Compressed with obj
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,4 @@
@ -3,10 +3,129 @@ circuit el2_ifu_bp_ctl :
module el2_ifu_bp_ctl :
module el2_ifu_bp_ctl :
input clock : Clock
input clock : Clock
input reset : UInt<1>
input reset : UInt<1>
output io : {flip in : UInt<32>, flip in2 : UInt<32>, out : UInt}
output io : {flip clk : UInt<1>, flip active_clk : UInt<1>, flip rst_l : UInt<1>, flip ic_hit_f : UInt<1>, flip ifc_fetch_addr_f : UInt<32>, flip ifc_fetch_req_f : UInt<1>, flip dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt : {valid : UInt<1>, hist : UInt<2>, br_error : UInt<1>, br_start_error : UInt<1>, way : UInt<1>, middle : UInt<1>}, flip exu_i0_br_fghr_r : UInt<8>, flip exu_i0_br_index_r : UInt<7>, flip dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb : UInt<1>, flip dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb : UInt<1>, flip dec_tlu_bpred_disable : UInt<1>, flip exu_mp_pkt : {misp : UInt<1>, ataken : UInt<1>, boffset : UInt<1>, pc4 : UInt<1>, hist : UInt<2>, toffset : UInt<12>, valid : UInt<1>, br_error : UInt<1>, br_start_error : UInt<1>, prett : UInt<32>, pcall : UInt<1>, pret : UInt<1>, pja : UInt<1>, way : UInt<1>}, flip exu_mp_eghr : UInt<8>, flip exu_mp_fghr : UInt<8>, flip exu_mp_index : UInt<7>, flip exu_mp_btag : UInt<5>, flip exu_flush_final : UInt<1>, ifu_bp_hit_taken_f : UInt<1>, ifu_bp_btb_target_f : UInt<31>, ifu_bp_inst_mask_f : UInt<1>, ifu_bp_fghr_f : UInt<8>, ifu_bp_way_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_ret_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_hist1_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_hist0_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_pc4_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_valid_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_poffset_f : UInt<12>}
node _T = bits(, 9, 2) @[el2_lib.scala 35:30]
io.ifu_bp_hit_taken_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 42:25]
node _T_1 = bits(io.in2, 7, 0) @[el2_lib.scala 35:53]
io.ifu_bp_btb_target_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 43:26]
node _T_2 = xor(_T, _T_1) @[el2_lib.scala 35:48]
io.ifu_bp_inst_mask_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 44:25]
io.out <= _T_2 @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 13:10]
io.ifu_bp_fghr_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 45:20]
io.ifu_bp_way_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 46:19]
io.ifu_bp_ret_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 47:19]
io.ifu_bp_hist1_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 48:21]
io.ifu_bp_hist0_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 49:21]
io.ifu_bp_pc4_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 50:19]
io.ifu_bp_valid_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 51:21]
io.ifu_bp_poffset_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 52:23]
wire leak_one_f : UInt<1>
leak_one_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T = not(leak_one_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 67:43]
node exu_mp_valid = and(io.exu_mp_pkt.misp, _T) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 67:41]
wire fetch_rd_tag_p1_f : UInt<5>
fetch_rd_tag_p1_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fetch_rd_tag_f : UInt<5>
fetch_rd_tag_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire bht_dir_f : UInt<2>
bht_dir_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire dec_tlu_error_wb : UInt<1>
dec_tlu_error_wb <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire btb_error_addr_wb : UInt<7>
btb_error_addr_wb <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f : UInt<22>
btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f : UInt<22>
btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f : UInt<22>
btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f : UInt<22>
btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire dec_tlu_way_wb : UInt<1>
dec_tlu_way_wb <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T_1 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 9, 2) @[el2_lib.scala 182:12]
node _T_2 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 17, 10) @[el2_lib.scala 182:46]
node _T_3 = xor(_T_1, _T_2) @[el2_lib.scala 182:42]
node _T_4 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 25, 18) @[el2_lib.scala 182:80]
node btb_rd_addr_f = xor(_T_3, _T_4) @[el2_lib.scala 182:76]
node _T_5 = add(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, UInt<3>("h04")) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 103:45]
node fetch_addr_p1_f = tail(_T_5, 1) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 103:45]
node _T_6 = bits(fetch_addr_p1_f, 9, 2) @[el2_lib.scala 182:12]
node _T_7 = bits(fetch_addr_p1_f, 17, 10) @[el2_lib.scala 182:46]
node _T_8 = xor(_T_6, _T_7) @[el2_lib.scala 182:42]
node _T_9 = bits(fetch_addr_p1_f, 25, 18) @[el2_lib.scala 182:80]
node btb_rd_addr_p1_f = xor(_T_8, _T_9) @[el2_lib.scala 182:76]
node _T_10 = bits(bht_dir_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 108:33]
node _T_11 = not(_T_10) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 108:23]
node _T_12 = bits(bht_dir_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 108:46]
node btb_sel_f = cat(_T_11, _T_12) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_13 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 1, 1) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 111:46]
node _T_14 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 1, 1) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 111:70]
node _T_15 = not(_T_14) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 111:50]
node fetch_start_f = cat(_T_13, _T_15) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_16 = eq(btb_error_addr_wb, btb_rd_addr_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 114:72]
node branch_error_collision_f = and(dec_tlu_error_wb, _T_16) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 114:51]
node _T_17 = eq(btb_error_addr_wb, btb_rd_addr_p1_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 115:75]
node branch_error_collision_p1_f = and(dec_tlu_error_wb, _T_17) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 115:54]
node branch_error_bank_conflict_f = and(branch_error_collision_f, dec_tlu_error_wb) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 118:63]
node branch_error_bank_conflict_p1_f = and(branch_error_collision_p1_f, dec_tlu_error_wb) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 119:69]
node _T_18 = eq(io.exu_mp_btag, fetch_rd_tag_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 122:46]
node _T_19 = and(_T_18, exu_mp_valid) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 122:66]
node _T_20 = and(_T_19, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 122:81]
node _T_21 = eq(io.exu_mp_index, btb_rd_addr_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 122:117]
