // @[exu_mul_ctl.scala 123:44]
wire [32:0] rs1_ext_in = {_T_1,io_rs1_in}; // @[exu_mul_ctl.scala 123:71]
wire _T_5 = io_mul_p_bits_rs2_sign & io_rs2_in[31]; // @[exu_mul_ctl.scala 124:44]
wire [32:0] rs2_ext_in = {_T_5,io_rs2_in}; // @[exu_mul_ctl.scala 124:71]
reg low_x; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
reg [32:0] rs1_x; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
reg [32:0] rs2_x; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire [65:0] prod_x = $signed(rs1_x) * $signed(rs2_x); // @[exu_mul_ctl.scala 130:20]
wire _T_39758 = ~low_x; // @[exu_mul_ctl.scala 388:46]
wire [7:0] _T_39762 = {_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [15:0] _T_39763 = {_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39762}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_39764 = {_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39758,_T_39762,_T_39763}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_39766 = _T_39764 & prod_x[63:32]; // @[exu_mul_ctl.scala 388:54]
wire [7:0] _T_39771 = {low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [15:0] _T_39772 = {low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,_T_39771}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_39773 = {low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,low_x,_T_39771,_T_39772}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_39775 = _T_39773 & prod_x[31:0]; // @[exu_mul_ctl.scala 389:40]
rvclkhdr rvclkhdr ( // @[lib.scala 399:23]
rvclkhdr rvclkhdr_1 ( // @[lib.scala 426:23]
rvclkhdr rvclkhdr_2 ( // @[lib.scala 426:23]
rvclkhdr rvclkhdr_3 ( // @[lib.scala 399:23]
rvclkhdr rvclkhdr_4 ( // @[lib.scala 399:23]
assign io_result_x = _T_39766 | _T_39775; // @[exu_mul_ctl.scala 388:15]
assign rvclkhdr_io_clk = clock; // @[lib.scala 401:18]
assign rvclkhdr_io_en = io_mul_p_valid; // @[lib.scala 402:17]
assign rvclkhdr_1_io_clk = clock; // @[lib.scala 428:18]
assign rvclkhdr_1_io_en = io_mul_p_valid; // @[lib.scala 429:17]
assign rvclkhdr_2_io_clk = clock; // @[lib.scala 428:18]
assign rvclkhdr_2_io_en = io_mul_p_valid; // @[lib.scala 429:17]
assign rvclkhdr_3_io_clk = clock; // @[lib.scala 401:18]
assign rvclkhdr_3_io_en = io_mul_p_valid; // @[lib.scala 402:17]
assign rvclkhdr_4_io_clk = clock; // @[lib.scala 401:18]
assign rvclkhdr_4_io_en = io_mul_p_valid; // @[lib.scala 402:17]
`ifndef RANDOM
`define RANDOM $random
integer initvar;
initial begin
#0.002 begin end
_RAND_0 = {1{`RANDOM}};
low_x = _RAND_0[0:0];
_RAND_1 = {2{`RANDOM}};
rs1_x = _RAND_1[32:0];
_RAND_2 = {2{`RANDOM}};
rs2_x = _RAND_2[32:0];
if (reset) begin
low_x = 1'h0;
if (reset) begin
rs1_x = 33'sh0;
if (reset) begin
rs2_x = 33'sh0;
`endif // RANDOMIZE
end // initial
`endif // SYNTHESIS
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
low_x <= 1'h0;
end else if (io_mul_p_valid) begin
low_x <= io_mul_p_bits_low;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
rs1_x <= 33'sh0;
end else if (io_mul_p_valid) begin
rs1_x <= rs1_ext_in;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
rs2_x <= 33'sh0;
end else if (io_mul_p_valid) begin
rs2_x <= rs2_ext_in;
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
;buildInfoPackage: chisel3, version: 3.3.1, scalaVersion: 2.12.11, sbtVersion: 1.3.10
circuit ifu_ifc_ctl :
module ifu_ifc_ctl :
input clock : Clock
input reset : AsyncReset
output io : {flip exu_flush_final : UInt<1>, flip exu_flush_path_final : UInt<31>, flip free_l2clk : Clock, flip scan_mode : UInt<1>, flip ic_hit_f : UInt<1>, flip ifu_ic_mb_empty : UInt<1>, flip ifu_fb_consume1 : UInt<1>, flip ifu_fb_consume2 : UInt<1>, flip ifu_bp_hit_taken_f : UInt<1>, flip ifu_bp_btb_target_f : UInt<31>, flip ic_dma_active : UInt<1>, flip ic_write_stall : UInt<1>, dec_ifc : {flip dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb : UInt<1>, flip dec_tlu_mrac_ff : UInt<32>, ifu_pmu_fetch_stall : UInt<1>}, dma_ifc : {flip dma_iccm_stall_any : UInt<1>}, ifc_fetch_addr_f : UInt<31>, ifc_fetch_addr_bf : UInt<31>, ifc_fetch_req_f : UInt<1>, ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf : UInt<1>, ifc_fetch_req_bf : UInt<1>, ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw : UInt<1>, ifc_iccm_access_bf : UInt<1>, ifc_region_acc_fault_bf : UInt<1>, ifc_dma_access_ok : UInt<1>}
wire fetch_addr_bf : UInt<31>
fetch_addr_bf <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fetch_addr_next_0 : UInt<1>
fetch_addr_next_0 <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fetch_addr_next : UInt<31>
fetch_addr_next <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fb_write_ns : UInt<4>
fb_write_ns <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fb_write_f : UInt<4>
fb_write_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fb_full_f_ns : UInt<1>
fb_full_f_ns <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fb_right : UInt<1>
fb_right <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fb_right2 : UInt<1>
fb_right2 <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fb_left : UInt<1>
fb_left <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire wfm : UInt<1>
wfm <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire idle : UInt<1>
idle <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire miss_f : UInt<1>
miss_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire miss_a : UInt<1>
miss_a <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire flush_fb : UInt<1>
flush_fb <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire mb_empty_mod : UInt<1>
mb_empty_mod <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire goto_idle : UInt<1>
goto_idle <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire leave_idle : UInt<1>
leave_idle <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fetch_bf_en : UInt<1>
fetch_bf_en <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire line_wrap : UInt<1>
line_wrap <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire state : UInt<2>
state <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire dma_iccm_stall_any_f : UInt<1>
dma_iccm_stall_any_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
node dma_stall = or(io.ic_dma_active, dma_iccm_stall_any_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 62:36]
wire _T : UInt<1>
_T <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T_1 = xor(io.dma_ifc.dma_iccm_stall_any, _T) @[lib.scala 458:21]
node _T_2 = orr(_T_1) @[lib.scala 458:29]
reg _T_3 : UInt<1>, io.free_l2clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_2 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_3 <= io.dma_ifc.dma_iccm_stall_any @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T <= _T_3 @[lib.scala 461:16]
dma_iccm_stall_any_f <= _T @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 64:24]
wire _T_4 : UInt
_T_4 <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T_5 = xor(miss_f, _T_4) @[lib.scala 436:21]
node _T_6 = orr(_T_5) @[lib.scala 436:29]
reg _T_7 : UInt, io.free_l2clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_6 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_7 <= miss_f @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_4 <= _T_7 @[lib.scala 439:16]
miss_a <= _T_4 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 65:10]
node _T_8 = eq(io.exu_flush_final, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 67:30]
node _T_9 = eq(io.ifc_fetch_req_f, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 67:53]
node _T_10 = eq(io.ic_hit_f, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 67:75]
node _T_11 = or(_T_9, _T_10) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 67:73]
node _T_12 = and(_T_8, _T_11) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 67:50]
node _T_13 = eq(io.exu_flush_final, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 68:29]
node _T_14 = and(_T_13, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 68:49]
node _T_15 = and(_T_14, io.ifu_bp_hit_taken_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 68:70]
node _T_16 = and(_T_15, io.ic_hit_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 68:94]
node _T_17 = eq(io.exu_flush_final, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 69:30]
node _T_18 = and(_T_17, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 69:50]
node _T_19 = eq(io.ifu_bp_hit_taken_f, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 69:73]
node _T_20 = and(_T_18, _T_19) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 69:71]
node _T_21 = and(_T_20, io.ic_hit_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 69:96]
node _T_22 = bits(io.exu_flush_final, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 71:57]
node _T_23 = bits(_T_12, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 72:23]
node _T_24 = bits(_T_16, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 73:22]
node _T_25 = bits(_T_21, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 74:23]
node _T_26 = mux(_T_22, io.exu_flush_path_final, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_27 = mux(_T_23, io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_28 = mux(_T_24, io.ifu_bp_btb_target_f, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_29 = mux(_T_25, fetch_addr_next, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_30 = or(_T_26, _T_27) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_31 = or(_T_30, _T_28) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_32 = or(_T_31, _T_29) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_33 : UInt<31> @[Mux.scala 27:72]
_T_33 <= _T_32 @[Mux.scala 27:72]
io.ifc_fetch_addr_bf <= _T_33 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 71:25]
node _T_34 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 30, 1) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 84:42]
node _T_35 = add(_T_34, UInt<1>("h01")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 84:48]
node address_upper = tail(_T_35, 1) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 84:48]
node _T_36 = bits(address_upper, 4, 4) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 85:39]
node _T_37 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 5, 5) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 85:84]
node _T_38 = xor(_T_36, _T_37) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 85:63]
node _T_39 = eq(_T_38, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 85:24]
node _T_40 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 85:130]
node _T_41 = and(_T_39, _T_40) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 85:109]
fetch_addr_next_0 <= _T_41 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 85:21]
node _T_42 = cat(address_upper, fetch_addr_next_0) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
fetch_addr_next <= _T_42 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 88:19]
node _T_43 = not(idle) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 90:30]
io.ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw <= _T_43 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 90:27]
node _T_44 = or(io.ifu_fb_consume2, io.ifu_fb_consume1) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:91]
node _T_45 = eq(_T_44, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:70]
node _T_46 = and(fb_full_f_ns, _T_45) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:68]
node _T_47 = eq(_T_46, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:53]
node _T_48 = and(io.ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw, _T_47) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:51]
node _T_49 = eq(dma_stall, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 93:5]
node _T_50 = and(_T_48, _T_49) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:114]
node _T_51 = eq(io.ic_write_stall, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 93:18]
node _T_52 = and(_T_50, _T_51) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 93:16]
node _T_53 = eq(io.dec_ifc.dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 93:39]
node _T_54 = and(_T_52, _T_53) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 93:37]
io.ifc_fetch_req_bf <= _T_54 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:23]
node _T_55 = or(io.exu_flush_final, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 95:37]
fetch_bf_en <= _T_55 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 95:15]
node _T_56 = eq(io.ic_hit_f, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 97:34]
node _T_57 = and(io.ifc_fetch_req_f, _T_56) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 97:32]
node _T_58 = eq(io.exu_flush_final, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 97:49]
node _T_59 = and(_T_57, _T_58) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 97:47]
miss_f <= _T_59 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 97:10]
node _T_60 = or(io.ifu_ic_mb_empty, io.exu_flush_final) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:39]
node _T_61 = eq(dma_stall, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:63]
node _T_62 = and(_T_60, _T_61) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:61]
node _T_63 = eq(miss_f, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:76]
node _T_64 = and(_T_62, _T_63) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:74]
node _T_65 = eq(miss_a, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:86]
node _T_66 = and(_T_64, _T_65) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:84]
mb_empty_mod <= _T_66 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:16]
node _T_67 = and(io.exu_flush_final, io.dec_ifc.dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 101:35]
goto_idle <= _T_67 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 101:13]
node _T_68 = eq(io.dec_ifc.dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 103:38]
node _T_69 = and(io.exu_flush_final, _T_68) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 103:36]
node _T_70 = and(_T_69, idle) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 103:75]
leave_idle <= _T_70 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 103:14]
node _T_71 = bits(state, 1, 1) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:29]
node _T_72 = eq(_T_71, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:23]
node _T_73 = bits(state, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:40]
node _T_74 = and(_T_72, _T_73) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:33]
node _T_75 = and(_T_74, miss_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:44]
node _T_76 = eq(goto_idle, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:55]
node _T_77 = and(_T_75, _T_76) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:53]
node _T_78 = bits(state, 1, 1) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 106:11]
node _T_79 = eq(mb_empty_mod, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 106:17]
node _T_80 = and(_T_78, _T_79) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 106:15]
node _T_81 = eq(goto_idle, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 106:33]
node _T_82 = and(_T_80, _T_81) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 106:31]
node next_state_1 = or(_T_77, _T_82) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:67]
node _T_83 = eq(goto_idle, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 108:23]
node _T_84 = and(_T_83, leave_idle) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 108:34]
node _T_85 = bits(state, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 108:56]
node _T_86 = eq(goto_idle, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 108:62]
node _T_87 = and(_T_85, _T_86) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 108:60]
