vwayhit corrected

This commit is contained in:
​Laraib Khan 2021-01-22 14:59:02 +05:00
parent 5ec570e847
commit ef2f0bbbb2
10 changed files with 2286 additions and 2721 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
@ -6,6 +15,13 @@
@ -13,13 +29,7 @@
@ -29,6 +39,13 @@
@ -36,56 +53,7 @@
@ -105,35 +73,6 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -370,7 +370,9 @@ if(!BTB_FULLYA) {
val rets_out = Wire(Vec(RET_STACK_SIZE, UInt(32.W)))
rets_out := (0 until RET_STACK_SIZE).map(i=>0.U)
// Final target if its a RET then pop else take the target pc
io.ifu_bp_btb_target_f := ((Fill(31,(btb_rd_ret_f & !btb_rd_call_f & rets_out(0)(0) & io.ifu_bp_hit_taken_f)) & rets_out(0)(31,1)) |
// mux in the return stack address here for a predicted return assuming the RS is valid, quite if no prediction
io.ifu_bp_btb_target_f := ((Fill(31,(btb_rd_ret_f & !btb_rd_call_f & rets_out(0)(0) & io.ifu_bp_hit_taken_f)) & rets_out(0)(31,1)) |
(Fill(31,(!btb_rd_ret_f & !btb_rd_call_f & rets_out(0)(0) & io.ifu_bp_hit_taken_f)) & bp_btb_target_adder_f(31,1)))
// Return stack
@ -437,7 +439,11 @@ if(!BTB_FULLYA) {
// Writing is always done from dec or exu check if the dec have a valid data
val btb_wr_addr = Mux(dec_tlu_error_wb.asBool, btb_error_addr_wb, exu_mp_addr)
vwayhit_f := (Fill(2,io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(0)) & wayhit_f(1,0)) | ((Fill(2,io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(1)) & Cat(wayhit_p1_f(0),wayhit_f(1))) & Cat(eoc_mask,1.U))
val vwayhit_f = Mux1H(Seq(!io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(0).asBool->wayhit_f,
io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(0).asBool->Cat(wayhit_p1_f(0), wayhit_f(1)))) & Cat(eoc_mask, 1.U(1.W))
// vwayhit_f := (Fill(2,io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(0)) & wayhit_f(1,0)) | ((Fill(2,io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(1)) & Cat(wayhit_p1_f(0),wayhit_f(1))) & Cat(eoc_mask,1.U))
val btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_out = (0 until LRU_SIZE).map(i => rvdffe(btb_wr_data, ((btb_wr_addr === i.U) & btb_wr_en_way0).asBool, clock, io.scan_mode))
val btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_out = (0 until LRU_SIZE).map(i => rvdffe(btb_wr_data, ((btb_wr_addr === i.U) & btb_wr_en_way1).asBool, clock, io.scan_mode))
@ -449,59 +455,60 @@ if(!BTB_FULLYA) {
btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f := Mux1H((0 until LRU_SIZE).map(i => (btb_rd_addr_p1_f === i.U).asBool -> btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_out(i)))
btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f := Mux1H((0 until LRU_SIZE).map(i => (btb_rd_addr_p1_f === i.U).asBool -> btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_out(i)))
val fetch_mp_collision_f = WireInit(Bool(),init = false.B)
val fetch_mp_collision_p1_f = WireInit(Bool() ,init = false.B)
// Fully Associative tag hash uses bits 31:3. Bits 2:1 are the offset bits used for the 4 tag comp banks
// Full tag used to speed up lookup. There is one 31:3 cmp per entry, and 4 2:1 cmps per entry.
