# Another RISC-V ISA simulator. **This code is suitable to hard refactor at any time** This is another RISC-V ISA simulator, this is coded in SystemC + TLM-2. It supports RV32IMAC and RV64IMAC Instruction set. 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Trace perihperal creates a xterm window where it prints out all received data. ### Structure ![Modules' hierarchy](doc/Hierarchy.png) ### Memory map | Base | Module | Description | | ---- | :----: | ---- | | 0x40000000 | Trace | Output data to xterm | | 0x40004000 | Timer | LSB Timer | | 0x40004004 | Timer | MSB Timer | | 0x40004008 | Timer | MSB Timer Comparator | | 0x4000400C | Timer | LSB Timer Comparator | ## TODO This is a preliminar and incomplete version. Task to do: - [x] Implement all missing instructions (Execute) - [x] Implement CSRs ~~(where/how?)~~ - [ ] Add full support to read file with memory contents (to memory.h) - [ ] .elf files - [x] .hex files (only partial .hex support) - [ ] Connect some TLM peripherals - [x] Debug module similiar to ARM's ITM - [ ] Some standard UART model - [ ] ... - [ ] Implement interrupts - [x] implement timer (mtimecmp) & timer interrupt - [ ] generic IRQ comtroller - [x] Test, test, test & test. I'm sure there are a ~~lot of~~ some bugs in the code - [x] riscv-test almost complete (see [Test](https://github.com/mariusmm/RISC-V-TLM/wiki/Tests)) - [x] riscv-compliance * [ ] Improve structure and modules hierarchy * [X] Add 64 architecture (RV64I) * [x] Debug capabilities * [ ] Add [Trace v2.0](https://github.com/riscv-non-isa/riscv-trace-spec) support ## Compile In order to compile the project you need SystemC-2.3.2 installed in your system. Just change SYSTEMC path in Makefile. ``` $ make ``` Then, you need to modifiy your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environtment variable to add path systemc library. In my case: ``` $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/marius/Work/RiscV/code/systemc-2.3.2/lib-linux64 ``` And then you can execute the simulator: ``` $ ./RISCV_TLM asm/BasicLoop.hex ``` ### Using cmake It is possible to use cmake: ``` mkdir build cd build cmake .. make ``` note that SystemC must be compiled with cmake: ``` cd mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 make ``` ### Arguments -L loglevel: 3 for detailed (INFO) log, 0 to ERROR log level -f filename .hex binary filename to use -D Enter in Debug mode, simulator starts gdb server (Beta) -R 32 or 64 to choose 32-bit or 64-bit architecture ## Cross-compiler It is possible to use gcc as risc-v compiler. Follow the instructions (from https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain): ~~~ $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain $ cd riscv-gnu-toolchain $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32gc --with-abi=ilp32 $ make ... wait for long time ... ... $ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin ~~~ In test/C/long_test/ example there is a Makefile that compiles a project with any .c files and links them against new-lib nano. There is a Helper_functions.c file with defiitions of all missing functions needed by the library (**_read()**, **_close()**, **_fstat_r()**, **_lseek_r()**, **_isatty_r()**, **_write()**). All of them are defined empty except **_write()** that is written to use the Trace perihperal. The definition of the function **_write()** allows developer to use printf() as usual and the stdout will be redirected to the Trace perihperal. ## Debug It is possible to debug an application running in RISC-V-TLM simulator. It is tested with riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb version and eclipse. Configure a "C/C++ Remote Application" debug configuration as the figure ![Modules' hierarchy](doc/DebugConfiguration.png) gdbinit.txt file must contain: ``` set debug remote 1 set arch riscv:rv32 ``` With this configuration, eclipse debuggins is almost normal (I experienced some problems wiith "step-over" and "step-into" commands) ## Docker container There is a Docker container available with the latest release at https://hub.docker.com/r/mariusmm/riscv-tlm. This container has RISCV-TLM already build at /usr/src/riscv64/RISCV-TLM directory. ### How to use Docker ``` $ docker pull mariusmm/riscv-tlm $ docker run -v /:/tmp -u $UID -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" -it mariusmm/riscv-tlm /bin/bash $ ./RISC-V-TLM/build/RISCV_TLM /tmp/ ``` or you can call binary inside docker image directly: ``` $ docker run -v /:/tmp -u $UID -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" -it mariusmm/riscv-tlm /usr/src/riscv64/RISC-V-TLM/RISCV_TLM /tmp/ ``` I'm using docker image [zmors/riscv_gcc](https://hub.docker.com/r/zmors/riscv_gcc) to have a cross-compiler, I'm using both docker images this way: ``` console1: $ docker run -v /tmp:/PRJ -it zmors/riscv_gcc:1 bash # cd /PRJ/func3 # make console2: $ docker run -v /tmp:/tmp -u $UID -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" -it mariusmm/riscv-tlm /bin/bash # cd /usr/src/riscv64/RISC-V-TLM/ # ./RISCV-TLM /tmp/file.hex ... ``` or ``` ... console 2: $ docker run -v /tmp/tmp -it mariusmm/riscv-tlm /usr/src/riscv64/RISC-V-TLM/RISCV_TLM /tmp/file.hex ``` Performance is not affected by running the simulator inside the container ## Test See [Test page](Test) for more information. In the asm directory there are some basic assembly examples. I "compile" one file with the follwing command: ``` $ cd asm $ riscv32-unknown-elf-as EternalLoop.asm -o EternalLoop.o $ riscv32-unknown-elf-ld EternalLoop.o -o EternalLoop.elf $ riscv32-unknown-elf-objcopy -O ihex EternalLoop.elf EternalLoop.hex $ cd .. $ ./RISCV_SCTLM asm/EternalLoop.hex ``` This example needs that you hit Ctr+C to stop execution. ### C code The C directory contains simple examples in C. Each directory contains an example, to compile it just: ``` $ make ``` and then execute the .hex file like the example before. ### FreeRTOS FreeRTOS can run in this simulator! In test/FreeRTOS/ directory there is portable files (port.c, portmacro.c portasm.S) and main file (freertos_test.c) ported to this RISC-V model. ## Documentation The code is documented using doxygen. In the doc folder there is a Doxygen.cfg file ready to be used. ## Contribute There are several ways to contribute to this project: * Test * Pull request are welcome (see TODO list) * Good documentation * RTL-Level simulation ## Authors and credits RISC-V-TLM is managed by Màrius Montón. If you find this code useful, please consider citing: ``` @inproceedings{montonriscvtlm2020, title = {A {RISC}-{V} {SystemC}-{TLM} simulator}, booktitle = {Workshop on {Computer} {Architecture} {Research} with {RISC}-{V} ({CARRV 2020}), author = {Montón, Màrius}, year = {2020} } ``` ## Publications I've published a paper describing the RISC-V simulator in [CARRV 2020](https://carrv.github.io/2020/) conference ([pdf](http://mariusmonton.com/wp-uploads/2020/05/CARRV2020_paper_7_Monton.pdf)). ## License Copyright (C) 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Màrius Montón ([@mariusmonton](https://twitter.com/mariusmonton/)) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .