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This commit is contained in:
waleed-lm 2020-09-24 10:58:56 +05:00
parent 9ec833c6da
commit ab68ee287d
20 changed files with 1858 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,4 @@

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@ -3,10 +3,129 @@ circuit el2_ifu_bp_ctl :
module el2_ifu_bp_ctl :
input clock : Clock
input reset : UInt<1>
output io : {flip in : UInt<32>, flip in2 : UInt<32>, out : UInt}
output io : {flip clk : UInt<1>, flip active_clk : UInt<1>, flip rst_l : UInt<1>, flip ic_hit_f : UInt<1>, flip ifc_fetch_addr_f : UInt<32>, flip ifc_fetch_req_f : UInt<1>, flip dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt : {valid : UInt<1>, hist : UInt<2>, br_error : UInt<1>, br_start_error : UInt<1>, way : UInt<1>, middle : UInt<1>}, flip exu_i0_br_fghr_r : UInt<8>, flip exu_i0_br_index_r : UInt<7>, flip dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb : UInt<1>, flip dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb : UInt<1>, flip dec_tlu_bpred_disable : UInt<1>, flip exu_mp_pkt : {misp : UInt<1>, ataken : UInt<1>, boffset : UInt<1>, pc4 : UInt<1>, hist : UInt<2>, toffset : UInt<12>, valid : UInt<1>, br_error : UInt<1>, br_start_error : UInt<1>, prett : UInt<32>, pcall : UInt<1>, pret : UInt<1>, pja : UInt<1>, way : UInt<1>}, flip exu_mp_eghr : UInt<8>, flip exu_mp_fghr : UInt<8>, flip exu_mp_index : UInt<7>, flip exu_mp_btag : UInt<5>, flip exu_flush_final : UInt<1>, ifu_bp_hit_taken_f : UInt<1>, ifu_bp_btb_target_f : UInt<31>, ifu_bp_inst_mask_f : UInt<1>, ifu_bp_fghr_f : UInt<8>, ifu_bp_way_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_ret_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_hist1_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_hist0_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_pc4_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_valid_f : UInt<2>, ifu_bp_poffset_f : UInt<12>}
node _T = bits(, 9, 2) @[el2_lib.scala 35:30]
node _T_1 = bits(io.in2, 7, 0) @[el2_lib.scala 35:53]
node _T_2 = xor(_T, _T_1) @[el2_lib.scala 35:48]
io.out <= _T_2 @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 13:10]
io.ifu_bp_hit_taken_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 42:25]
io.ifu_bp_btb_target_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 43:26]
io.ifu_bp_inst_mask_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 44:25]
io.ifu_bp_fghr_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 45:20]
io.ifu_bp_way_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 46:19]
io.ifu_bp_ret_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 47:19]
io.ifu_bp_hist1_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 48:21]
io.ifu_bp_hist0_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 49:21]
io.ifu_bp_pc4_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 50:19]
io.ifu_bp_valid_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 51:21]
io.ifu_bp_poffset_f <= UInt<1>("h00") @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 52:23]
wire leak_one_f : UInt<1>
leak_one_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T = not(leak_one_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 67:43]
node exu_mp_valid = and(io.exu_mp_pkt.misp, _T) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 67:41]
wire fetch_rd_tag_p1_f : UInt<5>
fetch_rd_tag_p1_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire fetch_rd_tag_f : UInt<5>
fetch_rd_tag_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire bht_dir_f : UInt<2>
bht_dir_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire dec_tlu_error_wb : UInt<1>
dec_tlu_error_wb <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire btb_error_addr_wb : UInt<7>
btb_error_addr_wb <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f : UInt<22>
btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f : UInt<22>
btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f : UInt<22>
btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f : UInt<22>
btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f <= UInt<1>("h00")
wire dec_tlu_way_wb : UInt<1>
dec_tlu_way_wb <= UInt<1>("h00")
node _T_1 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 9, 2) @[el2_lib.scala 182:12]
node _T_2 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 17, 10) @[el2_lib.scala 182:46]
node _T_3 = xor(_T_1, _T_2) @[el2_lib.scala 182:42]
node _T_4 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 25, 18) @[el2_lib.scala 182:80]
node btb_rd_addr_f = xor(_T_3, _T_4) @[el2_lib.scala 182:76]
node _T_5 = add(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, UInt<3>("h04")) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 103:45]
node fetch_addr_p1_f = tail(_T_5, 1) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 103:45]
node _T_6 = bits(fetch_addr_p1_f, 9, 2) @[el2_lib.scala 182:12]
node _T_7 = bits(fetch_addr_p1_f, 17, 10) @[el2_lib.scala 182:46]
node _T_8 = xor(_T_6, _T_7) @[el2_lib.scala 182:42]
node _T_9 = bits(fetch_addr_p1_f, 25, 18) @[el2_lib.scala 182:80]
node btb_rd_addr_p1_f = xor(_T_8, _T_9) @[el2_lib.scala 182:76]
node _T_10 = bits(bht_dir_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 108:33]
node _T_11 = not(_T_10) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 108:23]
node _T_12 = bits(bht_dir_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 108:46]
node btb_sel_f = cat(_T_11, _T_12) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_13 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 1, 1) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 111:46]
node _T_14 = bits(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f, 1, 1) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 111:70]
node _T_15 = not(_T_14) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 111:50]
node fetch_start_f = cat(_T_13, _T_15) @[Cat.scala 29:58]
node _T_16 = eq(btb_error_addr_wb, btb_rd_addr_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 114:72]
node branch_error_collision_f = and(dec_tlu_error_wb, _T_16) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 114:51]
node _T_17 = eq(btb_error_addr_wb, btb_rd_addr_p1_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 115:75]
node branch_error_collision_p1_f = and(dec_tlu_error_wb, _T_17) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 115:54]
node branch_error_bank_conflict_f = and(branch_error_collision_f, dec_tlu_error_wb) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 118:63]
node branch_error_bank_conflict_p1_f = and(branch_error_collision_p1_f, dec_tlu_error_wb) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 119:69]
node _T_18 = eq(io.exu_mp_btag, fetch_rd_tag_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 122:46]
node _T_19 = and(_T_18, exu_mp_valid) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 122:66]