node next_state_0 = or(_T_84, _T_87) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 108:48]
node _T_88 = cat(next_state_1, next_state_0) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire _T_89 : UInt
_T_89 <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T_90 = xor(_T_88, _T_89) @[lib.scala 436:21]
node _T_91 = orr(_T_90) @[lib.scala 436:29]
reg _T_92 : UInt, io.free_l2clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_91 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_92 <= _T_88 @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_89 <= _T_92 @[lib.scala 439:16]
state <= _T_89 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 110:9]
flush_fb <= io.exu_flush_final @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 112:12]
node _T_93 = eq(io.ifu_fb_consume2, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:38]
node _T_94 = and(io.ifu_fb_consume1, _T_93) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:36]
node _T_95 = eq(io.ifc_fetch_req_f, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:61]
node _T_96 = or(_T_95, miss_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:81]
node _T_97 = and(_T_94, _T_96) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:58]
node _T_98 = and(io.ifu_fb_consume2, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 116:25]
node _T_99 = or(_T_97, _T_98) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:92]
fb_right <= _T_99 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:12]
node _T_100 = not(io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 118:39]
node _T_101 = or(_T_100, miss_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 118:59]
node _T_102 = and(io.ifu_fb_consume2, _T_101) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 118:36]
fb_right2 <= _T_102 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 118:13]
node _T_103 = or(io.ifu_fb_consume1, io.ifu_fb_consume2) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 119:56]
node _T_104 = eq(_T_103, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 119:35]
node _T_105 = and(io.ifc_fetch_req_f, _T_104) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 119:33]
node _T_106 = eq(miss_f, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 119:80]
node _T_107 = and(_T_105, _T_106) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 119:78]
fb_left <= _T_107 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 119:11]
node _T_108 = bits(flush_fb, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 122:37]
node _T_109 = eq(flush_fb, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 123:6]
node _T_110 = and(_T_109, fb_right) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 123:16]
node _T_111 = bits(_T_110, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 123:28]
node _T_112 = bits(fb_write_f, 3, 1) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 123:62]
node _T_113 = cat(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_112) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_114 = eq(flush_fb, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 124:6]
node _T_115 = and(_T_114, fb_right2) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 124:16]
node _T_116 = bits(_T_115, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 124:29]
node _T_117 = bits(fb_write_f, 3, 2) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 124:63]
node _T_118 = cat(UInt<2>("h00"), _T_117) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_119 = eq(flush_fb, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 125:6]
node _T_120 = and(_T_119, fb_left) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 125:16]
node _T_121 = bits(_T_120, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 125:27]
node _T_122 = bits(fb_write_f, 2, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 125:51]
node _T_123 = cat(_T_122, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_124 = eq(flush_fb, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:6]
node _T_125 = eq(fb_right, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:18]
node _T_126 = and(_T_124, _T_125) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:16]
node _T_127 = eq(fb_right2, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:30]
node _T_128 = and(_T_126, _T_127) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:28]
node _T_129 = eq(fb_left, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:43]
node _T_130 = and(_T_128, _T_129) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:41]
node _T_131 = bits(_T_130, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:53]
node _T_132 = bits(fb_write_f, 3, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:73]
node _T_133 = mux(_T_108, UInt<4>("h01"), UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_134 = mux(_T_111, _T_113, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_135 = mux(_T_116, _T_118, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_136 = mux(_T_121, _T_123, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_137 = mux(_T_131, _T_132, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_138 = or(_T_133, _T_134) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_139 = or(_T_138, _T_135) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_140 = or(_T_139, _T_136) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
node _T_141 = or(_T_140, _T_137) @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_142 : UInt<4> @[Mux.scala 27:72]
_T_142 <= _T_141 @[Mux.scala 27:72]
fb_write_ns <= _T_142 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 122:15]
node _T_143 = eq(state, UInt<2>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 129:17]
idle <= _T_143 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 129:8]
node _T_144 = eq(state, UInt<2>("h03")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 130:16]
wfm <= _T_144 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 130:7]
node _T_145 = bits(fb_write_ns, 3, 3) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 132:30]
fb_full_f_ns <= _T_145 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 132:16]
wire fb_full_f : UInt
fb_full_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T_146 = xor(fb_full_f_ns, fb_full_f) @[lib.scala 436:21]
node _T_147 = orr(_T_146) @[lib.scala 436:29]
reg _T_148 : UInt, io.free_l2clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_147 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_148 <= fb_full_f_ns @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
fb_full_f <= _T_148 @[lib.scala 439:16]
wire _T_149 : UInt
_T_149 <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T_150 = xor(fb_write_ns, _T_149) @[lib.scala 436:21]
node _T_151 = orr(_T_150) @[lib.scala 436:29]
reg _T_152 : UInt, io.free_l2clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_151 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_152 <= fb_write_ns @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_149 <= _T_152 @[lib.scala 439:16]
fb_write_f <= _T_149 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 134:16]
node _T_153 = or(io.ifu_fb_consume2, io.ifu_fb_consume1) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 137:40]
node _T_154 = or(_T_153, io.exu_flush_final) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 137:61]
node _T_155 = eq(_T_154, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 137:19]
node _T_156 = and(fb_full_f, _T_155) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 137:17]
node _T_157 = or(_T_156, dma_stall) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 137:84]
node _T_158 = and(io.ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw, _T_157) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 136:68]
node _T_159 = or(wfm, _T_158) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 136:41]
io.dec_ifc.ifu_pmu_fetch_stall <= _T_159 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 136:34]
node _T_160 = cat(io.ifc_fetch_addr_bf, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_161 = bits(_T_160, 31, 28) @[lib.scala 84:25]
node iccm_acc_in_region_bf = eq(_T_161, UInt<4>("h0e")) @[lib.scala 84:47]
node _T_162 = bits(_T_160, 31, 16) @[lib.scala 87:14]
node iccm_acc_in_range_bf = eq(_T_162, UInt<16>("h0ee00")) @[lib.scala 87:29]
io.ifc_iccm_access_bf <= iccm_acc_in_range_bf @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 142:25]
node _T_163 = eq(io.ifc_iccm_access_bf, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 143:30]
node _T_164 = or(io.ifu_fb_consume2, io.ifu_fb_consume1) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 144:39]
node _T_165 = eq(_T_164, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 144:18]
node _T_166 = and(fb_full_f, _T_165) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 144:16]
node _T_167 = or(_T_163, _T_166) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 143:53]
node _T_168 = eq(io.ifc_fetch_req_bf, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 145:13]
node _T_169 = and(wfm, _T_168) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 145:11]
node _T_170 = or(_T_167, _T_169) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 144:62]
node _T_171 = or(_T_170, idle) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 145:35]
node _T_172 = eq(io.exu_flush_final, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 145:46]
node _T_173 = and(_T_171, _T_172) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 145:44]
node _T_174 = or(_T_173, dma_iccm_stall_any_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 145:67]
io.ifc_dma_access_ok <= _T_174 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 143:24]
node _T_175 = eq(iccm_acc_in_range_bf, UInt<1>("h00")) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 147:33]
node _T_176 = and(_T_175, iccm_acc_in_region_bf) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 147:55]
io.ifc_region_acc_fault_bf <= _T_176 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 147:30]
node _T_177 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_bf, 30, 27) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 148:86]
node _T_178 = cat(_T_177, UInt<1>("h00")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_179 = dshr(io.dec_ifc.dec_tlu_mrac_ff, _T_178) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 148:61]
node _T_180 = bits(_T_179, 0, 0) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 148:61]
node _T_181 = not(_T_180) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 148:34]
io.ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf <= _T_181 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 148:31]
wire _T_182 : UInt<1>
_T_182 <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T_183 = xor(io.ifc_fetch_req_bf, _T_182) @[lib.scala 458:21]
node _T_184 = orr(_T_183) @[lib.scala 458:29]
reg _T_185 : UInt<1>, io.free_l2clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_184 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_185 <= io.ifc_fetch_req_bf @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_182 <= _T_185 @[lib.scala 461:16]
io.ifc_fetch_req_f <= _T_182 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 150:22]
node _T_186 = or(io.exu_flush_final, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 152:76]
wire _T_187 : UInt<31> @[lib.scala 593:38]
_T_187 <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lib.scala 593:38]
reg _T_188 : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, _T_187)) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_186 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_188 <= io.ifc_fetch_addr_bf @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
io.ifc_fetch_addr_f <= _T_188 @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 152:23]
@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
module ifu_ifc_ctl(
input clock,
input reset,
input io_exu_flush_final,
input [30:0] io_exu_flush_path_final,
input io_free_l2clk,
input io_scan_mode,
input io_ic_hit_f,
input io_ifu_ic_mb_empty,
input io_ifu_fb_consume1,
input io_ifu_fb_consume2,
input io_ifu_bp_hit_taken_f,
input [30:0] io_ifu_bp_btb_target_f,
input io_ic_dma_active,
input io_ic_write_stall,
input io_dec_ifc_dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb,
input [31:0] io_dec_ifc_dec_tlu_mrac_ff,
output io_dec_ifc_ifu_pmu_fetch_stall,
input io_dma_ifc_dma_iccm_stall_any,
output [30:0] io_ifc_fetch_addr_f,
output [30:0] io_ifc_fetch_addr_bf,
output io_ifc_fetch_req_f,
output io_ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf,
output io_ifc_fetch_req_bf,
output io_ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw,
output io_ifc_iccm_access_bf,
output io_ifc_region_acc_fault_bf,
output io_ifc_dma_access_ok
reg [31:0] _RAND_0;
reg [31:0] _RAND_1;
reg [31:0] _RAND_2;
reg [31:0] _RAND_3;
reg [31:0] _RAND_4;
reg [31:0] _RAND_5;
reg [31:0] _RAND_6;
reg dma_iccm_stall_any_f; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire dma_stall = io_ic_dma_active | dma_iccm_stall_any_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 62:36]
wire _T_1 = io_dma_ifc_dma_iccm_stall_any ^ dma_iccm_stall_any_f; // @[lib.scala 458:21]
wire _T_2 = |_T_1; // @[lib.scala 458:29]
wire _T_56 = ~io_ic_hit_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 97:34]
wire _T_57 = io_ifc_fetch_req_f & _T_56; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 97:32]
wire _T_58 = ~io_exu_flush_final; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 97:49]
wire miss_f = _T_57 & _T_58; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 97:47]
reg miss_a; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire _T_5 = miss_f ^ miss_a; // @[lib.scala 436:21]
wire _T_6 = |_T_5; // @[lib.scala 436:29]
wire _T_9 = ~io_ifc_fetch_req_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 67:53]
wire _T_11 = _T_9 | _T_56; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 67:73]
wire _T_12 = _T_58 & _T_11; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 67:50]
wire _T_14 = _T_58 & io_ifc_fetch_req_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 68:49]
wire _T_15 = _T_14 & io_ifu_bp_hit_taken_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 68:70]
wire _T_16 = _T_15 & io_ic_hit_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 68:94]
wire _T_19 = ~io_ifu_bp_hit_taken_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 69:73]
wire _T_20 = _T_14 & _T_19; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 69:71]
wire _T_21 = _T_20 & io_ic_hit_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 69:96]
wire [30:0] _T_26 = io_exu_flush_final ? io_exu_flush_path_final : 31'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [30:0] _T_27 = _T_12 ? io_ifc_fetch_addr_f : 31'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [30:0] _T_28 = _T_16 ? io_ifu_bp_btb_target_f : 31'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [29:0] address_upper = io_ifc_fetch_addr_f[30:1] + 30'h1; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 84:48]
wire _T_38 = address_upper[4] ^ io_ifc_fetch_addr_f[5]; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 85:63]
wire _T_39 = ~_T_38; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 85:24]
wire fetch_addr_next_0 = _T_39 & io_ifc_fetch_addr_f[0]; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 85:109]
wire [30:0] fetch_addr_next = {address_upper,fetch_addr_next_0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [30:0] _T_29 = _T_21 ? fetch_addr_next : 31'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [30:0] _T_30 = _T_26 | _T_27; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [30:0] _T_31 = _T_30 | _T_28; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