node fetch_mp_collision_f = and(_T_20, _T_21) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 122:102]
node _T_22 = eq(io.exu_mp_btag, fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 123:49]
node _T_23 = and(_T_22, exu_mp_valid) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 123:72]
node _T_24 = and(_T_23, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 123:87]
node _T_25 = eq(io.exu_mp_index, btb_rd_addr_p1_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 123:123]
node fetch_mp_collision_p1_f = and(_T_24, _T_25) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 123:108]
reg leak_one_f_d1 : UInt<1>, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 125:30]
leak_one_f_d1 <= leak_one_f @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 125:30]
reg dec_tlu_way_wb_f : UInt<1>, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 126:33]
dec_tlu_way_wb_f <= dec_tlu_way_wb @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 126:33]
reg exu_mp_way_f : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 127:29]
exu_mp_way_f <= io.exu_mp_pkt.way @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 127:29]
reg exu_flush_final_d1 : UInt<1>, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 128:35]
exu_flush_final_d1 <= io.exu_flush_final @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 128:35]
node _T_26 = and(io.dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb, io.dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 130:47]
node _T_27 = and(leak_one_f_d1, io.dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 130:93]
node _T_28 = or(_T_26, _T_27) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 130:76]
leak_one_f <= _T_28 @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 130:14]
node _T_29 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 133:50]
node _T_30 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f, 21, 17) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 133:82]
node _T_31 = eq(_T_30, fetch_rd_tag_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 133:97]
node _T_32 = and(_T_29, _T_31) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 133:55]
node _T_33 = and(dec_tlu_way_wb_f, branch_error_bank_conflict_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 134:22]
node _T_34 = not(_T_33) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 134:3]
node _T_35 = and(_T_32, _T_34) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 133:117]
node _T_36 = and(_T_35, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 134:54]
node _T_37 = not(leak_one_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 134:77]
node tag_match_way0_f = and(_T_36, _T_37) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 134:75]
node _T_38 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 136:50]
node _T_39 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f, 21, 17) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 136:82]
node _T_40 = eq(_T_39, fetch_rd_tag_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 136:97]
node _T_41 = and(_T_38, _T_40) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 136:55]
node _T_42 = and(dec_tlu_way_wb_f, branch_error_bank_conflict_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 137:22]
node _T_43 = not(_T_42) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 137:3]
node _T_44 = and(_T_41, _T_43) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 136:117]
node _T_45 = and(_T_44, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 137:54]
node _T_46 = not(leak_one_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 137:77]
node tag_match_way1_f = and(_T_45, _T_46) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 137:75]
node _T_47 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 139:56]
node _T_48 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f, 21, 17) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 139:91]
node _T_49 = eq(_T_48, fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 139:106]
node _T_50 = and(_T_47, _T_49) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 139:61]
node _T_51 = and(dec_tlu_way_wb_f, branch_error_bank_conflict_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 140:24]
node _T_52 = not(_T_51) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 140:5]
node _T_53 = and(_T_50, _T_52) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 139:129]
node _T_54 = and(_T_53, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 140:56]
node _T_55 = not(leak_one_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 140:79]
node tag_match_way0_p1_f = and(_T_54, _T_55) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 140:77]
node _T_56 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 142:56]
node _T_57 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f, 21, 17) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 142:91]
node _T_58 = eq(_T_57, fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 142:106]
node _T_59 = and(_T_56, _T_58) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 142:61]
node _T_60 = and(dec_tlu_way_wb_f, branch_error_bank_conflict_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 143:24]
node _T_61 = not(_T_60) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 143:5]
node _T_62 = and(_T_59, _T_61) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 142:129]
node _T_63 = and(_T_62, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 143:56]
node _T_64 = not(leak_one_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 143:79]
node tag_match_way1_p1_f = and(_T_63, _T_64) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 143:77]
@ -1,9 +1,63 @@
module el2_ifu_bp_ctl(
module el2_ifu_bp_ctl(
input clock,
input clock,
input reset,
input reset,
input [31:0] io_in,
input io_clk,
input [31:0] io_in2,
input io_active_clk,
output [7:0] io_out
input io_rst_l,
input io_ic_hit_f,
input [31:0] io_ifc_fetch_addr_f,
input io_ifc_fetch_req_f,
input io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_valid,
input [1:0] io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_hist,
input io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_br_error,
input io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_br_start_error,
input io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_way,
input io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_middle,
input [7:0] io_exu_i0_br_fghr_r,
input [6:0] io_exu_i0_br_index_r,
input io_dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb,
input io_dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb,
input io_dec_tlu_bpred_disable,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_misp,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_ataken,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_boffset,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_pc4,
input [1:0] io_exu_mp_pkt_hist,