val ifc_fetch_addr_p1_f = io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(FA_CMP_LOWER-1,1) + 1.U
// val fetch_mp_collision_f = ((io.exu_bp.exu_mp_btag(BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1,0) === io.ifc_fetch_addr_f) & exu_mp_valid & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~io.exu_bp.exu_mp_pkt.bits.way)
// val fetch_mp_collision_p1_f = ( (io.exu_bp.exu_mp_btag(BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1,0) === Cat(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(30,FA_CMP_LOWER), ifc_fetch_addr_p1_f(FA_CMP_LOWER-1,1))) & exu_mp_valid & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~io.exu_bp.exu_mp_pkt.bits.way)
// val btb_upper_hit = Wire(Vec(BTB_SIZE,Bool()))
val btb_offset_0 = WireInit(UInt(BTB_SIZE.W) ,init = 0.U)
val btb_used = WireInit(UInt(BTB_SIZE.W) ,init = 0.U)
val btb_offset_1 = WireInit(UInt(BTB_SIZE.W) ,init = 0.U)
val wr0_en = WireInit(UInt(BTB_SIZE.W) ,init = 0.U)
val btbdata = Wire(Vec(BTB_SIZE,UInt(BTB_DWIDTH.W)))
btbdata := btbdata.map(i=> 0.U)
val hit0 = WireInit(UInt(1.W) ,init = 0.U)
val hit1 = WireInit(UInt(1.W) ,init = 0.U)
// btb_upper_hit := (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> ((btbdata(i)(BTB_DWIDTH_TOP,FA_TAG_END_UPPER) === io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(30,FA_CMP_LOWER)) & btbdata(i)(0) & ~wr0_en(i)))
// val btb_offset_0 = (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> (btbdata(i)(FA_TAG_START_LOWER,FA_TAG_END_LOWER) === io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(FA_CMP_LOWER-1,1)) & btb_upper_hit(i))
// val btb_offset_1 = (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> (btbdata(i)(FA_TAG_START_LOWER,FA_TAG_END_LOWER) === ifc_fetch_addr_p1_f(FA_CMP_LOWER-1,1)) & btb_upper_hit(i))
// hit unless we are also writing this entry at the same time
val hit0_index = MuxCase(1.U, (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> btb_offset_0(i) -> i.U))
val hit1_index = MuxCase(1.U, (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> btb_offset_1(i) -> i.U))
// Mux out the 2 potential branches
btb_vbank0_rd_data_f := (0 until BTB_SIZE ).map(i=> if(btb_offset_1(i) == 1) Mux(fetch_mp_collision_f,btb_wr_data,btbdata(i)) else 0.U ).reverse.reduce(Cat(_,_))
btb_vbank1_rd_data_f :=(0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> if(btb_offset_1(i) == 1) Mux(fetch_mp_collision_p1_f,btb_wr_data,btbdata(i)) else 0.U).reverse.reduce(Cat(_,_))
val btb_fa_wr_addr0 = MuxCase(1.U, (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> !btb_used(i) -> i.U))
vwayhit_f := Cat(hit1,hit0) & Cat(eoc_mask,1.U)
way_raw := vwayhit_f | Cat(fetch_mp_collision_p1_f, fetch_mp_collision_f)
wr0_en := (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> ((btb_fa_wr_addr0(BTB_FA_INDEX,0) === i.asUInt()) & (exu_mp_valid_write & ~io.exu_bp.exu_mp_pkt.bits.way)) |
((io.dec_fa_error_index === i.asUInt()) & dec_tlu_error_wb)).reverse.reduce(Cat(_,_))
btbdata := (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> rvdffe(btb_wr_data,wr0_en(i),clock,io.scan_mode))
io.ifu_bp_fa_index_f(1) := Mux(hit1,hit1_index,0.U)
io.ifu_bp_fa_index_f(0) := Mux(hit0,hit0_index,0.U)
val btb_used_reset = btb_used.andR()
val btb_used_ns = Mux1H(Seq(
vwayhit_f(1).asBool -> (1.U(32.W) << hit1_index(BTB_FA_INDEX,0)),
vwayhit_f(0).asBool() -> (1.U(32.W) << hit0_index(BTB_FA_INDEX,0)),
(exu_mp_valid_write & !io.exu_bp.exu_mp_pkt.bits.way & !dec_tlu_error_wb).asBool() -> (1.U(32.W) << btb_fa_wr_addr0(BTB_FA_INDEX,0)),
btb_used_reset.asBool -> Fill(BTB_SIZE,0.U),
(!btb_used_reset & dec_tlu_error_wb ).asBool -> (btb_used & ~(1.U(32.W) << io.dec_fa_error_index(BTB_FA_INDEX,0))),
!(btb_used_reset | dec_tlu_error_wb ).asBool() -> btb_used
val write_used = btb_used_reset | io.ifu_bp_hit_taken_f | exu_mp_valid_write | dec_tlu_error_wb
btb_used := rvdffe(btb_used_ns,write_used.asBool(),clock,io.scan_mode)
// if(BTB_FULLYA){
// val fetch_mp_collision_f = WireInit(Bool(),init = false.B)
// val fetch_mp_collision_p1_f = WireInit(Bool() ,init = false.B)
// // Fully Associative tag hash uses bits 31:3. Bits 2:1 are the offset bits used for the 4 tag comp banks
// // Full tag used to speed up lookup. There is one 31:3 cmp per entry, and 4 2:1 cmps per entry.