reg [1:0] state; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire idle = state == 2'h0; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 129:17]
wire _T_44 = io_ifu_fb_consume2 | io_ifu_fb_consume1; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:91]
wire _T_45 = ~_T_44; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:70]
wire [3:0] _T_133 = io_exu_flush_final ? 4'h1 : 4'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_93 = ~io_ifu_fb_consume2; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:38]
wire _T_94 = io_ifu_fb_consume1 & _T_93; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:36]
wire _T_96 = _T_9 | miss_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:81]
wire _T_97 = _T_94 & _T_96; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:58]
wire _T_98 = io_ifu_fb_consume2 & io_ifc_fetch_req_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 116:25]
wire fb_right = _T_97 | _T_98; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 115:92]
wire _T_110 = _T_58 & fb_right; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 123:16]
reg [3:0] fb_write_f; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire [3:0] _T_113 = {1'h0,fb_write_f[3:1]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [3:0] _T_134 = _T_110 ? _T_113 : 4'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [3:0] _T_138 = _T_133 | _T_134; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire fb_right2 = io_ifu_fb_consume2 & _T_96; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 118:36]
wire _T_115 = _T_58 & fb_right2; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 124:16]
wire [3:0] _T_118 = {2'h0,fb_write_f[3:2]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [3:0] _T_135 = _T_115 ? _T_118 : 4'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [3:0] _T_139 = _T_138 | _T_135; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_103 = io_ifu_fb_consume1 | io_ifu_fb_consume2; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 119:56]
wire _T_104 = ~_T_103; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 119:35]
wire _T_105 = io_ifc_fetch_req_f & _T_104; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 119:33]
wire _T_106 = ~miss_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 119:80]
wire fb_left = _T_105 & _T_106; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 119:78]
wire _T_120 = _T_58 & fb_left; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 125:16]
wire [3:0] _T_123 = {fb_write_f[2:0],1'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [3:0] _T_136 = _T_120 ? _T_123 : 4'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [3:0] _T_140 = _T_139 | _T_136; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire _T_125 = ~fb_right; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:18]
wire _T_126 = _T_58 & _T_125; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:16]
wire _T_127 = ~fb_right2; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:30]
wire _T_128 = _T_126 & _T_127; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:28]
wire _T_129 = ~fb_left; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:43]
wire _T_130 = _T_128 & _T_129; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 126:41]
wire [3:0] _T_137 = _T_130 ? fb_write_f : 4'h0; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire [3:0] fb_write_ns = _T_140 | _T_137; // @[Mux.scala 27:72]
wire fb_full_f_ns = fb_write_ns[3]; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 132:30]
wire _T_46 = fb_full_f_ns & _T_45; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:68]
wire _T_47 = ~_T_46; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:53]
wire _T_48 = io_ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw & _T_47; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:51]
wire _T_49 = ~dma_stall; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 93:5]
wire _T_50 = _T_48 & _T_49; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:114]
wire _T_51 = ~io_ic_write_stall; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 93:18]
wire _T_52 = _T_50 & _T_51; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 93:16]
wire _T_53 = ~io_dec_ifc_dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 93:39]
wire fetch_bf_en = io_exu_flush_final | io_ifc_fetch_req_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 95:37]
wire _T_60 = io_ifu_ic_mb_empty | io_exu_flush_final; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:39]
wire _T_62 = _T_60 & _T_49; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:61]
wire _T_64 = _T_62 & _T_106; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:74]
wire _T_65 = ~miss_a; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:86]
wire mb_empty_mod = _T_64 & _T_65; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 99:84]
wire goto_idle = io_exu_flush_final & io_dec_ifc_dec_tlu_flush_noredir_wb; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 101:35]
wire _T_69 = io_exu_flush_final & _T_53; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 103:36]
wire leave_idle = _T_69 & idle; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 103:75]
wire _T_72 = ~state[1]; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:23]
wire _T_74 = _T_72 & state[0]; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:33]
wire _T_75 = _T_74 & miss_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:44]
wire _T_76 = ~goto_idle; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:55]
wire _T_77 = _T_75 & _T_76; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:53]
wire _T_79 = ~mb_empty_mod; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 106:17]
wire _T_80 = state[1] & _T_79; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 106:15]
wire _T_82 = _T_80 & _T_76; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 106:31]
wire next_state_1 = _T_77 | _T_82; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 105:67]
wire _T_84 = _T_76 & leave_idle; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 108:34]
wire _T_87 = state[0] & _T_76; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 108:60]
wire next_state_0 = _T_84 | _T_87; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 108:48]
wire [1:0] _T_88 = {next_state_1,next_state_0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [1:0] _T_90 = _T_88 ^ state; // @[lib.scala 436:21]
wire _T_91 = |_T_90; // @[lib.scala 436:29]
wire wfm = state == 2'h3; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 130:16]
reg fb_full_f; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire _T_146 = fb_full_f_ns ^ fb_full_f; // @[lib.scala 436:21]
wire _T_147 = |_T_146; // @[lib.scala 436:29]
wire [3:0] _T_150 = fb_write_ns ^ fb_write_f; // @[lib.scala 436:21]
wire _T_151 = |_T_150; // @[lib.scala 436:29]
wire _T_154 = _T_44 | io_exu_flush_final; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 137:61]
wire _T_155 = ~_T_154; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 137:19]
wire _T_156 = fb_full_f & _T_155; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 137:17]
wire _T_157 = _T_156 | dma_stall; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 137:84]
wire _T_158 = io_ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw & _T_157; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 136:68]
wire [31:0] _T_160 = {io_ifc_fetch_addr_bf,1'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire iccm_acc_in_region_bf = _T_160[31:28] == 4'he; // @[lib.scala 84:47]
wire iccm_acc_in_range_bf = _T_160[31:16] == 16'hee00; // @[lib.scala 87:29]
wire _T_163 = ~io_ifc_iccm_access_bf; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 143:30]
wire _T_166 = fb_full_f & _T_45; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 144:16]
wire _T_167 = _T_163 | _T_166; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 143:53]
wire _T_168 = ~io_ifc_fetch_req_bf; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 145:13]
wire _T_169 = wfm & _T_168; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 145:11]
wire _T_170 = _T_167 | _T_169; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 144:62]
wire _T_171 = _T_170 | idle; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 145:35]
wire _T_173 = _T_171 & _T_58; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 145:44]
wire _T_175 = ~iccm_acc_in_range_bf; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 147:33]
wire [4:0] _T_178 = {io_ifc_fetch_addr_bf[30:27],1'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_179 = io_dec_ifc_dec_tlu_mrac_ff >> _T_178; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 148:61]
reg _T_185; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
wire _T_183 = io_ifc_fetch_req_bf ^ _T_185; // @[lib.scala 458:21]
wire _T_184 = |_T_183; // @[lib.scala 458:29]
reg [30:0] _T_188; // @[Reg.scala 27:20]
assign io_dec_ifc_ifu_pmu_fetch_stall = wfm | _T_158; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 136:34]
assign io_ifc_fetch_addr_f = _T_188; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 152:23]
assign io_ifc_fetch_addr_bf = _T_31 | _T_29; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 71:25]
assign io_ifc_fetch_req_f = _T_185; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 150:22]
assign io_ifc_fetch_uncacheable_bf = ~_T_179[0]; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 148:31]
assign io_ifc_fetch_req_bf = _T_52 & _T_53; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 92:23]
assign io_ifc_fetch_req_bf_raw = ~idle; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 90:27]
assign io_ifc_iccm_access_bf = _T_160[31:16] == 16'hee00; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 142:25]
assign io_ifc_region_acc_fault_bf = _T_175 & iccm_acc_in_region_bf; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 147:30]
assign io_ifc_dma_access_ok = _T_173 | dma_iccm_stall_any_f; // @[ifu_ifc_ctl.scala 143:24]
`ifndef RANDOM
`define RANDOM $random
integer initvar;
initial begin
#0.002 begin end
_RAND_0 = {1{`RANDOM}};
dma_iccm_stall_any_f = _RAND_0[0:0];
_RAND_1 = {1{`RANDOM}};
miss_a = _RAND_1[0:0];
_RAND_2 = {1{`RANDOM}};
state = _RAND_2[1:0];
_RAND_3 = {1{`RANDOM}};
fb_write_f = _RAND_3[3:0];
_RAND_4 = {1{`RANDOM}};
fb_full_f = _RAND_4[0:0];
_RAND_5 = {1{`RANDOM}};
_T_185 = _RAND_5[0:0];
_RAND_6 = {1{`RANDOM}};
_T_188 = _RAND_6[30:0];
if (reset) begin
dma_iccm_stall_any_f = 1'h0;
if (reset) begin
miss_a = 1'h0;
if (reset) begin
state = 2'h0;
if (reset) begin
fb_write_f = 4'h0;
if (reset) begin
fb_full_f = 1'h0;
if (reset) begin
_T_185 = 1'h0;
if (reset) begin
_T_188 = 31'h0;
`endif // RANDOMIZE
end // initial
`endif // SYNTHESIS
always @(posedge io_free_l2clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
dma_iccm_stall_any_f <= 1'h0;
end else if (_T_2) begin
dma_iccm_stall_any_f <= io_dma_ifc_dma_iccm_stall_any;
always @(posedge io_free_l2clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
miss_a <= 1'h0;
end else if (_T_6) begin
miss_a <= miss_f;
always @(posedge io_free_l2clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
state <= 2'h0;
end else if (_T_91) begin
state <= _T_88;
always @(posedge io_free_l2clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
fb_write_f <= 4'h0;
end else if (_T_151) begin
fb_write_f <= fb_write_ns;
always @(posedge io_free_l2clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
fb_full_f <= 1'h0;
end else if (_T_147) begin
fb_full_f <= fb_full_f_ns;
always @(posedge io_free_l2clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
_T_185 <= 1'h0;
end else if (_T_184) begin
_T_185 <= io_ifc_fetch_req_bf;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
_T_188 <= 31'h0;
end else if (fetch_bf_en) begin
_T_188 <= io_ifc_fetch_addr_bf;
@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
@ -1,926 +0,0 @@
;buildInfoPackage: chisel3, version: 3.3.1, scalaVersion: 2.12.11, sbtVersion: 1.3.10
circuit lsu_lsc_ctl :
module lsu_addrcheck :
input clock : Clock
input reset : AsyncReset
output io : {flip lsu_c2_m_clk : Clock, flip start_addr_d : UInt<32>, flip end_addr_d : UInt<32>, flip lsu_pkt_d : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}}, flip dec_tlu_mrac_ff : UInt<32>, flip rs1_region_d : UInt<4>, flip rs1_d : UInt<32>, is_sideeffects_m : UInt<1>, addr_in_dccm_d : UInt<1>, addr_in_pic_d : UInt<1>, addr_external_d : UInt<1>, access_fault_d : UInt<1>, misaligned_fault_d : UInt<1>, exc_mscause_d : UInt<4>, fir_dccm_access_error_d : UInt<1>, fir_nondccm_access_error_d : UInt<1>, flip scan_mode : UInt<1>}
node _T = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 28) @[lib.scala 365:27]
node start_addr_in_dccm_region_d = eq(_T, UInt<4>("h0f")) @[lib.scala 365:49]
wire start_addr_in_dccm_d : UInt<1> @[lib.scala 366:26]
node _T_1 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 16) @[lib.scala 370:24]
node _T_2 = eq(_T_1, UInt<16>("h0f004")) @[lib.scala 370:39]
start_addr_in_dccm_d <= _T_2 @[lib.scala 370:16]
node _T_3 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 28) @[lib.scala 365:27]
node end_addr_in_dccm_region_d = eq(_T_3, UInt<4>("h0f")) @[lib.scala 365:49]
wire end_addr_in_dccm_d : UInt<1> @[lib.scala 366:26]
node _T_4 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 16) @[lib.scala 370:24]
node _T_5 = eq(_T_4, UInt<16>("h0f004")) @[lib.scala 370:39]
end_addr_in_dccm_d <= _T_5 @[lib.scala 370:16]
wire addr_in_iccm : UInt<1>
addr_in_iccm <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T_6 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 28) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 42:37]
node _T_7 = eq(_T_6, UInt<4>("h0e")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 42:45]
addr_in_iccm <= _T_7 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 42:18]
node _T_8 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 50:89]
node _T_9 = bits(_T_8, 31, 28) @[lib.scala 365:27]
node start_addr_in_pic_region_d = eq(_T_9, UInt<4>("h0f")) @[lib.scala 365:49]
wire start_addr_in_pic_d : UInt<1> @[lib.scala 366:26]
node _T_10 = bits(_T_8, 31, 15) @[lib.scala 370:24]
node _T_11 = eq(_T_10, UInt<17>("h01e018")) @[lib.scala 370:39]
start_addr_in_pic_d <= _T_11 @[lib.scala 370:16]
node _T_12 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 52:83]
node _T_13 = bits(_T_12, 31, 28) @[lib.scala 365:27]
node end_addr_in_pic_region_d = eq(_T_13, UInt<4>("h0f")) @[lib.scala 365:49]
wire end_addr_in_pic_d : UInt<1> @[lib.scala 366:26]
node _T_14 = bits(_T_12, 31, 15) @[lib.scala 370:24]
node _T_15 = eq(_T_14, UInt<17>("h01e018")) @[lib.scala 370:39]
end_addr_in_pic_d <= _T_15 @[lib.scala 370:16]
node start_addr_dccm_or_pic = or(start_addr_in_dccm_region_d, start_addr_in_pic_region_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 54:60]
node _T_16 = bits(io.rs1_region_d, 3, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 55:49]
node _T_17 = eq(_T_16, UInt<4>("h0f")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 55:55]
node _T_18 = and(_T_17, UInt<1>("h01")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 55:74]
node _T_19 = bits(io.rs1_region_d, 3, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 55:109]
node _T_20 = eq(_T_19, UInt<4>("h0f")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 55:115]
node base_reg_dccm_or_pic = or(_T_18, _T_20) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 55:91]
node _T_21 = and(start_addr_in_dccm_d, end_addr_in_dccm_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 56:57]
io.addr_in_dccm_d <= _T_21 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 56:32]
node _T_22 = and(start_addr_in_pic_d, end_addr_in_pic_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 57:56]
io.addr_in_pic_d <= _T_22 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 57:32]
