Add two method of real wit kernel genarator.
1 get 8 from 4000 with entropy calculation. 2 Auto Grad to regrethion kernel.
@ -55,8 +55,33 @@ model = utils.LoadModel(model, CurrentPath+"/checkpoint.pkl")
# traindata, testdata = Loader.Cifar10Mono(batchsize)
traindata, testdata = Loader.Cifar10Mono(batchsize, num_workers=0, shuffle=True)
def ConvKernelToImage(model, layer, foldname):
if not os.path.exists(foldname):
a2 = model.features[layer]
a2 = a2.cpu().detach().numpy().reshape((-1, a2.shape[-2], a2.shape[-1]))
for i in range(a2.shape[0]):
d = a2[i]
dmin = np.min(d)
dmax = np.max(d)
d = (d - dmin)*255.0/(dmax-dmin)
d = d.astype(int)
cv2.imwrite(foldname+"/"+str(i)+".png", d)
def GetSample(netmodel,layer,SearchLayer,DataSet,Interation=-1):
def ConvKernelToImage(numpydate, foldname):
if not os.path.exists(foldname):
a2 = numpydate.reshape((-1, numpydate.shape[-2], numpydate.shape[-1]))
for i in range(a2.shape[0]):
d = a2[i]
dmin = np.min(d)
dmax = np.max(d)
d = (d - dmin)*255.0/(dmax-dmin)
d = d.astype(int)
cv2.imwrite(foldname+"/"+str(i)+".png", d)
def GetScore(netmodel,layer,SearchLayer,DataSet,Interation=-1):
sample = utils.SetDevice(torch.empty((SearchLayer.out_channels,0)))
@ -92,35 +117,13 @@ def GetSample(netmodel,layer,SearchLayer,DataSet,Interation=-1):
dat2 = torch.mean(dat2 * dat2,dim=1)
return dat2.cpu().detach().numpy()
def ConvKernelToImage(model, layer, foldname):
if not os.path.exists(foldname):
a2 = model.features[layer]
a2 = a2.cpu().detach().numpy().reshape((-1, a2.shape[-2], a2.shape[-1]))
for i in range(a2.shape[0]):
d = a2[i]
dmin = np.min(d)
dmax = np.max(d)
d = (d - dmin)*255.0/(dmax-dmin)
d = d.astype(int)
cv2.imwrite(foldname+"/"+str(i)+".png", d)
def GetRandomSocre(netmodel,layer,dataloader,iteration=-1):
weightshape = netmodel.features[layer]
newweight = np.random.uniform(-1.0,1.0,weightshape).astype("float32")
score = GetSample(netmodel,0,dataloader,iteration)
return np.array(score), newweight
def UnsuperLearnConvWeight(model, layer, dataloader, NumSearch = 10000, ChannelRatio=1,Interation=10):
def UnsuperLearnSearchWeight(model, layer, dataloader, NumSearch=10000, SaveChannelRatio=500, SearchChannelRatio=1, Interation=10):
tl = model.features[layer]
newlayer = nn.Conv2d(tl.in_channels, tl.out_channels * ChannelRatio, tl.kernel_size,
newlayer = nn.Conv2d(tl.in_channels, tl.out_channels * SearchChannelRatio, tl.kernel_size,
tl.stride, tl.padding, tl.dilation, tl.groups, tl.bias, tl.padding_mode)
newlayer = utils.SetDevice(newlayer)
newchannels = tl.out_channels * ChannelRatio
newchannels = tl.out_channels * SaveChannelRatio
newweightshape = list(
minactive = np.empty((0))
@ -130,7 +133,7 @@ def UnsuperLearnConvWeight(model, layer, dataloader, NumSearch = 10000, ChannelR
newweight = np.random.uniform(-1.0,1.0,newweightshape).astype("float32")
score = GetSample(model, layer, newlayer, dataloader, Interation)
score = GetScore(model, layer, newlayer, dataloader, Interation)
minactive = np.append(minactive, score)
minweight = np.concatenate((minweight, newweight))
@ -142,11 +145,64 @@ def UnsuperLearnConvWeight(model, layer, dataloader, NumSearch = 10000, ChannelR
if i % (NumSearch/10) == 0:
utils.SaveModel(model, CurrentPath+"/checkpoint.pkl")
return minweight
UnsuperLearnConvWeight(model, layer, traindata, NumSearch=100000, ChannelRatio=8, Interation=10)
def TrainLayer(netmodel, layer, SearchLayer, DataSet, Epoch=100):
sample = utils.SetDevice(torch.empty((SearchLayer.out_channels,0)))
layer = layer-1
optimizer = optim.SGD(SearchLayer.parameters(), lr=0.1)
for e in range(Epoch):
for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(DataSet):
data = utils.SetDevice(data)
target = utils.SetDevice(target)
output = netmodel.ForwardLayer(data,layer)
output = SearchLayer(output)
sample = torch.reshape(output.transpose(0,1),(SearchLayer.out_channels,-1))
dat1 = torch.mean(torch.abs(sample - sample_mean),dim=1,keepdim=True)
dat2 = (sample - sample_mean)/dat1
dat2 = torch.mean(dat2 * dat2,dim=1)
label = dat2*0.5
loss = F.l1_loss(dat2, label)
print(" epoch :" + str(e))
ConvKernelToImage(model, layer, CurrentPath+"image")
def UnsuperLearnTrainWeight(model, layer, dataloader, NumTrain=500, TrainChannelRatio=1, Epoch=100):
tl = model.features[layer]