input [11:0] io_exu_mp_pkt_toffset,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_valid,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_br_error,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_br_start_error,
input [31:0] io_exu_mp_pkt_prett,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_pcall,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_pret,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_pja,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_way,
input [7:0] io_exu_mp_eghr,
input [7:0] io_exu_mp_fghr,
input [6:0] io_exu_mp_index,
input [4:0] io_exu_mp_btag,
input io_exu_flush_final,
output io_ifu_bp_hit_taken_f,
output [30:0] io_ifu_bp_btb_target_f,
output io_ifu_bp_inst_mask_f,
output [7:0] io_ifu_bp_fghr_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_way_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_ret_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_hist1_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_hist0_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_pc4_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_valid_f,
output [11:0] io_ifu_bp_poffset_f
assign io_out = io_in[9:2] ^ io_in2[7:0]; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 13:10]
assign io_ifu_bp_hit_taken_f = 1'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 42:25]
assign io_ifu_bp_btb_target_f = 31'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 43:26]
assign io_ifu_bp_inst_mask_f = 1'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 44:25]
assign io_ifu_bp_fghr_f = 8'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 45:20]
assign io_ifu_bp_way_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 46:19]
assign io_ifu_bp_ret_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 47:19]
assign io_ifu_bp_hist1_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 48:21]
assign io_ifu_bp_hist0_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 49:21]
assign io_ifu_bp_pc4_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 50:19]
assign io_ifu_bp_valid_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 51:21]
assign io_ifu_bp_poffset_f = 12'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 52:23]
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
module el2_ifu_compress(
input clock,
input reset,
input [31:0] io_in,
output [31:0] io_out_bits,
output [4:0] io_out_rd,
output [4:0] io_out_rs1,
output [4:0] io_out_rs2,
output [4:0] io_out_rs3,
output io_rvc
wire _T_3 = |io_in[12:5]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 49:29]
wire [6:0] _T_4 = _T_3 ? 7'h13 : 7'h1f; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 49:20]
wire [4:0] _T_14 = {2'h1,io_in[4:2]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [29:0] _T_18 = {io_in[10:7],io_in[12:11],io_in[5],io_in[6],2'h0,5'h2,3'h0,2'h1,io_in[4:2],_T_4}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [7:0] _T_28 = {io_in[6:5],io_in[12:10],3'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [4:0] _T_30 = {2'h1,io_in[9:7]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_36 = {io_in[6:5],io_in[12:10],3'h0,2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h3,2'h1,io_in[4:2],7'h7}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [6:0] _T_50 = {io_in[5],io_in[12:10],io_in[6],2'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [26:0] _T_58 = {io_in[5],io_in[12:10],io_in[6],2'h0,2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h2,2'h1,io_in[4:2],7'h3}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_78 = {io_in[6:5],io_in[12:10],3'h0,2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h3,2'h1,io_in[4:2],7'h3}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [26:0] _T_109 = {_T_50[6:5],2'h1,io_in[4:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h2,_T_50[4:0],7'h3f}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_136 = {_T_28[7:5],2'h1,io_in[4:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h3,_T_28[4:0],7'h27}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [26:0] _T_167 = {_T_50[6:5],2'h1,io_in[4:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h2,_T_50[4:0],7'h23}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_194 = {_T_28[7:5],2'h1,io_in[4:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h3,_T_28[4:0],7'h23}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [6:0] _T_205 = io_in[12] ? 7'h7f : 7'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [11:0] _T_207 = {_T_205,io_in[6:2]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_213 = {_T_205,io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h0,io_in[11:7],7'h13}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire _T_221 = |io_in[11:7]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 73:24]
wire [6:0] _T_222 = _T_221 ? 7'h1b : 7'h1f; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 73:20]
wire [31:0] _T_233 = {_T_205,io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h0,io_in[11:7],_T_222}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_249 = {_T_205,io_in[6:2],5'h0,3'h0,io_in[11:7],7'h13}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire _T_260 = |_T_207; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 86:29]
wire [6:0] _T_261 = _T_260 ? 7'h37 : 7'h3f; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 86:20]
wire [14:0] _T_264 = io_in[12] ? 15'h7fff : 15'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_267 = {_T_264,io_in[6:2],12'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_271 = {_T_267[31:12],io_in[11:7],_T_261}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire _T_279 = io_in[11:7] == 5'h0; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:14]
wire _T_281 = io_in[11:7] == 5'h2; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:27]
wire _T_282 = _T_279 | _T_281; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:21]
wire [6:0] _T_289 = _T_260 ? 7'h13 : 7'h1f; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 82:20]
wire [2:0] _T_292 = io_in[12] ? 3'h7 : 3'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_307 = {_T_292,io_in[4:3],io_in[5],io_in[2],io_in[6],4'h0,io_in[11:7],3'h0,io_in[11:7],_T_289}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_314_bits = _T_282 ? _T_307 : _T_271; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:10]
wire [4:0] _T_314_rd = _T_282 ? io_in[11:7] : io_in[11:7]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:10]
wire [4:0] _T_314_rs2 = _T_282 ? _T_14 : _T_14; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:10]
wire [4:0] _T_314_rs3 = _T_282 ? io_in[31:27] : io_in[31:27]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:10]
wire [25:0] _T_325 = {io_in[12],io_in[6:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h5,2'h1,io_in[9:7],7'h13}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [30:0] _GEN_172 = {{5'd0}, _T_325}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 95:23]
wire [30:0] _T_337 = _GEN_172 | 31'h40000000; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 95:23]