node _T_23 = or(start_addr_in_dccm_region_d, start_addr_in_pic_region_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 59:63]
node _T_24 = not(_T_23) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 59:33]
io.addr_external_d <= _T_24 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 59:30]
node _T_25 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 28) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 60:51]
node csr_idx = cat(_T_25, UInt<1>("h01")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_26 = dshr(io.dec_tlu_mrac_ff, csr_idx) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 61:50]
node _T_27 = bits(_T_26, 0, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 61:50]
node _T_28 = or(start_addr_in_dccm_region_d, start_addr_in_pic_region_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 61:92]
node _T_29 = or(_T_28, addr_in_iccm) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 61:121]
node _T_30 = eq(_T_29, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 61:62]
node _T_31 = and(_T_27, _T_30) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 61:60]
node _T_32 = and(_T_31, io.lsu_pkt_d.valid) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 61:137]
node _T_33 = or(, io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.load) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 61:185]
node is_sideeffects_d = and(_T_32, _T_33) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 61:158]
node _T_34 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 1, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 62:74]
node _T_35 = eq(_T_34, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 62:80]
node _T_36 = and(io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.word, _T_35) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 62:56]
node _T_37 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 0, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 62:134]
node _T_38 = eq(_T_37, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 62:138]
node _T_39 = and(io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.half, _T_38) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 62:116]
node _T_40 = or(_T_36, _T_39) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 62:90]
node is_aligned_d = or(_T_40, @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 62:148]
node _T_41 = cat(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<1>("h00")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_42 = cat(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<1>("h00")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_43 = cat(_T_42, _T_41) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_44 = cat(UInt<1>("h01"), UInt<1>("h01")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_45 = cat(UInt<1>("h01"), UInt<1>("h01")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_46 = cat(_T_45, _T_44) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_47 = cat(_T_46, _T_43) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_48 = orr(_T_47) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 66:99]
node _T_49 = eq(_T_48, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 65:33]
node _T_50 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 67:49]
node _T_51 = or(_T_50, UInt<31>("h07fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 67:56]
node _T_52 = or(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<31>("h07fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 67:121]
node _T_53 = eq(_T_51, _T_52) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 67:88]
node _T_54 = and(UInt<1>("h01"), _T_53) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 67:30]
node _T_55 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 68:49]
node _T_56 = or(_T_55, UInt<30>("h03fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 68:56]
node _T_57 = or(UInt<32>("h0c0000000"), UInt<30>("h03fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 68:121]
node _T_58 = eq(_T_56, _T_57) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 68:88]
node _T_59 = and(UInt<1>("h01"), _T_58) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 68:30]
node _T_60 = or(_T_54, _T_59) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 67:153]
node _T_61 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 69:49]
node _T_62 = or(_T_61, UInt<29>("h01fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 69:56]
node _T_63 = or(UInt<32>("h0a0000000"), UInt<29>("h01fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 69:121]
node _T_64 = eq(_T_62, _T_63) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 69:88]
node _T_65 = and(UInt<1>("h01"), _T_64) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 69:30]
node _T_66 = or(_T_60, _T_65) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 68:153]
node _T_67 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 70:49]
node _T_68 = or(_T_67, UInt<28>("h0fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 70:56]
node _T_69 = or(UInt<32>("h080000000"), UInt<28>("h0fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 70:121]
node _T_70 = eq(_T_68, _T_69) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 70:88]
node _T_71 = and(UInt<1>("h01"), _T_70) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 70:30]
node _T_72 = or(_T_66, _T_71) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 69:153]
node _T_73 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 71:49]
node _T_74 = or(_T_73, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 71:56]
node _T_75 = or(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 71:121]
node _T_76 = eq(_T_74, _T_75) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 71:88]
node _T_77 = and(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_76) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 71:30]
node _T_78 = or(_T_72, _T_77) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 70:153]
node _T_79 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 72:49]
node _T_80 = or(_T_79, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 72:56]
node _T_81 = or(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 72:121]
node _T_82 = eq(_T_80, _T_81) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 72:88]
node _T_83 = and(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_82) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 72:30]
node _T_84 = or(_T_78, _T_83) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 71:153]
node _T_85 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 73:49]
node _T_86 = or(_T_85, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 73:56]
node _T_87 = or(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 73:121]
node _T_88 = eq(_T_86, _T_87) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 73:88]
node _T_89 = and(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_88) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 73:30]
node _T_90 = or(_T_84, _T_89) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 72:153]
node _T_91 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 74:49]
node _T_92 = or(_T_91, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 74:56]
node _T_93 = or(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 74:121]
node _T_94 = eq(_T_92, _T_93) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 74:88]
node _T_95 = and(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_94) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 74:30]
node _T_96 = or(_T_90, _T_95) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 73:153]
node _T_97 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 76:48]
node _T_98 = or(_T_97, UInt<31>("h07fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 76:57]
node _T_99 = or(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<31>("h07fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 76:122]
node _T_100 = eq(_T_98, _T_99) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 76:89]
node _T_101 = and(UInt<1>("h01"), _T_100) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 76:31]
node _T_102 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 77:49]
node _T_103 = or(_T_102, UInt<30>("h03fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 77:58]
node _T_104 = or(UInt<32>("h0c0000000"), UInt<30>("h03fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 77:123]
node _T_105 = eq(_T_103, _T_104) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 77:90]
node _T_106 = and(UInt<1>("h01"), _T_105) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 77:32]
node _T_107 = or(_T_101, _T_106) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 76:154]
node _T_108 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 78:49]
node _T_109 = or(_T_108, UInt<29>("h01fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 78:58]
node _T_110 = or(UInt<32>("h0a0000000"), UInt<29>("h01fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 78:123]
node _T_111 = eq(_T_109, _T_110) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 78:90]
node _T_112 = and(UInt<1>("h01"), _T_111) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 78:32]
node _T_113 = or(_T_107, _T_112) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 77:155]
node _T_114 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 79:49]
node _T_115 = or(_T_114, UInt<28>("h0fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 79:58]
node _T_116 = or(UInt<32>("h080000000"), UInt<28>("h0fffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 79:123]
node _T_117 = eq(_T_115, _T_116) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 79:90]
node _T_118 = and(UInt<1>("h01"), _T_117) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 79:32]
node _T_119 = or(_T_113, _T_118) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 78:155]
node _T_120 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 80:49]
node _T_121 = or(_T_120, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 80:58]
node _T_122 = or(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 80:123]
node _T_123 = eq(_T_121, _T_122) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 80:90]
node _T_124 = and(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_123) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 80:32]
node _T_125 = or(_T_119, _T_124) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 79:155]
node _T_126 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 81:49]
node _T_127 = or(_T_126, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 81:58]
node _T_128 = or(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 81:123]
node _T_129 = eq(_T_127, _T_128) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 81:90]
node _T_130 = and(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_129) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 81:32]
node _T_131 = or(_T_125, _T_130) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 80:155]
node _T_132 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 82:49]
node _T_133 = or(_T_132, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 82:58]
node _T_134 = or(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 82:123]
node _T_135 = eq(_T_133, _T_134) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 82:90]
node _T_136 = and(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_135) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 82:32]
node _T_137 = or(_T_131, _T_136) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 81:155]
node _T_138 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 83:49]
node _T_139 = or(_T_138, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 83:58]
node _T_140 = or(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<32>("h0ffffffff")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 83:123]
node _T_141 = eq(_T_139, _T_140) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 83:90]
node _T_142 = and(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_141) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 83:32]
node _T_143 = or(_T_137, _T_142) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 82:155]
node _T_144 = and(_T_96, _T_143) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 75:7]
node non_dccm_access_ok = or(_T_49, _T_144) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 66:104]
node regpred_access_fault_d = xor(start_addr_dccm_or_pic, base_reg_dccm_or_pic) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 85:57]
node _T_145 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 1, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 86:70]
node _T_146 = neq(_T_145, UInt<2>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 86:76]
node _T_147 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.word, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 86:92]
node _T_148 = or(_T_146, _T_147) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 86:90]
node picm_access_fault_d = and(io.addr_in_pic_d, _T_148) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 86:51]
wire unmapped_access_fault_d : UInt<1>
unmapped_access_fault_d <= UInt<1>("h01")
wire mpu_access_fault_d : UInt<1>
mpu_access_fault_d <= UInt<1>("h01")
node _T_149 = or(start_addr_in_dccm_d, start_addr_in_pic_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 91:87]
node _T_150 = eq(_T_149, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 91:64]
node _T_151 = and(start_addr_in_dccm_region_d, _T_150) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 91:62]
node _T_152 = or(end_addr_in_dccm_d, end_addr_in_pic_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 93:57]
node _T_153 = eq(_T_152, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 93:36]
node _T_154 = and(end_addr_in_dccm_region_d, _T_153) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 93:34]
node _T_155 = or(_T_151, _T_154) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 91:112]
node _T_156 = and(start_addr_in_dccm_d, end_addr_in_pic_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 95:29]
node _T_157 = or(_T_155, _T_156) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 93:85]
node _T_158 = and(start_addr_in_pic_d, end_addr_in_dccm_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 97:29]
node _T_159 = or(_T_157, _T_158) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 95:85]
unmapped_access_fault_d <= _T_159 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 91:29]
node _T_160 = eq(start_addr_in_dccm_region_d, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 99:33]
node _T_161 = eq(non_dccm_access_ok, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 99:64]
node _T_162 = and(_T_160, _T_161) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 99:62]
mpu_access_fault_d <= _T_162 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 99:29]
node _T_163 = or(unmapped_access_fault_d, mpu_access_fault_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 111:49]
node _T_164 = or(_T_163, picm_access_fault_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 111:70]
node _T_165 = or(_T_164, regpred_access_fault_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 111:92]
node _T_166 = and(_T_165, io.lsu_pkt_d.valid) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 111:118]
node _T_167 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.dma, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 111:141]
node _T_168 = and(_T_166, _T_167) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 111:139]
io.access_fault_d <= _T_168 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 111:21]