newlayer = nn.Conv2d(tl.in_channels, tl.out_channels * TrainChannelRatio, tl.kernel_size,
tl.stride, tl.padding, tl.dilation, tl.groups, tl.bias, tl.padding_mode)
newlayer = utils.SetDevice(newlayer)
newweightshape = list(
minactive = np.empty((0))
minweight = np.empty([0,newweightshape[1],newweightshape[2],newweightshape[3]])
for i in range(NumTrain):
newweight = np.random.uniform(-1.0,1.0,newweightshape).astype("float32")
newweight = TrainLayer(model, layer, newlayer, dataloader, Epoch)
minweight = np.concatenate((minweight, newweight))
print("search :" + str(i))
return minweight
# weight = UnsuperLearnSearchWeight(model, layer, traindata, NumSearch=100000, SearchChannelRatio=8, Interation=10)
#"WeightSearch.npy", weight)
weight = UnsuperLearnTrainWeight(model, layer, traindata)
||||"WeightTrain.npy", weight)
ConvKernelToImage(weight, CurrentPath+"image")
# utils.SaveModel(model,CurrentPath+"/checkpoint.pkl")
print("save model sucess")
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
# import multiprocessing
# multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn', True)
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import torchvision
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
import torchvision.models as models
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from import Dataset, DataLoader
from PIL import Image
import random
import cv2
CurrentPath = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]+"/"
print("Current Path :" + CurrentPath)
import Model as Model
from tools import utils, Train, Loader
batchsize = 128
# model = utils.SetDevice(Model.Net5Grad35())
# model = utils.SetDevice(Model.Net31535())
model = utils.SetDevice(Model.Net3Grad335())
# model = utils.SetDevice(Model.Net3())
layers = model.PrintLayer()
layer = 0
model = utils.LoadModel(model, CurrentPath+"/checkpoint.pkl")
# traindata, testdata = Loader.MNIST(batchsize)
# traindata, testdata = Loader.RandomMnist(batchsize, style="Vertical")
# traindata, testdata = Loader.RandomMnist(batchsize, style="Horizontal")
# traindata, testdata = Loader.RandomMnist(batchsize, style="VerticalOneLine")
# traindata, testdata = Loader.RandomMnist(batchsize, style="VerticalZebra")
# traindata, testdata = Loader.Cifar10Mono(batchsize)
traindata, testdata = Loader.Cifar10Mono(batchsize, num_workers=0, shuffle=True)
def GetSample(netmodel,layer,SearchLayer,DataSet,Interation=-1):
sample = utils.SetDevice(torch.empty((SearchLayer.out_channels,0)))
layer = layer-1
# layerout = []
# layerint = []
# def getnet(self, input, output):
# layerout.append(output)
# layerint.append(input)
# handle = netmodel.features[layer].register_forward_hook(getnet)
# netmodel.ForwardLayer(data,layer)
# output = layerout[0][:,:,:,:]
# handle.remove()
for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(DataSet):
data = utils.SetDevice(data)
target = utils.SetDevice(target)
output = netmodel.ForwardLayer(data,layer)
output = SearchLayer(output)
output = torch.reshape(output.transpose(0,1),(SearchLayer.out_channels,-1))
sample =,output),1)
if Interation > 0 and batch_idx >= (Interation-1):
dat1 = torch.mean(torch.abs(sample - sample_mean),dim=1,keepdim=True)
dat2 = (sample - sample_mean)/dat1
dat2 = torch.mean(dat2 * dat2,dim=1)
return dat2.cpu().detach().numpy()
def ConvKernelToImage(model, layer, foldname):
if not os.path.exists(foldname):
a2 = model.features[layer]
a2 = a2.cpu().detach().numpy().reshape((-1, a2.shape[-2], a2.shape[-1]))
for i in range(a2.shape[0]):
d = a2[i]
dmin = np.min(d)
dmax = np.max(d)
d = (d - dmin)*255.0/(dmax-dmin)
d = d.astype(int)
cv2.imwrite(foldname+"/"+str(i)+".png", d)
def UnsuperLearnConvWeight(model, layer, dataloader, NumSearch=10000, SaveChannelRatio=500, SearchChannelRatio=1, Interation=10):
tl = model.features[layer]
newlayer = nn.Conv2d(tl.in_channels, tl.out_channels * SearchChannelRatio, tl.kernel_size,
tl.stride, tl.padding, tl.dilation, tl.groups, tl.bias, tl.padding_mode)
newlayer = utils.SetDevice(newlayer)
newchannels = tl.out_channels * SaveChannelRatio
newweightshape = list(
minactive = np.empty((0))
minweight = np.empty([0,newweightshape[1],newweightshape[2],newweightshape[3]])
for i in range(NumSearch):
newweight = np.random.uniform(-1.0,1.0,newweightshape).astype("float32")
score = GetSample(model, layer, newlayer, dataloader, Interation)
