
790 lines
17 KiB

#include "Execute.h"
Execute::Execute(sc_module_name name
, Registers *register_bank)
: sc_module(name)
, data_bus("data_bus")
, regs(register_bank) {
perf = Performance::getInstance();
log = Log::getInstance();
void Execute::LUI(Instruction &inst) {
int rd;
uint32_t imm = 0;
rd = inst.rd();
imm = inst.imm_U() << 12;
regs->setValue(rd, imm);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "LUI R" << rd << " <- 0x" << hex << imm << endl;
void Execute::AUIPC(Instruction &inst) {
int rd;
uint32_t imm = 0;
int new_pc;
rd = inst.rd();
imm = inst.imm_U() << 12;
new_pc = regs->getPC() + imm;
regs->setValue(rd, new_pc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "AUIPC R" << rd << " + PC -> PC (" << new_pc << ")" << endl;
void Execute::JAL(Instruction &inst) {
int32_t mem_addr = 0;
int rd;
int new_pc, old_pc;
rd = inst.rd();
mem_addr = inst.imm_J();
old_pc = regs->getPC();
new_pc = old_pc + mem_addr;
old_pc = old_pc + 4;
regs->setValue(rd, old_pc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << dec << "JAL: R" << rd << " <- 0x" << hex << old_pc
<< dec << " PC + " << mem_addr << " -> PC (0x"
<< hex << new_pc << ")" << endl;
void Execute::JALR(Instruction &inst) {
uint32_t mem_addr = 0;
int rd, rs1;
int new_pc, old_pc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
mem_addr = inst.imm_I();
old_pc = regs->getPC();
regs->setValue(rd, old_pc + 4);
new_pc = (regs->getValue(rs1) + mem_addr) & 0xFFFFFFFE;
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "JALR: R" << dec << rd << " <- 0x" << hex << old_pc + 4
<< " PC <- 0x" << hex << new_pc << endl;
void Execute::BEQ(Instruction &inst) {
int rs1, rs2;
int new_pc = 0;
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
if (regs->getValue(rs1) == regs->getValue(rs2)) {
new_pc = regs->getPC() + inst.imm_B();
} else {
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "BEQ R" << rs1 << " == R" << rs2 << "? -> PC (" << new_pc << ")" << endl;
void Execute::BNE(Instruction &inst) {
int rs1, rs2;
int new_pc = 0;
uint32_t val1, val2;
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
val1 = regs->getValue(rs1);
val2 = regs->getValue(rs2);
if (val1 != val2) {
new_pc = regs->getPC() + inst.imm_B();
} else {
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "BNE: R" << rs1 << "(" << val1
<< ") == R" << rs2 << "(" << val2 << ")? -> PC ("
<< new_pc << ")" << endl;
void Execute::BLT(Instruction &inst) {
int rs1, rs2;
int new_pc = 0;
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
if ((int32_t)regs->getValue(rs1) < (int32_t)regs->getValue(rs2)) {
new_pc = regs->getPC() + inst.imm_B();
} else {
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "BLT R" << rs1 << " < R" << rs2 << "? -> PC (" << new_pc << ")" << endl;
void Execute::BGE(Instruction &inst) {
int rs1, rs2;
int new_pc = 0;
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
if ((int32_t)regs->getValue(rs1) >= (int32_t)regs->getValue(rs2)) {
new_pc = regs->getPC() + inst.imm_B();
} else {
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "BGE R" << rs1 << "(" <<
(int32_t)regs->getValue(rs1) << ") > R" <<
rs2 << "(" << (int32_t)regs->getValue(rs2)
<< ")? -> PC (" << new_pc << ")" << endl;
void Execute::BLTU(Instruction &inst) {
int rs1, rs2;
int new_pc = 0;
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
if (regs->getValue(rs1) < regs->getValue(rs2)) {
new_pc = regs->getPC() + inst.imm_B();
} else {
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "BLTU R" << rs1 << " < R" << rs2 << "? -> PC (" << new_pc << ")" << endl;
void Execute::BGEU(Instruction &inst) {
int rs1, rs2;
int new_pc = 0;
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
if (regs->getValue(rs1) >= regs->getValue(rs2)) {
new_pc = regs->getPC() + inst.imm_B();
} else {
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "BGEU R" << rs1 << " > R" << rs2 << "? -> PC (" << new_pc << ")" << endl;
void Execute::LB(Instruction &inst) {
uint32_t mem_addr = 0;
int rd, rs1;
int32_t imm = 0;
int8_t data;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
imm = inst.imm_I();
mem_addr = imm + regs->getValue(rs1);
data = readDataMem(mem_addr, 1);
regs->setValue(rd, data);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "LB: R" << rs1 << " + " << imm << " (@0x"
<< hex <<mem_addr << dec << ") -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::LH(Instruction &inst) {