node _T_20 = and(_T_19, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 122:81]
node _T_21 = eq(io.exu_mp_index, btb_rd_addr_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 122:117]
node fetch_mp_collision_f = and(_T_20, _T_21) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 122:102]
node _T_22 = eq(io.exu_mp_btag, fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 123:49]
node _T_23 = and(_T_22, exu_mp_valid) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 123:72]
node _T_24 = and(_T_23, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 123:87]
node _T_25 = eq(io.exu_mp_index, btb_rd_addr_p1_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 123:123]
node fetch_mp_collision_p1_f = and(_T_24, _T_25) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 123:108]
reg leak_one_f_d1 : UInt<1>, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 125:30]
leak_one_f_d1 <= leak_one_f @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 125:30]
reg dec_tlu_way_wb_f : UInt<1>, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 126:33]
dec_tlu_way_wb_f <= dec_tlu_way_wb @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 126:33]
reg exu_mp_way_f : UInt, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 127:29]
exu_mp_way_f <= io.exu_mp_pkt.way @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 127:29]
reg exu_flush_final_d1 : UInt<1>, clock with : (reset => (reset, UInt<1>("h00"))) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 128:35]
exu_flush_final_d1 <= io.exu_flush_final @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 128:35]
node _T_26 = and(io.dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb, io.dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 130:47]
node _T_27 = and(leak_one_f_d1, io.dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 130:93]
node _T_28 = or(_T_26, _T_27) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 130:76]
leak_one_f <= _T_28 @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 130:14]
node _T_29 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 133:50]
node _T_30 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f, 21, 17) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 133:82]
node _T_31 = eq(_T_30, fetch_rd_tag_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 133:97]
node _T_32 = and(_T_29, _T_31) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 133:55]
node _T_33 = and(dec_tlu_way_wb_f, branch_error_bank_conflict_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 134:22]
node _T_34 = not(_T_33) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 134:3]
node _T_35 = and(_T_32, _T_34) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 133:117]
node _T_36 = and(_T_35, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 134:54]
node _T_37 = not(leak_one_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 134:77]
node tag_match_way0_f = and(_T_36, _T_37) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 134:75]
node _T_38 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 136:50]
node _T_39 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f, 21, 17) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 136:82]
node _T_40 = eq(_T_39, fetch_rd_tag_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 136:97]
node _T_41 = and(_T_38, _T_40) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 136:55]
node _T_42 = and(dec_tlu_way_wb_f, branch_error_bank_conflict_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 137:22]
node _T_43 = not(_T_42) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 137:3]
node _T_44 = and(_T_41, _T_43) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 136:117]
node _T_45 = and(_T_44, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 137:54]
node _T_46 = not(leak_one_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 137:77]
node tag_match_way1_f = and(_T_45, _T_46) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 137:75]
node _T_47 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 139:56]
node _T_48 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f, 21, 17) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 139:91]
node _T_49 = eq(_T_48, fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 139:106]
node _T_50 = and(_T_47, _T_49) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 139:61]
node _T_51 = and(dec_tlu_way_wb_f, branch_error_bank_conflict_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 140:24]
node _T_52 = not(_T_51) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 140:5]
node _T_53 = and(_T_50, _T_52) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 139:129]
node _T_54 = and(_T_53, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 140:56]
node _T_55 = not(leak_one_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 140:79]
node tag_match_way0_p1_f = and(_T_54, _T_55) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 140:77]
node _T_56 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f, 0, 0) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 142:56]
node _T_57 = bits(btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f, 21, 17) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 142:91]
node _T_58 = eq(_T_57, fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 142:106]
node _T_59 = and(_T_56, _T_58) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 142:61]
node _T_60 = and(dec_tlu_way_wb_f, branch_error_bank_conflict_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 143:24]
node _T_61 = not(_T_60) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 143:5]
node _T_62 = and(_T_59, _T_61) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 142:129]
node _T_63 = and(_T_62, io.ifc_fetch_req_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 143:56]
node _T_64 = not(leak_one_f) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 143:79]
node tag_match_way1_p1_f = and(_T_63, _T_64) @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 143:77]

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@ -1,9 +1,63 @@
module el2_ifu_bp_ctl(
input clock,
input reset,
input [31:0] io_in,
input [31:0] io_in2,
output [7:0] io_out
input io_clk,
input io_active_clk,
input io_rst_l,
input io_ic_hit_f,
input [31:0] io_ifc_fetch_addr_f,
input io_ifc_fetch_req_f,
input io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_valid,
input [1:0] io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_hist,
input io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_br_error,
input io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_br_start_error,
input io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_way,
input io_dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt_middle,
input [7:0] io_exu_i0_br_fghr_r,
input [6:0] io_exu_i0_br_index_r,
input io_dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb,
input io_dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb,
input io_dec_tlu_bpred_disable,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_misp,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_ataken,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_boffset,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_pc4,
input [1:0] io_exu_mp_pkt_hist,
input [11:0] io_exu_mp_pkt_toffset,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_valid,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_br_error,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_br_start_error,
input [31:0] io_exu_mp_pkt_prett,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_pcall,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_pret,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_pja,
input io_exu_mp_pkt_way,
input [7:0] io_exu_mp_eghr,
input [7:0] io_exu_mp_fghr,
input [6:0] io_exu_mp_index,
input [4:0] io_exu_mp_btag,
input io_exu_flush_final,
output io_ifu_bp_hit_taken_f,
output [30:0] io_ifu_bp_btb_target_f,
output io_ifu_bp_inst_mask_f,
output [7:0] io_ifu_bp_fghr_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_way_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_ret_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_hist1_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_hist0_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_pc4_f,
output [1:0] io_ifu_bp_valid_f,
output [11:0] io_ifu_bp_poffset_f
assign io_out = io_in[9:2] ^ io_in2[7:0]; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 13:10]
assign io_ifu_bp_hit_taken_f = 1'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 42:25]
assign io_ifu_bp_btb_target_f = 31'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 43:26]
assign io_ifu_bp_inst_mask_f = 1'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 44:25]
assign io_ifu_bp_fghr_f = 8'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 45:20]
assign io_ifu_bp_way_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 46:19]
assign io_ifu_bp_ret_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 47:19]
assign io_ifu_bp_hist1_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 48:21]
assign io_ifu_bp_hist0_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 49:21]
assign io_ifu_bp_pc4_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 50:19]
assign io_ifu_bp_valid_f = 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 51:21]
assign io_ifu_bp_poffset_f = 12'h0; // @[el2_ifu_bp_ctl.scala 52:23]

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@

el2_ifu_compress.fir Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

el2_ifu_compress.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
module el2_ifu_compress(
input clock,
input reset,
input [31:0] io_in,
output [31:0] io_out_bits,
output [4:0] io_out_rd,
output [4:0] io_out_rs1,
output [4:0] io_out_rs2,
output [4:0] io_out_rs3,
output io_rvc
wire _T_3 = |io_in[12:5]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 49:29]
wire [6:0] _T_4 = _T_3 ? 7'h13 : 7'h1f; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 49:20]
wire [4:0] _T_14 = {2'h1,io_in[4:2]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [29:0] _T_18 = {io_in[10:7],io_in[12:11],io_in[5],io_in[6],2'h0,5'h2,3'h0,2'h1,io_in[4:2],_T_4}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [7:0] _T_28 = {io_in[6:5],io_in[12:10],3'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [4:0] _T_30 = {2'h1,io_in[9:7]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_36 = {io_in[6:5],io_in[12:10],3'h0,2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h3,2'h1,io_in[4:2],7'h7}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [6:0] _T_50 = {io_in[5],io_in[12:10],io_in[6],2'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [26:0] _T_58 = {io_in[5],io_in[12:10],io_in[6],2'h0,2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h2,2'h1,io_in[4:2],7'h3}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_78 = {io_in[6:5],io_in[12:10],3'h0,2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h3,2'h1,io_in[4:2],7'h3}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [26:0] _T_109 = {_T_50[6:5],2'h1,io_in[4:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h2,_T_50[4:0],7'h3f}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_136 = {_T_28[7:5],2'h1,io_in[4:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h3,_T_28[4:0],7'h27}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [26:0] _T_167 = {_T_50[6:5],2'h1,io_in[4:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h2,_T_50[4:0],7'h23}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_194 = {_T_28[7:5],2'h1,io_in[4:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h3,_T_28[4:0],7'h23}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [6:0] _T_205 = io_in[12] ? 7'h7f : 7'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [11:0] _T_207 = {_T_205,io_in[6:2]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_213 = {_T_205,io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h0,io_in[11:7],7'h13}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire _T_221 = |io_in[11:7]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 73:24]
wire [6:0] _T_222 = _T_221 ? 7'h1b : 7'h1f; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 73:20]
wire [31:0] _T_233 = {_T_205,io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h0,io_in[11:7],_T_222}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_249 = {_T_205,io_in[6:2],5'h0,3'h0,io_in[11:7],7'h13}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire _T_260 = |_T_207; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 86:29]
wire [6:0] _T_261 = _T_260 ? 7'h37 : 7'h3f; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 86:20]
wire [14:0] _T_264 = io_in[12] ? 15'h7fff : 15'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_267 = {_T_264,io_in[6:2],12'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_271 = {_T_267[31:12],io_in[11:7],_T_261}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire _T_279 = io_in[11:7] == 5'h0; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:14]
wire _T_281 = io_in[11:7] == 5'h2; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:27]
wire _T_282 = _T_279 | _T_281; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:21]
wire [6:0] _T_289 = _T_260 ? 7'h13 : 7'h1f; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 82:20]
wire [2:0] _T_292 = io_in[12] ? 3'h7 : 3'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [31:0] _T_307 = {_T_292,io_in[4:3],io_in[5],io_in[2],io_in[6],4'h0,io_in[11:7],3'h0,io_in[11:7],_T_289}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_314_bits = _T_282 ? _T_307 : _T_271; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:10]
wire [4:0] _T_314_rd = _T_282 ? io_in[11:7] : io_in[11:7]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:10]
wire [4:0] _T_314_rs2 = _T_282 ? _T_14 : _T_14; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:10]