minactive = np.append(minactive, score)
minweight = np.concatenate((minweight, newweight))
index = minactive.argsort()
minactive = minactive[index[0:newchannels]]
minweight = minweight[index[0:newchannels]]
print("search random :" + str(i))
if i % (NumSearch/10) == 0:
utils.SaveModel(model, CurrentPath+"/checkpoint.pkl")
return minweight
weight = UnsuperLearnConvWeight(model, layer, traindata, NumSearch=100000, SearchChannelRatio=8, Interation=10)
||||"weight.npy", weight)
ConvKernelToImage(model, layer, CurrentPath+"image")
print("save model sucess")
weight = np.load("weight.npy")
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import torchvision
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
import torchvision.models as models
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from import Dataset, DataLoader
from PIL import Image
import random
import cv2
CurrentPath = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]+"/"
print("Current Path :" + CurrentPath)
import Model as Model
from tools import utils, Train, Loader
batchsize = 128
# model = utils.SetDevice(Model.Net5Grad35())
# model = utils.SetDevice(Model.Net31535())
model = utils.SetDevice(Model.Net3Grad335())
# model = utils.SetDevice(Model.Net3())
layers = model.PrintLayer()
layer = 0
model = utils.LoadModel(model, CurrentPath+"/checkpoint.pkl")
# traindata, testdata = Loader.MNIST(batchsize)
# traindata, testdata = Loader.RandomMnist(batchsize, style="Vertical")
# traindata, testdata = Loader.RandomMnist(batchsize, style="Horizontal")
# traindata, testdata = Loader.RandomMnist(batchsize, style="VerticalOneLine")
# traindata, testdata = Loader.RandomMnist(batchsize, style="VerticalZebra")
# traindata, testdata = Loader.Cifar10Mono(batchsize)
traindata, testdata = Loader.Cifar10Mono(batchsize, num_workers=0, shuffle=True)
# k = np.ones((3,3)).astype("float32")*1.0
# d = np.ones((3,3)).astype("float32")*3.0
# l = np.ones((3,3)).astype("float32")*3.5
# k = torch.from_numpy(k)
# d = torch.from_numpy(d)
# l = torch.from_numpy(l)
# k.requires_grad=True
# optimizer = optim.SGD([k], lr=0.1)
# optimizer.zero_grad()
# output = k + d
# loss = F.l1_loss(output, l)
# loss.backward()
# optimizer.step()
def ConvKernelToImage(numpydate, foldname):
if not os.path.exists(foldname):
a2 = numpydate.reshape((-1, numpydate.shape[-2], numpydate.shape[-1]))
for i in range(a2.shape[0]):
d = a2[i]
dmin = np.min(d)
dmax = np.max(d)
d = (d - dmin)*255.0/(dmax-dmin)
d = d.astype(int)
cv2.imwrite(foldname+"/"+str(i)+".png", d)
def TrainLayer(netmodel, layer, SearchLayer, DataSet, Epoch=100):
sample = utils.SetDevice(torch.empty((SearchLayer.out_channels,0)))
layer = layer-1
optimizer = optim.SGD(SearchLayer.parameters(), lr=0.1)
for e in range(Epoch):
for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(DataSet):
data = utils.SetDevice(data)
target = utils.SetDevice(target)
output = netmodel.ForwardLayer(data,layer)
output = SearchLayer(output)
sample = torch.reshape(output.transpose(0,1),(SearchLayer.out_channels,-1))
dat1 = torch.mean(torch.abs(sample - sample_mean),dim=1,keepdim=True)
dat2 = (sample - sample_mean)/dat1
dat2 = torch.mean(dat2 * dat2,dim=1)
label = dat2*0.5
loss = F.l1_loss(dat2, label)
print(" epoch :" + str(e))
def UnsuperLearnTrainWeight(model, layer, dataloader, NumTrain=500, TrainChannelRatio=1, Epoch=100):
tl = model.features[layer]
newlayer = nn.Conv2d(tl.in_channels, tl.out_channels * TrainChannelRatio, tl.kernel_size,
tl.stride, tl.padding, tl.dilation, tl.groups, tl.bias, tl.padding_mode)
newlayer = utils.SetDevice(newlayer)
newweightshape = list(
minactive = np.empty((0))
minweight = np.empty([0,newweightshape[1],newweightshape[2],newweightshape[3]])
for i in range(NumTrain):
newweight = np.random.uniform(-1.0,1.0,newweightshape).astype("float32")
newweight = TrainLayer(model, layer, newlayer, dataloader, 5)
minweight = np.concatenate((minweight, newweight))
ConvKernelToImage(minweight, CurrentPath+"image")
print("search :" + str(i))
return minweight
weight = UnsuperLearnTrainWeight(model, layer, traindata)
||||"WeightTrain.npy", weight)
# ConvKernelToImage(model, layer, CurrentPath+"image")
# utils.SaveModel(model,CurrentPath+"/checkpoint.pkl")
print("save model sucess")
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