uint32_t mem_addr = 0;
int rd, rs1;
int32_t imm = 0;
int16_t data;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
imm = inst.imm_I();
mem_addr = imm + regs->getValue(rs1);
data = readDataMem(mem_addr, 2);
regs->setValue(rd, data);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "LH: R" << rs1 << " + " << imm << " (@0x"
<< hex <<mem_addr << dec << ") -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::LW(Instruction &inst) {
uint32_t mem_addr = 0;
int rd, rs1;
int32_t imm = 0;
uint32_t data;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
imm = inst.imm_I();
mem_addr = imm + regs->getValue(rs1);
data = readDataMem(mem_addr, 4);
regs->setValue(rd, data);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "LW: R" << rs1 << " + " << imm << " (@0x"
<< hex <<mem_addr << dec << ") -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::LBU(Instruction &inst) {
uint32_t mem_addr = 0;
int rd, rs1;
int32_t imm = 0;
uint8_t data;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
imm = inst.imm_I();
mem_addr = imm + regs->getValue(rs1);
data = readDataMem(mem_addr, 1);
regs->setValue(rd, data);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "LBU: R" << rs1 << " + " << imm << " (@0x"
<< hex <<mem_addr << dec << ") -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::LHU(Instruction &inst) {
uint32_t mem_addr = 0;
int rd, rs1;
int32_t imm = 0;
uint16_t data;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
imm = inst.imm_I();
mem_addr = imm + regs->getValue(rs1);
data = readDataMem(mem_addr, 2);
regs->setValue(rd, data);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "LHU: R" << rs1 << " + " << imm << " (@0x"
<< hex <<mem_addr << dec << ") -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::SB(Instruction &inst) {
uint32_t mem_addr = 0;
int rs1, rs2;
int32_t imm = 0;
uint32_t data;
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
imm = inst.imm_S();
mem_addr = imm + regs->getValue(rs1);
data = regs->getValue(rs2);
writeDataMem(mem_addr, data, 1);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SB: R" << rs2 << " -> R" << rs1 << " + "
<< imm << " (@0x" << hex <<mem_addr << dec << ")" << endl;
void Execute::SH(Instruction &inst) {
uint32_t mem_addr = 0;
int rs1, rs2;
int32_t imm = 0;
uint32_t data;
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
imm = inst.imm_S();
mem_addr = imm + regs->getValue(rs1);
data = regs->getValue(rs2);
writeDataMem(mem_addr, data, 2);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SH: R" << rs2 << " -> R" << rs1 << " + "
<< imm << " (@0x" << hex <<mem_addr << dec << ")" << endl;
void Execute::SW(Instruction &inst) {
uint32_t mem_addr = 0;
int rs1, rs2;
int32_t imm = 0;
uint32_t data;
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
imm = inst.imm_S();
mem_addr = imm + regs->getValue(rs1);
data = regs->getValue(rs2);
writeDataMem(mem_addr, data, 4);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SW: R" << dec << rs2 << "(0x" << hex << data
<< ") -> R" << dec << rs1 << " + " << imm
<< " (@0x" << hex << mem_addr << dec << ")" << endl;
void Execute::ADDI(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1;
int32_t imm = 0;
int32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
imm = inst.imm_I();
calc = regs->getValue(rs1) + imm;
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << dec << "ADDI: R" << rs1 << " + " << imm << " -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::SLTI(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1;
int32_t imm;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
imm = inst.imm_I();
if (regs->getValue(rs1) < imm) {
regs->setValue(rd, 1);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SLTI: R" << rs1 << " < " << imm
<< " => " << "1 -> R" << rd << endl;
} else {
regs->setValue(rd, 0);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SLTI: R" << rs1 << " < " << imm
<< " => " << "0 -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::SLTIU(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1;
int32_t imm;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
imm = inst.imm_I();
if ((uint32_t) regs->getValue(rs1) < (uint32_t)imm) {
regs->setValue(rd, 1);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SLTIU: R" << rs1 << " < " << imm
<< " => " << "1 -> R" << rd << endl;
} else {