wire [4:0] _T_314_rs3 = _T_282 ? io_in[31:27] : io_in[31:27]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 88:10]
wire [25:0] _T_325 = {io_in[12],io_in[6:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h5,2'h1,io_in[9:7],7'h13}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [30:0] _GEN_172 = {{5'd0}, _T_325}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 95:23]
wire [30:0] _T_337 = _GEN_172 | 31'h40000000; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 95:23]
wire [31:0] _T_350 = {_T_205,io_in[6:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h7,2'h1,io_in[9:7],7'h13}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _T_354 = {io_in[12],io_in[6:5]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire _T_356 = io_in[6:5] == 2'h0; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 99:30]
wire [30:0] _T_357 = _T_356 ? 31'h40000000 : 31'h0; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 99:22]
wire [6:0] _T_359 = io_in[12] ? 7'h3b : 7'h33; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 100:22]
wire [2:0] _GEN_1 = 3'h1 == _T_354 ? 3'h4 : 3'h0; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_2 = 3'h2 == _T_354 ? 3'h6 : _GEN_1; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_3 = 3'h3 == _T_354 ? 3'h7 : _GEN_2; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_4 = 3'h4 == _T_354 ? 3'h0 : _GEN_3; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_5 = 3'h5 == _T_354 ? 3'h0 : _GEN_4; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_6 = 3'h6 == _T_354 ? 3'h2 : _GEN_5; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [2:0] _GEN_7 = 3'h7 == _T_354 ? 3'h3 : _GEN_6; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_369 = {2'h1,io_in[4:2],2'h1,io_in[9:7],_GEN_7,2'h1,io_in[9:7],_T_359}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [30:0] _GEN_173 = {{6'd0}, _T_369}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 101:43]
wire [30:0] _T_370 = _GEN_173 | _T_357; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 101:43]
wire [31:0] _T_371_0 = {{6'd0}, _T_325}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19]
wire [31:0] _T_371_1 = {{1'd0}, _T_337}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19]
wire [31:0] _GEN_9 = 2'h1 == io_in[11:10] ? _T_371_1 : _T_371_0; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_10 = 2'h2 == io_in[11:10] ? _T_350 : _GEN_9; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_371_3 = {{1'd0}, _T_370}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 103:19]
wire [31:0] _GEN_11 = 2'h3 == io_in[11:10] ? _T_371_3 : _GEN_10; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [9:0] _T_383 = io_in[12] ? 10'h3ff : 10'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [20:0] _T_398 = {_T_383,io_in[8],io_in[10:9],io_in[6],io_in[7],io_in[2],io_in[11],io_in[5:3],1'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_461 = {_T_398[20],_T_398[10:1],_T_398[11],_T_398[19:12],5'h0,7'h6f}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [4:0] _T_470 = io_in[12] ? 5'h1f : 5'h0; // @[Bitwise.scala 72:12]
wire [12:0] _T_479 = {_T_470,io_in[6:5],io_in[2],io_in[11:10],io_in[4:3],1'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_528 = {_T_479[12],_T_479[10:5],5'h0,2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h0,_T_479[4:1],_T_479[11],7'h63}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_595 = {_T_479[12],_T_479[10:5],5'h0,2'h1,io_in[9:7],3'h1,_T_479[4:1],_T_479[11],7'h63}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [6:0] _T_602 = _T_221 ? 7'h3 : 7'h1f; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 109:23]
wire [25:0] _T_611 = {io_in[12],io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h1,io_in[11:7],7'h13}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [28:0] _T_627 = {io_in[4:2],io_in[12],io_in[6:5],3'h0,5'h2,3'h3,io_in[11:7],7'h7}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_642 = {io_in[3:2],io_in[12],io_in[6:4],2'h0,5'h2,3'h2,io_in[11:7],_T_602}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [28:0] _T_657 = {io_in[4:2],io_in[12],io_in[6:5],3'h0,5'h2,3'h3,io_in[11:7],_T_602}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_667 = {io_in[6:2],5'h0,3'h0,io_in[11:7],7'h33}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_678 = {io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h0,io_in[11:7],7'h33}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_689 = {io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h0,12'h67}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_691 = {_T_689[24:7],7'h1f}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_694 = _T_221 ? _T_689 : _T_691; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 130:33]
wire _T_700 = |io_in[6:2]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:27]
wire [31:0] _T_671_bits = {{7'd0}, _T_667}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_698_bits = {{7'd0}, _T_694}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_701_bits = _T_700 ? _T_671_bits : _T_698_bits; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:22]
wire [4:0] _T_701_rd = _T_700 ? io_in[11:7] : 5'h0; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:22]
wire [4:0] _T_701_rs1 = _T_700 ? 5'h0 : io_in[11:7]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:22]
wire [4:0] _T_701_rs2 = _T_700 ? io_in[6:2] : io_in[6:2]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:22]
wire [4:0] _T_701_rs3 = _T_700 ? io_in[31:27] : io_in[31:27]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 131:22]
wire [24:0] _T_707 = {io_in[6:2],io_in[11:7],3'h0,12'he7}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_709 = {_T_689[24:7],7'h73}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [24:0] _T_710 = _T_709 | 25'h100000; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 133:46]
wire [24:0] _T_713 = _T_221 ? _T_707 : _T_710; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 134:33]
wire [31:0] _T_683_bits = {{7'd0}, _T_678}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_717_bits = {{7'd0}, _T_713}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_720_bits = _T_700 ? _T_683_bits : _T_717_bits; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 135:25]
wire [4:0] _T_720_rd = _T_700 ? io_in[11:7] : 5'h1; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 135:25]
wire [4:0] _T_720_rs1 = _T_700 ? io_in[11:7] : io_in[11:7]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 135:25]
wire [31:0] _T_722_bits = io_in[12] ? _T_720_bits : _T_701_bits; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 136:10]
wire [4:0] _T_722_rd = io_in[12] ? _T_720_rd : _T_701_rd; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 136:10]
wire [4:0] _T_722_rs1 = io_in[12] ? _T_720_rs1 : _T_701_rs1; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 136:10]
wire [4:0] _T_722_rs2 = io_in[12] ? _T_701_rs2 : _T_701_rs2; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 136:10]
wire [4:0] _T_722_rs3 = io_in[12] ? _T_701_rs3 : _T_701_rs3; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 136:10]
wire [8:0] _T_726 = {io_in[9:7],io_in[12:10],3'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [28:0] _T_738 = {_T_726[8:5],io_in[6:2],5'h2,3'h3,_T_726[4:0],7'h27}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [7:0] _T_746 = {io_in[8:7],io_in[12:9],2'h0}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [27:0] _T_758 = {_T_746[7:5],io_in[6:2],5'h2,3'h2,_T_746[4:0],7'h23}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [28:0] _T_778 = {_T_726[8:5],io_in[6:2],5'h2,3'h3,_T_726[4:0],7'h23}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [4:0] _T_826 = {io_in[1:0],io_in[15:13]}; // @[Cat.scala 29:58]
wire [31:0] _T_24_bits = {{2'd0}, _T_18}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _T_44_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_36}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_17 = 5'h1 == _T_826 ? _T_44_bits : _T_24_bits; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_18 = 5'h1 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _T_14; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_19 = 5'h1 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : 5'h2; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_21 = 5'h1 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : io_in[31:27]; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_66_bits = {{5'd0}, _T_58}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_22 = 5'h2 == _T_826 ? _T_66_bits : _GEN_17; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_23 = 5'h2 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_18; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_24 = 5'h2 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_19; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_26 = 5'h2 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_21; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_86_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_78}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_27 = 5'h3 == _T_826 ? _T_86_bits : _GEN_22; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_28 = 5'h3 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_23; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_29 = 5'h3 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_24; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_31 = 5'h3 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_26; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_117_bits = {{5'd0}, _T_109}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_32 = 5'h4 == _T_826 ? _T_117_bits : _GEN_27; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_33 = 5'h4 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_28; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_34 = 5'h4 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_29; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_36 = 5'h4 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_31; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_144_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_136}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_37 = 5'h5 == _T_826 ? _T_144_bits : _GEN_32; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_38 = 5'h5 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_33; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_39 = 5'h5 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_34; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_41 = 5'h5 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_36; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_175_bits = {{5'd0}, _T_167}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_42 = 5'h6 == _T_826 ? _T_175_bits : _GEN_37; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_43 = 5'h6 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_38; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_44 = 5'h6 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_39; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_46 = 5'h6 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_41; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_202_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_194}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_47 = 5'h7 == _T_826 ? _T_202_bits : _GEN_42; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_48 = 5'h7 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_43; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_49 = 5'h7 == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_44; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_51 = 5'h7 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_46; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_52 = 5'h8 == _T_826 ? _T_213 : _GEN_47; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_53 = 5'h8 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_48; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_54 = 5'h8 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_49; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_55 = 5'h8 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_48; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_56 = 5'h8 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_51; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_57 = 5'h9 == _T_826 ? _T_233 : _GEN_52; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_58 = 5'h9 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_53; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_59 = 5'h9 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_54; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_60 = 5'h9 == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_55; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_61 = 5'h9 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_56; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_62 = 5'ha == _T_826 ? _T_249 : _GEN_57; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_63 = 5'ha == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_58; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_64 = 5'ha == _T_826 ? 