node _T_169 = bits(unmapped_access_fault_d, 0, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 112:60]
node _T_170 = bits(mpu_access_fault_d, 0, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 112:100]
node _T_171 = bits(regpred_access_fault_d, 0, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 112:144]
node _T_172 = bits(picm_access_fault_d, 0, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 112:185]
node _T_173 = mux(_T_172, UInt<4>("h06"), UInt<4>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 112:164]
node _T_174 = mux(_T_171, UInt<4>("h05"), _T_173) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 112:120]
node _T_175 = mux(_T_170, UInt<4>("h03"), _T_174) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 112:80]
node access_fault_mscause_d = mux(_T_169, UInt<4>("h02"), _T_175) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 112:35]
node _T_176 = bits(io.start_addr_d, 31, 28) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 113:53]
node _T_177 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 28) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 113:78]
node regcross_misaligned_fault_d = neq(_T_176, _T_177) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 113:61]
node _T_178 = eq(is_aligned_d, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 114:59]
node sideeffect_misaligned_fault_d = and(is_sideeffects_d, _T_178) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 114:57]
node _T_179 = and(sideeffect_misaligned_fault_d, io.addr_external_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 115:90]
node _T_180 = or(regcross_misaligned_fault_d, _T_179) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 115:57]
node _T_181 = and(_T_180, io.lsu_pkt_d.valid) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 115:113]
node _T_182 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.dma, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 115:136]
node _T_183 = and(_T_181, _T_182) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 115:134]
io.misaligned_fault_d <= _T_183 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 115:25]
node _T_184 = bits(sideeffect_misaligned_fault_d, 0, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 116:111]
node _T_185 = mux(_T_184, UInt<4>("h01"), UInt<4>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 116:80]
node misaligned_fault_mscause_d = mux(regcross_misaligned_fault_d, UInt<4>("h02"), _T_185) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 116:39]
node _T_186 = bits(io.misaligned_fault_d, 0, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 117:50]
node _T_187 = bits(misaligned_fault_mscause_d, 3, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 117:84]
node _T_188 = bits(access_fault_mscause_d, 3, 0) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 117:113]
node _T_189 = mux(_T_186, _T_187, _T_188) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 117:27]
io.exc_mscause_d <= _T_189 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 117:21]
node _T_190 = eq(start_addr_in_dccm_d, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 118:66]
node _T_191 = and(start_addr_in_dccm_region_d, _T_190) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 118:64]
node _T_192 = eq(end_addr_in_dccm_d, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 118:120]
node _T_193 = and(end_addr_in_dccm_region_d, _T_192) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 118:118]
node _T_194 = or(_T_191, _T_193) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 118:88]
node _T_195 = and(_T_194, io.lsu_pkt_d.valid) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 118:142]
node _T_196 = and(_T_195, io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.fast_int) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 118:163]
io.fir_dccm_access_error_d <= _T_196 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 118:31]
node _T_197 = and(start_addr_in_dccm_region_d, end_addr_in_dccm_region_d) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 119:66]
node _T_198 = eq(_T_197, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 119:36]
node _T_199 = and(_T_198, io.lsu_pkt_d.valid) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 119:95]
node _T_200 = and(_T_199, io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.fast_int) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 119:116]
io.fir_nondccm_access_error_d <= _T_200 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 119:33]
reg _T_201 : UInt<1>, io.lsu_c2_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 121:60]
_T_201 <= is_sideeffects_d @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 121:60]
io.is_sideeffects_m <= _T_201 @[lsu_addrcheck.scala 121:50]
extmodule gated_latch :
output Q : Clock
input CK : Clock
input EN : UInt<1>
input SE : UInt<1>
defname = gated_latch
module rvclkhdr :
input clock : Clock
input reset : Reset
output io : {l1clk : Clock, flip clk : Clock, flip en : UInt<1>, flip scan_mode : UInt<1>}
inst clkhdr of gated_latch @[lib.scala 334:26]
clkhdr.SE is invalid
clkhdr.EN is invalid
clkhdr.CK is invalid
clkhdr.Q is invalid
io.l1clk <= clkhdr.Q @[lib.scala 335:14]
clkhdr.CK <= io.clk @[lib.scala 336:18]
clkhdr.EN <= io.en @[lib.scala 337:18]
clkhdr.SE <= io.scan_mode @[lib.scala 338:18]
extmodule gated_latch_1 :
output Q : Clock
input CK : Clock
input EN : UInt<1>
input SE : UInt<1>
defname = gated_latch
module rvclkhdr_1 :
input clock : Clock
input reset : Reset
output io : {l1clk : Clock, flip clk : Clock, flip en : UInt<1>, flip scan_mode : UInt<1>}
inst clkhdr of gated_latch_1 @[lib.scala 334:26]
clkhdr.SE is invalid
clkhdr.EN is invalid
clkhdr.CK is invalid
clkhdr.Q is invalid
io.l1clk <= clkhdr.Q @[lib.scala 335:14]
clkhdr.CK <= io.clk @[lib.scala 336:18]
clkhdr.EN <= io.en @[lib.scala 337:18]
clkhdr.SE <= io.scan_mode @[lib.scala 338:18]
extmodule gated_latch_2 :
output Q : Clock
input CK : Clock
input EN : UInt<1>
input SE : UInt<1>
defname = gated_latch
module rvclkhdr_2 :
input clock : Clock
input reset : Reset
output io : {l1clk : Clock, flip clk : Clock, flip en : UInt<1>, flip scan_mode : UInt<1>}
inst clkhdr of gated_latch_2 @[lib.scala 334:26]
clkhdr.SE is invalid
clkhdr.EN is invalid
clkhdr.CK is invalid
clkhdr.Q is invalid
io.l1clk <= clkhdr.Q @[lib.scala 335:14]
clkhdr.CK <= io.clk @[lib.scala 336:18]
clkhdr.EN <= io.en @[lib.scala 337:18]
clkhdr.SE <= io.scan_mode @[lib.scala 338:18]
module lsu_lsc_ctl :
input clock : Clock
input reset : AsyncReset
output io : {flip clk_override : UInt<1>, flip lsu_c1_m_clk : Clock, flip lsu_c1_r_clk : Clock, flip lsu_c2_m_clk : Clock, flip lsu_c2_r_clk : Clock, flip lsu_store_c1_m_clk : Clock, flip lsu_ld_data_r : UInt<32>, flip lsu_ld_data_corr_r : UInt<32>, flip lsu_single_ecc_error_r : UInt<1>, flip lsu_double_ecc_error_r : UInt<1>, flip lsu_ld_data_m : UInt<32>, flip lsu_single_ecc_error_m : UInt<1>, flip lsu_double_ecc_error_m : UInt<1>, flip flush_m_up : UInt<1>, flip flush_r : UInt<1>, flip ldst_dual_d : UInt<1>, flip ldst_dual_m : UInt<1>, flip ldst_dual_r : UInt<1>, lsu_exu : {flip exu_lsu_rs1_d : UInt<32>, flip exu_lsu_rs2_d : UInt<32>}, flip lsu_p : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}}, flip dec_lsu_valid_raw_d : UInt<1>, flip dec_lsu_offset_d : UInt<12>, flip picm_mask_data_m : UInt<32>, flip bus_read_data_m : UInt<32>, lsu_result_m : UInt<32>, lsu_result_corr_r : UInt<32>, lsu_addr_d : UInt<32>, lsu_addr_m : UInt<32>, lsu_addr_r : UInt<32>, end_addr_d : UInt<32>, end_addr_m : UInt<32>, end_addr_r : UInt<32>, store_data_m : UInt<32>, flip dec_tlu_mrac_ff : UInt<32>, lsu_exc_m : UInt<1>, is_sideeffects_m : UInt<1>, lsu_commit_r : UInt<1>, lsu_single_ecc_error_incr : UInt<1>, lsu_error_pkt_r : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {single_ecc_error : UInt<1>, inst_type : UInt<1>, exc_type : UInt<1>, mscause : UInt<4>, addr : UInt<32>}}, lsu_fir_addr : UInt<31>, lsu_fir_error : UInt<2>, addr_in_dccm_d : UInt<1>, addr_in_dccm_m : UInt<1>, addr_in_dccm_r : UInt<1>, addr_in_pic_d : UInt<1>, addr_in_pic_m : UInt<1>, addr_in_pic_r : UInt<1>, addr_external_m : UInt<1>, dma_lsc_ctl : {flip dma_dccm_req : UInt<1>, flip dma_mem_addr : UInt<32>, flip dma_mem_sz : UInt<3>, flip dma_mem_write : UInt<1>, flip dma_mem_wdata : UInt<64>}, lsu_pkt_d : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}}, lsu_pkt_m : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}}, lsu_pkt_r : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}}, flip scan_mode : UInt<1>}
wire end_addr_pre_m : UInt<29>
end_addr_pre_m <= UInt<29>("h00")
wire end_addr_pre_r : UInt<29>
end_addr_pre_r <= UInt<29>("h00")
wire dma_pkt_d : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}} @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 93:29]
wire lsu_pkt_m_in : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}} @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 94:29]
wire lsu_pkt_r_in : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}} @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 95:29]
wire lsu_error_pkt_m : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {single_ecc_error : UInt<1>, inst_type : UInt<1>, exc_type : UInt<1>, mscause : UInt<4>, addr : UInt<32>}} @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 96:29]
wire _T : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {single_ecc_error : UInt<1>, inst_type : UInt<1>, exc_type : UInt<1>, mscause : UInt<4>, addr : UInt<32>}} @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:37]
_T.bits.addr <= UInt<32>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:37]
_T.bits.mscause <= UInt<4>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:37]
_T.bits.exc_type <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:37]
_T.bits.inst_type <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:37]
_T.bits.single_ecc_error <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:37]
_T.valid <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:37]
lsu_error_pkt_m.bits.addr <= _T.bits.addr @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:20]
lsu_error_pkt_m.bits.mscause <= _T.bits.mscause @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:20]
lsu_error_pkt_m.bits.exc_type <= _T.bits.exc_type @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:20]
lsu_error_pkt_m.bits.inst_type <= _T.bits.inst_type @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:20]
lsu_error_pkt_m.bits.single_ecc_error <= _T.bits.single_ecc_error @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:20]
lsu_error_pkt_m.valid <= _T.valid @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 97:20]
node _T_1 = bits(io.dec_lsu_valid_raw_d, 0, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 100:52]
node lsu_rs1_d = mux(_T_1, io.lsu_exu.exu_lsu_rs1_d, io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_mem_addr) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 100:28]
node _T_2 = bits(io.dec_lsu_offset_d, 11, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 101:44]
node _T_3 = bits(io.dec_lsu_valid_raw_d, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_4 = mux(_T_3, UInt<12>("h0fff"), UInt<12>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node lsu_offset_d = and(_T_2, _T_4) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 101:51]
node _T_5 = bits(io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d, 0, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 104:66]
node rs1_d = mux(_T_5, io.lsu_result_m, lsu_rs1_d) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 104:28]
node _T_6 = bits(rs1_d, 11, 0) @[lib.scala 92:31]
node _T_7 = cat(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_6) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_8 = bits(lsu_offset_d, 11, 0) @[lib.scala 92:60]
node _T_9 = cat(UInt<1>("h00"), _T_8) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_10 = add(_T_7, _T_9) @[lib.scala 92:39]
node _T_11 = tail(_T_10, 1) @[lib.scala 92:39]
node _T_12 = bits(lsu_offset_d, 11, 11) @[lib.scala 93:41]
node _T_13 = bits(_T_11, 12, 12) @[lib.scala 93:50]
node _T_14 = xor(_T_12, _T_13) @[lib.scala 93:46]
node _T_15 = not(_T_14) @[lib.scala 93:33]
node _T_16 = bits(_T_15, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_17 = mux(_T_16, UInt<20>("h0fffff"), UInt<20>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_18 = bits(rs1_d, 31, 12) @[lib.scala 93:63]
node _T_19 = and(_T_17, _T_18) @[lib.scala 93:58]
node _T_20 = bits(lsu_offset_d, 11, 11) @[lib.scala 94:25]
node _T_21 = not(_T_20) @[lib.scala 94:18]
node _T_22 = bits(_T_11, 12, 12) @[lib.scala 94:34]
node _T_23 = and(_T_21, _T_22) @[lib.scala 94:30]
node _T_24 = bits(_T_23, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_25 = mux(_T_24, UInt<20>("h0fffff"), UInt<20>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_26 = bits(rs1_d, 31, 12) @[lib.scala 94:47]
node _T_27 = add(_T_26, UInt<1>("h01")) @[lib.scala 94:54]
node _T_28 = tail(_T_27, 1) @[lib.scala 94:54]
node _T_29 = and(_T_25, _T_28) @[lib.scala 94:41]
node _T_30 = or(_T_19, _T_29) @[lib.scala 93:72]
node _T_31 = bits(lsu_offset_d, 11, 11) @[lib.scala 95:24]
node _T_32 = bits(_T_11, 12, 12) @[lib.scala 95:34]
node _T_33 = not(_T_32) @[lib.scala 95:31]
node _T_34 = and(_T_31, _T_33) @[lib.scala 95:29]
node _T_35 = bits(_T_34, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_36 = mux(_T_35, UInt<20>("h0fffff"), UInt<20>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_37 = bits(rs1_d, 31, 12) @[lib.scala 95:47]
node _T_38 = sub(_T_37, UInt<1>("h01")) @[lib.scala 95:54]
node _T_39 = tail(_T_38, 1) @[lib.scala 95:54]
node _T_40 = and(_T_36, _T_39) @[lib.scala 95:41]
node _T_41 = or(_T_30, _T_40) @[lib.scala 94:61]
node _T_42 = bits(_T_11, 11, 0) @[lib.scala 96:22]
node full_addr_d = cat(_T_41, _T_42) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_43 = bits(io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.half, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_44 = mux(_T_43, UInt<3>("h07"), UInt<3>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_45 = and(_T_44, UInt<3>("h01")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 109:58]
node _T_46 = bits(io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.word, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_47 = mux(_T_46, UInt<3>("h07"), UInt<3>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_48 = and(_T_47, UInt<3>("h03")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 110:40]
node _T_49 = or(_T_45, _T_48) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 109:70]
node _T_50 = bits(io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.dword, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_51 = mux(_T_50, UInt<3>("h07"), UInt<3>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_52 = and(_T_51, UInt<3>("h07")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 111:40]
node addr_offset_d = or(_T_49, _T_52) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 110:52]
node _T_53 = bits(lsu_offset_d, 11, 11) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 113:39]
node _T_54 = bits(lsu_offset_d, 11, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 113:52]
node _T_55 = cat(_T_53, _T_54) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_56 = mux(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<9>("h01ff"), UInt<9>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_57 = bits(addr_offset_d, 2, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 113:91]
node _T_58 = cat(_T_56, _T_57) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_59 = add(_T_55, _T_58) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 113:60]