wire [31:0] _T_350 = {_T_205,io_in[6:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h7,2'h1,io_in[9:7],7'h13}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _T_354 = {io_in[12],io_in[6:5]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire _T_356 = io_in[6:5] == 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 99:30]
wire [30:0] _T_357 = _T_356 ? 31'h40000000 : 31'h0; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 99:22]
wire [6:0] _T_359 = io_in[12] ? 7'h3b : 7'h33; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 100:22]
wire [2:0] _GEN_1 = 3'h1 == _T_354 ? 3'h4 : 3'h0; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_2 = 3'h2 == _T_354 ? 3'h6 : _GEN_1; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_3 = 3'h3 == _T_354 ? 3'h7 : _GEN_2; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_4 = 3'h4 == _T_354 ? 3'h0 : _GEN_3; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_5 = 3'h5 == _T_354 ? 3'h0 : _GEN_4; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_6 = 3'h6 == _T_354 ? 3'h2 : _GEN_5; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_7 = 3'h7 == _T_354 ? 3'h3 : _GEN_6; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_369 = {2'h1,io_in[4:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],_GEN_7,2'h1,io_in[9:7],_T_359}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [30:0] _GEN_173 = {{6'd0}, _T_369}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 101:43]
wire [30:0] _T_370 = _GEN_173 | _T_357; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 101:43]
wire [31:0] _T_371_0 = {{6'd0}, _T_325}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19]
wire [31:0] _T_371_1 = {{1'd0}, _T_337}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19]
wire [31:0] _GEN_9 = 2'h1 == io_in[11:10] ? _T_371_1 : _T_371_0; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_10 = 2'h2 == io_in[11:10] ? _T_350 : _GEN_9; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_371_3 = {{1'd0}, _T_370}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19]
wire [31:0] _GEN_11 = 2'h3 == io_in[11:10] ? _T_371_3 : _GEN_10; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [9:0] _T_383 = io_in[12] ? 10'h3ff : 10'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [20:0] _T_398 = {_T_383,io_in[8],io_in[10:9],io_in[6],io_in[7],io_in[2],io_in[11],io_in[5:3],1'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_461 = {_T_398[20],_T_398[10:1],_T_398[11],_T_398[19:12],5'h0,7'h6f}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [4:0] _T_470 = io_in[12] ? 5'h1f : 5'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [12:0] _T_479 = {_T_470,io_in[6:5],io_in[2],io_in[11:10],io_in[4:3],1'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_528 = {_T_479[12],_T_479[10:5],5'h0,2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h0,_T_479[4:1],_T_479[11],7'h63}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_595 = {_T_479[12],_T_479[10:5],5'h0,2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h1,_T_479[4:1],_T_479[11],7'h63}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [6:0] _T_602 = _T_221 ? 7'h3 : 7'h1f; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 109:23]
wire [25:0] _T_611 = {io_in[12],io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h1,io_in[11:7],7'h13}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [28:0] _T_627 = {io_in[4:2],io_in[12],io_in[6:5],3'h0,5'h2,3'h3,io_in[11:7],7'h7}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_642 = {io_in[3:2],io_in[12],io_in[6:4],2'h0,5'h2,3'h2,io_in[11:7],_T_602}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [28:0] _T_657 = {io_in[4:2],io_in[12],io_in[6:5],3'h0,5'h2,3'h3,io_in[11:7],_T_602}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_667 = {io_in[6:2],5'h0,3'h0,io_in[11:7],7'h33}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_678 = {io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h0,io_in[11:7],7'h33}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_689 = {io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h0,12'h67}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_691 = {_T_689[24:7],7'h1f}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_694 = _T_221 ? _T_689 : _T_691; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 130:33]
wire _T_700 = |io_in[6:2]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:27]
wire [31:0] _T_671_bits = {{7'd0}, _T_667}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_698_bits = {{7'd0}, _T_694}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_701_bits = _T_700 ? _T_671_bits : _T_698_bits; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:22]
wire [4:0] _T_701_rd = _T_700 ? io_in[11:7] : 5'h0; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:22]
wire [4:0] _T_701_rs1 = _T_700 ? 5'h0 : io_in[11:7]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:22]
wire [4:0] _T_701_rs2 = _T_700 ? io_in[6:2] : io_in[6:2]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:22]
wire [4:0] _T_701_rs3 = _T_700 ? io_in[31:27] : io_in[31:27]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:22]
wire [24:0] _T_707 = {io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h0,12'he7}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_709 = {_T_689[24:7],7'h73}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_710 = _T_709 | 25'h100000; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 133:46]
wire [24:0] _T_713 = _T_221 ? _T_707 : _T_710; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 134:33]
wire [31:0] _T_683_bits = {{7'd0}, _T_678}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_717_bits = {{7'd0}, _T_713}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_720_bits = _T_700 ? _T_683_bits : _T_717_bits; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 135:25]
wire [4:0] _T_720_rd = _T_700 ? io_in[11:7] : 5'h1; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 135:25]
wire [4:0] _T_720_rs1 = _T_700 ? io_in[11:7] : io_in[11:7]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 135:25]
wire [31:0] _T_722_bits = io_in[12] ? _T_720_bits : _T_701_bits; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 136:10]
wire [4:0] _T_722_rd = io_in[12] ? _T_720_rd : _T_701_rd; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 136:10]
wire [4:0] _T_722_rs1 = io_in[12] ? _T_720_rs1 : _T_701_rs1; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 136:10]
wire [4:0] _T_722_rs2 = io_in[12] ? _T_701_rs2 : _T_701_rs2; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 136:10]
wire [4:0] _T_722_rs3 = io_in[12] ? _T_701_rs3 : _T_701_rs3; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 136:10]