// val ifc_fetch_addr_p1_f = io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(FA_CMP_LOWER-1,1) + 1.U
// // val fetch_mp_collision_f = ((io.exu_bp.exu_mp_btag(BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1,0) === io.ifc_fetch_addr_f) & exu_mp_valid & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~io.exu_bp.exu_mp_pkt.bits.way)
// // val fetch_mp_collision_p1_f = ( (io.exu_bp.exu_mp_btag(BTB_BTAG_SIZE-1,0) === Cat(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(30,FA_CMP_LOWER), ifc_fetch_addr_p1_f(FA_CMP_LOWER-1,1))) & exu_mp_valid & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~io.exu_bp.exu_mp_pkt.bits.way)
// // val btb_upper_hit = Wire(Vec(BTB_SIZE,Bool()))
// val btb_offset_0 = WireInit(UInt(BTB_SIZE.W) ,init = 0.U)
// val btb_used = WireInit(UInt(BTB_SIZE.W) ,init = 0.U)
// val btb_offset_1 = WireInit(UInt(BTB_SIZE.W) ,init = 0.U)
// val wr0_en = WireInit(UInt(BTB_SIZE.W) ,init = 0.U)
// val btbdata = Wire(Vec(BTB_SIZE,UInt(BTB_DWIDTH.W)))
// btbdata := btbdata.map(i=> 0.U)
// val hit0 = WireInit(UInt(1.W) ,init = 0.U)
// val hit1 = WireInit(UInt(1.W) ,init = 0.U)
// // btb_upper_hit := (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> ((btbdata(i)(BTB_DWIDTH_TOP,FA_TAG_END_UPPER) === io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(30,FA_CMP_LOWER)) & btbdata(i)(0) & ~wr0_en(i)))
// // val btb_offset_0 = (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> (btbdata(i)(FA_TAG_START_LOWER,FA_TAG_END_LOWER) === io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(FA_CMP_LOWER-1,1)) & btb_upper_hit(i))
// // val btb_offset_1 = (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> (btbdata(i)(FA_TAG_START_LOWER,FA_TAG_END_LOWER) === ifc_fetch_addr_p1_f(FA_CMP_LOWER-1,1)) & btb_upper_hit(i))
// // hit unless we are also writing this entry at the same time
// val hit0_index = MuxCase(1.U, (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> btb_offset_0(i) -> i.U))
// val hit1_index = MuxCase(1.U, (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> btb_offset_1(i) -> i.U))
// // Mux out the 2 potential branches
// btb_vbank0_rd_data_f := (0 until BTB_SIZE ).map(i=> if(btb_offset_1(i) == 1) Mux(fetch_mp_collision_f,btb_wr_data,btbdata(i)) else 0.U ).reverse.reduce(Cat(_,_))
// btb_vbank1_rd_data_f :=(0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> if(btb_offset_1(i) == 1) Mux(fetch_mp_collision_p1_f,btb_wr_data,btbdata(i)) else 0.U).reverse.reduce(Cat(_,_))
// val btb_fa_wr_addr0 = MuxCase(1.U, (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> !btb_used(i) -> i.U))
// vwayhit_f := Cat(hit1,hit0) & Cat(eoc_mask,1.U)
// way_raw := vwayhit_f | Cat(fetch_mp_collision_p1_f, fetch_mp_collision_f)
// wr0_en := (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> ((btb_fa_wr_addr0(BTB_FA_INDEX,0) === i.asUInt()) & (exu_mp_valid_write & ~io.exu_bp.exu_mp_pkt.bits.way)) |
// ((io.dec_fa_error_index === i.asUInt()) & dec_tlu_error_wb)).reverse.reduce(Cat(_,_))
// btbdata := (0 until BTB_SIZE).map(i=> rvdffe(btb_wr_data,wr0_en(i),clock,io.scan_mode))
// io.ifu_bp_fa_index_f(1) := Mux(hit1,hit1_index,0.U)
// io.ifu_bp_fa_index_f(0) := Mux(hit0,hit0_index,0.U)
// val btb_used_reset = btb_used.andR()
// val btb_used_ns = Mux1H(Seq(
// vwayhit_f(1).asBool -> (1.U(32.W) << hit1_index(BTB_FA_INDEX,0)),
// vwayhit_f(0).asBool() -> (1.U(32.W) << hit0_index(BTB_FA_INDEX,0)),
// (exu_mp_valid_write & !io.exu_bp.exu_mp_pkt.bits.way & !dec_tlu_error_wb).asBool() -> (1.U(32.W) << btb_fa_wr_addr0(BTB_FA_INDEX,0)),
// btb_used_reset.asBool -> Fill(BTB_SIZE,0.U),
// (!btb_used_reset & dec_tlu_error_wb ).asBool -> (btb_used & ~(1.U(32.W) << io.dec_fa_error_index(BTB_FA_INDEX,0))),
// !(btb_used_reset | dec_tlu_error_wb ).asBool() -> btb_used
// ))
// val write_used = btb_used_reset | io.ifu_bp_hit_taken_f | exu_mp_valid_write | dec_tlu_error_wb
// btb_used := rvdffe(btb_used_ns,write_used.asBool(),clock,io.scan_mode)
// }
val bht_bank_clken = Wire(Vec(2, Vec(BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH/NUM_BHT_LOOP, Bool())))
@ -540,6 +547,6 @@ if(!BTB_FULLYA) {
bht_bank1_rd_data_f := Mux1H((0 until BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH).map(i=>(bht_rd_addr_f===i.U).asBool->bht_bank_rd_data_out(1)(i)))
bht_bank0_rd_data_p1_f := Mux1H((0 until BHT_ARRAY_DEPTH).map(i=>(bht_rd_addr_p1_f===i.U).asBool->bht_bank_rd_data_out(0)(i)))
object bp extends App {
object bp_MAIN extends App {
println((new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new ifu_bp_ctl()))

View File

@ -161,5 +161,4 @@ trait param {
val BTB_ENABLE = 0x1
val BTB_FULLYA = 0x00