node end_addr_offset_d = tail(_T_59, 1) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 113:60]
node _T_60 = bits(rs1_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 114:32]
node _T_61 = bits(end_addr_offset_d, 12, 12) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 114:70]
node _T_62 = bits(_T_61, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_63 = mux(_T_62, UInt<19>("h07ffff"), UInt<19>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_64 = bits(end_addr_offset_d, 12, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 114:93]
node _T_65 = cat(_T_63, _T_64) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_66 = add(_T_60, _T_65) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 114:39]
node full_end_addr_d = tail(_T_66, 1) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 114:39]
io.end_addr_d <= full_end_addr_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 115:24]
inst addrcheck of lsu_addrcheck @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 118:25]
addrcheck.clock <= clock
addrcheck.reset <= reset
|||||| <= io.lsu_c2_m_clk @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 120:42]
|||||| <= full_addr_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 122:42]
|||||| <= full_end_addr_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 123:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.store_data_bypass_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.store_data_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.dma @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.unsign @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.load @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.dword @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.word @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.half @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.stack @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.fast_int @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.lsu_pkt_d.valid @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 124:42]
|||||| <= io.dec_tlu_mrac_ff @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 125:42]
node _T_67 = bits(rs1_d, 31, 28) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 126:50]
|||||| <= _T_67 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 126:42]
|||||| <= rs1_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 127:42]
io.is_sideeffects_m <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 128:42]
io.addr_in_dccm_d <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 129:42]
io.addr_in_pic_d <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 130:42]
|||||| <= io.scan_mode @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 137:42]
wire exc_mscause_r : UInt<4>
exc_mscause_r <= UInt<4>("h00")
wire fir_dccm_access_error_r : UInt<1>
fir_dccm_access_error_r <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fir_nondccm_access_error_r : UInt<1>
fir_nondccm_access_error_r <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire access_fault_r : UInt<1>
access_fault_r <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire misaligned_fault_r : UInt<1>
misaligned_fault_r <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire lsu_fir_error_m : UInt<2>
lsu_fir_error_m <= UInt<2>("h00")
wire fir_dccm_access_error_m : UInt<1>
fir_dccm_access_error_m <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fir_nondccm_access_error_m : UInt<1>
fir_nondccm_access_error_m <= UInt<1>("h00")
reg access_fault_m : UInt, io.lsu_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 149:75]
access_fault_m <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 149:75]
reg misaligned_fault_m : UInt, io.lsu_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 150:75]
misaligned_fault_m <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 150:75]
reg exc_mscause_m : UInt, io.lsu_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 151:75]
exc_mscause_m <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 151:75]
reg _T_68 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 152:75]
_T_68 <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 152:75]
fir_dccm_access_error_m <= _T_68 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 152:38]
reg _T_69 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 153:75]
_T_69 <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 153:75]
fir_nondccm_access_error_m <= _T_69 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 153:38]
node _T_70 = or(access_fault_m, misaligned_fault_m) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 155:34]
io.lsu_exc_m <= _T_70 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 155:16]
node _T_71 = eq(io.lsu_double_ecc_error_r, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 156:64]
node _T_72 = and(io.lsu_single_ecc_error_r, _T_71) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 156:62]
node _T_73 = or(io.lsu_commit_r, io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.dma) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 156:111]
node _T_74 = and(_T_72, _T_73) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 156:92]
node _T_75 = and(_T_74, io.lsu_pkt_r.valid) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 156:136]
io.lsu_single_ecc_error_incr <= _T_75 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 156:32]
node _T_76 = or(access_fault_r, misaligned_fault_r) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 160:49]
node _T_77 = or(_T_76, io.lsu_double_ecc_error_r) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 160:70]
node _T_78 = and(_T_77, io.lsu_pkt_r.valid) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 160:99]
node _T_79 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.dma, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 160:122]
node _T_80 = and(_T_78, _T_79) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 160:120]
node _T_81 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.fast_int, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 160:147]
node _T_82 = and(_T_80, _T_81) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 160:145]
io.lsu_error_pkt_r.valid <= _T_82 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 160:30]
node _T_83 = eq(io.lsu_error_pkt_r.valid, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 161:77]
node _T_84 = and(io.lsu_single_ecc_error_r, _T_83) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 161:75]
node _T_85 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.dma, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 161:105]
node _T_86 = and(_T_84, _T_85) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 161:103]
io.lsu_error_pkt_r.bits.single_ecc_error <= _T_86 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 161:46]
io.lsu_error_pkt_r.bits.inst_type <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 162:39]
node _T_87 = not(misaligned_fault_r) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 163:42]
io.lsu_error_pkt_r.bits.exc_type <= _T_87 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 163:39]
node _T_88 = eq(misaligned_fault_r, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 164:75]
node _T_89 = and(io.lsu_double_ecc_error_r, _T_88) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 164:73]
node _T_90 = eq(access_fault_r, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 164:97]
node _T_91 = and(_T_89, _T_90) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 164:95]
node _T_92 = bits(_T_91, 0, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 164:114]
node _T_93 = bits(exc_mscause_r, 3, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 164:144]
node _T_94 = mux(_T_92, UInt<4>("h01"), _T_93) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 164:45]
io.lsu_error_pkt_r.bits.mscause <= _T_94 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 164:39]
node _T_95 = bits(io.lsu_addr_r, 31, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 165:55]
io.lsu_error_pkt_r.bits.addr <= _T_95 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 165:39]
node _T_96 = bits(fir_nondccm_access_error_r, 0, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 166:68]
node _T_97 = bits(fir_dccm_access_error_r, 0, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 166:113]
node _T_98 = and(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.fast_int, io.lsu_double_ecc_error_r) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 166:162]
node _T_99 = bits(_T_98, 0, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 166:191]
node _T_100 = mux(_T_99, UInt<2>("h01"), UInt<2>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 166:133]
node _T_101 = mux(_T_97, UInt<2>("h02"), _T_100) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 166:88]
node _T_102 = mux(_T_96, UInt<2>("h03"), _T_101) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 166:40]
io.lsu_fir_error <= _T_102 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 166:34]
reg _T_103 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 168:71]
_T_103 <= access_fault_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 168:71]
access_fault_r <= _T_103 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 168:34]
reg _T_104 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 169:71]
_T_104 <= exc_mscause_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 169:71]
exc_mscause_r <= _T_104 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 169:34]
reg _T_105 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 170:71]
_T_105 <= fir_dccm_access_error_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 170:71]
fir_dccm_access_error_r <= _T_105 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 170:34]
reg _T_106 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 171:71]
_T_106 <= fir_nondccm_access_error_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 171:71]
fir_nondccm_access_error_r <= _T_106 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 171:34]
reg _T_107 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 172:71]
_T_107 <= misaligned_fault_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 172:71]
misaligned_fault_r <= _T_107 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 172:34]
dma_pkt_d.bits.unsign <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 190:27]
dma_pkt_d.bits.stack <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 191:26]
dma_pkt_d.bits.fast_int <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 192:27]
dma_pkt_d.valid <= io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_dccm_req @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 193:22]
dma_pkt_d.bits.dma <= UInt<1>("h01") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 194:27]
|||||| <= io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_mem_write @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 195:27]
node _T_108 = not(io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_mem_write) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 196:30]
dma_pkt_d.bits.load <= _T_108 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 196:27]
node _T_109 = bits(io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_mem_sz, 2, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 197:56]
node _T_110 = eq(_T_109, UInt<3>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 197:62]
|||||| <= _T_110 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 197:27]
node _T_111 = bits(io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_mem_sz, 2, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 198:56]
node _T_112 = eq(_T_111, UInt<3>("h01")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 198:62]
dma_pkt_d.bits.half <= _T_112 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 198:27]
node _T_113 = bits(io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_mem_sz, 2, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 199:56]
node _T_114 = eq(_T_113, UInt<3>("h02")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 199:62]
dma_pkt_d.bits.word <= _T_114 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 199:27]
node _T_115 = bits(io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_mem_sz, 2, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 200:56]
node _T_116 = eq(_T_115, UInt<3>("h03")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 200:62]
dma_pkt_d.bits.dword <= _T_116 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 200:27]
dma_pkt_d.bits.store_data_bypass_d <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 201:39]
dma_pkt_d.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 202:39]
dma_pkt_d.bits.store_data_bypass_m <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 203:39]
wire lsu_ld_datafn_r : UInt<32>
lsu_ld_datafn_r <= UInt<32>("h00")
wire lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r : UInt<32>
lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r <= UInt<32>("h00")
wire lsu_ld_datafn_m : UInt<32>
lsu_ld_datafn_m <= UInt<32>("h00")
node _T_117 = bits(io.dec_lsu_valid_raw_d, 0, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:50]
node _T_118 = mux(_T_117, io.lsu_p, dma_pkt_d) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:26]
io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.store_data_bypass_m <= _T_118.bits.store_data_bypass_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d <= _T_118.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.store_data_bypass_d <= _T_118.bits.store_data_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.dma <= _T_118.bits.dma @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.unsign <= _T_118.bits.unsign @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.load <= _T_118.bits.load @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.dword <= _T_118.bits.dword @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.word <= _T_118.bits.word @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.half <= _T_118.bits.half @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.stack <= _T_118.bits.stack @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.fast_int <= _T_118.bits.fast_int @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
io.lsu_pkt_d.valid <= _T_118.valid @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 209:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.store_data_bypass_m <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.store_data_bypass_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.store_data_bypass_d <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.store_data_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.dma <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.dma @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.unsign <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.unsign @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.load <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.load @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.dword <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.dword @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.word <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.word @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.half <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.half @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.stack <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.stack @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.fast_int <= io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.fast_int @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_m_in.valid <= io.lsu_pkt_d.valid @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 210:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.store_data_bypass_m <= io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.store_data_bypass_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d <= io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.store_data_bypass_d <= io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.store_data_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.dma <= io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.dma @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.unsign <= io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.unsign @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.load <= io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.load @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.dword <= io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.dword @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.word <= io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.word @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.half <= io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.half @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.stack <= io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.stack @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.fast_int <= io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.fast_int @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