wire [8:0] _T_726 = {io_in[9:7],io_in[12:10],3'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [28:0] _T_738 = {_T_726[8:5],io_in[6:2],5'h2,3'h3,_T_726[4:0],7'h27}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [7:0] _T_746 = {io_in[8:7],io_in[12:9],2'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_758 = {_T_746[7:5],io_in[6:2],5'h2,3'h2,_T_746[4:0],7'h23}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [28:0] _T_778 = {_T_726[8:5],io_in[6:2],5'h2,3'h3,_T_726[4:0],7'h23}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [4:0] _T_826 = {io_in[1:0],io_in[15:13]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_24_bits = {{2'd0}, _T_18}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_44_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_36}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_17 = 5'h1 == _T_826 ? _T_44_bits : _T_24_bits; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_18 = 5'h1 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _T_14; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_19 = 5'h1 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : 5'h2; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_21 = 5'h1 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : io_in[31:27]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_66_bits = {{5'd0}, _T_58}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_22 = 5'h2 == _T_826 ? _T_66_bits : _GEN_17; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_23 = 5'h2 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_18; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_24 = 5'h2 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_19; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_26 = 5'h2 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_21; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_86_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_78}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_27 = 5'h3 == _T_826 ? _T_86_bits : _GEN_22; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_28 = 5'h3 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_23; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_29 = 5'h3 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_24; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_31 = 5'h3 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_26; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_117_bits = {{5'd0}, _T_109}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_32 = 5'h4 == _T_826 ? _T_117_bits : _GEN_27; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_33 = 5'h4 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_28; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_34 = 5'h4 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_29; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_36 = 5'h4 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_31; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_144_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_136}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_37 = 5'h5 == _T_826 ? _T_144_bits : _GEN_32; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_38 = 5'h5 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_33; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_39 = 5'h5 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_34; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_41 = 5'h5 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_36; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_175_bits = {{5'd0}, _T_167}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_42 = 5'h6 == _T_826 ? _T_175_bits : _GEN_37; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_43 = 5'h6 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_38; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_44 = 5'h6 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_39; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_46 = 5'h6 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_41; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_202_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_194}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_47 = 5'h7 == _T_826 ? _T_202_bits : _GEN_42; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_48 = 5'h7 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_43; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_49 = 5'h7 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_44; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_51 = 5'h7 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_46; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_52 = 5'h8 == _T_826 ? _T_213 : _GEN_47; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_53 = 5'h8 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_48; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_54 = 5'h8 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_49; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_55 = 5'h8 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_48; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_56 = 5'h8 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_51; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_57 = 5'h9 == _T_826 ? _T_233 : _GEN_52; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_58 = 5'h9 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_53; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_59 = 5'h9 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_54; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_60 = 5'h9 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_55; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_61 = 5'h9 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_56; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_62 = 5'ha == _T_826 ? _T_249 : _GEN_57; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_63 = 5'ha == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_58; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_64 = 5'ha == _T_826 ? 5'h0 : _GEN_59; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_65 = 5'ha == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_60; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_66 = 5'ha == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_61; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_67 = 5'hb == _T_826 ? _T_314_bits : _GEN_62; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_68 = 5'hb == _T_826 ? _T_314_rd : _GEN_63; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_69 = 5'hb == _T_826 ? _T_314_rd : _GEN_64; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_70 = 5'hb == _T_826 ? _T_314_rs2 : _GEN_65; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_71 = 5'hb == _T_826 ? _T_314_rs3 : _GEN_66; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_72 = 5'hc == _T_826 ? _GEN_11 : _GEN_67; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_73 = 5'hc == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_68; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_74 = 5'hc == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_69; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_75 = 5'hc == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_70; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_76 = 5'hc == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_71; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_77 = 5'hd == _T_826 ? _T_461 : _GEN_72; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_78 = 5'hd == _T_826 ? 5'h0 : _GEN_73; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_79 = 5'hd == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_74; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_80 = 5'hd == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_75; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_81 = 5'hd == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_76; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_82 = 5'he == _T_826 ? _T_528 : _GEN_77; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_83 = 5'he == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_78; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_84 = 5'he == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_79; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_85 = 5'he == _T_826 ? 5'h0 : _GEN_80; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_86 = 5'he == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_81; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_87 = 5'hf == _T_826 ? _T_595 : _GEN_82; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_88 = 5'hf == _T_826 ? 5'h0 : _GEN_83; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_89 = 5'hf == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_84; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_90 = 5'hf == _T_826 ? 5'h0 : _GEN_85; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_91 = 5'hf == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_86; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_616_bits = {{6'd0}, _T_611}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_92 = 5'h10 == _T_826 ? _T_616_bits : _GEN_87; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_93 = 5'h10 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_88; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_94 = 5'h10 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_89; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_95 = 5'h10 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_90; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_96 = 5'h10 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_91; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_631_bits = {{3'd0}, _T_627}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_97 = 5'h11 == _T_826 ? _T_631_bits : _GEN_92; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_98 = 5'h11 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_93; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_99 = 5'h11 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_94; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_100 = 5'h11 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_95; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_101 = 5'h11 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_96; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_646_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_642}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_102 = 5'h12 == _T_826 ? _T_646_bits : _GEN_97; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_103 = 5'h12 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_98; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_104 = 5'h12 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_99; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_105 = 5'h12 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_100; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_106 = 5'h12 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_101; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_661_bits = {{3'd0}, _T_657}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_107 = 5'h13 == _T_826 ? _T_661_bits : _GEN_102; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_108 = 5'h13 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_103; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_109 = 5'h13 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_104; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_110 = 5'h13 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_105; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_111 = 5'h13 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_106; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_112 = 5'h14 == _T_826 ? _T_722_bits : _GEN_107; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_113 = 5'h14 == _T_826 ? _T_722_rd : _GEN_108; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_114 = 5'h14 == _T_826 ? _T_722_rs1 : _GEN_109; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_115 = 5'h14 == _T_826 ? _T_722_rs2 : _GEN_110; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_116 = 5'h14 == _T_826 ? _T_722_rs3 : _GEN_111; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_742_bits = {{3'd0}, _T_738}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_117 = 5'h15 == _T_826 ? _T_742_bits : _GEN_112; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_118 = 5'h15 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_113; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_119 = 5'h15 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_114; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_120 = 5'h15 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_115; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_121 = 5'h15 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_116; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_762_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_758}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_122 = 5'h16 == _T_826 ? _T_762_bits : _GEN_117; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_123 = 5'h16 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_118; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_124 = 5'h16 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_119; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_125 = 5'h16 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_120; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_126 = 5'h16 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_121; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_782_bits = {{3'd0}, _T_778}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_127 = 5'h17 == _T_826 ? _T_782_bits : _GEN_122; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_128 = 5'h17 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_123; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_129 = 5'h17 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_124; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_130 = 5'h17 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_125; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_131 = 5'h17 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_126; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_132 = 5'h18 == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_127; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_133 = 5'h18 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_128; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_134 = 5'h18 == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_129; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_135 = 5'h18 == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_130; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_136 = 5'h18 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_131; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_137 = 5'h19 == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_132; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_138 = 5'h19 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_133; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_139 = 5'h19 == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_134; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_140 = 5'h19 == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_135; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_141 = 5'h19 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_136; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_142 = 5'h1a == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_137; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_143 = 5'h1a == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_138; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_144 = 5'h1a == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_139; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_145 = 5'h1a == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_140; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_146 = 5'h1a == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_141; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_147 = 5'h1b == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_142; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_148 = 5'h1b == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_143; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_149 = 5'h1b == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_144; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_150 = 5'h1b == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_145; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_151 = 5'h1b == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_146; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_152 = 5'h1c == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_147; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_153 = 5'h1c == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_148; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_154 = 5'h1c == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_149; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_155 = 5'h1c == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_150; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_156 = 5'h1c == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_151; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_157 = 5'h1d == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_152; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_158 = 5'h1d == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_153; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_159 = 5'h1d == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_154; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_160 = 5'h1d == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_155; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_161 = 5'h1d == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_156; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_162 = 5'h1e == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_157; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_163 = 5'h1e == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_158; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_164 = 5'h1e == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_159; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_165 = 5'h1e == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_160; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_166 = 5'h1e == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_161; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_out_bits = 5'h1f == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_162; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_out_rd = 5'h1f == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_163; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_out_rs1 = 5'h1f == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_164; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_out_rs2 = 5'h1f == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_165; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_out_rs3 = 5'h1f == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_166; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_rvc = io_in[1:0] != 2'h3; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 193:12]
@ -1,19 +1,149 @@
package ifu
package ifu
import include._
import lib._
import lib._
import chisel3._
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.util._
class el2_ifu_bp_ctl extends Module with el2_lib {
class el2_ifu_bp_ctl extends Module with el2_lib {
val io = IO (new Bundle {
val io = IO (new Bundle {
val in = Input(UInt(32.W))
val clk = Input(Bool())
val in2 = Input(UInt(32.W))
val active_clk = Input(Bool())
val out = Output(UInt())
val rst_l = Input(Bool())
val ic_hit_f = Input(Bool())
val ifc_fetch_addr_f = Input(UInt(32.W))
val ifc_fetch_req_f = Input(Bool()) // Fetch request generated by the IFC
// Decode packet containing information if its a brnach or not
val dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt = Input(new el2_br_tlu_pkt_t)
val exu_i0_br_fghr_r = Input(UInt(BHT_GHR_SIZE.W)) // Updated GHR from the exu
val exu_i0_br_index_r = Input(UInt((BTB_ADDR_HI-BTB_ADDR_LO).W)) // Way from where the btb got a hit
val dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb = Input(Bool())
val dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb = Input(Bool())
val dec_tlu_bpred_disable = Input(Bool())
// Exu misprediction packet
val exu_mp_pkt = Input(new el2_predict_pkt_t)
val exu_mp_eghr = Input(UInt(BHT_GHR_SIZE.W))
val exu_mp_fghr = Input(UInt(BHT_GHR_SIZE.W))
val exu_mp_index = Input(UInt((BTB_ADDR_HI-BTB_ADDR_LO).W)) // Misprediction index
val exu_mp_btag = Input(UInt(BTB_BTAG_SIZE.W))
val exu_flush_final = Input(Bool())
val ifu_bp_hit_taken_f = Output(Bool())
val ifu_bp_btb_target_f = Output(UInt(31.W))
val ifu_bp_inst_mask_f = Output(Bool())
val ifu_bp_fghr_f = Output(UInt(BHT_GHR_SIZE.W))
val ifu_bp_way_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_ret_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_hist1_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_hist0_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_pc4_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_valid_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_poffset_f = Output(UInt(12.W))
io.out := el2_btb_ghr_hash(,io.in2)
io.ifu_bp_hit_taken_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_btb_target_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_inst_mask_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_fghr_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_way_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_ret_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_hist1_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_hist0_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_pc4_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_valid_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_poffset_f := 0.U
val PC4 = 4
val BOFF = 3
val CALL = 2
val RET = 1
val BV = 0
val leak_one_f = WireInit(Bool(), 0.U)
val exu_mp_valid = io.exu_mp_pkt.misp & ~leak_one_f
val exu_mp_boffset = io.exu_mp_pkt.boffset
val exu_mp_pc4 = io.exu_mp_pkt.pc4
val exu_mp_call = io.exu_mp_pkt.pcall
val exu_mp_ret = io.exu_mp_pkt.pret
val exu_mp_ja = io.exu_mp_pkt.pja
val exu_mp_way = io.exu_mp_pkt.way
val exu_mp_hist = io.exu_mp_pkt.hist
val exu_mp_tgt = io.exu_mp_pkt.toffset
val exu_mp_addr = io.exu_mp_index
val exu_mp_ataken = io.exu_mp_pkt.ataken
// LM: Its a commit or update packet
val dec_tlu_br0_v_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.valid
val dec_tlu_br0_hist_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.hist
val dec_tlu_br0_addr_wb = io.exu_i0_br_index_r
val dec_tlu_br0_error_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_error
val dec_tlu_br0_middle_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.middle
val dec_tlu_br0_way_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.way
val dec_tlu_br0_start_error_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_start_error
val exu_i0_br_fghr_wb = io.exu_i0_br_fghr_r
val fetch_rd_tag_p1_f = WireInit(UInt(BTB_BTAG_SIZE.W), 0.U)
val fetch_rd_tag_f = WireInit(UInt(BTB_BTAG_SIZE.W), 0.U)
val bht_dir_f = WireInit(UInt(2.W), 0.U)
val dec_tlu_error_wb = WireInit(Bool(), 0.U)
val btb_error_addr_wb = WireInit(UInt((BTB_ADDR_HI-BTB_ADDR_LO).W), 0.U)
val btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f = WireInit(UInt((TAG_START+1).W), 0.U)
val btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f = WireInit(UInt((TAG_START+1).W), 0.U)
val btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f = WireInit(UInt((TAG_START+1).W), 0.U)
val btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f = WireInit(UInt((TAG_START+1).W), 0.U)
val dec_tlu_way_wb = WireInit(Bool(), 0.U)
// Hash the first PC
val btb_rd_addr_f = el2_btb_addr_hash(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f)
// Second pc = pc +4
val fetch_addr_p1_f = io.ifc_fetch_addr_f + 4.U
// Hash the second pc
val btb_rd_addr_p1_f = el2_btb_addr_hash(fetch_addr_p1_f)
val btb_sel_f = Cat(~bht_dir_f(0),bht_dir_f(0))
// Checking of the pc is a multiple of 4, if it is fetch-start will be "01"
val fetch_start_f = Cat(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(1),~io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(1))
// If there is an error write-back from the dec check if the current pc is equal to the write-bcak pc
val branch_error_collision_f = dec_tlu_error_wb & (btb_error_addr_wb === btb_rd_addr_f)
val branch_error_collision_p1_f = dec_tlu_error_wb & (btb_error_addr_wb === btb_rd_addr_p1_f)
// If there is an error write back but the address are from different bank
val branch_error_bank_conflict_f = branch_error_collision_f & dec_tlu_error_wb
val branch_error_bank_conflict_p1_f = branch_error_collision_p1_f & dec_tlu_error_wb
// There is a misprediction and the exu is writing back
val fetch_mp_collision_f = (io.exu_mp_btag === fetch_rd_tag_f) & exu_mp_valid & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & (exu_mp_addr === btb_rd_addr_f)
val fetch_mp_collision_p1_f = (io.exu_mp_btag === fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) & exu_mp_valid & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & (exu_mp_addr === btb_rd_addr_p1_f)
val leak_one_f_d1 = RegNext(leak_one_f, init = 0.U)
val dec_tlu_way_wb_f = RegNext(dec_tlu_way_wb, init = 0.U)
val exu_mp_way_f = RegNext(exu_mp_way, init = 0.U)
val exu_flush_final_d1 = RegNext(io.exu_flush_final, init = 0.U)
leak_one_f := (io.dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb & io.dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb) | (leak_one_f_d1 & io.dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb)
// For a tag to match the branch should be valid tag should match and a fetch request should be generated
val tag_match_way0_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f(BV) & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f(TAG_START,17) === fetch_rd_tag_f) &
~(dec_tlu_way_wb_f & branch_error_bank_conflict_f) & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f
val tag_match_way1_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f(BV) & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f(TAG_START,17) === fetch_rd_tag_f) &
~(dec_tlu_way_wb_f & branch_error_bank_conflict_f) & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f
val tag_match_way0_p1_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f(BV) & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f(TAG_START,17) === fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) &
~(dec_tlu_way_wb_f & branch_error_bank_conflict_f) & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f
val tag_match_way1_p1_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f(BV) & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f(TAG_START,17) === fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) &
~(dec_tlu_way_wb_f & branch_error_bank_conflict_f) & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f
//object ifu_ic extends App {
object ifu_bp extends App {
// println((new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new el2_ifu_bp_ctl()))
println((new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new el2_ifu_bp_ctl()))
@ -219,4 +219,8 @@ class el2_ifu_compress( val XLen: Int, val usingCompressed: Boolean) extends Mod
io.rvc := false.B
io.rvc := false.B
io.out := new RVCDecoder(, XLen).passthrough
io.out := new RVCDecoder(, XLen).passthrough
object ifu_compress extends App {
println((new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new el2_ifu_compress(64, true)))
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue