/*! \file Execute.h \brief RISC-V ISA implementation \author Màrius Montón \date August 2018 */ #ifndef Execute_H #define Execute_H #define SC_INCLUDE_DYNAMIC_PROCESSES #include "systemc" #include "tlm.h" #include "tlm_utils/simple_initiator_socket.h" #include "memory.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "C_Instruction.h" #include "M_Instruction.h" #include "Registers.h" #include "Log.h" using namespace sc_core; using namespace sc_dt; using namespace std; /** * @brief Risc_V execute module */ class Execute : sc_module { public: /** * @brief Constructor * @param name module name * @param register_bank pointer to register bank to use */ Execute(sc_module_name name, Registers *register_bank); /* Quick & dirty way to publish a socket though modules */ tlm_utils::simple_initiator_socket data_bus; void LUI(Instruction &inst); void AUIPC(Instruction &inst); void JAL(Instruction &inst, bool c_extension = false, int m_rd = 1); void JALR(Instruction &inst, bool c_extension = false); void BEQ(Instruction &inst); void BNE(Instruction &inst); void BLT(Instruction &inst); void BGE(Instruction &inst); void BLTU(Instruction &inst); void BGEU(Instruction &inst); void LB(Instruction &inst); void LH(Instruction &inst); void LW(Instruction &inst, bool c_extension = false); void LBU(Instruction &inst); void LHU(Instruction &inst); void SB(Instruction &inst); void SH(Instruction &inst); void SW(Instruction &inst, bool c_extension = false); void SBU(Instruction &inst); void SHU(Instruction &inst); void ADDI(Instruction &inst, bool c_extension = false); void SLTI(Instruction &inst); void SLTIU(Instruction &inst); void XORI(Instruction &inst); void ORI(Instruction &inst); void ANDI(Instruction &inst); void SLLI(Instruction &inst); void SRLI(Instruction &inst); void SRAI(Instruction &inst); void ADD(Instruction &inst); void SUB(Instruction &inst); void SLL(Instruction &inst); void SLT(Instruction &inst); void SLTU(Instruction &inst); void XOR(Instruction &inst); void SRL(Instruction &inst); void SRA(Instruction &inst); void OR(Instruction &inst); void AND(Instruction &inst); void FENCE(Instruction &inst); void ECALL(Instruction &inst); void CSRRW(Instruction &inst); void CSRRS(Instruction &inst); void CSRRC(Instruction &inst); void CSRRWI(Instruction &inst); void CSRRSI(Instruction &inst); void CSRRCI(Instruction &inst); /*********************** Privileged Instructions ******************************/ void MRET(Instruction &inst); void WFI(Instruction &inst); /* C Extensions */ void C_JR(Instruction &inst); void C_MV(Instruction &inst); void C_LWSP(Instruction &inst); void C_ADDI4SPN(Instruction &inst); void C_SLLI(Instruction &inst); void C_ADDI16SP(Instruction &inst); void C_SWSP(Instruction &inst); void C_BEQZ(Instruction &inst); void C_BNEZ(Instruction &inst); void C_LI(Instruction &inst); void C_SRLI(Instruction &inst); void C_SRAI(Instruction &inst); void C_ANDI(Instruction &inst); void C_ADD(Instruction &inst); void C_SUB(Instruction &inst); void C_XOR(Instruction &inst); void C_OR(Instruction &inst); void C_AND(Instruction &inst); /* M Extensinos */ void M_MUL(Instruction &inst); void M_MULH(Instruction &inst); void M_MULHSU(Instruction &inst); void M_MULHU(Instruction &inst); void M_DIV(Instruction &inst); void M_DIVU(Instruction &inst); void M_REM(Instruction &inst); void M_REMU(Instruction &inst); void NOP(Instruction &inst); private: uint32_t readDataMem(uint32_t addr, int size); void writeDataMem(uint32_t addr, uint32_t data, int size); Registers *regs; Performance *perf; Log *log; }; #endif