lsu_pkt_r_in.valid <= io.lsu_pkt_m.valid @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 211:20]
node _T_119 = eq(io.lsu_p.bits.fast_int, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 213:64]
node _T_120 = and(io.flush_m_up, _T_119) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 213:61]
node _T_121 = eq(_T_120, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 213:45]
node _T_122 = and(io.lsu_p.valid, _T_121) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 213:43]
node _T_123 = or(_T_122, io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_dccm_req) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 213:90]
io.lsu_pkt_d.valid <= _T_123 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 213:24]
node _T_124 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.dma, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 214:68]
node _T_125 = and(io.flush_m_up, _T_124) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 214:65]
node _T_126 = eq(_T_125, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 214:49]
node _T_127 = and(io.lsu_pkt_d.valid, _T_126) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 214:47]
lsu_pkt_m_in.valid <= _T_127 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 214:24]
node _T_128 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.dma, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 215:68]
node _T_129 = and(io.flush_m_up, _T_128) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 215:65]
node _T_130 = eq(_T_129, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 215:49]
node _T_131 = and(io.lsu_pkt_m.valid, _T_130) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 215:47]
lsu_pkt_r_in.valid <= _T_131 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 215:24]
wire _T_132 : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}} @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.bits.store_data_bypass_m <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.bits.store_data_bypass_d <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.bits.dma <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.bits.unsign <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.bits.load <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.bits.dword <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.bits.word <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.bits.half <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.bits.stack <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.bits.fast_int <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
_T_132.valid <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:91]
reg _T_133 : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}}, io.lsu_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, _T_132)) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.bits.store_data_bypass_m <= lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.store_data_bypass_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d <= lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.bits.store_data_bypass_d <= lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.store_data_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.bits.dma <= lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.dma @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.bits.unsign <= lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.unsign @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.bits.load <= lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.load @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.bits.dword <= lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.dword @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.bits.word <= lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.word @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.bits.half <= lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.half @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.bits.stack <= lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.stack @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.bits.fast_int <= lsu_pkt_m_in.bits.fast_int @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
_T_133.valid <= lsu_pkt_m_in.valid @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:65]
io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.store_data_bypass_m <= _T_133.bits.store_data_bypass_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d <= _T_133.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.store_data_bypass_d <= _T_133.bits.store_data_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.dma <= _T_133.bits.dma @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.unsign <= _T_133.bits.unsign @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.load <= _T_133.bits.load @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.dword <= _T_133.bits.dword @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.word <= _T_133.bits.word @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.half <= _T_133.bits.half @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.stack <= _T_133.bits.stack @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.fast_int <= _T_133.bits.fast_int @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
io.lsu_pkt_m.valid <= _T_133.valid @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 217:28]
wire _T_134 : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}} @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.bits.store_data_bypass_m <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.bits.store_data_bypass_d <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.bits.dma <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.bits.unsign <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.bits.load <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.bits.dword <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.bits.word <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.bits.half <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.bits.stack <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.bits.fast_int <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
_T_134.valid <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:91]
reg _T_135 : {valid : UInt<1>, bits : {fast_int : UInt<1>, stack : UInt<1>, by : UInt<1>, half : UInt<1>, word : UInt<1>, dword : UInt<1>, load : UInt<1>, store : UInt<1>, unsign : UInt<1>, dma : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_d : UInt<1>, load_ldst_bypass_d : UInt<1>, store_data_bypass_m : UInt<1>}}, io.lsu_c1_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, _T_134)) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.bits.store_data_bypass_m <= lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.store_data_bypass_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d <= lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.bits.store_data_bypass_d <= lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.store_data_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.bits.dma <= lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.dma @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.bits.unsign <= lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.unsign @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.bits.load <= lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.load @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.bits.dword <= lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.dword @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.bits.word <= lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.word @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.bits.half <= lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.half @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.bits.stack <= lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.stack @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.bits.fast_int <= lsu_pkt_r_in.bits.fast_int @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
_T_135.valid <= lsu_pkt_r_in.valid @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:65]
io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.store_data_bypass_m <= _T_135.bits.store_data_bypass_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d <= _T_135.bits.load_ldst_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.store_data_bypass_d <= _T_135.bits.store_data_bypass_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.dma <= _T_135.bits.dma @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.unsign <= _T_135.bits.unsign @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.load <= _T_135.bits.load @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.dword <= _T_135.bits.dword @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.word <= _T_135.bits.word @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.half <= _T_135.bits.half @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
|||||| <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.stack <= _T_135.bits.stack @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.fast_int <= _T_135.bits.fast_int @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
io.lsu_pkt_r.valid <= _T_135.valid @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 218:28]
reg _T_136 : UInt<1>, io.lsu_c2_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 219:65]
_T_136 <= lsu_pkt_m_in.valid @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 219:65]
io.lsu_pkt_m.valid <= _T_136 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 219:28]
reg _T_137 : UInt<1>, io.lsu_c2_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 220:65]
_T_137 <= lsu_pkt_r_in.valid @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 220:65]
io.lsu_pkt_r.valid <= _T_137 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 220:28]
node _T_138 = bits(io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_mem_wdata, 63, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 222:59]
node _T_139 = bits(io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_mem_addr, 2, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 222:100]
node _T_140 = cat(_T_139, UInt<3>("h00")) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node dma_mem_wdata_shifted = dshr(_T_138, _T_140) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 222:66]
node _T_141 = bits(io.dma_lsc_ctl.dma_dccm_req, 0, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 223:63]
node _T_142 = bits(dma_mem_wdata_shifted, 31, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 223:91]
node _T_143 = bits(io.lsu_exu.exu_lsu_rs2_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 223:122]
node store_data_d = mux(_T_141, _T_142, _T_143) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 223:34]
node _T_144 = bits(io.lsu_pkt_d.bits.store_data_bypass_d, 0, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 224:73]
node _T_145 = bits(io.lsu_result_m, 31, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 224:95]
node _T_146 = bits(store_data_d, 31, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 224:114]
node store_data_m_in = mux(_T_144, _T_145, _T_146) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 224:34]
reg store_data_pre_m : UInt, io.lsu_store_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 226:72]
store_data_pre_m <= store_data_m_in @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 226:72]
reg _T_147 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 227:62]
_T_147 <= io.lsu_addr_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 227:62]
io.lsu_addr_m <= _T_147 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 227:24]
reg _T_148 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 228:62]
_T_148 <= io.lsu_addr_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 228:62]
io.lsu_addr_r <= _T_148 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 228:24]
node _T_149 = bits(io.ldst_dual_m, 0, 0) @[lib.scala 8:44]
node _T_150 = bits(io.lsu_addr_m, 31, 3) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 229:71]
node _T_151 = mux(_T_149, end_addr_pre_m, _T_150) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 229:27]
node _T_152 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 2, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 229:128]
reg _T_153 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 229:114]
_T_153 <= _T_152 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 229:114]
node _T_154 = cat(_T_151, _T_153) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
io.end_addr_m <= _T_154 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 229:17]
node _T_155 = bits(io.ldst_dual_r, 0, 0) @[lib.scala 8:44]
node _T_156 = bits(io.lsu_addr_r, 31, 3) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 230:71]
node _T_157 = mux(_T_155, end_addr_pre_r, _T_156) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 230:27]
node _T_158 = bits(io.end_addr_m, 2, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 230:128]
reg _T_159 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 230:114]
_T_159 <= _T_158 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 230:114]
node _T_160 = cat(_T_157, _T_159) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
io.end_addr_r <= _T_160 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 230:17]
node _T_161 = bits(io.end_addr_d, 31, 3) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 231:41]
node _T_162 = and(io.lsu_pkt_d.valid, io.ldst_dual_d) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 231:69]
node _T_163 = or(_T_162, io.clk_override) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 231:87]
node _T_164 = bits(_T_163, 0, 0) @[lib.scala 8:44]
node _T_165 = bits(io.scan_mode, 0, 0) @[lib.scala 8:44]
inst rvclkhdr of rvclkhdr @[lib.scala 390:23]
rvclkhdr.clock <= clock
rvclkhdr.reset <= reset
|||||| <= clock @[lib.scala 392:18]
|||||| <= _T_164 @[lib.scala 393:17]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lib.scala 394:24]
reg _T_166 : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_164 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_166 <= _T_161 @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
end_addr_pre_m <= _T_166 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 231:18]
node _T_167 = bits(io.end_addr_m, 31, 3) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 232:41]
node _T_168 = and(io.lsu_pkt_m.valid, io.ldst_dual_m) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 232:69]
node _T_169 = or(_T_168, io.clk_override) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 232:87]
node _T_170 = bits(_T_169, 0, 0) @[lib.scala 8:44]
node _T_171 = bits(io.scan_mode, 0, 0) @[lib.scala 8:44]
inst rvclkhdr_1 of rvclkhdr_1 @[lib.scala 390:23]
rvclkhdr_1.clock <= clock
rvclkhdr_1.reset <= reset
|||||| <= clock @[lib.scala 392:18]
|||||| <= _T_170 @[lib.scala 393:17]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lib.scala 394:24]
reg _T_172 : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_170 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
_T_172 <= _T_167 @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
end_addr_pre_r <= _T_172 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 232:18]
reg _T_173 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 233:62]
_T_173 <= io.addr_in_dccm_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 233:62]
io.addr_in_dccm_m <= _T_173 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 233:24]
reg _T_174 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 234:62]
_T_174 <= io.addr_in_dccm_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 234:62]
io.addr_in_dccm_r <= _T_174 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 234:24]
reg _T_175 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 235:62]
_T_175 <= io.addr_in_pic_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 235:62]
io.addr_in_pic_m <= _T_175 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 235:24]
reg _T_176 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 236:62]
_T_176 <= io.addr_in_pic_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 236:62]
io.addr_in_pic_r <= _T_176 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 236:24]
reg _T_177 : UInt, io.lsu_c1_m_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 237:62]
_T_177 <= @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 237:62]
io.addr_external_m <= _T_177 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 237:24]
reg addr_external_r : UInt<1>, io.lsu_c1_r_clk with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 238:66]
addr_external_r <= io.addr_external_m @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 238:66]
node _T_178 = or(io.addr_external_m, io.clk_override) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 239:77]
node _T_179 = bits(io.scan_mode, 0, 0) @[lib.scala 8:44]
inst rvclkhdr_2 of rvclkhdr_2 @[lib.scala 390:23]
rvclkhdr_2.clock <= clock
rvclkhdr_2.reset <= reset
|||||| <= clock @[lib.scala 392:18]
|||||| <= _T_178 @[lib.scala 393:17]
|||||| <= UInt<1>("h00") @[lib.scala 394:24]
reg bus_read_data_r : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[Reg.scala 27:20]
when _T_178 : @[Reg.scala 28:19]
bus_read_data_r <= io.bus_read_data_m @[Reg.scala 28:23]
skip @[Reg.scala 28:19]
node _T_180 = bits(io.lsu_ld_data_corr_r, 31, 1) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 242:52]
io.lsu_fir_addr <= _T_180 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 242:28]
io.lsu_addr_d <= full_addr_d @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 244:28]
node _T_181 = or(, io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.load) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 246:68]
node _T_182 = and(io.lsu_pkt_r.valid, _T_181) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 246:41]
node _T_183 = eq(io.flush_r, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 246:96]
node _T_184 = and(_T_182, _T_183) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 246:94]
node _T_185 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.dma, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 246:110]
node _T_186 = and(_T_184, _T_185) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 246:108]
io.lsu_commit_r <= _T_186 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 246:19]
node _T_187 = bits(io.picm_mask_data_m, 31, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 247:52]
node _T_188 = eq(io.addr_in_pic_m, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 247:69]
node _T_189 = bits(_T_188, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_190 = mux(_T_189, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff"), UInt<32>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_191 = or(_T_187, _T_190) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 247:59]
node _T_192 = bits(io.lsu_pkt_m.bits.store_data_bypass_m, 0, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 247:133]
node _T_193 = mux(_T_192, io.lsu_result_m, store_data_pre_m) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 247:94]
node _T_194 = and(_T_191, _T_193) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 247:89]
io.store_data_m <= _T_194 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 247:29]
node _T_195 = bits(addr_external_r, 0, 0) @[lib.scala 8:44]
node _T_196 = mux(_T_195, bus_read_data_r, io.lsu_ld_data_r) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 251:33]
lsu_ld_datafn_r <= _T_196 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 251:27]
node _T_197 = bits(addr_external_r, 0, 0) @[lib.scala 8:44]
node _T_198 = mux(_T_197, bus_read_data_r, io.lsu_ld_data_corr_r) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 252:33]
lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r <= _T_198 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 252:27]
node _T_199 = and(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.unsign, @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 254:66]
node _T_200 = bits(_T_199, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_201 = mux(_T_200, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff"), UInt<32>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_202 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_r, 7, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 254:125]
node _T_203 = cat(UInt<24>("h00"), _T_202) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_204 = and(_T_201, _T_203) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 254:94]
node _T_205 = and(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.unsign, io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.half) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 255:43]
node _T_206 = bits(_T_205, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_207 = mux(_T_206, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff"), UInt<32>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_208 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_r, 15, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 255:102]
node _T_209 = cat(UInt<16>("h00"), _T_208) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_210 = and(_T_207, _T_209) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 255:71]
node _T_211 = or(_T_204, _T_210) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 254:133]
node _T_212 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.unsign, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 256:17]
node _T_213 = and(_T_212, @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 256:43]
node _T_214 = bits(_T_213, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_215 = mux(_T_214, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff"), UInt<32>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_216 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_r, 7, 7) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 256:102]
node _T_217 = bits(_T_216, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_218 = mux(_T_217, UInt<24>("h0ffffff"), UInt<24>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_219 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_r, 7, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 256:125]
node _T_220 = cat(_T_218, _T_219) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_221 = and(_T_215, _T_220) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 256:71]
node _T_222 = or(_T_211, _T_221) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 255:114]
node _T_223 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.unsign, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 257:17]
node _T_224 = and(_T_223, io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.half) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 257:43]
node _T_225 = bits(_T_224, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_226 = mux(_T_225, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff"), UInt<32>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_227 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_r, 15, 15) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 257:101]
node _T_228 = bits(_T_227, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_229 = mux(_T_228, UInt<16>("h0ffff"), UInt<16>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_230 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_r, 15, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 257:125]
node _T_231 = cat(_T_229, _T_230) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_232 = and(_T_226, _T_231) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 257:71]
node _T_233 = or(_T_222, _T_232) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 256:134]
node _T_234 = bits(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.word, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_235 = mux(_T_234, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff"), UInt<32>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_236 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_r, 31, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 258:60]
node _T_237 = and(_T_235, _T_236) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 258:43]
node _T_238 = or(_T_233, _T_237) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 257:134]
io.lsu_result_m <= _T_238 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 254:27]
node _T_239 = and(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.unsign, @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 260:66]
node _T_240 = bits(_T_239, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_241 = mux(_T_240, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff"), UInt<32>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_242 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r, 7, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 260:130]
node _T_243 = cat(UInt<24>("h00"), _T_242) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_244 = and(_T_241, _T_243) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 260:94]
node _T_245 = and(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.unsign, io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.half) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 261:43]
node _T_246 = bits(_T_245, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_247 = mux(_T_246, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff"), UInt<32>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_248 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r, 15, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 261:107]
node _T_249 = cat(UInt<16>("h00"), _T_248) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_250 = and(_T_247, _T_249) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 261:71]
node _T_251 = or(_T_244, _T_250) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 260:138]
node _T_252 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.unsign, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 262:17]
node _T_253 = and(_T_252, @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 262:43]
node _T_254 = bits(_T_253, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_255 = mux(_T_254, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff"), UInt<32>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_256 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r, 7, 7) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 262:107]
node _T_257 = bits(_T_256, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_258 = mux(_T_257, UInt<24>("h0ffffff"), UInt<24>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_259 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r, 7, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 262:135]
node _T_260 = cat(_T_258, _T_259) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_261 = and(_T_255, _T_260) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 262:71]
node _T_262 = or(_T_251, _T_261) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 261:119]
node _T_263 = eq(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.unsign, UInt<1>("h00")) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 263:17]
node _T_264 = and(_T_263, io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.half) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 263:43]
node _T_265 = bits(_T_264, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_266 = mux(_T_265, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff"), UInt<32>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_267 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r, 15, 15) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 263:106]
node _T_268 = bits(_T_267, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_269 = mux(_T_268, UInt<16>("h0ffff"), UInt<16>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_270 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r, 15, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 263:135]
node _T_271 = cat(_T_269, _T_270) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_272 = and(_T_266, _T_271) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 263:71]
node _T_273 = or(_T_262, _T_272) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 262:144]
node _T_274 = bits(io.lsu_pkt_r.bits.word, 0, 0) @[Bitwise.scala 72:15]
node _T_275 = mux(_T_274, UInt<32>("h0ffffffff"), UInt<32>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
node _T_276 = bits(lsu_ld_datafn_corr_r, 31, 0) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 264:65]
node _T_277 = and(_T_275, _T_276) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 264:43]
node _T_278 = or(_T_273, _T_277) @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 263:144]
io.lsu_result_corr_r <= _T_278 @[lsu_lsc_ctl.scala 260:27]
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@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class dec_IO extends Bundle with lib {
val dec_tlu_perfcnt3 = Output(Bool()) // toggles when slot0 perf counter 3 has an event inc
val dec_tlu_perfcnt3 = Output(Bool()) // toggles when slot0 perf counter 3 has an event inc
val dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb = Output(Bool())
val dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb = Output(Bool())
val dec_lsu_valid_raw_d = Output(Bool())
val dec_lsu_valid_raw_d = Output(Bool())
val trace_rv_trace_pkt = (new trace_pkt_t) // trace packet
val trace_rv_trace_pkt = Output(new trace_pkt_t) // trace packet
// clock gating overrides from mcgc
// clock gating overrides from mcgc
val dec_tlu_misc_clk_override = Output(Bool()) // override misc clock domain gating
val dec_tlu_misc_clk_override = Output(Bool()) // override misc clock domain gating
Binary file not shown.
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