Bridges added
This commit is contained in:
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ circuit ahb_to_axi4 :
||| <= _T_186 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 158:33]
node _T_187 = mux(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<8>("h0ff"), UInt<8>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
|||| <= _T_187 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 159:33]
|||| <= UInt<1>("h01") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 160:33]
|||| <= UInt<2>("h01") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 160:33]
node _T_188 = and(cmdbuf_vld, cmdbuf_write) @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 162:42]
io.axi.w.valid <= _T_188 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 162:28]
|||| <= cmdbuf_wdata @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 163:33]
@ -523,6 +523,6 @@ circuit ahb_to_axi4 :
||| <= _T_193 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 173:33]
node _T_194 = mux(UInt<1>("h00"), UInt<8>("h0ff"), UInt<8>("h00")) @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
|||| <= _T_194 @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 174:33]
|||| <= UInt<1>("h01") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 175:33]
|||| <= UInt<2>("h01") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 175:33]
io.axi.r.ready <= UInt<1>("h01") @[ahb_to_axi4.scala 177:28]
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class ahb_to_axi4(TAG : Int) extends Module with lib with RequireAsyncReset {
||| := Cat("b0".U, cmdbuf_size(1, 0))
|||| := Fill(3, 0.U)
|||| := Fill(8, 0.U)
|||| := "b01".U
|||| := "b01".U(2.W)
// AXI Write Data Channel - This is tied to the command channel as we only write the command buffer once we have the data.
io.axi.w.valid := cmdbuf_vld & cmdbuf_write
|||| := cmdbuf_wdata
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class ahb_to_axi4(TAG : Int) extends Module with lib with RequireAsyncReset {
||| := Cat("b0".U, cmdbuf_size(1, 0))
|||| := Fill(3, 0.U)
|||| := Fill(8, 0.U)
|||| := "b01".U
|||| := "b01".U(2.W)
// AXI Read Response Channel - Always ready as AHB reads are blocking and the the buffer is available for the read coming back always.
io.axi.r.ready := true.B
@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ import include._
class axi4_to_ahb_IO(val TAG : Int) extends Bundle {
val free_clk = Input(Clock())
val scan_mode = Input(Bool())
val bus_clk_en = Input(Bool())
val clk_override = Input(Bool())
val dec_tlu_force_halt = Input(Bool())
// AXI-4 signals
val axi = Flipped(new axi_channels(TAG))
// AHB-Lite signals
@ -17,17 +19,21 @@ class axi4_to_ahb_IO(val TAG : Int) extends Bundle {
class axi4_to_ahb(val TAG : Int = 3) extends Module with lib with RequireAsyncReset {
val io = IO(new axi4_to_ahb_IO(TAG))
// Create bus synchronized version of force halt
val dec_tlu_force_halt_bus_q = WireInit(Bool(), init = false.B)
val dec_tlu_force_halt_bus = io.dec_tlu_force_halt | dec_tlu_force_halt_bus_q
val dec_tlu_force_halt_bus_ns = !io.bus_clk_en & dec_tlu_force_halt_bus
dec_tlu_force_halt_bus_q := withClock(io.free_clk) {RegNext(dec_tlu_force_halt_bus_ns, 0.U)}
val buf_rst = WireInit(0.U(1.W))
buf_rst :=0.U
buf_rst := dec_tlu_force_halt_bus
io.ahb.out.htrans := 0.U
val buf_state_en = WireInit(Bool(), init = false.B)
val ahbm_clk = Wire(Clock())
val ahbm_addr_clk = Wire(Clock())
val bus_clk = Wire(Clock())
val ahbm_data_clk = Wire(Clock())
val idle :: cmd_rd :: cmd_wr :: data_rd :: data_wr :: done :: stream_rd :: stream_err_rd :: Nil = Enum(8)
val buf_state = WireInit(0.U(3.W))
val buf_nxtstate = WireInit(0.U(3.W))
buf_state := withClock(ahbm_clk) { RegNext((Mux(buf_state_en.asBool() ,buf_nxtstate,buf_state) & Fill(3, !buf_rst)), 0.U) }
buf_state := rvdffsc_fpga(buf_nxtstate, buf_state_en.asBool(), buf_rst, bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
//logic signals
val slave_valid = WireInit(Bool(), init = false.B)
val slave_ready = WireInit(Bool(), init = false.B)
@ -46,10 +52,6 @@ class axi4_to_ahb(val TAG : Int = 3) extends Module with lib with RequireAsyncRe
val wrbuf_data = WireInit(0.U(64.W)) // [63:0]
val wrbuf_byteen = WireInit(0.U(8.W)) // [7:0]
val bus_write_clk_en = WireInit(Bool(), init = false.B)
val bus_clk = Wire(Clock())
val bus_write_clk = Wire(Clock())
val master_valid = WireInit(Bool(), init = false.B)
val master_ready = WireInit(0.U(1.W))
val master_tag = WireInit(0.U(TAG.W)) // [TAG-1:0]
@ -112,17 +114,15 @@ class axi4_to_ahb(val TAG : Int = 3) extends Module with lib with RequireAsyncRe
val last_bus_addr = WireInit(0.U(32.W)) // [31:0]
// Clocks
val buf_clken = WireInit(Bool(), init = false.B)
val slvbuf_clken = WireInit(Bool(), init = false.B)
val ahbm_addr_clken = WireInit(Bool(), init = false.B)
val ahbm_data_clken = WireInit(Bool(), init = false.B)
val buf_clk = Wire(Clock())
def get_write_size(byteen: UInt) = {
val size = ("b11".U & Fill(2, (byteen(7, 0) === "hff".U))) |
("b10".U & (Fill(2, ((byteen(7, 0) === "hf0".U) | (byteen(7, 0) === "h0f".U(8.W)))))) |
("b01".U(2.W) & (Fill(2, ((byteen(7, 0) === "hc0".U) | (byteen(7, 0) === "h30".U) | (byteen(7, 0) === "h0c".U(8.W)) | (byteen(7, 0) === "h03".U(8.W))))))
def get_write_addr(byteen_e: UInt) = {
val addr = ("h0".U(3.W) & (Fill(3, ((byteen_e(7, 0) === "hff".U) | (byteen_e(7, 0) === "h0f".U(8.W)) | (byteen_e(7, 0) === "h03".U(8.W)))))) |
("h2".U & (Fill(3, (byteen_e(7, 0) === "h0c".U(8.W))))) |
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ class axi4_to_ahb(val TAG : Int = 3) extends Module with lib with RequireAsyncRe
("h6".U & (Fill(3, (byteen_e(7, 0) === "hc0".U))))
def get_nxtbyte_ptr(current_byte_ptr: UInt, byteen: UInt, get_next: Bool): UInt = {
val start_ptr = Mux(get_next, current_byte_ptr + 1.U, current_byte_ptr)
val temp = (0 until 8).map(j => (byteen(j) & (j.asUInt() >= start_ptr)) -> j.U)
@ -156,12 +157,6 @@ class axi4_to_ahb(val TAG : Int = 3) extends Module with lib with RequireAsyncRe
||| := slave_rdata(63, 0)
slave_ready := io.axi.b.ready & io.axi.r.ready
// Clock header logic
bus_write_clk_en := io.bus_clk_en & (( & | (io.axi.w.valid & io.axi.w.ready))
bus_clk := rvclkhdr(clock, io.bus_clk_en, io.scan_mode)
bus_write_clk := rvclkhdr(clock, bus_write_clk_en.asBool(), io.scan_mode)
switch(buf_state) {
is(idle) {
master_ready := 1.U
@ -272,7 +267,7 @@ class axi4_to_ahb(val TAG : Int = 3) extends Module with lib with RequireAsyncRe
((master_size(1, 0) === "b11".U) & ((master_byteen(7, 0) === "h3".U) | (master_byteen(7, 0) === "hc".U) | (master_byteen(7, 0) === "h30".U) | (master_byteen(7, 0) === "hc0".U) |