regs->setValue(rd, 0);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SLTIU: R" << rs1 << " < " << imm
<< " => " << "0 -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::XORI(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1;
int32_t imm;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
imm = inst.imm_I();
calc = regs->getValue(rs1) ^ imm;
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "XORI: R" << rs1 << " XOR " << imm
<< "-> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::ORI(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1;
int32_t imm;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
imm = inst.imm_I();
calc = regs->getValue(rs1) | imm;
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "ORI: R" << rs1 << " OR " << imm
<< "-> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::ANDI(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1;
int32_t imm;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
imm = inst.imm_I();
calc = regs->getValue(rs1) & imm;
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "ANDI: R" << rs1 << " AND " << imm
<< " -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::SLLI(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
uint32_t shift;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
shift = rs2 & 0x1F;
calc = ((uint32_t)regs->getValue(rs1)) << shift;
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SLLI: R" << rs1 << " << " << shift << " -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::SRLI(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
uint32_t shift;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
shift = rs2 & 0x1F;
calc = ((uint32_t)regs->getValue(rs1)) >> shift;
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SRLI: R" << rs1 << " >> " << shift << " -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::SRAI(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
uint32_t shift;
int32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
shift = rs2 & 0x1F;
calc = regs->getValue(rs1) >> shift;
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SRAI: R" << rs1 << " >> " << shift << " -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::ADD(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
calc = regs->getValue(rs1) + regs->getValue(rs2);
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "ADD: R" << rs1 << " + R" << rs2 << " -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::SUB(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
calc = regs->getValue(rs1) - regs->getValue(rs2);
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
/* Can insert some arbitrary execution time */
wait(sc_time(10, SC_NS));
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SUB: R" << rs1 << " - R" << rs2 << " -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::SLL(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
uint32_t shift;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
shift = regs->getValue(rs2) & 0x1F;
calc = ((uint32_t)regs->getValue(rs1)) << shift;
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SLL: R" << rs1 << " << " << shift << " -> R" << rd << endl;
/** */
void Execute::SLT(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
if (regs->getValue(rs1) < regs->getValue(rs2)) {
regs->setValue(rd, 1);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SLT: R" << rs1 << " < R" << rs2
<< " => " << "1 -> R" << rd << endl;
} else {
regs->setValue(rd, 0);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SLT: R" << rs1 << " < R" << rs2
<< " => " << "0 -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::SLTU(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
if ( (uint32_t)regs->getValue(rs1) < (uint32_t)regs->getValue(rs2)) {
regs->setValue(rd, 1);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SLTU: R" << rs1 << " < R" << rs2
<< " => " << "1 -> R" << rd << endl;
} else {
regs->setValue(rd, 0);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SLTU: R" << rs1 << " < R" << rs2
<< " => " << "0 -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::XOR(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
calc = regs->getValue(rs1) ^ regs->getValue(rs2);
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "XOR: R" << rs1 << " XOR R" << rs2
<< "-> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::SRL(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
uint32_t shift;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
shift = regs->getValue(rs2) & 0x1F;
calc = ((uint32_t)regs->getValue(rs1)) >> shift;
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SRL: R" << rs1 << " >> " << shift << " -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::SRA(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
uint32_t shift;
int32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
shift = regs->getValue(rs2) & 0x1F;
calc = regs->getValue(rs1) >> shift;
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "SRA: R" << rs1 << " >> " << shift << " -> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::OR(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
calc = regs->getValue(rs1) | regs->getValue(rs2);
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "OR: R" << rs1 << " OR R" << rs2
<< "-> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::AND(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1, rs2;
uint32_t calc;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
rs2 = inst.rs2();
calc = regs->getValue(rs1) & regs->getValue(rs2);
regs->setValue(rd, calc);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "AND: R" << rs1 << " AND R" << rs2
<< "-> R" << rd << endl;
void Execute::CSRRW(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1;
int csr;
uint32_t aux;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
csr = inst.csr();
if (rd == 0) {
/* These operations must be atomical */
aux = regs->getCSR(csr);
regs->setValue(rd, aux);
aux = regs->getValue(rs1);
regs->setCSR(csr, aux);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "CSRRW: CSR #" << csr << " -> R" << rd
<< ". R" << rs1 << "-> CSR #" << csr << endl;
void Execute::CSRRS(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1;
int csr;
uint32_t bitmask, aux;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
csr = inst.csr();
if (rd == 0) {
/* These operations must be atomical */
aux = regs->getCSR(csr);
regs->setValue(rd, aux);
bitmask = regs->getValue(rs1);
aux = aux | bitmask;
regs->setCSR(csr, aux);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "CSRRS: CSR #" << csr << " -> R" << rd
<< ". R" << rs1 << " & CSR #" << csr << endl;
void Execute::CSRRC(Instruction &inst) {
int rd, rs1;
int csr;
uint32_t bitmask, aux;
rd = inst.rd();
rs1 = inst.rs1();
csr = inst.csr();
if (rd == 0) {
/* These operations must be atomical */
aux = regs->getCSR(csr);
regs->setValue(rd, aux);
bitmask = regs->getValue(rs1);
aux = aux & ~bitmask;
regs->setCSR(csr, aux);
log->SC_log(Log::INFO) << "CSRRC: CSR #" << csr << " -> R" << rd
<< ". R" << rs1 << " & CSR #" << csr << endl;
void Execute::NOP(Instruction &inst) {
cout << endl;
cout << "Simulation time " << sc_time_stamp() << endl;
SC_REPORT_ERROR("Execute", "NOP");
* Access data memory to get data for LOAD OPs
* @param addr address to access to
* @param size size of the data to read in bytes
* @return data value read
uint32_t Execute::readDataMem(uint32_t addr, int size) {
uint32_t data;
tlm::tlm_generic_payload trans;
sc_time delay = SC_ZERO_TIME;
trans.set_command( tlm::TLM_READ_COMMAND );
trans.set_data_ptr( reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&data) );
trans.set_data_length( size );
trans.set_streaming_width( 4 ); // = data_length to indicate no streaming
trans.set_byte_enable_ptr( 0 ); // 0 indicates unused
trans.set_dmi_allowed( false ); // Mandatory initial value
trans.set_response_status( tlm::TLM_INCOMPLETE_RESPONSE );
trans.set_address( addr );
data_bus->b_transport( trans, delay);
return data;
* Acces data memory to write data for STORE ops
* @brief
* @param addr addr address to access to
* @param data data to write
* @param size size of the data to write in bytes
void Execute::writeDataMem(uint32_t addr, uint32_t data, int size) {
tlm::tlm_generic_payload trans;
sc_time delay = SC_ZERO_TIME;
trans.set_command( tlm::TLM_WRITE_COMMAND );
trans.set_data_ptr( reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&data) );
trans.set_data_length( size );
trans.set_streaming_width( 4 ); // = data_length to indicate no streaming
trans.set_byte_enable_ptr( 0 ); // 0 indicates unused
trans.set_dmi_allowed( false ); // Mandatory initial value
trans.set_response_status( tlm::TLM_INCOMPLETE_RESPONSE );
trans.set_address( addr );
data_bus->b_transport( trans, delay);