5'h0 : _GEN_59; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_65 = 5'ha == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_60; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_66 = 5'ha == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_61; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_67 = 5'hb == _T_826 ? _T_314_bits : _GEN_62; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_68 = 5'hb == _T_826 ? _T_314_rd : _GEN_63; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_69 = 5'hb == _T_826 ? _T_314_rd : _GEN_64; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_70 = 5'hb == _T_826 ? _T_314_rs2 : _GEN_65; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_71 = 5'hb == _T_826 ? _T_314_rs3 : _GEN_66; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_72 = 5'hc == _T_826 ? _GEN_11 : _GEN_67; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_73 = 5'hc == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_68; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_74 = 5'hc == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_69; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_75 = 5'hc == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_70; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_76 = 5'hc == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_71; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_77 = 5'hd == _T_826 ? _T_461 : _GEN_72; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_78 = 5'hd == _T_826 ? 5'h0 : _GEN_73; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_79 = 5'hd == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_74; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_80 = 5'hd == _T_826 ? _T_14 : _GEN_75; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_81 = 5'hd == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_76; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_82 = 5'he == _T_826 ? _T_528 : _GEN_77; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_83 = 5'he == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_78; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_84 = 5'he == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_79; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_85 = 5'he == _T_826 ? 5'h0 : _GEN_80; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_86 = 5'he == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_81; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_87 = 5'hf == _T_826 ? _T_595 : _GEN_82; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_88 = 5'hf == _T_826 ? 5'h0 : _GEN_83; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_89 = 5'hf == _T_826 ? _T_30 : _GEN_84; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_90 = 5'hf == _T_826 ? 5'h0 : _GEN_85; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_91 = 5'hf == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_86; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_616_bits = {{6'd0}, _T_611}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_92 = 5'h10 == _T_826 ? _T_616_bits : _GEN_87; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_93 = 5'h10 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_88; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_94 = 5'h10 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_89; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_95 = 5'h10 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_90; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_96 = 5'h10 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_91; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_631_bits = {{3'd0}, _T_627}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_97 = 5'h11 == _T_826 ? _T_631_bits : _GEN_92; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_98 = 5'h11 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_93; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_99 = 5'h11 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_94; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_100 = 5'h11 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_95; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_101 = 5'h11 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_96; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_646_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_642}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_102 = 5'h12 == _T_826 ? _T_646_bits : _GEN_97; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_103 = 5'h12 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_98; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_104 = 5'h12 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_99; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_105 = 5'h12 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_100; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_106 = 5'h12 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_101; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_661_bits = {{3'd0}, _T_657}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_107 = 5'h13 == _T_826 ? _T_661_bits : _GEN_102; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_108 = 5'h13 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_103; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_109 = 5'h13 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_104; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_110 = 5'h13 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_105; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_111 = 5'h13 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_106; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_112 = 5'h14 == _T_826 ? _T_722_bits : _GEN_107; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_113 = 5'h14 == _T_826 ? _T_722_rd : _GEN_108; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_114 = 5'h14 == _T_826 ? _T_722_rs1 : _GEN_109; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_115 = 5'h14 == _T_826 ? _T_722_rs2 : _GEN_110; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_116 = 5'h14 == _T_826 ? _T_722_rs3 : _GEN_111; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_742_bits = {{3'd0}, _T_738}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_117 = 5'h15 == _T_826 ? _T_742_bits : _GEN_112; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_118 = 5'h15 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_113; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_119 = 5'h15 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_114; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_120 = 5'h15 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_115; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_121 = 5'h15 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_116; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_762_bits = {{4'd0}, _T_758}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_122 = 5'h16 == _T_826 ? _T_762_bits : _GEN_117; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_123 = 5'h16 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_118; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_124 = 5'h16 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_119; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_125 = 5'h16 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_120; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_126 = 5'h16 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_121; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _T_782_bits = {{3'd0}, _T_778}; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 17:19 el2_ifu_compress.scala 18:14]
wire [31:0] _GEN_127 = 5'h17 == _T_826 ? _T_782_bits : _GEN_122; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_128 = 5'h17 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_123; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_129 = 5'h17 == _T_826 ? 5'h2 : _GEN_124; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_130 = 5'h17 == _T_826 ? io_in[6:2] : _GEN_125; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_131 = 5'h17 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_126; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_132 = 5'h18 == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_127; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_133 = 5'h18 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_128; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_134 = 5'h18 == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_129; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_135 = 5'h18 == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_130; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_136 = 5'h18 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_131; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_137 = 5'h19 == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_132; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_138 = 5'h19 == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_133; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_139 = 5'h19 == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_134; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_140 = 5'h19 == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_135; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_141 = 5'h19 == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_136; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_142 = 5'h1a == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_137; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_143 = 5'h1a == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_138; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_144 = 5'h1a == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_139; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_145 = 5'h1a == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_140; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_146 = 5'h1a == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_141; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_147 = 5'h1b == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_142; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_148 = 5'h1b == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_143; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_149 = 5'h1b == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_144; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_150 = 5'h1b == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_145; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_151 = 5'h1b == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_146; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_152 = 5'h1c == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_147; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_153 = 5'h1c == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_148; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_154 = 5'h1c == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_149; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_155 = 5'h1c == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_150; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_156 = 5'h1c == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_151; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_157 = 5'h1d == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_152; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_158 = 5'h1d == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_153; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_159 = 5'h1d == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_154; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_160 = 5'h1d == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_155; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_161 = 5'h1d == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_156; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [31:0] _GEN_162 = 5'h1e == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_157; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_163 = 5'h1e == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_158; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_164 = 5'h1e == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_159; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_165 = 5'h1e == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_160; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
wire [4:0] _GEN_166 = 5'h1e == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_161; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_out_bits = 5'h1f == _T_826 ? io_in : _GEN_162; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_out_rd = 5'h1f == _T_826 ? io_in[11:7] : _GEN_163; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_out_rs1 = 5'h1f == _T_826 ? io_in[19:15] : _GEN_164; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_out_rs2 = 5'h1f == _T_826 ? io_in[24:20] : _GEN_165; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_out_rs3 = 5'h1f == _T_826 ? io_in[31:27] : _GEN_166; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 195:12]
assign io_rvc = io_in[1:0] != 2'h3; // @[el2_ifu_compress.scala 193:12]

View File

@ -1,19 +1,149 @@
package ifu
import include._
import lib._
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
class el2_ifu_bp_ctl extends Module with el2_lib {
val io = IO (new Bundle {
val in = Input(UInt(32.W))
val in2 = Input(UInt(32.W))
val out = Output(UInt())
val clk = Input(Bool())
val active_clk = Input(Bool())
val rst_l = Input(Bool())
val ic_hit_f = Input(Bool())
val ifc_fetch_addr_f = Input(UInt(32.W))
val ifc_fetch_req_f = Input(Bool()) // Fetch request generated by the IFC
// Decode packet containing information if its a brnach or not
val dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt = Input(new el2_br_tlu_pkt_t)
val exu_i0_br_fghr_r = Input(UInt(BHT_GHR_SIZE.W)) // Updated GHR from the exu
val exu_i0_br_index_r = Input(UInt((BTB_ADDR_HI-BTB_ADDR_LO).W)) // Way from where the btb got a hit
val dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb = Input(Bool())
val dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb = Input(Bool())
val dec_tlu_bpred_disable = Input(Bool())
// Exu misprediction packet
val exu_mp_pkt = Input(new el2_predict_pkt_t)
val exu_mp_eghr = Input(UInt(BHT_GHR_SIZE.W))
val exu_mp_fghr = Input(UInt(BHT_GHR_SIZE.W))
val exu_mp_index = Input(UInt((BTB_ADDR_HI-BTB_ADDR_LO).W)) // Misprediction index
val exu_mp_btag = Input(UInt(BTB_BTAG_SIZE.W))
val exu_flush_final = Input(Bool())
val ifu_bp_hit_taken_f = Output(Bool())
val ifu_bp_btb_target_f = Output(UInt(31.W))
val ifu_bp_inst_mask_f = Output(Bool())
val ifu_bp_fghr_f = Output(UInt(BHT_GHR_SIZE.W))
val ifu_bp_way_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_ret_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_hist1_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_hist0_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_pc4_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_valid_f = Output(UInt(2.W))
val ifu_bp_poffset_f = Output(UInt(12.W))
io.out := el2_btb_ghr_hash(,io.in2)
io.ifu_bp_hit_taken_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_btb_target_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_inst_mask_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_fghr_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_way_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_ret_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_hist1_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_hist0_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_pc4_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_valid_f := 0.U
io.ifu_bp_poffset_f := 0.U
val PC4 = 4
val BOFF = 3
val CALL = 2
val RET = 1
val BV = 0
val leak_one_f = WireInit(Bool(), 0.U)
val exu_mp_valid = io.exu_mp_pkt.misp & ~leak_one_f
val exu_mp_boffset = io.exu_mp_pkt.boffset
val exu_mp_pc4 = io.exu_mp_pkt.pc4
val exu_mp_call = io.exu_mp_pkt.pcall
val exu_mp_ret = io.exu_mp_pkt.pret
val exu_mp_ja = io.exu_mp_pkt.pja
val exu_mp_way = io.exu_mp_pkt.way
val exu_mp_hist = io.exu_mp_pkt.hist
val exu_mp_tgt = io.exu_mp_pkt.toffset
val exu_mp_addr = io.exu_mp_index
val exu_mp_ataken = io.exu_mp_pkt.ataken
// LM: Its a commit or update packet
val dec_tlu_br0_v_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.valid
val dec_tlu_br0_hist_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.hist
val dec_tlu_br0_addr_wb = io.exu_i0_br_index_r
val dec_tlu_br0_error_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_error
val dec_tlu_br0_middle_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.middle
val dec_tlu_br0_way_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.way
val dec_tlu_br0_start_error_wb = io.dec_tlu_br0_r_pkt.br_start_error
val exu_i0_br_fghr_wb = io.exu_i0_br_fghr_r
val fetch_rd_tag_p1_f = WireInit(UInt(BTB_BTAG_SIZE.W), 0.U)
val fetch_rd_tag_f = WireInit(UInt(BTB_BTAG_SIZE.W), 0.U)
val bht_dir_f = WireInit(UInt(2.W), 0.U)
val dec_tlu_error_wb = WireInit(Bool(), 0.U)
val btb_error_addr_wb = WireInit(UInt((BTB_ADDR_HI-BTB_ADDR_LO).W), 0.U)
val btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f = WireInit(UInt((TAG_START+1).W), 0.U)
val btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f = WireInit(UInt((TAG_START+1).W), 0.U)
val btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f = WireInit(UInt((TAG_START+1).W), 0.U)
val btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f = WireInit(UInt((TAG_START+1).W), 0.U)
val dec_tlu_way_wb = WireInit(Bool(), 0.U)
// Hash the first PC
val btb_rd_addr_f = el2_btb_addr_hash(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f)
// Second pc = pc +4
val fetch_addr_p1_f = io.ifc_fetch_addr_f + 4.U
// Hash the second pc
val btb_rd_addr_p1_f = el2_btb_addr_hash(fetch_addr_p1_f)
val btb_sel_f = Cat(~bht_dir_f(0),bht_dir_f(0))
// Checking of the pc is a multiple of 4, if it is fetch-start will be "01"
val fetch_start_f = Cat(io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(1),~io.ifc_fetch_addr_f(1))
// If there is an error write-back from the dec check if the current pc is equal to the write-bcak pc
val branch_error_collision_f = dec_tlu_error_wb & (btb_error_addr_wb === btb_rd_addr_f)
val branch_error_collision_p1_f = dec_tlu_error_wb & (btb_error_addr_wb === btb_rd_addr_p1_f)
// If there is an error write back but the address are from different bank
val branch_error_bank_conflict_f = branch_error_collision_f & dec_tlu_error_wb
val branch_error_bank_conflict_p1_f = branch_error_collision_p1_f & dec_tlu_error_wb
// There is a misprediction and the exu is writing back
val fetch_mp_collision_f = (io.exu_mp_btag === fetch_rd_tag_f) & exu_mp_valid & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & (exu_mp_addr === btb_rd_addr_f)
val fetch_mp_collision_p1_f = (io.exu_mp_btag === fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) & exu_mp_valid & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & (exu_mp_addr === btb_rd_addr_p1_f)
val leak_one_f_d1 = RegNext(leak_one_f, init = 0.U)
val dec_tlu_way_wb_f = RegNext(dec_tlu_way_wb, init = 0.U)
val exu_mp_way_f = RegNext(exu_mp_way, init = 0.U)
val exu_flush_final_d1 = RegNext(io.exu_flush_final, init = 0.U)
leak_one_f := (io.dec_tlu_flush_leak_one_wb & io.dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb) | (leak_one_f_d1 & io.dec_tlu_flush_lower_wb)
// For a tag to match the branch should be valid tag should match and a fetch request should be generated
val tag_match_way0_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f(BV) & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_f(TAG_START,17) === fetch_rd_tag_f) &
~(dec_tlu_way_wb_f & branch_error_bank_conflict_f) & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f
val tag_match_way1_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f(BV) & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_f(TAG_START,17) === fetch_rd_tag_f) &
~(dec_tlu_way_wb_f & branch_error_bank_conflict_f) & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f
val tag_match_way0_p1_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f(BV) & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way0_p1_f(TAG_START,17) === fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) &
~(dec_tlu_way_wb_f & branch_error_bank_conflict_f) & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f
val tag_match_way1_p1_f = btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f(BV) & (btb_bank0_rd_data_way1_p1_f(TAG_START,17) === fetch_rd_tag_p1_f) &
~(dec_tlu_way_wb_f & branch_error_bank_conflict_f) & io.ifc_fetch_req_f & ~leak_one_f
//object ifu_ic extends App {
// println((new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new el2_ifu_bp_ctl()))
object ifu_bp extends App {
println((new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new el2_ifu_bp_ctl()))

View File

@ -220,3 +220,7 @@ class el2_ifu_compress( val XLen: Int, val usingCompressed: Boolean) extends Mod
io.out := new RVCDecoder(, XLen).passthrough
object ifu_compress extends App {
println((new chisel3.stage.ChiselStage).emitVerilog(new el2_ifu_compress(64, true)))

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