(master_byteen(7, 0) === "hf".U) | (master_byteen(7, 0) === "hf0".U) | (master_byteen(7, 0) === "hff".U)))
// Generate the ahb signals
io.ahb.out.haddr := Mux(bypass_en.asBool(), Cat(master_addr(31, 3), buf_cmd_byte_ptr(2, 0)), Cat(buf_addr(31, 3), buf_cmd_byte_ptr(2, 0)))
io.ahb.out.haddr := Cat(Mux(bypass_en.asBool(), master_addr(31, 3), buf_addr(31, 3)), Fill(3, io.ahb.out.htrans === 2.U) & buf_cmd_byte_ptr)
io.ahb.out.hsize := Mux(bypass_en.asBool(), Cat(0.U, (Fill(2, buf_aligned_in) & buf_size_in(1, 0))), Cat("b0".U, (Fill(2, buf_aligned) & buf_size(1, 0))))
io.ahb.out.hburst := "b0".U
@ -291,50 +286,53 @@ class axi4_to_ahb(val TAG : Int = 3) extends Module with lib with RequireAsyncRe
wrbuf_en := & & master_ready
wrbuf_data_en := io.axi.w.valid & io.axi.w.ready & master_ready
wrbuf_cmd_sent := master_valid & master_ready & (master_opc(2, 1) === "b01".U)
wrbuf_rst := wrbuf_cmd_sent & !wrbuf_en
wrbuf_rst := (wrbuf_cmd_sent & !wrbuf_en) | dec_tlu_force_halt_bus
|||| := !(wrbuf_vld & !wrbuf_cmd_sent) & master_ready
io.axi.w.ready := !(wrbuf_data_vld & !wrbuf_cmd_sent) & master_ready
|||| := !(wrbuf_vld & wrbuf_data_vld) & master_ready
io.axi.r.bits.last := true.B
wrbuf_vld := withClock(bus_clk) {RegNext(Mux(wrbuf_en.asBool(),1.U,wrbuf_vld) & !wrbuf_rst, 0.U)}
wrbuf_data_vld := withClock(bus_clk) {RegNext(Mux(wrbuf_data_en.asBool(),1.U, wrbuf_data_vld) & !wrbuf_rst, 0.U)}
wrbuf_tag := withClock(bus_clk) {RegEnable( - 1, 0), 0.U, wrbuf_en.asBool())}
wrbuf_size := withClock(bus_clk) {RegEnable(, 0), 0.U, wrbuf_en.asBool())}
wrbuf_addr := rvdffe(, wrbuf_en.asBool,bus_clk,io.scan_mode)
wrbuf_data := rvdffe(, wrbuf_data_en.asBool,bus_clk,io.scan_mode)
wrbuf_byteen := withClock(bus_clk) {RegEnable(io.axi.w.bits.strb(7, 0), 0.U, wrbuf_data_en.asBool())}
last_bus_addr := withClock(ahbm_clk) {RegEnable(io.ahb.out.haddr(31, 0), 0.U, last_addr_en.asBool())}
buf_write := withClock(buf_clk) {RegEnable(buf_write_in, 0.U, buf_wr_en.asBool())}
buf_tag := withClock(buf_clk) {RegEnable(buf_tag_in(TAG - 1, 0), 0.U, buf_wr_en.asBool())}
wrbuf_vld := rvdffsc_fpga(1.U, wrbuf_en.asBool(), wrbuf_rst, bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
wrbuf_data_vld := rvdffsc_fpga(1.U, wrbuf_data_en.asBool(), wrbuf_rst, bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
wrbuf_tag := rvdffs_fpga( - 1, 0), wrbuf_en.asBool(), bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
wrbuf_size := rvdffs_fpga(, 0), wrbuf_en.asBool(), bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
wrbuf_addr := rvdffe(, wrbuf_en.asBool & io.bus_clk_en, clock, io.scan_mode)
wrbuf_data := rvdffe(, wrbuf_data_en.asBool & io.bus_clk_en, clock, io.scan_mode)
wrbuf_byteen := rvdffs_fpga(io.axi.w.bits.strb(7, 0), wrbuf_data_en.asBool(), bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
last_bus_addr := rvdffs_fpga(io.ahb.out.haddr(31, 0), last_addr_en.asBool(), bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
buf_write := rvdffs_fpga(buf_write_in, buf_wr_en.asBool(), buf_clk, buf_clken, clock)
buf_tag := rvdffs_fpga(buf_tag_in(TAG - 1, 0), buf_wr_en.asBool(), buf_clk, buf_clken, clock)
buf_addr := rvdffe(buf_addr_in(31, 0), (buf_wr_en & io.bus_clk_en).asBool, clock, io.scan_mode)
buf_size := withClock(buf_clk) {RegEnable(buf_size_in(1, 0), 0.U, buf_wr_en.asBool())}
buf_aligned := withClock(buf_clk) {RegEnable(buf_aligned_in, 0.U, buf_wr_en.asBool())}
buf_byteen := withClock(buf_clk) {RegEnable(buf_byteen_in(7, 0), 0.U, buf_wr_en.asBool())}
buf_size := rvdffs_fpga(buf_size_in(1, 0), buf_wr_en.asBool(), buf_clk, buf_clken, clock)
buf_aligned := rvdffs_fpga(buf_aligned_in, buf_wr_en.asBool(), buf_clk, buf_clken, clock)
buf_byteen := rvdffs_fpga(buf_byteen_in(7, 0), buf_wr_en.asBool(), buf_clk, buf_clken, clock)
buf_data := rvdffe(buf_data_in(63, 0), (buf_data_wr_en & io.bus_clk_en).asBool(), clock, io.scan_mode)
slvbuf_write := withClock(buf_clk) {RegEnable(buf_write, 0.U, slvbuf_wr_en.asBool())}
slvbuf_tag := withClock(buf_clk) {RegEnable(buf_tag(TAG - 1, 0), 0.U, slvbuf_wr_en.asBool())}
slvbuf_error := withClock(ahbm_clk) {RegEnable(slvbuf_error_in, 0.U, slvbuf_error_en.asBool())}
cmd_doneQ := withClock(ahbm_clk) {RegNext(Mux(cmd_done.asBool(),1.U,cmd_doneQ) & !cmd_done_rst, 0.U)}
buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ := withClock(ahbm_clk) {RegEnable(buf_cmd_byte_ptr(2, 0), 0.U, buf_cmd_byte_ptr_en.asBool())}
ahb_hready_q := withClock(ahbm_clk) {RegNext(, 0.U)}
ahb_htrans_q := withClock(ahbm_clk) {RegNext(io.ahb.out.htrans(1, 0), 0.U)}
ahb_hwrite_q := withClock(ahbm_addr_clk) {RegNext(io.ahb.out.hwrite, 0.U)}
ahb_hresp_q := withClock(ahbm_clk) {RegNext(, 0.U)}
ahb_hrdata_q := withClock(ahbm_data_clk) {RegNext(, 0), 0.U)}
slvbuf_write := rvdffs_fpga(buf_write, slvbuf_wr_en.asBool(), buf_clk, buf_clken, clock)
slvbuf_tag := rvdffs_fpga(buf_tag(TAG - 1, 0), slvbuf_wr_en.asBool(), buf_clk, buf_clken, clock)
slvbuf_error := rvdffs_fpga(slvbuf_error_in, slvbuf_error_en.asBool(), buf_clk, buf_clken, clock)
cmd_doneQ := rvdffsc_fpga(1.U, cmd_done.asBool(), cmd_done_rst, bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
buf_cmd_byte_ptrQ := rvdffs_fpga(buf_cmd_byte_ptr(2, 0), buf_cmd_byte_ptr_en.asBool(), bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
ahb_hready_q := rvdff_fpga(, bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
ahb_htrans_q := rvdff_fpga(io.ahb.out.htrans(1, 0), bus_clk,io.bus_clk_en, clock)
ahb_hwrite_q := rvdff_fpga(io.ahb.out.hwrite,bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
ahb_hresp_q := rvdff_fpga(,bus_clk, io.bus_clk_en, clock)
ahb_hrdata_q := rvdff_fpga(, 0), ahbm_data_clk, ahbm_data_clken, clock)
buf_clken := io.bus_clk_en & (buf_wr_en | slvbuf_wr_en | io.clk_override)
ahbm_addr_clken := io.bus_clk_en & (( & io.ahb.out.htrans(1)) | io.clk_override)
ahbm_data_clken := io.bus_clk_en & ((buf_state =/= idle) | io.clk_override)
bus_clk := 0.B.asClock()
buf_clk := 0.B.asClock()
ahbm_data_clk := 0.B.asClock()
else {
buf_clk := rvclkhdr(clock, buf_clken, io.scan_mode)
ahbm_clk := rvclkhdr(clock, io.bus_clk_en, io.scan_mode)
ahbm_addr_clk := rvclkhdr(clock, ahbm_addr_clken, io.scan_mode)
bus_clk := rvclkhdr(clock, io.bus_clk_en, io.scan_mode)
ahbm_data_clk := rvclkhdr(clock, ahbm_data_clken, io.scan_mode)
//object axi4_to_ahb extends App {
// println((new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new axi4_to_ahb(3)))
object axi4_to_ahb extends App {
println((new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new axi4_to_ahb(1)))
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue